Kirth Gersen |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Starting situations spoilered for each PC:
In the woods nearby was a goblin encampment -- they'd steal anything you left unattended, but were otherwise fairly welcoming and not hostile. One evening, you pass by there, wave to them, and go into the cave. In the morning, on your way back to town, you find the camp is ashes, and that the goblins are dead.
Currently -- The big news in Paillard is the disappearance of a second small boy over the last year. The first purportedly wandered into the forest and is assumed to have been eaten by an owlbear or met by some other misfortune. The second was one of your neighbors, and you often saw him around town -- never in the forest. The parents are keeping your block up at night with their wailing.
Re: Your background, I should mention that the Battle of Turner's Brook was the first major defeat to the Seven during their attempt to seize the empire; Count Lowen's brother, Caine van Alterwilden, was slain there.
ALL: You'll notice there is no indication of how you meet each other, and indeed some of you aren't even starting off in the same place. That's intentional - I'd like to see if we can have those things happen in play, rather than contriving a "you all meet in a bar" scenario. It's something that's hard to do at the table, but I'm hoping the longer time to reply for each person in a PBP might be more conducive than six people talking at once.

Kolmac |

I presume the optimal way to make the journey is by boat rather than trekking through the mountains?

Cayden Moore |

Cayden was probably somewhat interested in the situation the moment things started, and as such would probably try to see if there were any search parties or the like preparing, but he knew that at least in the meantime he did not have the chance with the massive influx of work going on just yet..
Though the moment he had some sort of free time he would probably try to go about town to see if there was any other sides of the story or anything significant.
(would I need to roll some sort of roll to gather information? Also.. Is this after he started adventuring or before when he's still back home?)

Kirth Gersen |

** spoiler omitted **
1. Streetwise skill covers the old Gather Information. Barring that, you can wander around making Diplomacy checks with everyone you get a chance to ask, and hope not to piss anyone off.
2. We just started the campaign, at 1st level. You're not actually an adventurer... yet.
Kirth Gersen |

** spoiler omitted **
Assuming no deaths by sea monster or magical power source, you change ships in Kaisersburg, the red brick capital of the Estren Territories, and formerly capital of the League of the Southeast. Here, you witness the marvel of Jarnell's Forge, in essence a fixed gate to the elemental plane of fire, which is surrounded by industry -- smithies, distilleries, anyone else requiring very hot, consistent temperatures. If you're interested, you can read about some adventures in Kaisersburg, and about a trip across the Lake, starting HERE.
Sailing down the Eblis River, that constitutes the eastern border of Balvora, is a long, boring trip, but it eventually empties into the estuary known as the Bay of Princes, where Hylore, capital city of Aviona, lies. It is there that you clear customs and are formally admitted as a visitor to Aviona. Mostly, though, you're fascinated by the mass of elves, all speaking their tongue, and by the weirdly indigo-colored sky. Promising yourself a longer stop in Hylore on the way back (and also promising yourself you'll take a sailing ship from there around the coast back to Northwind, instead of trying to raft upriver), you book passage on a local coast-hugger to Sovalles. From there, it's a quick trip to Paillard.

Kolmac |

He makes a brief stop in Sovalles to acquire a bedroll, rations, and directions before setting off for Paillard. On arrival, he asks the first helpful-looking local to point him towards a local inn, figuring he should make himself presentable before seeking out the baron.

Dairkal Nimblecloak |

A consummate professional, Dairkal is ready to move as soon as he's given his orders from the Countess. Either that day, or first light the next morning Saddling up a riding dog, he heads out towards Paillard.
Let me know if I need to make any checks to requisition a riding dog, or I'm just allowed to as an agent of the Countess.

Aemur Farstride |

Aemur exits the small cave to clear his head, musing to himself whether it would be better to walk all the way back to Paillard and return with proper excavating tools or make do with what he could scrounge. The possibility of a passage at the back of the cave excited him; buried passageways could lead to buried treasure, after all! It wasn't often that his hobby of spelunking in the small caves around the town bore actual profit.
He stops walking as a thought comes to him: the goblin camp was not too far off. They might have a wheelbarrow and pick that he could borrow, or trade against some future discovery. Goblins are not Aemur's favorite folk, but those at the nearby camp had not given him any trouble when he walked by the day before. It would certainly save time over walking back to Paillard, and there was little liking in his mind for the task of moving all that rock by hand.
A few short minutes later, Aemur approaches the camp. As he nears he smells smoke, and burnt meat - and hears little to break the silence, not even birdsong. Immediately on guard, he wishes he had brought more on this little trip in the way of arms and armor. He looks around the camp with confusion - the slaughter seems to have been complete, and he's not sure what he's really looking at. Whatever happened seems to have gone about its way in the night, so he takes some time to try and trace the path of what happened.
Taking 20 on Perception and Survival to track for 25 on each. Aemur is kitted out for a day or two of camping and light climbing; most of his possessions are back in Paillard.

Kolmac |

He gets those things, and a semi-interested, "Where you from, stranger?" from the innkeeper.
"Kaeldbrek; it's a wee town in Wilden. Me pa's chief of the gin distillery there. Maybe you've heard of it? No? Well, I am rather far from home." He digs around in his satchel and produces a steel flask, offering the innkeeper a splash.
"Was told the baron here needs some...special expertise on a new building. Sounds a touch excessive if you ask me, but I'm happy enough to take his coin", he pauses for a spoonful of stew, then continues, with a friendly wink, "and pass some along to yourself, of course."
"Who is this Garstang anyway? Don't hear too much out of these parts back in Northwind." He almost goes on to say, 'except for that rebellion business' but decides it might be more diplomatic to leave that unsaid.

Cayden Moore |

Still Cayden would try to get some amount of investigation done in his free time, he knew he couldn't just run out into the forest and search for disappearances, but it weighed heavily on him, with a piece of his spirit screaming to go do something about it, if for nothing else than to give people closure.
However he bit his tongue, He was no adventurer, though he had done some occasional fighting training in the past, he knew that if a search was going to happen that professionals would need to do it.. (I will confess I'm not 100% sure what I need to actually do in this situation due to the fact that of that fact that Cayden hasn't set off yet and assumedly if he's making nails and metalworking for buildings doesn't even have his adventuring plans set yet.)

Kirth Gersen |

I'm not 100% sure what I need to actually do in this situation due to the fact that of that fact that Cayden hasn't set off yet and assumedly if he's making nails and metalworking for buildings doesn't even have his adventuring plans set yet.)
It's not my place to tell you what to do. I will suggest that you don't necessarily have to officially set off(TM), like in "The Hobbit," to find adventure. Also, when an adventure comes your way, I'd recommend you keep your eyes open and maybe seize whatever opportunity comes by. No one ever became famous by making nails.

Kirth Gersen |

Survival: You find some drag marks; following them, you find a few goblins, also burned, but with their skulls caved in as by blunt trauma. Presumably these were outside, were murdered, and then dragged over to the tents and set afire in a half-hearted attempt to disguise what happened. Boot tracks leave the camp in the direction of the town; you're estimating 2-3 people, humans or bigger elves, carrying gear. Following the tracks, you lose the trail as they get to the part of town where the streets are cobbled. Due to the lack of meandering and doubling back, you surmise they either knew the location fairly well, or else had a map.

Kirth Gersen |

"I'm happy enough to take his coin", he pauses for a spoonful of stew, then continues, with a friendly wink, "and pass some along to yourself, of course."
Kolmac Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Innkeep: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15The Innkeep stiffens suddenly, glances right and left, leans close. "I don't know how things go in Northwind, but we're in the elflands here, and elf customs hold. One can sin by omission all day long, but to outright lie is a dueling challenge -- and so is offering a bribe. Now, as a human myself, I'm pretty easy-going, but most of the elf-folk are prickly. They'd just as soon slaughter one another as talk nice." With that, he moves off to the other end of the bar and starts polishing wooden bowls.

Eshkeval, the Card Archivist |

A town home? Eshkeval thinks to himself. One unlike any ever seen in Paillard? Now this is something I have to see. While Eshkeval generally kept to himself, the rumors of a magnificent mansion with resplendent design were enough to catch even his fancy. Eshkeval was, by his nature, an artist. One constantly on the search for muse. Simply hearing all of the hype and wonder surrounding such a home's design was enough to send Eshkeval's mind into overdrive. How big would it be? What would it look like? In order to assuage the constant bombardment of questions in his mind he had no other choice but to get out his pen and begin sketching ideas for such a home in his journal.
Eshkeval's pen was a special one, borne of his own design. His first masterpiece, if you would. It was separated into three main chamber by two rings. As he worked, his dexterous fingers would twist the lower ring, and in doing so, change the tip of his pen. By twisting it one way, the tip would be broad, and by twisting it another, it would be a fine point. Gradients existed in between to allow him the ability to create a line of any size.
Upon close inspection, the tip was not a hard point made of metal, but in fact the tiny blades of a brush point. At times, this tiny brush point would be soft and malleable, and at times, it would be hard and rigid as any regular pen or quill. The rigidity of it was seemingly controlled by the middle chamber of the pen, with a spring-loaded band alongside the middle chamber. The harder this band was pushed, the more rigid the tip became. With this, the stroke of each line would be easily controlled.
In the uppermost chamber of his pen, was a reservoir of liquid. At it's tip were 5 tiny levers - one black, one red, one green, one blue, with the last one being a weird and unknown technicolor rainbow blend. As he worked, he would use the tip of his thumb to push one lever down, or another one up. It would seem that he could add color to his sketches by controlling which lever was down or up. By putting down multiple levers, he could even create new colors.
Interestingly enough, he never once used the black or rainbow levers while working on his sketches. When he wanted to create the color black, he would just push down the three levers of red, green and blue simultaneously. It would seem that the black lever has some other use, to say nothing of the rainbow lever.
Eshkeval worked as he walked, absorbed completely into his designs. Yet, despite the distraction, he would never hit any pedestrians, and never cause an issue with traffic. This was such a regular occurrence for him, that it would seem as though his body could avoid such hazards purely on instinct.
As he walked, Eshkeval's only thought was to perfect his ideas for house design, and to gain audience with the Baron himself. He had no great need for fame or money, but who knows, maybe the Baron would be interested in some of his ideas. As far as he knew, the house was still in the design phase, after all...

Kolmac |

Erm. That certainly didn't come across as intended. Kolmac reddens slightly, coughs, and mutters, "Apologies." He leaves the bar soon after and prepares to go meet the baron (assuming it's early enough; else he'll wait for tomorrow).
He heads into the center of town first, thinking he could use some time to acclimate to the locals and check out some of the baron's construction, get a feel for his client's tastes.

Kirth Gersen |

Eshkeval's Pen & Holy Symbol
Walking around what passes for a downtown area, you immediately spot a long, low building, tastelessly (in your opinion) adorned with an Aramni-style onion dome and Bailakashi minarets. A number of well-off people seem to be going inside. Also, three members of what can only be the local constabulary.

Cayden Moore |

Cayden knew when adventure was calling. And so he felt it worth a risk to at least check out anything he might get. He had no real idea where to start though due to the situation. A local smith's son with a few passion project items (assuming he has any of his equipment like his armor or shield yet) could not just run into the woods and start searching for tracks of people who might have been killed in those woods. His best chance was probably to try to drum up some sort of information and people first. So he tried to think of the first place where a lot of people would be and started off for the local inn. He knew a number of people, and... He couldn't really say he had connections to the Barony, though he did hear an old story from his grandfather boasting that he had made blades for the baroness before. Granted that probably wouldn't net special treatment but it was at least enough that he thought he might have a chance of talking to someone..
But baby steps. He would go to the Inn and see if he could get any information from those in there.
I'm admittedly not used to having a lot of power as a player so I don't really know but, but I do have some things I'm wondering if I would be allowed..
Mostly about a number of local figures knowing him. I imagine that the Moore family had probably lived there for generations and been known for working metal for the barony across multiple generations. I don't necessarily think that Cayden would get preferential treatment by anyone, but I'm hoping people might know him or at least his family from his youth and he might be able to get some information through that. Again if that's not cool I'm fine with that.

Kirth Gersen |

But baby steps. He would go to the Inn and see if he could get any information from those in there.
** spoiler omitted **
That's entirely cool. Thank you!
---Cayden heads to the local inn, on the east end of town, where he has often had drinks or a meal with his mates or his family. (He avoids the new Bengal Palace downtown, where the high rollers supposedly held back-room meetings.)
The innkeeper has just said something to a tall human in a Northwind traveler's outfit, and is studiously polishing wooden bowls when you walk in. He glances up, sees you, and says, "Hey, Cayden!" and slides over a mug of beer. "You're staying busy lately, I guess!"
Hanging his baldric on a nearby hook and settling in, trying to sit comfortably in his armor, he sips the beer. No one is ever unarmed in Paillard, and it's a mark of his status as a professional smith that Cayden has crafted a personal suit of mail. The competence to openly wear it around further cements his local status as a promising man, to be respected, regardless of his youth or family. Not for the first time, he is thankful to have taken advantage of the training available to him.

Aemur Farstride |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ho, Innkeep! I am returned with naught but dust from the caves! It's been thirsty work - I'll take an ale, sir. Aemur sips at the ale as he looks over the folk in the room - some look like regulars, and one or two like strangers to the town. He looks back to the innkeeper. Innkeeper, have there been any hunting parties out last night or today? I slept in one of the caves but thought I heard a hunt run through south of town.
direction chosen arbitrarily
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

Kirth Gersen |

The innkeeper draws a beer, shrugs, and says nothing. He seems to be more interested in talking to one of the big local kids, dressed in chainmail, who just hung up a sword belt on the wall nearby.
But you're not half-dwarf/half-elf, and you look like a halfling, and no one minds halflings, and besides, the barkeep is human, not elven. So maybe he just doesn't like you? (Man, that lousy roll is a downer!)

Aemur Farstride |

Wisdom Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Before he acts on that impulse, his wiser thoughts catch up and remember that he is a stranger in this town, and threatening the local supplier of ale would not go well - he probably has more friends than most to back him up!
Instead, Aemur turns to the other traveler - the one wearing Northwind fashion. Hello, traveler. You look to have journeyed far. Have you seen hunting parties out and about on your journey? I'll buy you a drink if you've got a mind to share your stories.

Warriorking9001 |

Cayden was happy enough to have the time of day, grinning as he entered. Although he stayed by the bar rather than sitting at a table, "Yeah it's been a lot of work, but it's mostly just making nails so it's not a massive deal. Nothing the Moores can't handle after all!"
A few things still clung to the back of his mind, though he'd push the disappearances back in his mind just enough to focus on the task at hand, though that thought of Owlbears came back just enough to think of the disappearances and the new mill
"You hear a lot around town, would you have heard anything about this new mill? I've just gotten a lot of conjecture"
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Kolmac |

Kolmac is quick to reply, grateful the new arrivals have taken the barkeep's attention off of his faux pas. "Hello! I've only just arrived, by the road from Sovalles. I'm Kolmac, of Kaeldbrek. I'll happily take you up on that drink."
GM, any chance I noticed anyone or anything of interest on the road south of Paillard this morning?

Eshkeval, the Card Archivist |

Eshkeval, the Card Archivist wrote:Eshkeval's Pen & Holy Symbol** spoiler omitted **
But now I wonder, wouldn't this mean that I likely have some sort of contact with a person with Craft (Construction) or Craft (Smith)? Who knows, for such an item, maybe I'm still paying it off, even now?
Walking around what passes for a downtown area, you immediately spot a long, low building, tastelessly (in your opinion) adorned with an Aramni-style onion dome and Bailakashi minarets. A number of well-off people seem to be going inside. Also, three members of what can only be the local constabulary.
The number of wealthy people entering the garish building is slightly disheartening. Surely this is not the magnificent feat of engineering and art Eshkeval was promised? However, seeing a number of armed guards gives Eshkeval pause. Perhaps this is a secret meeting? Maybe the house's design will be revealed within?
Eshkeval walks up to the building with intent to enter, not even entertaining the idea that he might not be allowed inside. If he is stopped, then he will attempt a Diplomacy roll.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
If that should fail, then he will attempt to find another way, likely utilizing Dimensional Skip. If the onion dome is transparent, then he'll attempt to teleport up to the roof first. Otherwise, he'll attempt to peruse the side of the building and just "slip" past some walls. If he needs to make a stealth check, here it is.
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
And if he needs to make a perception check to better hear/see the proceedings, then here that is as well:
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Kirth Gersen |

GM, any chance I noticed anyone or anything of interest on the road south of Paillard this morning?
You saw some things that confused you mightily, but which might be normal for the area. For example, two people (half-elves, by the look) passed each other; one nodded his head about a quarter-inch, and the other did not. The first traveler immediately flew into a rage and drew a rapier -- this time, the other traveler replied in kind. After passing their swords through various parts of each other's bodies, they thanked you for being a witness, then staggered off together, bleeding profusely but apparently friends now, to seek a healer.

Kirth Gersen |

"You hear a lot around town, would you have heard anything about this new mill? I've just gotten a lot of conjecture"
"Aye, lad. The baron's a genius at turning wood and steel into gold and silver. And he's not one to accept defeat. Word has it he tried building in the forest once before, and had to scuttle the project. That alone would force him to another project there, even if he didn't need the timber!"

Kirth Gersen |

Eshkeval walks up to the building with intent to enter, not even entertaining the idea that he might not be allowed inside. If he is stopped, then he will attempt a Diplomacy roll.
Diplomacy 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6 The cop at the door -- a seedy-looking half-elf ruffian with a heavy mace at his belt, nevertheless seems pleasant enough when approached, but won't let you in without an invitation, "Sorry, fella. This is a private club -- members and guests only, I'm afraid."

Kirth Gersen |

The dome is opaque, so Eshkeval doesn't bother with the roof. Not one to be deterred by a mere guard, though, Eshkeval concentrates briefly, to transport himself through a wall and into the building -- and re-appears in the same spot he was standing in. He's aware that certain materials block teleportation and scrying effects; evidently they were incorporated into this building.

Eshkeval, the Card Archivist |

Eshkeval will attempt to talk to the guard once more, asking about the rumors concerning the Baron's latest work, and to details concerning the meeting that the guard would know, like when the meeting is complete, and whether he'd be allowed inside after the meeting is done.
In order to sway their favor (and if necessary, pass time until the meeting's end), he may attempt to offer them a drawing of themselves.

Kolmac |

"No, nothing like that I'm afraid. Though on reflection, I'm more and more surprised I made it here in one piece, the local customs are...bewildering, to say the least."
"I may still be able to help, however. I have an audience with the baron this afternoon; perhaps you could accompany me and ask if he's received any reports of that nature?"
Kolmac is too helpful for his own good.

Aemur Farstride |

Aemur thinks a moment on the offer, then nods in acceptance. I'll take you up on that - I don't know any locals to approach.
Aemur is cautious about accusing the townsfolk of murder. He knows relations are tense between the different groups of beings, but wiping an entire camp out in the dark of the night reeks of cowardice. Thinking of the casual disregard for life shown in the tracks back to town, he is already suspicious that the local nobility are involved somehow. He decides to present himself as a hunter, a traveling ranger, looking for sport - that should leave enough room open to be approached without committing himself to anything.
He returns his attention to the man before him. Now friend, what should I call you? I am Aemur Farstride, a traveling hunter and only recently come to this area.

Kirth Gersen |

Before departing, Dair spends a few 1d4+1 hours asking about local events in and around Sovalles that might affect his journey north. He stops first at the closest tavern to the d'Ansac manor(palace?).
There are a couple public houses not far from Chateau d'Ansac, but surprisingly, very few rumors. Madame la Marquise is eager to avoid scandal, after her late uncle's treason.

Kirth Gersen |

Eshkeval will attempt to talk to the guard once more, asking about the rumors concerning the Baron's latest work, and to details concerning the meeting that the guard would know, like when the meeting is complete, and whether he'd be allowed inside after the meeting is done.
Bluff to intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
(Will save or countercheck to resist)The ruffian loses his formerly pleasant demeanor. "I told you this is a private club. I'm not here to pass the time talking with strangers; I'm here to keep people like you from bothering those that's inside. If you keep distracting me, it may not turn out well for you." He taps the handle of his mace suggestively.

Cayden Moore |

Cayden grinned seeing the two newcomers, waving towards them. "Hello! you seem new around here" He walked towards Kolmac and extended a gloved hand, "My name's Cayden Moore. I'm a local blacksmith around here... I think I intercepted that your name is Kolmac" And he looked to the Dwarf after shaking the human's hand, "And... Aemir was it?"
"I hope it isn't rude. I've just always taken interest in new people, it's not too often that you see newcomers, or at least I could say that before the new Baron stepped up".
Admittedly Cayden's first thought on seeing the rough travelers was wondering if his 'search party' had just fallen into his lap. However obviously he was not rude enough to just assault newcomers with a task of that nature

Eshkeval, the Card Archivist |

Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Eshkeval will get the man's hint, and will instead abandon his current goal of trying to learn more about the Baron's fancy new home. It's probably a gaudy eyesore, like the building the Baron is currently in.
Eshkeval will instead try and obtain a consolatory drink from the closest pub. Once there, he can finish the sketches he was making of the officer. He never leaves sketchwork undone, and even if the officer was a prick, the sketch would still be useful for "Triage" later...

Kirth Gersen |

Eshkeval, shaken at the hit of sudden violence and terrified at meeting a sudden end over so minor an errand, quickly moves on. Strolling about, he finds a small local pub, seemingly noisy and cheerful inside. Opening the doors, he a sees a big, strapping young man in chainmail, talking with a tall human in a traveler's cloak, and what looks like a very stocky halfling.