Marguerite Ruysch |

Marguerite has been working at the Sitting Duck. Occasionally, when the patrons have gotten a little too 'handsy', Ergin has had to intervene. But, mostly, Marguerite has been able to 'keep the wolves at bay.'

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Falcon’s Hollow is a rough place. Most people who grow up there can’t wait to leave. The town is a logging town, most of the buildings have log walls are are finished with wooden siding, and their roofs are covered in wooden shingles. Some homes have lovingly wrought ornamentation that shows their owners’ pride. Sawmills and lumberyards are the main evidence of industry. Sawdust invades nearly every home, bed, and meal in the community, like sand in a beach town -- but locals claim one gets used to it.
Today, Thuldrin Kreed and his son Jurin are the only surviving descendants of the original founding families, and the sole owners of the whole region’s Lumber Consortium chopping rights. Those who dwell here do so under the oppressive auspices of the Lumber Consortium and Thuldrin Kreed’s harsh vigilance.
Nevertheless, the resilient folk of Falcon’s Hollow find a grim pride in their work. The cutyards are a pumping, bleeding heart of the town, with shifts around the clock cutting and shipping darkwood and other lumber down the River Foam.
The Sitting Duck background:
Marguerite works serving drinks at the Sitting Duck the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions looking for excitement. The tavern serves a potent brew of fermented darkwood leaf that’s said to be able to “floor an ogre” in a few tankards. Raucous games of “knivesies” and “lefty-loosey” (two quite dangerous recreational activities with a high rate of maiming) rage late into the night among adventurers sharing tales of the dangers of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar’s Crag, and other nearby landmarks.
Originally built by a retired adventurer the Duck was taken over by the brawny mercenary Ergin formerly hired muscle for Thuldrin Kreed, after the owner's abrupt disapearance. Ergin along with the bartender Jalene Artem keep a close watch on the clientele. When adventurers or mercenaries pass through the two ladies often question Marguerite about anything she may have overheard undoubtedly the information is being passed on to Thuldrin.
Many loggers tell tales of seeing the Darkmoon beast an unusually large and intelligent wolf while working in the Vale but it could be just a story. One of the regulars at the Sitting Duck is a local hunter named Barlus Chortun talks about hutting the Darkmoon beast.

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The group knows each other, after all, Falcon’s Hollow is not that large.
Djalamora is sitting at the Woodwil chatting with the half-orc Deveera who is making a wood carving when one of the local artists in the group Grail storms into the shop complaining that their shop was broken into again betting that it was Ayda Vorshin's dirty work. Despite your insistence that they report the break-in to the Sheriff, Grail doesn’t think it would do any good and just draw more trouble. You take it upon yourself to see the Sheriff about doing something about stopping Vorshin's predatory business tactics.
Sheriff’s office:
Djalamora arrives at the Shefiff’s office just after Stormrider in time to catch their exchange.
It’s a slow day in Flacon’s Hollow, so Drake Stormrider checks in with the Sheriff to see if there are any cases he needs your help on. You find Sheriff Deldrin going through old town records.
Deldrin nods to Drake ” Looking for more mysteries? Well here’s one. Did you know the old dwarven adventure Druingar Glintaxe was born in Falcon’s Hollow?”
Sitting Duck:
Squall and Munrisk are sitting at a table in the Sitting Duck having a drink.
R!Kktik has just finished a shift at the courtyard and dropped in the Sitting Duck to have a drink.
Marguerite is serving tables at the Sitting Duck when Lady Cirhana from the Iomedae temple stops in looking worried as she looks around at the customers before asking ” Has anyone seen Barlus recently?”. Barlus is a regular customer always talking about his hunts or planning hunts.
Good time to make a post describing your character.
At Sheriff’s:
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
At Sitting Duck:
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)

"Squall" Blacktail |

Despite being barely five feet tall, Squall is a physically imposing tengu, with powerful muscles under his black feathers, and a long, sharp beak. He wears thick leathers and furs as armor, and a variety of weapons carried about his person. He’s known to work as a bounty hunter, tracking down people or animals who cause trouble, and when he can’t find that kind of work, makes ends meet as a more traditional hunter. He’s fond of trading stories about exciting hunts, and appreciates good jokes enough that his raucous, crow-like laughter is well-known among the bar’s patrons.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Lore (untrained): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19 (Or add +3 if Scouting Lore is close enough.)
Tonight the tengu been comparing notes on the local wilderness with the kobold Munrisk. ”...past th' lightnin'-blasted oak, look for a boulder shaped like a cracked egg..."
He breaks off when Lady Cirhana asks about Barlus. "I haven't seen him in several days, m'lady. Last I knew, he was makin' plans to hunt th' Darkmoon Beast."

R!Kktik |

A ratfolk wearing a grease-stained leather jerkin strides into the Sitting Duck. As usual, even though the clothing he wears bears the marks of his job, he's taken some time once off the line to clean and comb out his fur. "Marguerite, the usual! It's been a <insert a long clicking squeak> of a day...had to take one of the saws off line after the night shift forgot to grease the bearings, and foreman's screaming at me to get it back together. Better make it a double."
Guild Lore check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Perception check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
"That's what I heard, too."

Marguerite Ruysch |

Alcohol Lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Marguerite is a pretty girl with amber eyes. She's wearing a clean blouse and skirt, and her blond hair is unbound and goes past her shoulders. "Yes, he hasn't gotten a drink in days. That seems unusual." She gives a slight shrug to her shoulders.
"One Chestnut Double for you, R!K." She goes up to the bar go get the drink for R!Kktik."

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A tall elven woman, Djalamora's bearing is almost regal in character, though somewhat mitigated by the multicolored feather tattoos crawling up her neck and down her arms. She has a half-finished intricate braid made of leather tied around her wrist as she steps in the door, ducking reflexively. Dark, almost blue-black hair, swirls around her knees.
Her largely utilitarian clothing has neatly embroidered trim, and you've never seen her without her glaive, nor do you now. In fact, she's dressed for a battlefield even in this small town.
Society: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
"Afternoon, Sherrif. I wanted to report another breaking at Grail's shop. When are you going to do something about Vorshin? She's a disruptive influence here," Djala frowns at the sheriff for a moment, before turning to the wizard. "And Drake, right? I don't think we've met formally yet. I remember hearing about Druingar from...one of the barmaids, I think. Disappeared years ago. Why are you asking about him?"

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Sheriff’s office: (Djalamora and Drake Stormrider)
Reporting Grail’s trouble with Vorshin Djalamora correctly recalls the side matter about Druingar's story.
The Sheriff shrugs, ” Can’t do much about Vorshin unless Grail’s willing to press a claim with proof.”
Leaning back in his chair Deldrin nods at the tall elf woman ” Falcon’s Hollow needs stories to inspire its people with civic pride. Part of Druingar’s story is well-known a dwarf explora headed north to explore Droskar’s Crucible nine years ago and never returns. His story is without an ending what was his fate? Few people visit the ruined monastery these days. A remote location that tends to attack dangerous predators. A mystery waiting to be solved! ”
Sitting Duck:(Marguerite, R!Kktit, Squall, and Munrisk)
Squall looks up from his conversation with Munrisk about hunting when Lady Cirhana asks about Barlus relaying that he hasn’t seen the hunter for several days.
R!Kktit ording a drink from Marguerite joins in the discussion about Barlus indicating that he heard the same.
Marguerite shrugs recalling that he hasn’t been in the Sitting Duck in days.
The priestess Cirthana looks concerned, ” A few days ago, Barlus came to the Temple of Iomedae seeking blessing for the hunt. He told me he planned to use one of the lumber camps as a staging ground for his hunt. I’ve asked the lumber Consortium agents about looking for Barlus, but they don’t see it as their problem. I would go ask around camp myself, but the workers would recognize me as one of their employer’s more vocal critics and not tell me anything. I feel he needs help. I’ll offer a silver weapon as a reward for bringing him back.”
At Sheriff’s:
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
At Sitting Duck:
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)

"Squall" Blacktail |

"I'll take you up on that, m'lady," Squall replies, standing up from his chair. He looks around at some of the other regulars. "I'm better at trackin' than speakin', so I wouldn't mind some help talkin' to the workers to see if they know anythin' useful."
Trained in Diplomacy, but no Cha bonus, so only middling good at it.

Munrisk the Unknowable |

A kobold with blood-red scales that darken towards their claws and tip of their tail sits at a table with the tengu, their silver eyes occasionally skimming the room. Munrisk has become a more common sight in town over the years, spending most of their time hunting for those willing to pay for their services or for themselves. They seem strangely independent for a kobold, but still willing to help others if they get something out of it.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Hunting Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
They patiently nod along to the tengu's ramblings as they fiddle with a snare in their claws, their line of sight flicking towards the Lady.
"I have not seen him myself in a few days... I would be willing to provide assistance in this search, though I'm unsure how trusting they would be of someone such as myself..." They gesture to themselves with a knowing look on their face.
Also trained in Diplomacy, but a +5 might not be good enough for the little kobold

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Djala's frown deepens, but she sighs in understanding. "I tried to convince her, but she doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. Maybe I can help keep an eye out on the place."
As Deldrin explains about the dwarf further, the elf raises an eyebrow. "So, how much of that is story, as opposed to reality? Did he actually go there or just leave? I don't think anyone should go up there on their own, whether or not it's true."

Drake Stormrider |

A tall human with dark hair and green colored eyes nods to the sheriff. He is dressed in typical travelers clothes, though he has a dark blue, almost black, robe trimmed in rune covered grey. He has been around town for a little while, trying to help the towns people with little mysteries.
Drake nods to Djalamora as she enters and reaches out a hand in greeting, "Good morning Djalamora. We haven't officially met, but I have seen you around town. Sheriff, I'll look into tracking down any rumors I can about Druingar Glintaxe." He puts a small notebook and pencil into a pocket inside his cloak as he continues speaking, "I think I'll go check down at the Sitting Duck and ask around while I get some coffee. You hungry Djala? It's on me. We can compare notes, and if you give me some details about the break-ins maybe I can help you with that." Drake regrips his dark black staff and begins to leave the office and head to get some breakfast.

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"Of course. The more eyes the better." She nods farewell to the Sheriff and follows Drake down the road.
Keeping her eyes peeled for any wandering monsters (you can never be too careful), Djala tells Drake about the problem. "I can't tell you too much about the break-ins, to be honest. Grail is positive it's Ayda Vorshin, but doesn't have any proof. I'd just like the Sheriff to look into it. It's the third time her shop's been attacked and Vorshin doesn't have the *best* reputation. Even if it isn't her, it's still a problem."
When they reach the Duck, Djala asks for some coffee and toast, nodding to the others in the room.

Drake Stormrider |

As Djala and Drake walk toward the Duck, Drake pulls his notebook back out and flips through it, trying to recall if he has any information on Ayda Vorshin, as the name is ringing a bell.
Society (Streetwise): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

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Sheriff’s office: (Djalamora and Drake Stormrider)
Djala wonders how much of the dwarf’s story is real.
Drake agrees to look into tracking down any rumors about Druingar Glintaxe. He and Djala head to the Sitting Duck for a refreshment and gather information.
Sitting Duck:(Every one)
Drake and Djala walk in on the tail end of a conversion with the Iomedae priestess Cirthana asking for a group to search for a missing hunter Barlus.
Squall offers his tracking skill in finding Barlus, but notes he may need help getting information out of the lumber camp workers.
Munrisk the Kobold offers to go with Squall, hoping not to frighten the workers with his Kobold self.
Marguerite offers to go talk with the lumber jacks known they would be more than happy to talke to her.
R!Kktik offers to help with the search.
Djala is ording coffee and toast as the group is orginizing a search party for the hunter Barlus who is probably lost in the Darkmoon Vale the same placed that Druingar Glintaxe vanished in nearly a decade ago.
Drake is flipping through his notebook for information on Ayda Vorshin. He knows quite a lot about the ex-mercenary Ayda Vorshin operates an import business in the High Market running a weekly caravane to Olfden, she sees the growing popularity the local arts crafters as cutting into her profits; there are roomers that Ayda has used similar intimidation tactics on other local artisans, attempting to frighten them into restricting their business to Low Market.
At Sitting Duck:
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)

"Squall" Blacktail |

Squall cocks his head at the bartender, and nods. "That would be most helpful, Marguerite. From what I've seen, ye've got a knack for puttin' people at ease."

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Djala's ears perk up at the mention of a missing hunter. "Missing person? Drake and I were just talking about Druingar Glintaxe. It seems he vanished a while ago in the same area. Just went up there and never came back. I'd be interested in coming with you to investigate, if you want more help."
She glances at her companion, before continuing. "I think that's probably more important than Grail's mystery thief. Though I definitely want to come back to that."

Drake Stormrider |

"I agree Djala. We will put a pin in the robbery for the moment. Things can always be replaced, people not so much."
Drake nods to Squall as he blows on his coffee and makes his way to their table.

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Squall agrees that Marguerite would be most helpful.
Djalamora pointed ears perk up offering to help find the missing hunter and maybe learn more about the fate of the dwarf explore.
Drake agrees putting the robbery investigation aside for now in favor of finding the hunter Barlus.
Lady Cirthana looks relieved as she appraises the impromptu rescue party ” May Iomedae keep you safe. I suggest you get what supplies you need for the search and start at the Lumber Consortium main camp to the northeast.”
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)

Drake Stormrider |

As the group begins gathering supplies, Drake goes over what he knows about the Lumber Consortium in his head, trying to figure out who would be the best to talk to when they reach the camp.
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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"And may The Eternal Rose bring love to you and the people of Falcon Hallow," Djalamora replies with a slight bow. "I need to get some healing implements, but otherwise, I'm ready to go."
Purchasing healer's tools because I forgot to get them originally. Leaves me with 0 gp. :)
Djala is very impressed with Drake's knowledge of the town and the people here. Being new, she mostly knows the crafting commune.

"Squall" Blacktail |

Squall remains quiet during the invocations of the two goddesses. He has yet to attend any worship services, or join in any discussion of spiritual matters, since he arrived in Falcon's Hollow. However, he has always been carefully polite to those he knows serve the gods.
The tengu returns to his room long enough to collect his pack (which already holds a supply of rations and camping gear), climbing kit, and shortbow.

Munrisk the Unknowable |

Munrisk gathers their mess of supplies from the table and shove it into their pack.
"I'll meet you all in the town square, I hope you don't mind." They then head off to their home to gather their weapons before heading to the square to wait for the others.
Munrisk uses they/them pronouns, by the way, in case anyone was curious!

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Drake knows that the Lumber Consortium founded Falcon’s Hollow about 135 years ago. Originally, it consisted of three families, but today, only Thuldrin Kreed and his son are the sole surviving descendants and owners of the area’s chopping rights.
The main lumber camp is overseen by Jarkben Trookshavits a human slab of a man with an unruly red beard and little patience for distractions.
In town, the lumberjacks keep telling stories about encounters with a large wolf attributing it as the cause of missing lumberjacks.
Djalamora gathers what she will need including purchasing a Healer’s tool kit.
Squall collects his pack, climbing kit, and short bow from his room.
Munrisk dumps a mess of supplies into their pack, before heading to the town square to wait for the others.
Within the hour everyone gathered their packs and arrived at the town square ready to set off in search of the missing hunter. The trip to the main logging camp leads the group into the Darkmoon Vale. For the first few miles, the land outside town has been long cleared and converted to farmland. As you continue you see signs of old cut fields and wild tangle growth among rotting tree stumps.
After an hour and a half, you come across a swath of muddy ground through which a strange set of tracks have passed. The tracks appear to be a slithering trail of an immense serpent but also feature deep claw prints as if made by taloned feet, at odd intervals.
(Can make nature or Arcane checks)
Ahead you can see the edge of a region dominated by a sprawling, trackless forest ahead. The fields of cut tree stumps around you appear newer only a few years old. The lumber camp is only a half hour further.
(map on first slide)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)

"Squall" Blacktail |

Squall takes point so that he can watch for trouble and be ready to protect the others if needed. Despite his vigilance, he seems far more at home in the woods than he does in town.
When the party comes across the disturbed swath of muddy ground, he gestures for the others to stop so that he can study the tracks before the trail gets confused by their passage.
Nature (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Marguerite Ruysch |

Marguerite seems a bit timid. Every time we stop, she spend time cleaning the hem of her long skirt. She's a bit skittish, and keeps a lookout for anything wrong. "I much prefer the civilization," she says.
Exploration Activity: Detect Magic

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Squall studies the tracks, but is unable to determine if it was one or two creatures making the odd tracks.
R!Kktik immediately recognizes the tracks as belonging to a Tatzlwyrms. A creature human-sized snake with two arms and a dragon's head very dangerous.
Keeping a lookout, Marguerite is already missing civilization if you can call Falcon’s hollow civilized.
Your group could try and track the Tatzlwyrm, but it’s heading away from the lumber camp and you are on a rescue mission.
Continuing on the group reaches the main Lumber camp near the edge of the Darkmoon Woods. A field of tree stumps and broken ground surround the camp leading up to the edge of the forest. A group of lumber jacks busy shaping tree trunks and preparing them to be hauled back to falcon’s hollow spot your group.
One lumberjack spits ” What do we have here? Looks like City folk got lost taking their pet bird and dragon for a walk.”
His buddy chuckles, ” Go back to town, this is where real men do real work!”
A short man with no-neck lends on his Axe ” This isn’t the place for townies looking for a field trip. You could get hurt or killed just by standing in the wrong place. Best you turn around.”
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)

Drake Stormrider |

"Fella's, we are out here looking for one of your missing acquaintances, a hunter by the name of Barlus. Know anything about that?, Drake says.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Munrisk the Unknowable |

Arcana, T: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 (Just to see if Munrisk would also recognize the tracks)
Munrisk will place a marker by the tracks to look into later before catching up with the rest of the group.
They seem amused by the lumberjack's taunting, a smile creeping on their face.
"How kind of you to think of me as a dragon, gentlemen. Now, as Mr. Stormrider said, we're just looking for someone who disappeared around here and would like to make sure they are safe. Any information you have would be most helpful."
Diplomacy, T: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Djala looks down her long, aristocratic nose at the lumberjacks, as she flicks an imaginary piece of fluff off her sleeve. "I'm sure you don't want us to interrupt your work too much, so if you tell us what we need, we'll be on our way." She smiles politely, but with all the arrogance an ancient elf can summon.
Diplomacy T: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Marguerite Ruysch |

"Look, we were asked politely to investigate someone who went missing. Surely you can be polite to us also?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

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The tall dark haired human wizard steps forward from the group asking the lumberjacks politely about their missing acquaintance Barlus. Drake’s inquiry leaves the men in confusion. The short man speaks up ” Who is the heck is Barlus? No lumberjacks here by that name.”
Munrisk thinks the tracks could be a Tatzlwyrm or could be made by a forest drake. Amused by being called a dragon, the Kobold rogue informs lumberjacks they are looking for a disappeared person. The man who called him a dragon steps back in surprise, as he spits to the side ” Whoo, it speaks I thought it was some reptile pet! Can it do other tricks?” He looks around trying to determine who would be its owner.
The tall regale elf woman with multicolored feather tattoos crawling up her neck and down her arms brushes fluff off her sleeve asking with an inspiring smile if the men could tell them what they need to know. The three lumberjacks' eyes seem to glaze over as they try to be more than helpful, ” Uh, yes Uh elf lady, Like No-neck said they ain't no lumberjack called Barlus missing or not. But you called him a hunter? There was a man who came by here a few days ago. He talked to Jarkben our camp overseer, but Jarkben sent him packing.” no-neck speaks up ” Yea, Miss Uh, I saw him head off into the forest. Lone hunter, probably taken by the Darkmoon beast by now.”
Marguerite asks the Lumberjacks if they can be polite too. The first lumberjack looks at his feet as he spits to the side ” Yeah, out here you’ve got to be tough to survive this work. It’s just the nature of the job.” His buddy rolled his eyes replying to his friend ” I keep telling you It’s a product of an uncaring high archy work ethic forced on us from the top down. You’ve got to kick back when they kick down or you’ll be kicked more! No if'en there was more competition for lumberjacks you could choose a hostile free work environment!”
” WHAT’S GOING ON HERE! GET BACK TO WORK!” yells a grizzled slab of a man with an unruly, red beard as he stomps up to the group demanding ” What’s your business here? The three lumberjacks quickly return to their work chopping and trimming fallen trees.
The overseer looks at your group ” WELL?”
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)

Marguerite Ruysch |

Marguerite steps up. "Kind sir. We were looking for a particular hunter, Barlus, who has gone missing. We understand that he was rebuffed from your lumber site by Jarkben. If we could speak to Jarkben for just a few minutes, we would be ever so grateful."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

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Djala follows behind Marguerite. "My name is Djalamora Vestrilava, a visitor to these parts. And your name, sir? We certainly don't want to interrupt your workers. It's very important that we find Barlus."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Apparently, Djala is going to use all her luck smoothing things over here. :)

Munrisk the Unknowable |

Munrisk rolls their eyes before looking over at Squall.
"It's like they've never seen a kobold before." They comment, chuckling a bit to themselves before looking towards the overseer.
"Perhaps you can be of more use to us. We're looking for Barlus, we heard he was turned away from here. Would you know which direction he's went?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

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Marguerite asks to speak with Jarkben for a few minutes about the hunter Barlus.
Djala joins Marguerite in asking about Barlus.
The overseer becomes less gruff as Marguerite and Djala speaks with him, ” Well you're speaking with him now. I’m Jarkben Trookshavits. What about Barlus?”
Rolling his eyes, Munrisk asked the overseer where Barlus was heading after being turned away.
Jarkben looks at your group, ” Yeah, a few days ago the man stopped here requesting to use the camp as a flophouse. I let him know the only people allowed to spend the night in camp had to earn their stay with a dawn-to-dusk session of - bracing outdoor exercise - in other words, the camp is for employees only. I suggested he camp at ‘Old Ulizmila’s place’. I don’t know if he took my advice but he did head into the woods in that direction.”
Everyone in Falcon’s Hollow has heard more than one story about Old Ulizmila, a witch or hag who haunts the hollow. The ruins of her home are in the Darkmoon forest.
R!Kkik, Djala, Drake, and Munrisk are sure they know the approximate location of the “hag-Haunted Hollow” in the woods. With luck and some good survival skills, It would take the rest of the day to reach the spot.
Marguerite Ruysch, Society:(int): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
R!Kktik, Society:(int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Djalamora Vestrilavia, Society:(int): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Squall Blacktail, Society:(int): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Drake Stormrider, Society:(int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Munrisk the Unknowable, Society:(int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)

"Squall" Blacktail |

Once the party finishes talking with Jarkben, Squall says to Marguerite and Djala, "Thank you for your help with that. They listened to you much more than they would some 'pet bird.'" His feathers ruffle as he repeats the phrase, but at least he had the good sense not to share his opinions of the woodcutters in their hearing.
"I've often hunted at night. As long as there's a little light, I can see fine," Squall answers R!K. "And I don't see any good reason to delay. We'll have to spend a night in the woods regardless."

Munrisk the Unknowable |

Munrisk gives Jarkben a polite bow before turning to the rest of the group, pulling out some rope to toy with.
"My preference is the night anyway, and my bed of choice is in the woods. We don't know the man's condition yet, we would be better off pressing forward. Don't worry, I can keep most of you fed while out here." The kobold gives a toothy grin in amusement, especially towards the people that seem more happy in town.
"What do you all think, hmm?"

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The group goes to talk among themselves about plans. Squall and Munrisk seem ready to push on searching for Barlus in the Darkmoon forest.
Jarkben shugs and starts overseeing the work crew, ” Put some back into it! We don’t have all day to get those logs moved!” He keeps an eye on your group as long as you hang around.
(If you decide to head to Old Ulizmila’s place I will need one primary Survival skill check, others can try an aid check. Unless the group chooses otherwise I’ll assume Squall the Ranger will be primary.)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)

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"Since Barlus wasn't back when he was expected, something must have happened to him. My vote is to go look now." Djala glances over her shoulder at the logging camp. "I don't think much of people who are so...territorial. Staying at the camp could have made all the difference."
Survival, aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Well, at least it's not a crit fail...

"Squall" Blacktail |

From a quick peek at the posted character profiles, it does indeed look like Squall's Survival is highest at +5.
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Squall appears highly capable and confident as he leads the way through the forest, based on the others' recollections about the site they seek.
Sweet, a crit! But y'all are going to be so disappointed later, when he can't keep those numbers up all the time. :D

Munrisk the Unknowable |

Survival, aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Not quite good enough to aid, unfortunately-

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Djala votes to go looking for Barlus reasoning that something must have happened to him.
The group heads north quickly crossing over from the clear-cut field of tree stumps into the thick sprawling, trackless forest. The forest has long been the source of rumors, tall tales, and whispers--stories the woods have had no problem justifying with monsters, cults, and things that go bump in the night. The forest is also an astounding natural resource -- particularly for darkwood trees -- to the extent that living and working along the vale’s woodland fringes has long been worth the risk.
The five-foot black feathered muscular tengu Squall moves in front of the group effortlessly leading them through the dense woodland moving quickly despite the lack of maintained trails within. Djala and Munrisk try to help navigate through the forest, but Squall is in his element and on a roll.
After about four hours the group stops in a small forest clearing taking a break and getting their bearings. The forest canopy still covers most of the clearing only allowing little sunlight to enter the glade.
Suddenly Squall and Munrisk feel something is off as the feathers and scales on the back of their necks tingle with a sense of danger.
Marguerite Ruysch, Initiative : 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
R!Kktik, Initiative : 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 1 = 20
Djalamora Vestrilavia, Initiative : 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 1 = 22
Squall Blacktail, Initiative : 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 1 = 28
Drake Stormrider, Initiative : 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 = 17
Munrisk the Unknowable, Initiative : 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23
? stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Squall, Munrisk can take actions.
Round 1 A
Squall AC18 (17hp)
Munrisk AC17 (17hp)
undetected (0= 0hp)
Round 1 B
Djalamora AC17 (18hp)
R!Kktik AC17 (14hp)
Stormrider AC15 (15hp)
Marguerite AC16 (15hp)