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![]() This is the Discussion Forum for Crown of the Kobold King adventure. The scenario will be run in Adventure Mode generally following Pathfinder Society rules. Characters will start at level 1 level and I would like for you to post your proposed Ancestrie, Class, and background before building the characters. What does your Character do to earn a living in Falcon’s Hollow? (Lumber work is common as is Crafting, hunting, farming, performing, or you may work in one of the shops.) Just the general job we will work out details. How long they have been in Falcon’s Hollow? PF2e only no 3rd-party. Characters will be starting in Falcon’s Hollow a Lumber town founded about 134 years ago by a Taldor Lumber Consortium. It exists in the shadow of a looming volcano known as Droskar’s Crag and on the edge of the Darkmoon Vale a mist-laden forests prowled by feral beasts, ravenous monsters, and the restless souls of the dead. Falcon’s Hollow is a fringe town of Andoran about 1500 mostly humans with a scattering of other races. The town’s motto is “Only the Desperate and the Brave. Known dangers Kobolds, uncaring leadership, undead, violent wildlife, Ancient Dwarven ruins. ![]()
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![]() This is the Discussion Forum for Beginner’s Box, Menace Under Otari. The scenario will be run in Adventure Mode generally following Pathfinder Society rules. Note under Adventure Mode Custom characters are used instead of Pathfinder legal characters. Players can freely choose Uncommon ancestries, backgrounds, classes, and heritages without needing a PFS boon. No 3rd-party content. Characters will start at 1st level and 15gp. You have a few days to create and post the characters that you would like to use in this game. We will start once the characters are ready and approved. Would like to have the characters ready to go by July 10th. If you need help or have questions ask away. ![]()
![]() Open recruiting for Beginner’s Box, Menace Under Otari. The scenario will be run in Adventure Mode generally following Pathfinder Society rules. PFS chronicles will be given for each of the two parts. This is a repeatable scenario but does not include randomized events. While this is designed as an introductory adventure both new and experienced players are welcome, I’m looking to run it as a regular fun adventure. Note under Adventure Mode Custom characters are used instead of Pathfinder legal characters. Players can freely choose Uncommon ancestries, backgrounds, classes, and heritages without needing a PFS boon. No 3rd-party content. Characters will start at 1st level. The game will be played by play-by-post on the Paizo forums. Expect the game to run 3-4 months. The posting rate is expected once a day on weekdays and once on the weekends barring common holidays. Recruitment will be open for at least two days, submissions received will be considered based on replies, and assuming there are enough qualified I’ll choose the players and start in the following week, looking for 4-6 players. Please post your interest in applying and indicate what ancestry, class, and character concept you are interested in playing. Have you played/GMed this scenario before? Also note if you are new to Pathfinder 2E, PFS, and/or PbP. ![]()
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![]() Having arrived at the Iruxi island-city of Ekkeshikaar as part of an expedition put together by the Pathfinder Mirian Raas to re-establish ancient trade routes between the nation of Vdrian (formerly Sargava) and the Irouxi of Ekkeshikaar. The expedition has arrived and negotiations have begun. With Mirian's attention focused elsewhere the diplomatic efforts are being led by the female half-orc Calisro Benarry and the Half-elf Venture-Captain Eras the Needle. These two leaders have called you to a small conference room located in the embassy suite that the Iruxi hosts have graciously granted to your expedition during your stay. Calisro and Eras are dealing with a minor matter before joining the conference, so you have a few moments among yourselves. (Please feel free to describe your character and actions.) ![]()
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![]() We have six players signed up! We will get started with the briefing shortly after everyone has posted. Khunbish Nandin - Druid 5
Please post/dot in the game tab as well. Good chance to introduce and describe your character. Please take the time to fill in the information below and post it in this thread. Player Name:
Default Exploration: Also, does this character have the boon "Ally of the Iruxi" or "Iruxi Bane" from having played 1-09 Star-Crossed Voyages? ![]()
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![]() If you don’t already have your character information ready and in your profile please do so asap I would like to start by Mondy 13th. Please post the following info: Boons & mission items can wait until after mission briefing. Player name, character name, PFS number, character number Boons slotted (faction + any others):
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![]() If you don’t already have your character information ready and in your profile please do so asap I would like to start by Mondy 18th. Please post the following info:
Boons slotted (faction + any others):
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![]() If you don’t already have your character information ready and in your profile please do so asap I would like to start by Mondy 18th. Please post the following info:
Boons slotted (faction + any others):
![]() Pathfinder 2e PFS PBP Looking for 4-6 Pathfinders for 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (1-4 tier). This is a replayable scenario which means each playthrough may have different encounters.
I’ll finalize the player roster by Sunday 17th and get started with the game that week as soon as enough selected players have checked in with ready characters. To apply please post here with the following information:
Feel free to post any questions or concerns. ![]()
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![]() Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-02: The Mosquito Witch A Pathfinder Society 2nd Edition Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4). Decades ago, witnesses reported a fearsome cryptid outside of the quiet River Kingdoms town of Shimmerford. Dubbed the Mosquito Witch, it was rarely seen since and quickly became a beloved local legend that the town celebrates and promotes to attract visitors. But when recent attacks began savaging livestock and townsfolk alike, many have started believing the Mosquito Witch was real all along. The PCs travel to Shimmerford to unravel the cryptid mystery, but might they just become the witch's next victim? Written by Eleanor Ferron. Players, Please make a post and include the following information!
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![]() Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–07: Valley of Veiled Flame (PFRPG) A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9. For years a Pathfinder team has surveyed Qadira’s Zho Mountains in an attempt to reconcile its twisting valleys with a series of old maps recovered years ago on the Silken Way. When the team disappears soon after reporting a strange illusory effect in a mountain pass, the Society sends the PCs—funded by an unusual benefactor—to uncover whatever is hidden in those peaks and rescue the agents. Content in “Valley of Veiled Flame” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Liberty’s Edge and Silver Crusade factions. Written by Nathan King. Players, Please make a post and include the following information!
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![]() Please Dot in with an entrance post. Your group has been summoned for a very important meeting. Venture-Captain Amara Li is waiting in a well-maintained private garden behind a house on a quiet street in Ramparassad, the capital city of Dtang Ma, a nation in eastern Tian Xia. There are chairs enough for each of you and a servant pour each of you tea as you arrive. ![]()
![]() Looking for GM who would like to take over an established long running Kingmaker campaign game. This Kingmaker game has been ongoing since January 2013. I have GMed it for a little over 2 years taking over from the first original GM, and I am ready to take a break. The players are looking forward to continuing the game and particularly enjoy the Roleplay aspect of the game. Currently, the adventure is near the end of Book 2 The River Runs Red facing the Troll threat. If you are interested or have questions please post here or PM me. ![]()
![]() In the Playtest rule book the special material Darkwood chart (pg 355) for hardness has an Expert column , but there is no Expert row in the cost chart. All the other special materials have matching rows and columns between the cost and hardness charts. Missing cost for Expert Darkwood special material. ![]()
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![]() Gallows of Madness includes three adventures for level 1-3. I am running Chapter 1: A foul Breed as part of the Gameday 7 I would like to continue with the same group through Chapter 2 & 3 after part 1 is completed. This is the discussion thread for those signed up for Gallows of Madness chapter 1: A foul Breed Classic PFS.
Please Post the following Information Player's Name:
![]() Pre-Pathfinder the issue was 15 minute adventuring day. First few encounters result in Casters using most of their spells in the battle or on healing characters, causing the party to call it day after 15 minutes of game time. Pathfinder introduced cheap healing via Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Now the issue is after every fight the PC top off their hit points, resulting in the need to make every encounter that matters to be deadly enough to wipe out all the characters hit points. Pathfinder 2.0 is introducing resonance which effectively turns item use into a daily resource on par with spell casting. Its as if everyone is given a spell-like ability called “Activate Item”. Useable once per level + Chr Bonus per day. Resonance covers most all permanent items and consumables thereby doing dual service of limiting daily consumables and number of permanent magic items used & worn. Limiting consumables limits out of combat healing which hopefully reduced the full hitpoint for every encounter syndrome. Using Resonance to limit permanent items and to activate item powers that would otherwise be X daily use, seems to be reasonable, but for consumables such as wand/staffs with charges, Potions, and Scrolls the use of Resonance seems to break the suspension of disbelief revealing itself as a rule mechanism to limit daily item use. If the real problem is unlimited cheap healing then the fix should target that issue. Healing needs to have a daily limit mechanism. Resonance does that, but with an overly broad fix. For a more focused fix, look at Magical healing, it forces the body to heal quickly. It’s easy to imagine the process of forced healing causing stress to the body and that repeated forced healings within a day could have a negative effect. A more narrowly targeted mechanism at limiting healing could work by allowing a character to be healed a number of times per day equal to their Fortitude without penalty. The source (spell, potion, scroll …) or level of the healing doesn’t matter. Once they exceed their Fortitude value the PC would take the Fatigue condition equal to the overage until they get an overnight rest. If an element of luck is preferred, the overage mechanic from Resonance could be applied to healing overage to determine if you get fatigued (flat DC10 roll, with the DC modified by the overage.). In any case, healing would still work regardless of the roll. Resonance mechanic would still be used for permanent item limits and activate item powers, replacing the item slot mechanism and daily uses for individual item powers. Consumables would work without Resonance. ![]()
![]() The search in thread function dosn’t seem to return all matching post results from within the thread being searched. While the results it does return seem to be repeatable. It fails to find all matching results. This has happened several times over different days. I don’t believe it has been working correctly since the site update. If you need further details feel free to PM me. ![]()
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![]() #6-19 Test of Tar Kuata A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7 Players, Please make a post I and include the following information! Player’s Forum handle:
(Optional information to share with GM and other players) 1) What special / unusual rules, boons, or corner cases should I know about regarding your character?
(Please also include a Bot Me! Spoiler on your character sheet page.) ![]()
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![]() #6–05: Slave Ships of Absalom A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5. The metropolis of Absalom promotes commerce in its many forms, and although slavery is legal, it is increasingly common for citizens to frown on the institution. The practice becomes more questionable when an ally of the Pathfinder Society traces an attempt at supernatural surveillance through a slave. Sent as independent sleuths, the PCs must track down the source of this espionage, which takes them deep into underbelly of one of Absalom’s darkest industries. Content in “Slave Ships of Absalom” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Liberty’s Edge and Sovereign Court factions. Written by Mark Garringer. Players, Please make a post and include the following information!
![]() Question about the area affected by wall of fire and Loathsome Veil spells.
Case 1: Does the spell only affect the rectangle area perpendicular to the wall segment. or Case 2: The spell affects the rectangle area perpendicular to the wall segment and extends beyond both the wall's end points to the range of the effect. Effectively adding a quarter pie shaped area to both side of the center rectangle.