
Kias's page

52 posts. Alias of RaFon.

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I have a question...

If this has been asked before, please forgive me. I've been out of PF for going on two years, so I'm not up to date on what's happening with the game.

I know that there is a new edition coming...however, I was wondering if there has been talk of discontinuing production on the older products...Beastiaries, source books, ext.


I have a question. . .

My group is thinking of running this AP. What would the best party makeup be for a group of 4?

I appreciate any advice. Thanks!

I recently purchased the Pathfinder Module, "Down the Blighted Path." I'd like to run it for my group, but the module starts off at 5th level and goes through 7th.

My group is already 6th. How do I go about scaling this module up for them? General advice is appreciated, but if anyone has the module and could advise with some specifics, that'd be awesome.

Thanks in advance!

I know that you are allowed to "retrain," but I'm not quite sure what that means.

Are you allowed to completely redo your character or just parts?


I run a game where the characters are partway through 3rd level.

I was wanting to do a one night, one on one, adventure set in the characters past. I was thinking of doing something that takes place before they became "adventurers."

The problem is that I'm not sure how to go about it. How do I handle thinks like skills, feats, etc...?

Thanks for the help.

What is the most gold your PFS character has ever had? What level were they at the time?

Dark Archive

The subject says it all. I'm looking for some scenarios that are geared toward the Dark Archive faction.


Dark Archive

I'm wanting to play a wizard for the first time in PFS and I was looking for peoples opinions on some of the scenarios that would be particularly fun for a wizards.

As always, thanks for the help!

I have a question...I just bought Daughters of Fury to try and run for my group.

The group currently runs with 5 characters (cleric, rogue, fighter, ranger, and druid) and 2 NPCs (wizard and paladin). The NPCs are crucial to the overall story arc so I can't lose them.

So I was wondering what the easiest way to scale the adventure would be?

I am the owner of almost every 3 and 3.5 edition rule book that was released. How interchangeable are they with PF? Easily adjusted to work with PF?


I have a question. . .are there magic thieves tools? Or can they be enhanced?


I have a question. . .what is the best light weapon for a halfling rogue?


I know that there are programs to do this, but I don't have it. And I know there are people out there that love making characters. . .so, I need a 3rd level dwarf Paladin (w/ a warhammer and shield) and a 2nd level dwarf wizard.

Thanks in advance!

I was wondering how gms handle animal companions and dungeons, small tunnels, ladder, holes, etc.

I have a player with a wolf companion and the had to go down several ladders, so they just tied a rope around the creature and lowered him down.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

I am a ranger (switch-hitter) that just hit 4th level and I am currently sitting on, 5667.00 gold.

My equipment consists of:
MW Breastplate
MW Comp Longbow (3)
MW Great Axe
Wand of Cure Light Wounds

So. . .what, if anything should I get? I own the Core Rule Book, the Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Campaign, and
Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets — A Guide to the Pathfinder Society.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you could reference the book the suggestion comes from, that'd be awesome as well.


I have a question. . .I have a hard time when it comes to treasure. I've read the rules for it, but I must be too dense to understand it. I'm always worried about giving too much or too little. Could someone explain it to me like I'm a child, please. Also, I will throw a couple of examples in and let me know what you think?

Encounter: 3 Goblins =

Encounter: 1 Bugbear =

Encounter: 1 Assassin Vine =


I have a question. . .could someone help me with finding a larger picture of this guy. He's listed as "gambler" on the select your avatar page.

Any help would be great!

I am looking for suggestions for a scenario for a first time gm to run.

The Exchange

With the new season, my guild, the Sczarni, has been absorbed by The Exchange. My question is, how do I change my faction/faction symbol on my profile for this character?

Thanks for the help!

Liberty's Edge

What are your suggestions for getting the most out of Pathfinder Society?

What books (Player Companions, Campaign Setting, or books that fall under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game tab)are generally considered useful?

I'm playing my third game Friday, so, unless I bite it this week, I'll be leveling up. I'm really enjoying it and I want to make sure I'm sucking up as much as I can from the products that are out there.

Thanks, in advance, for the help!

Liberty's Edge

Now that we are beginning season six, is this book useless now?

What races can currently be played in PFS?

Liberty's Edge

So I survived my first scenario, now I've got 500+ gold burning a hole in my belt pouch. I am a human, "switch-hitting" ranger with a long bow and a great axe. In your OPINION what should I spend my newly-acquired riches on? Or should I be saving it? I was able to use my prestige to purchase a wand of cure light wounds. Just not sure what to do with all this coin.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I am trying to decide on which class to play for the Dragon's Demand. I've narrowed it down to human thief, elf mage/fighter, human fighter, or human paladin.

I am looking for SPOILER FREE thoughts on the matter. Which character do you think would be the most useful/fun to play in this adventure?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

In search of a 1st level cleric to replace a lost player. Here is the original recruitment and game play thread. I'll give it a day or so before picking. Thanks!



After a quick chat with an old gnome, Niles, and, after answering numerous questions about your background and your particular skill sets, you are instructed to wait around as the rest of the interviews take place.

At the end of a long day, you are each approached by Niles.

Just waiting for everyone to check in.

Tacked to the door of the Blue Boar inn, a piece of yellowed parchment blows in the morning breeze.


This is the recruitment thread for my first PBP as a gm. This is a homebrew game and since it is my first attempt at this, it will not be overly long. I'm looking for a simple story/adventure to get my feet wet. I hope that the players have fun and would like to continue on with their characters in this world, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I am looking for a 5-person party made up of classic (base) classes and races starting at first level. I will only be using the PF Core Rulebook, Game Master Guide, and Bestiary.

I'm interested in people that are able to post at least once a day, though the more we can post, the quicker we move along. News players are most definitely welcome.

We will be going with a 15 point buy. No score below 7 or above 18 before racial modifiers. Neutral and Good aligned characters only. Average starting wealth for your class. Please include some background for your character. I'm looking for characters that, with luck and a continued interest, can grow.

If this sounds remotely interesting, please throw out your character. I will keep the thread going for a couple days, maybe longer depending on interest. Thanks!

What character exp. track is the best for the adventure path?


I am currently making my way through the first book in the Legacy of Fire AP and I was wondering if/when the pcs will find them selves in Katapesh?

Thanks for the help!

I am working on running the Legacy of Fire AP with my group. The party make-up will be:

Dwarf Cleric
Half-Elf Paladin
Human Rogue

My question is whether or not I will need to add a NPC to fill out the group...specifically a wizard?

Thanks for any help or ideas!

The man walked into the tavern, his large frame easily cutting through the growing evening crowd and made his way to the bar.

"Barkeep!" The man bellowed, his voice carrying over the buzz of the crowd.

The bartender, a female halfling, ran the length of the bar on a shelf designed so she could reach the patrons to serve them their drinks. "What have, you?" She asked.

"Ale and some information! He flashed a smile and laid a gold piece on the bar.

The halfling scooped the gold up, bit it, examined it, and slid it into a belt pouch, without missing a beat. "This will buy you plenty of the former, and, depending on what your asking, some of the latter." She smiled at the man as she sat a mug of foamy ale before him.

"I'm looking to join up with a band of mighty adventurers! At this, an old man, deep in his cups, looked over and chuckled.

The bartender looked over to the old drunk and smiled before looking back to the young man. "There's plenty to be found. But it's still early. Go grab a table and I'll send Lilly out with a plate. You eat up and if anyone comes in that I think my have an interest in a stout man like yourself, I'll send them over." The halfling smiled again and motioned towards an empty booth towards the back of the tavern, facing the door.

Carrying his ale, the man walked back to the booth and scowled. I'd be cut to ribbons before I could even stand. He thought. Instead of sitting, he turned to a nearby table and slid his pack off and sat it on the floor beneath the table. Unstrapping, his sword belt he laid his longsword and scabbard across the table. Though young, his armor and the shield strapped to his pack looked as if they had seen their fare bit of use.

After a little time had passed, Lilly, the serving girl walked up to the young warrior and sat a plate of steaming meat and vegtables on the table. As she approached, the man stood quickly and gave a small bow. "My thanks, fair maiden! He boomed as he handed her five silvers as a tip. Seeing the money flash in her hands, she smiled, thanked him, and promised to bring him more ale. She even gave him a small curtsy before walking away. Patrons close by, watching the exchange laughed at the formality of the young man.

Eating slowly, the man's eyes scanned the crowd and watched as patron after patron made their way into the bar. Tonight maybe? He hoped. And waited.

I know that this is not the normal way to go about joinging a campaign, but I am hoping someone might come along in need of a strong-armed young man thirsting for adventure and fame.

Does anyone out there belong to a gaming club?

How does it work? What do you do? Do you have meetings? By-laws? Been kicking around the idea of starting one and curious about others? Let me know...what you know.


Are there any gamers/gms in the Mt. Orab, Georgetown, Williamsburg, Bethel, Batavia, or Sardinia area.

Anyone out there?

I have a question. . .

One of my pcs, in preperation of an adventrure he fears he won't survive, said that he wants to do/pay for a way to transfer his "essence" if he dies, so that he is able to come back.

I told him I would look into it. Is this possible? If so, what would be involved (process, cost, etc). It sounded an awful lot like becoming a lich, to me.

Thanks for the help.

I have a 9 yr old son that I am trying to get into roleplaying. I am looking for suggestions on how to accomplish this. I know that I don't want to use all the rules...very basic, but beyond that?

I have a question. . .

How do you set up a play by post game? I know that there is a recruitment thread, a discussion thread, and a gameplay thread. How do you link all of them together. Ive seen people use some sort of spreadsheet with the characters avatars on it for mapping. If someone could tell me how to do that also, that'd be great.


Hello all! I was hoping I could find a GM that would be interested in running an AP. Would be great to play any, save maybe Rise of the Runelords or Serpents Skull (have played some of both of those and they failed horribly). Was really hoping to find someone that might run a Legacy of Fire (I have a character in mind). I know that this is not the way it's normaly done, but I seem to always miss the thread when someone is looking for a player, so I thought I would try to find a GM myself.

Thanks to anyone that's interested.

I know that there was one recruiting and I hate that I missed it. I was hoping there was another GM that would be willing to give it a go.


I was hoping someone wouldn't mind helping me out by stating up some monsters for an adventure I'm running Monday night. If you look back at my previous posts, you are more than likely, going to see numerous posts asking for help. I don't do this because I am lazy, but because I work a full-time job and a second part-time job. I enjoy running the games and we are nearing the end of a long campaign, but it is just hard to find the time to stat up creatures for this level. Any help would be great!

I'm looking for a 9th lvl gnoll ranger and a 12 lvl gnoll cleric.

There are living in a desert setting and the ranger should have human and elf enemies.

Also, I was wanting 2 vampires (1 mage, 1 fighter)around 12th or 13th level. Same desert setting.

Thanks again.

I have a question. . .

How do you handle non-lethal damage due to extreme conditions like a desert or frozen north type areas? Should I do just straight damage or should there be other effects as well? Ability modifiers, save scores, etc?

Thanks for the help!

I have a question...

I was wondering if someone would be interested in stating up a 9th lvl gnoll ranger and a 12 lvl gnoll cleric.

There are living in a desert setting and the ranger should have human and elf enemies.

I appreciate the help. Thanks.

I have a question...

I am running an adventure for a group of 4, 13th lvl pcs (fighter, mage, cleric, thief). I am having a hard time coming up with challenging monsters. The problem is that I have never ran games for characters higher than level 10. The past couple of times we've gotten together the fights have been, either, so uneven that the pcs have killed the creatures off before the fight has even begun, or the monster is too strong and they all nearly die.

I like the idea of them facing multiple opponents, but I can't have 7 lvl whatever goblins running around. It starts to get a little boring after a while.

Any suggestion would be great. I have the Pathfinder Bestiary and the DnD monster manuals.

Thanks in advance.

p.s. If you suggest anything, please tell me where to find it and the CR for it. Thanks.

I have a question...

does anyone have the stats for Ruthazek the Gorilla King? If not would someone be able to stat him up for me? It says in the book I have (Heart of the Jungle) that he is a CE male dire ape fighter 14.

Also, are there stats somewhere for the charau-ka? I do not believe they are in the bestiary. How about a picture of them...since I'm begging.

Thanks a lot!!

I have a question...

what happens to the spell caster when his/her familiar dies?

I have a question...

Who wants a challenge?

I need an adventure for 4 players (12th lvl-fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard).

Quick background...they were making a overseas trip when bad weathered forced them to an island for repairs. They have landed to find a tribe of natives, including the captain of a previous vessel that wrecked on the rocks nearby. The captain stay on the island and has become a member of the tribe.

I need a one night adventure that challenges the players. This is the highest level game I have ever attempted to run and frankly I am out of my depths. So, dear Paizonians, I ask for your help. Write me up an adventure...please.

The major challenge part, is that I need it in 6 days. Can you do it? Are you up to the challenge?

I have a question...

how long does it take to sail from...let's say distance equal to the United States to Europe? How would you figure it out?


I have a question...

how do you handle the passage of time in your game. The characters in the game I am running are nearing 12th lvl.. How much time would you say has passed since they started at 1st?


I have a question. . .

what weapon is the Iconic monk holding in the rule book?


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