Kirthfinder - Sovalles

Game Master Kirth Gersen

This is a KIRTHFINDER campaign.

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That sounds good.

I have to give you mad props again as I go through this, it's just an absolutely marvelous system!

I saw for equipment you basically do what I do and handwave it as 'character appropriate' gear. Can I have 2 sets of scale male, one for my goblinoid, and one a harness for my rat form?

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 4) = 13
stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 3) = 15
stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 3) = 11
stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 3) = 15
stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 3) = 12
stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 4) = 12

So 11, 14, 10, 12, 11, and 11. Wow. Those rolls probably make me the straight up worst character in this group despite being the most MAD one.

But you already posted this:

Warriorking9001 wrote:

Strength: 16

Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 14

Which is what I've been working off of in the DISCUSSION thread.

Like granted I get that someone mentioned that stats are less important in this system but knowing that I have 13 at BEST in what I imagined was going to be my casting stat for going arcane hurts. so I guess I'll not be getting to do any magic in this campaign... (also I will probably never roll for stats again if I don't have to)
I also realized I missed a lot.

Unnamed as of now
Human Fighter 1
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma: 11

Human Feat
Defiant Luck.
Weapon Familiarity Bonus exotic proficiency: Light Shield

Fighter Talent
Personal Weapon (and may I ask permission for something? I can understand if this is really silly but because of the fact that I somewhat was designing this character concept around the Armorist. I was wondering if I could do something to 'summon' my sword to my side.)
Fighter Exotic Proficiency: Bastard Sword (choosing the bonus damage against larger opponents ability)

My own feat
Shield Cover

Background (sorry for being a lot more brief with this one, its' rather similar to my last idea)
A young Smith's son who through unusual circumstances found that if he was in danger he could draw a sword from thin air. He took this as a sign that he probably had a great destiny of some kind despite his lack of training, and as such ingratiated himself with the local militia. Now older and slightly wiser in the ways of combat he sets out on what he assumes is his quest for glory and saving the world.

Warriorking9001 wrote:

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma: 11

See above. I'm confused why you re-rolled a very good set of stats. Also, please continue the discussion on your character I've already started -- I'm trying to close the recruitment and don't want it to keep showing up.


Kirth Gersen wrote:
Warriorking9001 wrote:

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma: 11

See above. I'm confused why you re-rolled a very good set of stats. Also, please continue the discussion on your character I've already started -- I'm trying to close the recruitment and don't want it to keep showing up.


okay, my last post on here, I rerolled it because I totally forgot what my original stats were and thought if I was making a different design/build that I ought to just re-roll

** UPDATE **

One of the confirmed players has dropped due to scheduling, so there is now a spot open if anyone is still interested. The campaign will be set in Aviona, in South Provice, a few years after d'Ansac's Rebellion, and there will (hopefully) be an equal mix of intrigue and action.

Grand Lodge

What's the commitment level? Might be time to revisit Rose.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
What's the commitment level? Might be time to revisit Rose.

You'd have to promise not to randomly drop out mid-adventure.

Grand Lodge

I meant more for the timeframe. Where is the midpoint intended to be, etc.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I meant more for the timeframe. Where is the midpoint intended to be, etc.

Ideally it would be ongoing. My first Aviona PBP started in January 2011 and abruptly ended in September 2016 when one of the original players went missing.

That said, individual players might come and go, preferably between adventures.

Trivia: Warren Buffett, when asked how he made so much money:

"I never buy anything I don't plan to keep."

Did we ever get a replacement?

For anybody interested, our current party consists of:

--> A Ranger
--> A Fighter
--> A Rogue
--> An Archivist (me)

Kinda heavily melee focused; some more ranged offense would be nice. I can sort of handle the magic side, since I have the Magic Domain for access to arcane magic when needed.

I'd love a chance to try out Kirthfinder, been following along with it for years. I'd have to take a fresh look at the rules to see what I might want to play, but I generally favor casters so that seems it would fill out the party nicely.

Went over the classes and (assuming you'll have me) I think I'd like to build an evoker, the spell-building system looks like a lot of fun and it'd more than cover the ranged offense angle. Maybe a young apprentice hailing from Wilden?

Vil-hatarn wrote:
Went over the classes and (assuming you'll have me) I think I'd like to build an evoker, the spell-building system looks like a lot of fun and it'd more than cover the ranged offense angle. Maybe a young apprentice hailing from Wilden?

Go ahead and stat up a character to claim your spot!

Awesome, I'll get to work on some ideas! Should have a framework up by tomorrow.

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 4) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 1) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 4) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 5) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 5) = 20

Makes 10, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16.

Okay, I've come up with two potential builds for the concept, a young human apprentice war-wizard and distiller of fine spirits. First is the previously mentioned evoker, which'd more or less be an artillery piece. Alternatively, an abjurer with a bonded wand could provide consistent ranged damage but might be more versatile overall.

Attributes: 10, 12, 12, 16, 16, 12 (human bonus could go towards Dex, Con, Int, or Cha; as evoker would probably switch Wis and Cha for better DCs)
Racial: Heart of the Wilderness and either Great Fortitude, Toughness or Skill Focus for one of my non-class skills
Skills: Athletics, Concentration, Craft (alchemy), Endurance, Knowledge (warfare), Spellcraft, Survival (+1 more if bonus secondary isn't overriden by specialist wizard's skill)
Feats: considering Energy Abjuration (if evoker), Prana Practitioner (switching Con and Wis), Warmage, Improved Counterspell

Unsure if I ought to be maxing Int or going for more well-rounded scores in Kirthfinder?

As far as background, I'm envisioning a sturdy and self-reliant character from northern Wilden, who learned magic from a veteran battlemage. Is there any additional established information regarding Northwind's independence from Aviona? Assuming there was some sort of conflict, I'm imagining my mentor fought in that conflict.

Vil-hatarn wrote:
Is there any additional established information regarding Northwind's independence from Aviona? Assuming there was some sort of conflict, I'm imagining my mentor fought in that conflict.

At the start of the setting, ca. 1980 our time, Northwind and Aviona were allies, and the heirs to their respective thrones were betrothed to cement that. This led to the so-called "Empire of the Pinesvaald," after Balvora and Autrisch also joined the political union. Eventually the emperor, Talvar I, was deposed for sparking a large foreign war that got out of control ("The Great World Conflict"). A regent ruled the Empire for something like 30 years -- until a cabal of Aviona and Northwind nobles calling themselves The Seven decided to seize control.

True story: Around 1992, real time, the participants in the campaign decided there were too many PCs (we all had multiple characters), so we randomly divided them into two groups and contrived a reason they'd want to kill each other off.

The Seven were defeated and King Elcore ascended the throne of Aviona, with Northwind once again declaring independence and Balvora and Autrisch joining the Estren Territories as the "League of the Southeast" under the former Empress, Kacia. Not long thereafter, as a result of a magical plane-merging ritual gone wrong (a la Clive Barker's "Imajica"), Kacia was magically imprisoned and Aviona was openly invaded by the Abyss (the so-called "Days of Darkness"). The invaders were dealt heavy enough losses that they temporarily broke off, although localized "pools" of Abyssal evil (like Zelaany's "Black Road" in the original Amber series) remained behind.

In the Southeast: After Kacia's imprisonment, the League of the Southeast split apart again. Balvora largely reverted to wilderness; Autrisch became a fiercely independent banking center akin to Switzerland, and the Estren Territories were stabilized by a former frontier marshal, Kolvin of Estren. This is the setting of a long-running PBP game.

In Aviona: Elcore proved a weak king, and relied heavily on his chancellor, Palamis, to stabilize Aviona after the Days of Darkness. Unfortunately, Palamis proved to be a high priest of Graz'zt, the demon lord responsible for the Days of Darkness, whose goal was to engulf Aviona in strife with all its neighbors, as well as provoke a civil war. He was unmasked and assassinated by members of the King's Guard. However, the sowing of civil unrest broke out in Aviona in the form of d'Ansac's Rebellion.

In Northwind: Spared the demonic invasion and political disunity, Northwind prospered. Disgust over the legacy of the Empire led to disaffection with the whole concept of a hereditary monarchy. Increasingly, King Abalore and the provincial nobles are acting more as ceremonial figures, while local politicians, often elected, actually run things. Count Lowen of Wilden (formerly one of the Seven) was one of the first nobles openly deposed; he lost a magical duel and was hanged from an obscenely high gibbet in the main city there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow, I just summarized nearly 40 years of semi-continuous gaming in 5 paragraphs!

Thanks, not quite what I was imagining but I can definitely work with it! I'll try to have a full draft up sometime tonight, mostly trying to settle between evoker, abjurer, or argent savant--I'll use almost the same mix of spells either way, just need to figure out which set of specialist abilities is best suited. Looks like evoker might have the easiest time utilizing bonus spell slots, particularly right after leveling. I'm led to believe that my spellbook may remain a bit thin in favor of just picking up lots of metamagic as I gain levels?

Couple of questions on that front--the only [force] spells in the seed system are bolt of force and mage armor, would I be able to apply the descriptor to self-built spells as reasonable e.g. a Bigby's hand variant? Second, which eldritch blast does the argent savant get--the wand entry says evoker while the class description says abjurer.

Regarding spells, I noticed some discussion in the other thread regarding 0-level spells vs seed spells--how does that impact my character? Assuming I keep my Int at 16, I would've had 3 cantrips and 3 1st-level spells as written. Should that instead be a mix of 4 spells and/or seeds of 0th or 1st level?

Backstory-wise, he was raised by his father, who runs a distillery in a remote corner of Wilden. He later took up the study of magic under his stepmother, who retired to Northwind after fighting against the Abyssal invaders during the Days of Darkness. For the start of the campaign, I imagined he might have accompanied a special shipment of gin south; maybe his stepmother also requested he look into something or other while he was back in her homeland.

Vil-hatarn wrote:

1. I'll try to have a full draft up sometime tonight

2. I'm led to believe that my spellbook may remain a bit thin in favor of just picking up lots of metamagic as I gain levels?
3. would I be able to apply the [force] descriptor to self-built spells as reasonable
4. Second, which eldritch blast does the argent savant get--the wand entry says evoker while the class description says abjurer.
5. Regarding spells, I noticed some discussion in the other thread regarding 0-level spells vs seed spells--how does that impact my character? Assuming I keep my Int at 16, I would've had 3 cantrips and 3 1st-level spells as written. Should that instead be a mix of 4 spells and/or seeds of 0th or 1st level?
6. Backstory-wise, he was raised by his father, who runs a distillery in a remote corner of Wilden. He later took up the study of magic under his stepmother, who retired to Northwind after fighting against the Abyssal invaders during the Days of Darkness. For the start of the campaign, I imagined he might have accompanied a special shipment of gin south; maybe his stepmother also requested he look into something or other while he was back in her homeland.

1. Awesome!

2. That's probably smarter than spending a ton of numen on more pre-modified spells.
3. If you add the Variable Spell metamagic feat, you can make almost anything an evocation [force] spell.
4. Abjuration is correct.
5. For 1st level spells, a seed is like any other spell, in terms of putting it in your spellbooks. The catch was how to handle 0-level seeds.
6. Nearly perfect! Note that there are very few halflings in Wilden, but that they are full citizens there. In Aviona, you'll be constantly outraged at the assumption that you're a menial servant!

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Vil-hatarn wrote:


5. For 1st level spells, a seed is like any other spell, in terms of putting it in your spellbooks. The catch was how to handle 0-level seeds.
6. Nearly perfect! Note that there are very few halflings in Wilden, but that they are full citizens there. In Aviona, you'll be constantly outraged at the assumption that you're a menial servant!

So a single 0-level seed and 3 1st-level spells/seeds, then?

May have made a typo somewhere, was thinking human. Will revisit the other races though, tallfellow halfing or a half-elf could be interesting if I can spare the bonus feat. Note that identity of his birth mother is left to the GM's discretion.

Vil-hatarn wrote:
May have made a typo somewhere, was thinking human.

Northwind as a whole is a good 75%-90% human, depending on location, so that's a safe bet!

Going to go with the argent savant with a wand, should make for a nice mix of offense and defense. Couple of rules clarifications:
1) doesn't at-will Urgent Shield at level 6 more or less negate the usefulness of the abjurer's wand level 6 ability (figuring I won't have much other use for immediate actions)? Any chance that could be switched out for either Unskittering Spell, Penetrating Spell, or Irresistible Spell applied to the blast?
2) I appear to be unable to use Urgent Shield until level 2 since BAB+0 receives no immediate actions?
3) how should I apply the magic missile-specific benefits of the class (bonus missiles, force specialization, and reflective shield)?

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