Game Master S |

Welcome to my Play-by-Post!
Here's the ctrl+P for all my games:
1. I've been running games since the late 1980s, I've seen a lot of editions. I started playing PFS with Slot 1 Season 0 at Gen Con. I'm solid with the Starfinder rules, but everyone makes mistakes. I'll try to be as fair as possible.
2. I'm a Venture-Lieutenant in Southern NH. If you're ever in the area, or you need help finding games/conventions there. PM me.
3. I post with a high rate of frequency. That being said, if you guys can post 2-3 times per day, awesome. If it's only 1/day I understand. No worries. Real Life Comes First (tm). I'm much more lenient on weekends.
4. Feel free to preemptively roll Perception, Disable Device, etc. It makes the game run more efficiently. I ask only that you make sure minis are placed in their actual position in case your choices have consequences (good or bad.)
5. Let's get started:Player Name:
PC Name:
Day Job: Feel free to roll now.
Perception and vision/senses: Initiative:
Notes: Anything I should know; passive abilities, boons that are way out there, etc. If you have abilities that are immediate actions that interrupt an enemy, I'll be as fair as possible, but you can help me out by telling me under what conditions you typically use it.
Slotted Boons: You may want to wait and do this in a separate post, as you can slot boons after getting the mission briefing.
Some expectations in my games:
That's about it! Looking forward to the game!

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Player Name: DoubleGold
PC Name: Z Data Z
PFS#: 135676-701
Faction: SS-JA
Day Job: Feel free to roll now. day job architect: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
5 perception exceptional vision, and +2 init.
Notes: Played this before, but lost the starship combat, so using the Seeker of knowledge boon to take a second chance at it.
Slotted Boons: You may want to wait and do this in a separate post, as you can slot boons after getting the mission briefing.

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Player Name: Jones228
PC Name: Kat5e
PFS#: 2362267-701
Faction: Aquisitives
Day Job: Profession, Mercenary: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 pppft, not worth getting out of bed for 16 credits.
Perception and vision/senses: Android Darkvision, +9 Perception.
Initiative: +5
Starship roles; Kat has +10 Computers, +9 Engineering, and +7 in Gunnery (+4 ranks in Piloting, +3 Dex mod) and Piloting +10. I've never piloted before, hopefully someone else is up to it!
I work a 24 hour shift, but I will still try to get at least one post in on those days. I have hidden them in the tags below, so if you're waiting on a post from me on one of these days, expect it later in the afternoon.

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Player Name: Tealk
PC Name: Rahdokama
PFS#: 159547-702
Faction: ExoGuardians
Day Job: Take 10 for 19.
5 perception, and +2 Init.
Look forward to the game!

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Player Name: Mustache
PC Name: Mustachio Marino
PFS#: 258259-702
Faction: wayfinders
Day Job: acting!using a budding media celebrity boon for +5 : 1d20 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 5 = 25
5 perception, and +2 Init.

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Question about the Basic Purchasing Plan for anyone that knows. Can I purchase it again and again for a scenario until I run out of fame?
Example: Chief mate I miss the Athletics by 4. So I buy The basic purchasing plan to increase my athletics skill check by 4.
Round 2, same thing happens, so I purchase it again for another 1 fame.
Round 3 of starship combat, I miss it by 4 or less again, so I purchase again for another 1 fame.
Also, I'm thinking this has to be done before I see the result, not after.

Game Master S |

Player characters can’t spend Fame during combat though, so while you can buy the Basic Purchasing Plan repeatedly, you can't use it then.

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You know to make appropriate preparations for snowy weather, allowing them to ignore any concealment provided by the snow.
Does anyone have a better idea what this is referring too?

Game Master S |

I think siply fluff. I apologize for not formatting it better.

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No worries, I just wasn't sure if there was some equipment it was hinting too that might be beneficial, like dust goggles or something similar.

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my active boons are listed on mustachio's profile. the only relevant one is probably solar powered weapon which affects "laser" guns.
i vote for the drake because of the harder hitting weapons

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Z Data Z votes for the Pegasus, cause we need to get behind them at all costs.
Z Data Z has three possible Starship boons he can slot. Into the Unknown Starship boon which recharges our ship when we hit zero hit points.
The Aquisitives one which gives our Starship extra ammo.
The SS-JA Analytical Tracking one.
I'll see what other Starship boons people have, we need to use as many as possible. If nobody else has the Into the Unknown boon, I definitely have to use that, cause that is the best one.
Z Data Z is :
+6 as a gunner (probably not the best gunner, edit okay I'm tied with +6). The min-maxers can reach +9 in the low tier +4bab and +5Dex with buying that upgrade. Or someone was a level 6 soldier and we were still lower tier, they could have +6bab and +5 Dex. So best Gunner is 6 out of max 9, or 6 out of max 11, we screwed. No, I don't know exactly how hard it is, I just remember getting our butt kicked cause we had to roll really high just to hit the thing, but that was high tier.
+13 as a chief mate (and hopefully we don't have to make an emergency landing cause he will have his armor unequipped to get the +13),
+11 as a magic officer, and
+15 computers as a science officer.

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I would vote for the Drake. I also have the Automated Defenses boon... I have to look the details up when I get home.
Other than that Kat would only be using the Aqu Champ boon. I never use my boons.

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Player Name:Bill Tobin
PC Name:Ohmarc Lightwalker
Faction: Wayfinders
Day Job(Self Help Coach): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Perception and vision/senses: +12
Initiative: 0
I have no preferences to Pegasus or Drake. I trust you guys.

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I have had better luck on the Drake, so i vote Drake!
Ally: Saviour of the Scoured Stars [#2-00]
Faction: -None-
Personal: Scoured Stars Survivor [#1-00]
Promotional: -None-
Social: Distinguished Ambassador [#1-32]
Starship: Solar Powered Weapons [#1-07]
Slotless: Marked Field Agen [#1-01]
I will go gunner, seeing as we most likely have a better choice for captain!

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Kat will take pilot then. +10. If Z doesn't roll the computers checks I can but he has a much better bonus.

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Data will be science officer then and slot this boon
Hero of the Stars (Starship Boon; Limited Use): You defeated the dreaded Besmaran pirate ship, Lawblight, showcasing
your determination during an intense starship combat. This boon activates anytime your starship is reduced to 0 or fewer
Hull Points. Your starship immediately regains a number of Hull Points equal to its tier × 5. A starship can never regain
more than 30 Hull Points in this manner. A starship can never have more than one of these boons attached to it. When this
boon activates, cross it of your Chronicle sheet.

Game Master S |

Kat5e = Level 6
Mustachio = Level 4
Ohmarc = Level 3
Rahdokama = Level 4
Z Data Z = Level 6
Total levels 23 / 5 PCs = 4.6.
4.6 rounds to 5
Subtier 5-6 with 5 player adjustments

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Kat is level 4, should put us at 4.2
Edit to add: Mustachio, I missed your blue text yesterday, just wanted to make sure you were ok if I took pilot or if you wanted it.

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Yeah, good call Kat5e, in high tier we'd definitely get our butts kicked in starship combat and there goes another character with the JA faction. Low tier good thing.

Game Master S |

Good catch! That's why I like posting the math.
Kat5e = Level 4
Mustachio = Level 4
Ohmarc = Level 3
Rahdokama = Level 4
Z Data Z = Level 6
Total levels 21 / 5 PCs = 4.2.
4.2 rounds to 4
Subtier 3-4 with 5 player adjustments

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I'll be a secondary gunner. I'll wait for Rahdokama to decide what weapon he wants to fire with and I'll use something else.

Game Master S |

Sorry for the slow down. Work stuff. Will be back in force tomorrow.

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My sincerest apologies, GM, but i have realised i have made a grave mistake when i did calculations for my character's XP. Turns out i am level 5 for this adventure, and have not leveled up my character properly yet. This year has gone ahead of me it seems.
That would mean we are level (22 / 5 = 4,4) which still rounds down to 4. If you are okay with this, i will level up my character after starship combat is over, keeping all of my current rolls as they are. I will make no additional purchases or anything else. Or, i am totally happy to keep playing as the level 4 stats and update the character after the game is finished. Entirely up to you, i really apologise for this mistake. But i hope this is no harm done.

Game Master S |

Thank you for that, and I agree, let's do that. Level after this combat.

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Something about our crew makeup is turning this battle into a loss. I think we had too many people specc'ed as captain, the most worthless role. This is crazy, I have done about 10 starship combats now and I have never seen one anywhere close to a loss.

Game Master S |

I don't think your wrong Mustachio. I don't want to give anything away though as I don't know how much you know of the Starfinder plot for Season 1. After the fight I'll spoiler some information.

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What a frustrating mess. I haven't been able to log into Paizo for a few days. I finally changed my browser and stopped getting the error, so I apologize for my absence! I will have a post up this evening to try and catch up.

Game Master S |

No apologies. I have never encountered an online presence with as many issues as paizo. Clearing cache/cookies should do it. I'll be posting once I get caught up on work today.

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Me too. I cleared my cookies and then right in! I wish I checked this discussion and not just gameplay. I didn't see the hint.

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I'm glad I wasn't alone!

Game Master S |

Sorry, real life is kicking my butt right now. (Short version is that I'm a school teacher and my grades are due on Tuesday, but I'm also helping out after a teacher cracked under the pressure of COVID teaching. I'll be taking breaks over the next couple of days to post games, but I might be slower.)

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I don't see any reason why androids can't benefit from inspiring boost. The ability doesn't mention race/species at all, you just have to be an ally.

Game Master S |

My thought process is this:
1. Inspiring Boost is Mind-Affecting.
2. Androids
For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both constructs and humanoids (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types).
3. Which I take to mean immunity to Mind-Affecting applies.
I had never thought of it until my own Envoy tried to use it on an android and the android player told me it wouldn't work.

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Another consideration; Under construct type in the android build, androids gain a +2 racial bonus to mind affecting effects. Which to me reads like they are resistant to mind affecting conditions, but not necessarily immune.
Not knowing spells and improvisations that well, does inspiring boost target a specific creature type? I always read the quoted rules above as as more of a negative of the android class, like "If the spell targets either of these types, it hits you, and has the worst result"
It's an interesting topic though, one that I haven't come across yet in ten or so games with this android character. Good to know for me going forward incase it comes up again.

Game Master S |

Excellent point. I started poking around and that seems to be the consensus, the +2 means they're not immune.

Game Master S |

We are entering the denouement. Make sure your information is in there, including any Day Jobs!

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Thank you, Game Master S for a scenario well run! I really had a good time and genuinely felt suspense at every encounter. Thanks for running it!
Thank you players for bringing such fine characters to the table. I had fun!

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It was only a close call 2 or 3 times! I had a great time with this scenario and want to thank our GM again as well as all the players for making it a memorable adventure.