The Chronicler - GM |

Tacked to the door of the Blue Boar inn, a piece of yellowed parchment blows in the morning breeze.
I am looking for a 5-person party made up of classic (base) classes and races starting at first level. I will only be using the PF Core Rulebook, Game Master Guide, and Bestiary.
I'm interested in people that are able to post at least once a day, though the more we can post, the quicker we move along. News players are most definitely welcome.
We will be going with a 15 point buy. No score below 7 or above 18 before racial modifiers. Neutral and Good aligned characters only. Average starting wealth for your class. Please include some background for your character. I'm looking for characters that, with luck and a continued interest, can grow.
If this sounds remotely interesting, please throw out your character. I will keep the thread going for a couple days, maybe longer depending on interest. Thanks!

Gniel |

I'll go with an NG elven universalist wizard. He'd specialize in always having the right spell for the job. Probably will take at least Craft Wondrous and Craft Wand, if it gets to that point.
HP 6
AC 12(16) T 12 FF 10(14)
F 0 R 4 W 3
Traits: Pragmatic Activator, Wizard of the Society
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Magical Aptitude
Features: Weasel Familiar, Hand of the Apprentice
Skills: Arcana 8, Nature 8, Geography 8, Dungeoneering 8, History 8, Spellcraft 10 (12 to identify items), UMD 7. (Perception 5, Sense motive 3 from other modifications, rest are ability check)
Racial Traits: Keen Senses, Weapon familiarity (Arcane Focus if alt racial traits are allowed), Elven Immunities, Elven Magic, Lowlight
Spells Known: Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Expeditious Retreat
0th: Mage Hand, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation
1st: Mage Armor, Open
Spellbook (-,3)
Mk Backpack (50,4)
Rations, 5 days (2.5, 5)
Bedroll (.5, 3)
50 ft Silk Rope (10, 5)
String (.01, .5)
Staff (-,4)
Dagger (1,1)
Scholar's Clothes(-,6)
4gp, 10 sp, 9 cp
Languages: Commmon, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Celestial, Orc
Caorann a wizard recently out of his apprentice hood. Against the judgement of his mentors, he decided to leave the comforts of home and library to find his fortune as an adventurer. He is young and naive, having never left his home before, but he is eager to learn more about the world and it's peoples.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Still working on personality and appearance but mostly done...
”The Good Son”
Fenn 'The Jr' "Winters" was nothing but Special! He was the bastard son of a pretty unsavory woodsman and nare-do-well thuggish man named Finnagin 'Stonesson' called 'Fenn' for short. Fenn 'The Jr's' mother was never named by Fenn 'The Sr.' As further insult and disregard for his son he gave him the surname of "Winter" the season he was born. A grave insult as it was traditional to name bastard children with no family of their own after the season they were born in. Fenn 'The Sr.' was known to be a mean unfriendly cheating sort involved in all sort of criminal activity. Fenn 'The Sr's father, Stonnard, went off to serve in the militia and was killed by a bandit's arrow leaving his sickly wife, Marilyn, to raise Fenn on her own - already a rebellious sort, until consumption took her life when Fenn hit age 16. Fenn 'The Sr.' just went from bad to worse from then on.
However, Fenn 'The Jr.' was his complete opposite, kind, considerate and loyal if a bit lackadaisical when it came to doing chores or serious work. In that, Fenn 'The Jr' was amazing; because despite how much his father abused, bullied, and beat him the boy grew up strong and courageous. One of those rare people with a heart of gold! A true hero!

The Chronicler - GM |

Please remember that this is a homebrew world...not the PF world. I'm hoping this is something that will develop more over play.
Also, I am only using the Core Rulebook. Therefor I was not using traits.
Other than that, I'm excited by what I see. I hope there will be some more interest over the weekend. I should be making my player choices Sunday night or Monday.
Thanks again for the interest.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

And Fenn is done ...
Fenn is a wonder, though his life has been rough and empty of any familial affection or care.. he seems to have a boundless capacity to care for those around him! He is NOTHING like his father Fenn ‘The Sr.’! Fenn Jr. is polite, helpful, courageous and kind …always willing to help those in need. He has a ‘country-gentleman’s’ sense of chivalry and honor when it comes to young women and is ever ready to defend a woman’s honor - though he is very shy around very pretty women. He is not much on being dutiful to chores… will without being asked chop a whole stack of wood for a widow in need. In his home town of “Little Tree”, he is something of a local hero handy-man. Not much on chores but always willing to help when the need is great. He seen part a a lackadaisical lout and just as much as a golden hearted paragon protector of the farmers in and around ‘Little Tree”. Fenn doesn’t have a hateful thought in his heart to anyone… but he don’t hold well with the unquiet dead.. and he puts such unfortunate monstrosities down with a fiery zeal!
Fenn has started to range far and wide from his home town… a growing wander lust in his heart. Most in “Little Tree” don’t think it will be long before Fenn takes to the road to see the world… and will miss the young local hero when it does happen. Fenn himself has only stayed as he doesn’t want to leave the town without his occasional help.
If there is one person who would be Fenn’s enemy it his father Fenn ‘The Sr. Fortunately for Fenn his father is rarely around ususlly hatch some hurtful ‘get-rich’ scheme or another. Fenn Sr. is a drunkard and violent man… who takes great relish in demeaning Fenn at every possible turn. Fenn Sr. has never revealed who Fenn Jrs. Mother is or why he even bothered to bring him as a toddler back to be mostly raised by his grandmother, Marilyn – before consumption took her life as well. But when Fenn Sr. is around brutal beatings and cruel intentions are all Fenn {Winter} has learned to expect from his ‘Pap’ - as he calls him.
But Fenn refuses to fight or hurt his ‘Pap’... he IS his father after all!
But despite his brutal and abusive father Fenn never lets it get him down. He is fond of saying, “… Ah’m sure somewhere tha’ is someone whose got it worse than meh! At least-wise Ah’m free to roam were Ah will under tha’ bright sun… and smoke a pipe or two on occasion’! Ah ain’t got it so bad!”
HT: 6'0", WT: 116lbs, Eyes: Green
Hair: Sandy Brown
Skin: Lightly Tanned, Nose and cheeks lightly freckled
Fenn is a handsome rustic youth. His elven heritage is subdued as his ears almost look normal compared to humans… however his pale green eyes reveal his extra-human heritage. His sandy blonde hair is just a little too long… and almost always unkempt and left to hang loose. The bridge of his nose and cheeks are still lightly frosted with freckles. He has a rather pronounced country dral to his speech.
Fenn dresses in simple woodsman clothing with no fanciness. All his clothing is just simple serviceable in shades of brown and grey. Grey chemise and workman’s vest, leather trousers and buckskin boots, thick leather belt and wool travel cloak.
His weapons and armor he made himself through trial and error working in the forge… they are plan and unadorned …perhaps a little crude but certainly solidly crafted and maintained with keen edge and cleaned regularly. All are carried in roughly made leather sheaths or scabbards.
To all outward appearances he is merely a peasant yeoman with serviceable if crudely made gear… a country boy. Occasionally, Fenn likes to smoke his simple cornstalk pipe with its long handle.

Adventurer#33 |

Here is my character for consideration
Bron Blackmane
LN Male Human Fighter 1
18 yrs old 6´1" 195 lbs
Senses Perception +0
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4
Ref +1
Will +0
Speed 20 ft.
light shield bash +4 (1d3+3)
bastard sword +4 (1d10+3/19-20)
dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20)
lucerne hammer +4 (1d12+4)
Str 17
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10
Base Atk +1
CMB +4
CMD 15
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword)
Improved Initiative
Power Attack
Skills 4 ranks
(1)Climb +4
(1)Intimidate +4
(1)knowledge (dungeoneering) +4
(1)Survival +4
Languages Common
Gear chain shirt, light wooden shield, bastard sword, dagger, lucerne hammer, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, gear maintenance kit, grooming kit, mess kit, pot, rope, shaving kit, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 3 GP, 5 SP
Special Abilities
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage
Bron's uncle recently decided it was time to retire as captain of the free company and settle down. He bought a large farm near his brother's (Bron's Father) and is looking for a wife. The Free company broke up, some members joining one company and some joining another. Bron's uncle gave him a gift of weapons and armor and told him that he was now free to seek his own destiny and make his own fortune.
I will add descriptions of appearance and personality when I have time later.

Ragnarok Rose |

Fair enough.
Female Human Cleric 1, N. Good
Str 14 [+2] Con 12 [+1] Dex 10 [+0]
Int 10 [+0] Wis 16 [+3] Cha 13 [+1]
Domains: Protection, Knowledge
Feats: Toughness, Selective Channeling
Of that, it looks that she's seen plenty. The armor she wears is not especially fitted for a woman, but she wears it well, even as it is battered and dented in places. When she speaks of power, she holds a tattered old book in her hands- and a symbol strung around her neck mirrors the emblem on that cover, a triangle set in hand-carved wood, bound in wire from each line's center to the middle point of the shape overall. You do not recognize it's form.
She read a book. It was some older writer's work, a tract on humanoid beings and the nature of society and the universe, much like many others of it's ken and mainly ignored in it's day. But Legain seemed to take to it a little more enthusiastically than others who had heard words like it before, because, be it by a god's fiat or her own enthusiasm, she began to draw power holy from what she believed to be a manifesto of truth. This was not unheard of in the annuals of the world, but rare enough that those holy warriors of more traditional values looked down upon her when she explained her own connection to a god's power- of a sort. She seems unable to explain it herself- what she knows, persay, comes second to what she believes, as it marked her the sole recipient of power arcane in the turn of a simple writer's words.
Have to crunch later, 'pologies! Let me know if anything comes up.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Well that is because Domains are not power categories like some impartial 'super-power'... what the Domain IS matters! You will find it hard to justify ANY good deity granting domains like - madness or darkness. So your only going to find evil gods that offer those. Domains are not just a 'grab-bag' of abilities to be min/maxed. Domains matter they tell what the deity is about... and thus also the Cleric with access to them.

Ragnarok Rose |

Which would explain my choice of Protection / Knowledge, for the concept of following a philosophical tract. Again, though, I'm trying to create something interesting, not min-max. Gods are great and all- I'm just building a character. Is there a specific problem you have with a non-deity cleric? Consider that answer carefully, because it could probably be answered in-character, and that's what I'm going for.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Oh no, I don't mind you not choosing a deity! That's cool.. General Cleric of light is an option in Old 3.0-3.5 D&D...
Your choices reflect a balanced reasonable Cleric, I was only commenting about domains specifically usually only granted by evil deities. Not an accusation of your choices.
I would only give an askane look at it if you had choosen obvious no-brainer domains like Evil and Undeath or somesuch and insisted on being a 'good or even neutral' cleric. lol!

Adventurer#33 |

appearance and personality for Brom Blackmane
Hair: Black worn long pulled back in a single braid
Eyes: dark blue
Clothing: sturdy knee high boots, dark leather breeches, wide leather belt, linen shirt, leather vest , Heavy leather gloves, and dark green hooded cloak, red linen scarf worn wrapped around his waist under the belt.
Brom is a fairly good looking young man even though his nose is a little large. He is tall and well built and moves with an easy grace.
Bron is a brash young man. Fortune, adventure, and a little fame are what he wants. He is an intelligent young man but is often impulsive. Bron finds pretty girls intimidating and he gets tongue tied and flustered when around them.

Gniel |

I'm going to change my submission to a Half Orc Barbarian (Who next level will be a druid)
HP 15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13
F 4 R 1 W 3
Feats: Power Attack
Features:Fast Movement, Rage (6R/day)
Racial Features: Darkvision, Weapon Familiarity, Ferocity, Intimidating
Skills: Nature 4, Climb 7, Perception 6, Survival 6. ACP -3
Attacks: Falchion +4(3) 2d4+4(7) 18-20 x2
Hide Shirt
Barbarian's Kit
-5 days Rations
-Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Torches (10)
Explorer's Clothes
Load: 52
Carry Capacity: 66/133/200/200/400/1000
1 gp, 9 sp, 10 cp
For as long as he can remember, he has been alone.
At birth he was abandoned by a mother he never knew, left in the woods to die under a Rowan tree. Thankfully, however, he was found by a wandering druid, a elf by the name of Soran. He raised him well enough, teaching Rowan to be a druid himself, but as Rowan grew older, his orc heritage emerged. He was getting harder and harder to control. They fought constantly has he matured. During one of Rowan's rages, Rowan ran off. When Soran tried to go find him later, he was attacked by a group of bandits that proved to be too much for him. Rowan found him later, vowing to kill those that killed his mentor. And he did.
Ever since that day, Rowan has been wandering the wilderness, often acting as a guide and guard to caravans when he finds that he needs the money. He is aimless at the moment, but an ad catches his eye...
Rowan stands at 6'5" with grey skin and pale hair. Dressed in the furs of his kills, he carries a falchion on his back. His teeth seem unusually prominent.
He always seems angry at something, even when he is not, resulting in people disliking him or driving him off. He speaks few words, but he is not unwise or unintelligent.

The Chronicler - GM |

Ok, so here we go...
Fen Jr - Half-Elf Ranger
Quolamin the Weaver - Human Wizard (provided the sheet gets switched to a more neutral (home-brewed world)
Bron Blackmane - Human Fighter
Skully Lancaster - Halfling Rogue
Legainn - Human Cleric
Replacement characters:
Ashtari - Halfling Bard
Rowan - Half-Orc Barbarian
I want to thank everyone for taking a chance with me. I hope we all have a good time. I will wait for everyone to check in.
I am calling the adventure "Test Run". I'm going to open a discussion thread and in play by post under the same name. Does anyone know a way to connect them all?