Niles...at your service. |

”Congratulations. You have been chosen to join a small group of like-minded individuals. My employer will meet you here in the morning and go over all instructions for the job you have been chosen for. Please enjoy the rest of your evening. Your room, food, and drink have all been taken care of.” When he finishes, Niles stands and walks to the next chosen participant.
Feel free to do a little roleplaying together. This will give you a chance to get to know one another before we begin.

Brom Blackmane |

As Niles goes to speak with another applicant Brom looks around the common room of the Blue Boar Inn. Free food, free drink, and a place to sleep tonight. Hopefully the rest of the job will go as well.
Inn keeper! Ale and food if you please Brom takes a seat at a table by the fire and settles in to wait for his food and drink. When the serving maid brings him his Ale he gives her a freindly smile.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn takes a seat at a table near the wall and leans his elven curve blade against it within easy reach. Catching the eye of a serving maid, "Uhm.. ma'am.. seeing as our food and drink is free... Ah think I reckon to have some steak with tatters and hard cider if'n ye' got it ma'am!"

Skully Lancaster |

Skully bounces around the room energetically.. "I made it! I made it! HAHahaAHa.." obviously some other applicants are annoyed by her, but she seems quite obliviouss to it.. Making her way over to the other chosen she'll plop down.. "Names SKully LAncaster! Nice to meet you all.. Barkeep! I need me some taters and ale as well please! DOuble Helpin!"

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn will brighten up at the exuberant halfling girl's antics and smile widely for her when she takes a seat, "Aye.. ye sur' did missy... we're off to adventure... Ah'm a bit excited too!"
Extending a hand to her, "I'm Fenn {Winter}... some calls me 'The Jr'.. but seeing as yaha'll likely never meet 'The Sr', ma' pap.. y'all can jus' call me Fenn! Nice ta be meetin' ya ma'am, miss Lancaster! I'm a woodsman by trade an' a general handy man craftsman... but if 'n ya needs to get somewheres.. I can track and find yas a path there safe as sure!"

Legainn |

The older woman is already seated at the table with her equipment resting on the wall behind her. She's been waiting since you entered the room, so you guess it's been a while. Raising a tankard to the halfling as the jubilant rogue seats herself, she says "Fair met, then, Skully, Fenn. Call me Legainn." Looking around at the others, she continues, saying "Well, seeing as we've been tasked to work together, might as well get to know a few things about each other, hm? I'll start."
Legainn swings her booted feet off the chair next to her, placing the tankard on the worn wood of the table, then starts counting things off finger by finger on her hand. "Human, obviously, as much as that's worth. Thirty-two, hope that won't be a problem for you youngsters. I've two sisters and a brother at home, long ways from here. Competent in a fight, so I'm paranoid to boot, and," lowering the last finger and smiling, "a bit of a philosophical nut. Don't worry, I won't talk your ear off about the universe- sky knows I've no reckoning as to it's nature myself- but I've got a bit of a connection with some thoughts an old friend once told me." She taps a much-loved and worn out book with tattered, rebound cover and broken binding that sits on the table beside her, then looks back to the others. "Now, what about you?"

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn smiles a little shyly, "Well,,, ta tell ya tru' ma'am.. not much to tell. I got no brothers nor sisters.. well as far as I got a'knowing of. 'Pap' ain't bothere'd none to mention um. Same goes for ma mum.. no idea who she is or was.. but I think she may be dead. Ma Gran' mum raised me mostly... well until she' died some years back. I pretty much got on by ma-self... paps not round much and a good thing to ... ! He kinda gets in his cups see and is a mean drunk.. then again.. he mean mos' times. Anyways, Ah'm, from tha' town o' 'Little Tree' to the east o' here. I'm sort of o' the town handy man and hunts man. I got good wood-sense and can track an' hunt with tha best, Ma'am! I kin find ya yur path in the Wilds and keep ya fed when rations get low. Ah'm a fair hand at the forge ..made all my weapons and armor maself! Pertty much Ah've taught mayself all I know.. even though I ain't had no scholin'. I can fight, track, an not lead ya wrong where'ever ya need to go. So' I got tired o' being pap's punching bag when he was in his meaness fierce-like... an I always wanted ta see the word... plus it was getting harder ta dodge people shuvin' chores at me. I figured why not make a name fur maself out in the big world as an adventurer?"
The young man before you is dressed in crude but serviceable gear armor and weapons.. all of them solidly built but crudely crafted as if by the hand of a apprentice. But none of his gear is faulty and has the road grime of regular use but constant care. The lad himself must still be in his teens from the light frosting of freckles on his cheeks and nose... giving him a handsome weather beaten look.. with a slowly forming lines of a healthy strongly built young man. He is tall 6' ft at least and he carries himself with the demeanor of a if not experienced hand at least a well familiarity with woodsman and tracker skills.. there is a confidence in his pretty... green eyes and easy smile that are just contagious! He will be a real lady charmer once he's fully grown. Even though he apparently does not see how harsh and lonely his childhood he has hinted at has been.. it does not seem to have darkened his heart or turned him callous.
"Duya' mind if I smoke?"
He pulls out a long-stemmed corncob pipe and a taper of wood - not waiting for an answer he lights the taper in the table lantern. Lighting his pipe with the tapper before stamping it out with his boot heel, he takes three gentle puff from the crude pipe until a mellow somewhat cinnamon aroma suffuses the air about him. He leans back in his chair to listen to others.

Skully Lancaster |

The halfling jumps up into her chair before speaking.."Names Skully.. Nice to meet you fine folks.. Not much to say me really.. I've got a few brothers and sisters but I can seldom remember their names.. Can't remember how old i am and generally just wanna have fun.. And eat.. I like to eat.." She plops back down and continues to scarf her taters..

Brom Blackmane |

Brom sighs and moves from his warms seat by the fire to the table where the others are gathering. A half grown hick, a hyperactive halfling, and an old woman. All we need is a half trained wizard and we are ready to take on the world he thinks to himself as he pulls a chair over to the table and sits down.
The name's Brom. he says as he sits down. I hope we don't have to do a lot of fighting on this job. If we do I may be the only survivor.

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An oddly colored short, bald young man draped in brighly colored robes of an obvious quality calmly saunters to the table where all are gathered.
"Good day ladies and gentlemen, I am Quolamin."
He abruptly states while giving the gnome a knowing wink,
"I hail from afar and am greatly pleased to meet you all. Apparently we are the chosen few...whatever that brings us...oh well. It's better than sitting still. Anyone for a game of chance?"
Reaching in to his brightly colored accouterments Quolamin brandishes a deck of cards
"This is a game which goes by many names yet I call it 21."
For ease of game play:
Using 1 D13 twice for first “hand”
“Hit” if you want another card, roll another D13 per “hit”.
Honor based.
Rolls equal:
2-10 = face (exact) count
11-13 = 10
1 = 11 or 1
Closest to 21 w/o going over wins.
If all go over 21, pot increases by next bet until a round is won.
If there is a tie win, pot increases by next bet until a round is won
We can go like this for days yet if you'd like to play, roll 2x 1D13 for first hand deal, hit after preview, etc...Closest without going over 21 wins. If you'd prefer we can "spoil" the hands.
For example:
first deal: 1d13 + 1d13 ⇒ (3) + (10) = 13hit: 1d13 ⇒ 13
Desna weeps...

Legainn |

Looking to Brom, Legainn smiles knowingly. "I wouldn't count your heads before they're cracked, friend. My reckoning is that we all have a fair chance at survival, especially with a couple of cards up our sleeve. Speaking of which," she says, "I'm afraid that I'll have to wait on our pay to start dropping coins on the turn of the deck, Q, but I'll certainly play a hand for the sake of it if you'd like."

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn looks up at the armored man and cocks an eye, "Nice ta meet ya Brom! {Puff} We got us enough fightin' muscle Ah'm sure between us two..{puff}!"
Turning to the ladies Skully and 'Legs', "An.. yaw don't need ta worry bout' fightin'...{puff} I may be tha youngest hea' but I done a lot o' learn' in hard knocks! {puff} I kilt' my share o' monsters that come-a rampaging through the farmlands back home! {puff-puff} Ah'm particur'ly good at slaying the unquiet dead! {Puff} Yaw got nothing ta' worry o'er! Fight'n I got down right well... {puff} ma pap.. throws a mean cheaten' right hook - when ya ain't lookin'..! {puff} Ya learns ta get out o' the way and watch yur back if'n ya don' wan' ta' end up layin' in a pool o' yur own blood!"
Pausing in his smoking to hold his pipe in hand and meet the ladies gaze levelly and seriously to show his determination... "Ah ain't gon' let nothin' harm a hair on yur pretty heads.. I Promise!!"
At the polite approach of the wizard, Fenn stands and offers him a his hand for a firm.. but not overly so handshake returning his pipe to his mouth clenched in his teeth, "Nice ta meet ya Sah' Qoolamm {Puff} - pronounced Col-lam! A man o' learning is what we need! {Puff} We ne'r get to see much magic in 'Little Tree'... {Puff} but Ah always ha' been curious.. must be a great gift ta have! {Puff-puff} But as fur cards.. I'll play ya fur toothpicks if'n it be a game of chance bettin'... {puff} I learn'd long ago... ne'vah play with money ya can't afford ta loose!"
He smiles at the wizard and winks offering him a chair he pulls over cordially!

Brom Blackmane |

Brom leans back in his chair and sips his ale. I am a warrior I spent the last seven years apprenticed to my uncle learning the warriors trade. I assume I was chosen for for my skills in that area. Why were you chosen Mistress Legainn? Bron asks the older woman.

Skully Lancaster |

Skully looks up from her food long enough to nod to the 2 newcomers.. With a mouth full of food, some of which flies out of her mouth.. "Beloo.. Nic ta met cha.. i aint gona di, il run faster.." and then she returns to her food.. Upon finishing it she'll order another round of taters..
An attempt at speaking with her mouth full.. Seh appears to be able to consume quite a bit, even though her figure doesn't show it..

Legainn |

Legainn leans back again as Fenn finishes his standard chivalrous rant, then responds to Brom. "I spent the last seven years on the road, and, I can assure you, am more than capable of taking care of myself and others. As for why I was chosen, if you insist..."
She tilts her tankard towards the table, showing that it's empty, then sets it back in it's place, raising a hand to it's brim and placing her other hand on the tattered tome beside it. You hear a muttered phrase, and see a flare of light flash from under her wrist on the book's cover to her left palm. With the tinkling sound of running water, the tankard fills, and she tilts it back to show clear water to the brim. Q may recognize the casting of a holy Osiron of Create Water if he cares to identify it.
Looking to Legainn's face, you can see an air of rejuvenation through it. Smiling again, she speaks, saying "I may not be quite as talented as our specialized friend here, but I know certain things, and my belief in the nature of humanoids means that I'm capable of easing your wounds and staving off death for another day. Call me a cleric, if you wish- just don't expect me not to fight."

Brom Blackmane |

That! Brom says pointing at the Tankard full of water. Is an excellent trick. My uncle took a contract in a country to the south a few years ago. Leagues of desert in every direction. I have never been so thirsty in my life. Turning to skully Brom asks What skills do you bring to the table little one? Besides running faster and consuming your own weight in potatos that is.

Skully Lancaster |

Waiting impatiently for her second round she looks up.. Smiling she pulls a small rapier from her belt and does a series of quick thrusts into the air.. "I stabs stuff really good.. Well mostly the backs of stuff. I do real good at sneaking around too.. You'll see!" before you can respond she bounds from her chair, plate in hand, and heads for the bar.. You all see her yelling something to the barkeep and pointing at her empty plate..

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn's eyes widen at the casting of the orison by Legainn, "Gosh miss Legan'.. yur a holy woman! Well tha's nice to know! We got right'ness on our side hea!"
The youth sets his pipe down and reaching to his neck he pulls a wood and silver holy symbol of a Butterfly hanging on a leather cord about his neck from under his crudely made chain-shirt armor and lindsy-wolsy tunic.
"Ah've always been a follower of the 'Lady of the Stars & Luck' - DESNA.. but I don' think she'll look unkind-like on me accptin' kindness and healing from a cleric of good heart. Nice ta hav ye along with us. Mah wound treating skills are a little rough..." {aheh!}

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Leaning back and observing, Q smiles then shuffles his deck displaying an unexpected dexterity for the stereotype.
"Too bad, maybe we shall play at another time. I must admit with all this blustering I'm surprised no one dares to step up to a challenge."
As the deck deftly disappears he begins sipping from a previously ordered red wine.
"And to complement our humbly spoken ranger, I have found Desna smiling in many different situations. With or without clerics, (imitating Fenn's accent) the goddess be fickle, no?

Legainn |

"In my experience, the affairs of pantheons are best left unstated." Legainn tucks her book away in a pocket, then checks over her equipment. "Fair met, in any case, for all of you. We'll talk tactics later I suppose, when we have more of a bead on what we're facing. I trust that we're all quite capable. That'll be up to the road to determine, however."

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn listens to Bron's recounting of his qualifications and nods, "Contract! Yur Uncle took a contract, Mersinary huh? Not bad.. my Gran pap was a merc in his youth... til' a bandit's arrow took him, wasn't even working.. jus' on his way back home. Gran mum use ta' talk about him lots.. she really missed him. Gran pap Stonenard of Rensfield... called 'Stone' fur short, he worked with a one Free Company er another for years. Wish I could have met him... seemed a nice man. Gran mum never stopped luvin' him.. 'til the day she died in ma arms. If'n you not mind Bron.. I'd like to get a chance ta do some train' with ye if ya don mind? Brush up on my fightin' skills some... seeing as you being a regular almost soldier and all! Ne'vah stop learning... always room for getin' betah!"
At Q's comments and mock imitation of Fenn's own drawl, Fenn grins widely and laughs...
"Hahaha! Haw! Yur alright Col-lam! I don' mind a hand ur two ta get use to tha rules and all.. I love a game o' chance to! Tha' Lady Smiles!"

Brom Blackmane |

I wouldn't mind Fenn it is always better to have someone to practice with. Swinging a sword at empty air will only take you so far. Brom replies to Fenn's request then turns his attention to his dinner. When he finishes he gathers his gear and gets the Innkeeper to show him to his room. Bidding the others goodnight before he leaves. In his room he carefully cleans and oils his weapons and armor. Then lays down to sleep. He spends several minutes lying awake thinking about the mysterious task they have been hired to do and wondering what the future holds.

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As quickly as the deck disappeared, it reappears then mimicking Jr. as best he can:
"Aight, ere' dis furs handShuffling and dealing two cards to each...
Pausing and slightly bowing his head towards Legainn
"My lady"
Looking very intently at his hand Q states solemnly,
"This is for practice...hit if you'd like, I'll hold"

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn slides the card to the edge of the table and just peeks at his cards... smiling he takes a draw on his pipe, {Puff-puff} "Hit meh!"

Legainn |

Legainn pushes her mug aside, taking the cards. After shortly examining them, she looks at the others, then taps the table. "Likewise. Hit."

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn smiles again... eyes sparkling mischievously, "Let'er ride.. Hit meh!"

Skully Lancaster |

Upon returning it seems the halfling has gotten her plate refilled.. Immediately she begins to devore it, all while watching the card game. She makes it about 2/3's the way through her 2nd plate when she stops, leans back, and lets a huge belch go.. "Wow that was good.. Thats gonna make me sleepy for sure.. Hey Q why dont cha deal me in on the next hand of that card game.."

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After generously letting the crew win multiple hands of 21 Quolamin stands, gathers his deck and with an over acted mien states
"Alas, you three are too much for me! I yield, take no more of my hard earned gold! Please let me leave this travesty of a game. I'm am impoverished, I am bankrupt, I am broken, I am penurious, I am beggard, I am ruined!
Bowing humbly and winking with a renewed grin. "I bid you adieu."
As he's walking away, Q turns and suductively offers, "Ladies, my bed is built for two...possibly three if you'd care for some more gaming education."

Skully Lancaster |

Skully giggles at Q's offer and then looks to Legain.. "I think he means you missy.. I stay away from the big fellas.. I do agree it;s bedtime though.." She does a flip out of the chair and scurries up the stairs..

Legainn |

Legainn pauses in shouldering a bundle of javelins to set her backpack on the table and snort. "Quolamin, if I was interested, you would have known some time since. You remind me of my brother..." she says, shifting her sheathed claymore- that is probably as tall as Q, considering -into place, then continues. "I'd work on your game a bit more before beggaring bed favors from your fellows. Consider that a tip from an old hand." With that, she sets a coin on the table for the waitress, winks, and then makes her way upstairs, where she bolts the door and tucks her things away.
Legainn will rise some time before morning to consult her book and contemplate things, provided she is not woken before then.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn Gfaws at his dealt card, "Darn, went bust... what were the odds, only needs a 6 or less? Ah well.. Ah'm out."
Fenn plays a couple more hands and yawns feeling the call of sleep himself.
He smirks at Q's withdraw from the game with complaints of being broke and out of coin... considering they were only playing for toothpicks.
"Nigaht Col-lam! See ya on the 'morrow."
At his offer to the two women, Fenn flushes hotly and slides back from the table to get out of th eline o' fire should sparks start to fly... but is relieved that the girls take it in good jest.
He chuckles at Skully's remarks and comments word coming out of his mouth before he really is thinking about it, "..ah shucks miss Skully we big folks ain't ahll bad.. we'd jus' have ta be gentle-like with ya considering your so petite~...er.. ah.. well..."
Realizing he's talked himself into a rather uncomfortable hole.. he blushes hotly and just finishes with, "..well.. what would Ah know anyways... Nigaht all..."
Fenn turns his pipe down and tapps the remaining tabacc still smouldering on the floor and smothers the embers with his boot heel.
Reaching over Fenn picks up his long curved elven blade leaning against the wall nearby and leaves the hall.
He finds his room... but is so unfamiliar with having an actual bed to sleep in he feels to self-conscious fearing to dirty the room up with his presence...
But he tries to settle in first cleaning and sharpening his weapons checking his chain shirt for errant links that need mending - laying it all out neatly for the next day.
Ultimately, he tries but can't sleep properly in a bed so at about 2 AM or so he gets dressed, packs his things and leaves his room going to the stables where he finds a empty stall and beds down in a pile of fresh hay.. instantly slipping off to dreamless sleep...

The Chronicler - GM |

As each of you make your way down the steps from the upper floor rooms, the smell of cooking bacon assails your senses. Most of the chairs around the common room are still stacked up on the tables. A large man, you recognize as Heber, the owner of the Blue Boar, stands behind the bar wiping it down.
Fenn is awoken by a stable boy and told he should probably "git" before the stable master shows.

Legainn |

Sliding onto a barstool, Legainn orders breakfast, the dull clatter of her scaled mail and assorted kit belying her casual tone. She asks for a full plate of bacon and eggs, then looks around for the others. "Anyone seen Niles? He mentioned an employer last night..."

Skully Lancaster |

"Emmm.. Bacon..." Skully bounds down the stairs and runs to the nearest table and quickly set herself a chair.. "2 orders of bacon, 2 of eggs and a loaf of bread plz! Something to wash it down as well.."
She gestures for the rest of you to take a seat at the table.. Once seated.. "I guess we'll figure out what this is all about to day eh. Sure hope whatever it is it comes with lots of food along the way.."

Legainn |

Taking her food over to Skully's table, Legainn pulls a seat down. "I'd rather it give us the means to secure lots of food in the future, you reckon?" She pats her coin purse as she sits. It jangles hollowly.

Heber |

”Food’s not quite ready, but if you help set the chairs, I’ll have the cook fix you a plate as soon as it’s ready.”
After a little while, Heber walks out to the table, his arms lined with steaming plates. ”Here you go, my friends. I hope you enjoy.” The plates Heber leaves you are heaping with bacon, steak, eggs, and toast. He returns a few moments later with drinks for you all.

Fenn 'The Jr' {Winter} |

Fenn comes in yawning and stray strands of matted hay in his hair, {Yawn!} "Mornin'!"
"Yaw sleep well last night? Todahys a big day...! We start our first mission as a group! Ya know we need an adventuring company name... like... 'Ventures Investigators & Troubleshooters'... or maybe 'Heroes for Hire' or some such. Though in all the tales I evah heard of adventuring parties.. people named them based on their deeds... so maybes we should wait?"
Then he eyes light on the large amount of food being provided
"Hey! Grub.. don' mind if'n Ah do!"
He grabs a plate and sits down to eat.. in classic country-boy fashion a LARGE plate of breakfast...

Brom Blackmane |

Brom comes down to breakfast with the others but stays quiet except for a breif good morning! to the others. He eats his fill and then goes to stand by the fire leaning on his lucern hammer and staring into the flames. He tries not to show his nervousness about this first adventure without his uncle in front of the rest.