Neolandis Kalepopolis

Jason Lillis's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. * Pathfinder Society GM. 411 posts (4,382 including aliases). 7 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 19 aliases.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Huzzah! Looking forward to all the fun and announcements!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Can we start this yet? I can wait until August 1 at 10 am EDT if not.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you, Freelancers! I’m just diving into reading this season, and looking forward to all of it. Appreciate you!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Awww, yeah, this is gonna be great! Looking forward to trying this out with the buddies.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So great! Thank you all for sharing!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Awwwww, yeah! HYYYYYPE!

Can’t get the Discord link to work just yet but I’m trying. Edit: Works!

So excited for MEEEEEECHS!!!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It surprised me with how quickly this app caught my attention and interest. Definitely a fun daily challenge! Check it out, y’all.

Liberty's Edge

I look forward to going over this today.

So, when might there be a chance for more Starfinder Second Edition playtest demos at conventions?


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hooray for Sarmak!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Nice, looking forward to it!

I'd be happy to see if I can talk to Hex and Co here in NYC about running some demos out on their sidewalk seating for "PaizoCon @" that could be a lot of fun (much warmer than trying it during PaxUnplugged!).

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oh, very cool! Hoping I can make them all, these sound great!


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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ohhhh, Barnaby’s design is so good! As are the SF characters!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Great update! And Bwah ha ha, yes, please include the wild clown stuff, that’s amazing

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for this great preview!

Loving that Aeon Advance idea. Great for flushing out the PCs.

Curious to hear more about Operative and Witchwarper, I wasn’t guessing the latter would be in the Core (and maybe it won’t be) and some folks I’ve been talking with were figuring that the Operative would be too close to a rogue in feel to need to keep operative in the game. I’m still hoping that Mechanic and Technomancer are in, but guess we’ll wait and see.

Also glad that Grenades are just based on Class DC for now! Are you thinking of them as being significantly different from Alchemical Bombs in PF2, or do they have a similar design idea at the moment?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hey, we played again! I GM'd a group of 6 players who weren't in the last group, and each of their soldiers represented themselves very well against some Azlanti Guard troopers that I homebrewed. I'll let them each share their thoughts here before I weigh in more later.

Thanks again for the preview into how you're thinking about the soldier!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This afternoon we played with the field test and had a fun time playing. I'm going to quickly post this so that my players can share their thoughts, and I'll also put my thoughts in soon, too.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was looking at the weapons on page 10 and had a quick question:

The Commercial Laser Pistol has a capacity of 5 Charges.

The Commercial Battery provides 10 Charges.

Can I put a Commercial Battery into the Commercial Laser Pistol, even if it means that I'm losing out on 5 charges from the battery? I'm assuming not, because under "Capacity" on page 8 it reads: "Charges represent battery-powered weapons and the
highest capacity battery it can hold."

It's not a huge deal, I'd just house rule that the Commercial Laser Pistol has a Capacity of 10 Charges and a Useage of 2, but wondered if there's something I'm missing here.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Huzzah! Looking forward to seeing where the continuing conversation lands.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Glad to see so many folks showing up! Glad you’ve got a good crew to work with here.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So awesome to see these great creators get recognized for their excellent contributions to our games! Congratulations, all!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ooooo, nice! A parting gift from Jake!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Huzzah!!! So glad these are now out for all!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So excited! Thank you for putting together such a cool and helpful product!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Very cool! Can't wait to see this AP in action!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi, everyone! I'm Jason from @whatdoyoudopods on Twitter, and I started putting together a list of Pathfinder and Starfinder actual play podcasts in 2019 to share info about these shows with folks online.

Here's what I've found so far, and am happy to add new shows to the list for my daily twitter threads of new episodes.

Starfinder Adventure Path Actual Play Podcasts

Paizo Module Actual Play Podcasts

Homebrewed Actual Play Podcast Adventures featuring Pathfinder and Starfinder

I'm also starting to compile information in a new subreddit r/WhatDoYouDoPods.

If you see a new actual-play podcast out there that I can help share information about, let me know on the Google Docs linked above.

Thanks for all the fun, podcast and stream creators!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi, everyone! I'm Jason from @whatdoyoudopods on Twitter, and I started putting together a list of Pathfinder and Starfinder actual play podcasts in 2019 to share info about these shows with folks online.

Here's what I've found so far, and am happy to add new shows to the list for my daily twitter threads of new episodes.

Pathfinder 1E and 2E Adventure Path Actual Play Podcasts

Paizo Module Actual Play Podcasts

Homebrewed Actual Play Podcast Adventures featuring Pathfinder (and Starfinder)

I'm also starting to compile information in a new subreddit r/WhatDoYouDoPods.

If you see a new actual-play podcast out there that I can help share information about, let me know on the Google Docs linked above.

Thanks for all the fun, podcast and stream creators!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm really looking forward to the second edition! I travel pretty lightly, and am wondering if you're interested in releasing pricing levels for the PDF versions of each of these releases. Thanks!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Can the PCs choose starting gear that includes custom cold iron weapons? Or can they only choose from the listed cold iron weapons? Thank you!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hey Paizo!

I’m thinking of incorporating some morale guesses for enemies in Doomsday Dawn, particularly the Night Heralds in Chapter 2. Would having enemies flee at a reasonable point (I.e., 1/3 total HP) to preserve their lives be all right, or does each combat need to be to the death? I know you want to leave more up to the GM in this edition (which is great!) but I don’t want to skew the playtest for our group.


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello! I would like to cancel my subscription to Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. i'm not playing as much as I had thought, though I'm happy to have sponsored (most) of the first year of scenarios.

I see that I have payment declined on some of the more recent ones, since I used a temporary CC from my bank and it expired. I will not need those issues at this time, and will grab them later if needed.

Thank you!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello! I’m gradually catching up to my subscription and note that I don’t have scenario 1-08 for starfinder role playing guild in my downloads. I can’t remember declining that one from my subscription, and hope you can help me figure out why I’m missing it. Happy to pay for it!, just curious why that order didn’t go through. Thanks!

A previous attempt of mine to run the Kingmaker AP here on the boards had to phase out due to my trying to balance full time work with a brand new baby. Now, I’m full time at home with my child, and I’ve got a bit more free time for thinking about and running a game. However, I’ve learned a couple lessons about running this AP after that false start here, and one go of it live with friends, and I have an idea that I think is a little bit more feasible for me.

Number of Players
I’ve been thinking about just having 2 PCs, each creating characters who will be in an arranged union with both PCs (eventually) taking the “Ruler” role in the new kingdom (with NPCs filling in other kingdom roles). Having just two players makes navigating some of the custom storytelling a little easier for me, and if all three of us stay engaged in the story, things might move a little bit faster, too.

I would have one PC be from Issia (taking the campaign trait “Issian” or “Noble Born”), and one from Rostland (taking the campaign trait “Rostlander” or “Sword Scion”), to represent a potential alliance coming into place for the politically fraught kingdom of Brevoy, even if it is between a non-noble from each land.

I was thinking about starting characters at level 2, instead of level 1, and giving them the ability to purchase Teams (a la Ultimate Campaign) to direct during the exploration phases of the AP, and accompany the PCs into encounters.

Choosing PCs
As far as choosing PCs goes, I think that I would set up a pair of Google Forms (one for Issians/Noble Families, one for Rostlanders/Sword Scions) with a series of questions for interested players to complete before a set “end” date, when the forms would be closed to submissions. Rather than needing to commit to a full crunch build-out for a new PC, the questions would focus on PC backgrounds and relationships.

After that “close” date for the forms, I would then give players the option to select their ideal “partner” for the expedition, then choose those pairings on another Google Form (probably drop down menus for each of the representatives and a comments field). This will represent the petitions to the Dragonscale Throne and the Lord Mayor of Restov on behalf of the people of Issia and the people of Rostland for the (potentially dubious) honor of heading into the wilderness and establish a new nation. This also gives players some choice in balancing their own party makeup. I would then make the final choice on a pairing of players for the game.

Play Format Idea
I’ve been playing a couple games on Discord lately, and I like the speedy response of that format (and notifications!). It’s a little trickier to read back over the major plot points of a campaign that way, but I am curious to try out the benefits. If you’re not familiar with the Discord service, take a look. I also like that it would be easier to post from my phone/tablet. I would be available on the service between 8:30pm and 10:00pm EST on most evenings, but I wouldn’t necessarily expect players to be live/available each evening.

The Feedback I’d Like
- Does this kind of game sound interesting?
- Does playing over Discord sound interesting?
- What questions would come up for you about this kind of game?

Please post below, as it would really help me focus my thoughts on putting together a way to do recruitment. I’ll consider all comments from now through 7 Feb 2018. Thanks for your help!

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"I am Kintargo’s lord-mayor, yet Kintargo is not my city. Nor is it Cheliax’s city. Kintargo belongs to no one person, but to all who live here and make it the greatest city in Cheliax.

"We call it the Silver City not only for the gleaming waters of the Yolubilis, but for its purity. Kintargo is unique in the nation of Cheliax in this way. We are not the nation’s largest city, nor its strongest. We may not have Westcrown’s history, Ostenso’s naval superiority, Corentyn’s trade dominance, or Egorian’s power, but nor do we have Westcrown’s decay, Ostenso’s violence, Corentyn’s slaves, or Egorian’s damnations.

"Kintargo is our own, and as Cayden Cailean is my witness, I intend to do all that I can to ensure our silver shall never tarnish under Thrune’s touch!”

— Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, two days before she vanished


2 Rova, 4715 AR - Morning
Location: Aria Park, Kintargo, Cheliax
Weather: Overcast skies, comfortable temperature

Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning's light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city's new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city's new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor's sudden flight from the city— an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously.

In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo's dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn.

There's been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house's doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can't ignore the scene on the streets below much longer. A stern-looking woman (played by Carrie-Anne Moss) does stand at the door of the opera house, however, clearly keeping her eye out for anyone that gets too out of line. She is flanked by a half-dozen guards on either side, all holding steel shields, heavy maces, and dour expressions - these are the Dottari Guard, Kintargo's guards and wardens, all clad in the black and crimson of House Thrune.

Please describe how you arrive at the protest: Where are you coming from? Who are you with? When was your last meal / beverage? Are you sober (I'm looking at you, Alexite)? What do others see when you arrive?

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Dear GM Community,

Our lovely little group of survivalists requests the assistance of a new Game Master, so that we might continue the tall of the Ironfang Invasion. It has been one month since our GM posted, and we are all prepared to continue our quest, even as we hope for the best for our GM. While I will tell you that our gameplay thread can be found here, I would rather share a couple brief summaries of our adventure so far...

A town under siege:

As all good stories do, this one begins with drinks in a friendly tavern in Phaendar. The community has gathered after a busy day of trading to toast cups of good ale, eat delicious food, and listen to the epic conquests of local hero, Aubrin the Green. In the room with the townsfolk are: Boudra Kellanet, mute oracle of the shadows; Bree Fairchild, archaeologist and explorer; Caladra Swordborn, town guardswoman; Cedric Thistlewyne, cleric of Erastil; Cyrioul Fasar, wizard in training; Lily Moore, wandering troubadour; and Thorek Ironspark, warpriest of Angradd and Torag.

Sadly, the peaceful evening was not meant to last. The town was soon engulfed by the Ironfang Legion, and Hobgoblins began assaulting the tavern. Our heroes resisted the initial onslaught, and immediately set to making their way out of town while scooping up as many harried townsfolk as possible. Fighting their way through goblinoids, wolves, and more, the party scooped up townsfolk from Oreld's Fine Shop, the Phaendar Trading Company, the Taproot Inn, and the Riverwood Shrine, before making their way across (and later destroying) the Phaendar Bridge before escaping into the Chernasado Forest.

Lost in the woods:

Away from town, with only the provisions they could carry, our heroes dove into the woods to stay a step ahead of the Ironfang Legion. Beset by hunger, poor sleeping conditions, hordes of wasps, wolves, a ferocious boar, Legion patrols, our heroes did find some unhappy assistance in the personage of Veld, the reclusive arcane practitioner, before eventually coming to an outpost of the Chernasado Rangers. Finding only more foes to destroy, they also learned of the Rangers being called away to Fort Trevalay and unable to assist them in repelling the Legion.

Under guidance of Aubrin the Green and the other rescued townsfolk, our heroes continued their quest into the woods, seeking the caves claimed by a local group of Troglodytes as a potential base of operations (once thoroughly cleaned out for civilized humanoids to use). On the way, the intrepid survivors have been beset by a stealthy murderer, who is slowly chipping away at our group of townsfolk, and dampening all of our spirits. It is at the entrance to the Troglodyte's cave that our story is currently paused. Our heroes are on the swiftly-cooling trail of the murderer, but also eager to establish a secure base for themselves and their townspeople.

We have a delightfully engaging cast of characters, and would love your support in continuing our story!

As a deal sweetener for you to consider picking up our table: I offer to GM the Hell's Rebels adventure path for you and my fellow players from this Ironfang Invasion table. This way, you are not just taking on the work of the GM, but also getting the enjoyment of being a player. You can find some initial planning details for that campaign by visiting our discussion page.

If you have further questions, please let us know - I'll invite the other players to share as well, and we look forward to your participation at our table. Thank you!

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Hi, everyone,

I look forward to heading into a new adventure with you all. To get our game properly started, I'd like us to have a conversation about what you're looking for in a game. I'm open to thoughts about what you've found helpful / unhelpful in the PBP format. So you know, I am used to rolling Initiative for everyone, plus opposed perception checks (when enemies use Stealth, or if there's a trap), and saving throws against enemy abilities, traps, etc. to keep the game moving. I'll use Google Slides for maps (seems to be working well), and I'll set up a new inventory tracking sheet on Google Docs. I like to know what my players can do and have on hand, so we will each keep shared inventories so that I will have access to, rather than keeping it in the alias. In the same spreadsheet, I'll help you pre-write the dice code for rolls, so that if I have to Bot you for any reason, it's easy for me to just go grab those rolls without having to type them. Don't worry - I'll get this lined up for you initially.

I will try to post once per day, if not twice (depending on my toddler's nap schedule), and will try to be available to keep an eye on things (if not advance them) over the weekend. If you've read an AP volume recently, you know that each one is divided into acts (usually 3, but sometimes 4). My goal is to craft a summary when we reach such a point, and check in with everyone to see how we're doing (and so that you know where we are in the overall story).

If you would like to keep a campaign journal, I encourage it! Re-writing your PCs interpretation of events helps you keep track of what we've done, and can take many forms. Maybe it's a journal, or a report to your church's hierarchy, or a letter to a loved one, etc.

Are there any expectations you want to share with me about your experiences with the PBP format? What can I be thinking ahead about?

Background, Stats, and Crunch
In addition, it looks like we're going to have a large group (potentially 6 or 7 players). I don't mind at all, and think the large numbers can help offset when posting schedules get funny. However, kind of like our Ironfang Invasion game, I'll ask that one character take on the role of a "Captain" of sorts, someone who will take info and say, "The next thing we are doing is _____." That way, everyone gets to vote, but someone actually moves us forward.

When thinking about your character, I'll ask that you first do so in terms of background and concept, rather than crunch. If you're ready to start sharing some info, here's a Google Form that I'd like you to use to start telling me some initial ideas. I'll send you what you send to me, so that you've got the info, too.

Though we aren't going to worry about stats for a while, I tend to lean towards a 15 point buy system for attributes, so that encounters are easier for me to scale up and balance, and so that you don't get bored with cutting your way through enemies. If you've got a good case for another way of generating ability scores, let me know! I'm open to options.

The Downtime mechanic from Ultimate Campaign plays a big role in this AP, so it's worth taking a look at those in the book or on the SRD if you haven't already. In addition to the modified rules in the players guide for the rebellion rules, you can also explore owning a home, business, employees, etc. (I've played with the system a lot, so this is actually a fun part for me).

I do plan to incorporate the Background Skills system from Pathfinder Unchained, and think it's likely that I'll use the Crafting system from that text as well. If there are other subsystems or alternatives that you're interested in, let me know! We can definitely take a look at them together, and see if they'll make sense for this AP.

The Adventure is slated to run to Level 17, through if we want there are additional directions that the story can continue afterwards... though since that's at least four years from now, let's see what we think then. :)

A bit about me
Right now, I'm a mostly-at-home-dad. I have a part time gig for online work that usually doesn't take up more than a dozen hours per week, so I should be fairly available when I'm not chasing the toddler or taking care of things around the house. We do have some travel coming up in November and December, in terms of immediate calendaring, but I'll try to be as clear about that as possible.

I don't have a lot of time to sit face to face with other gamers anymore. I'm playing in a few PBP's, and they are very fun! But I'm also missing actual vocal interaction with others: how they inflect, what words they emphasize, etc.

I'm hoping to think out loud with y'all about how to host an asynchronous game like a PBP but using voice memos.

Would WhatsApp work as a viable solution for this? I could see players either posting voice OR text (if they'd prefer not to / can't use voice messages) and posting screenshots for an online dice roller OR just having the GM handle all rolls.

Maybe Evernote? Could share a workspace/notebook in that service. Still requires GM to handle rolls, or posting screenshots, and it has upload limits for free accounts (not looking to spend much money on this).

Other ideas? I'm bracketing Roll20 for now because it currently wouldn't be much different than PBP.


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1) Can a grenade be thrown at an intersection if that intersection has concealment? (See the Vat Garden in the Starfinder Society Quest "Into the Unknown as an example encoutner). It seems that they do, so long as the character has Line of Effect.

2) If it can (as I assume), is there still a 20% miss chance on the throw if the target intersection has concealment? If so, I assume that it follows the rules for missing with a thrown weapon on page 245 if the % roll is 20 or less.


Hi, everyone: Since the other one won't link, and I haven't heard from customer service yet, I'm just going to create a new thread here for Discussion.

Do any of you not yet own a copy of the Starfinder Rulebook? Not a problem if you don't, just checking. Thanks!

Just to confirm, the 5' step is now gone, and there's only the "Guarded Step" move action, correct? I want to make sure that I'm not shorting my players, but I like that the list of what causes attacks of opportunity has gotten so much shorter, so they shouldn't need to use a 5' step as often.


This is the discussion thread for our table. Please check in here!

Part 1: Station

You've arrived and been ushered into a meeting room with Venture Captain Arvin, and no-nonsense venture-captain quickly gets to the business at hand. The tall and confident lashunta man gestures to several functional chairs, inviting you to sit. “Thank you for arriving so quickly. As I mentioned in my comm message, we have an urgent opportunity to recover some critical information.

“Several months ago, a crew of Starfinders took a ship called the Unbounded Wayfarer into the Vast to explore a series of uncharted planets. They never returned. Earlier today, a vesk pawnbroker in the Downlow neighborhood contacted us, offering to sell us several Starfinder insignias. These insignias belonged to the lost crew of the Unbounded Wayfarer, and that immediately caught the Society’s attention. The pawnbroker—named Julzakama—doesn’t realize the true value of the insignias. We negotiated a purchase price in exchange for the insignias and information about the seller. We hope this seller can lead us to the Unbounded Wayfarer and its crew.

“We’ve remotely transferred the requested credits to Julzakama. Now, we need you to collect the insignias and all the information you can from the vesk regarding whoever sold him the insignias, and then track down that seller. Learn where to find the Unbounded Wayfarer and its crew. I’m worried that the seller might not be on the station for long, so act quickly. If you have any questions, please make them fast.”

In addition to any questions, you may make a Culture check to see if you know more about Julzakama. You can also attempt a Diplomacy check and roll 1d4 to determine the number of hours it takes to try and learn the same information.

What do you do?

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Since I've got my notes set up for this one already, and I'd like to get my 8574-702 a few more credits before playing in his first scenario, I'm opening up a second table to play through the first Starfinder Society Quest: Into the Unknown!

Check in below and claim a Level 1 pregenerated Starfinder character from this file. I won't require you to make an alias for the Pregen, though it's definitely helpful for me if you do.

I'll leave recruitment open until we have a full table or Monday morning rolls around, whichever comes first. Thanks!

Discussion thread open here!

Part 1: Station

The tall and confident lashunta man gestures to several functional chairs, inviting you to sit. “Thank you for arriving so quickly. As I mentioned in my comm message, we have an urgent opportunity to recover some critical information.

“Several months ago, a crew of Starfinders took a ship called the Unbounded Wayfarer into the Vast to explore a series of uncharted planets. They never returned. Earlier today, a vesk pawnbroker in the Downlow neighborhood contacted us, offering to sell us several Starfinder insignias. These insignias belonged to the lost crew of the Unbounded Wayfarer, and that immediately caught the Society’s attention. The pawnbroker—named Julzakama—doesn’t realize the true value of the insignias. We negotiated a purchase price in exchange for the insignias and information about the seller. We hope this seller can lead us to the Unbounded Wayfarer and its crew."

He taps at a screen on his desk before continuing. “We’ve remotely transferred the requested credits to Julzakama. Now, we need you to collect the insignias and all the information you can from the vesk regarding whoever sold him the insignias, and then track down that seller. Learn where to find the Unbounded Wayfarer and its crew. I’m worried that the seller might not be on the station for long, so act quickly. If you have any questions, please make them fast.”

In addition to any questions, you may make a Culture check to see if you know more about Julzakama. You can also attempt a Diplomacy check and roll 1d4 to determine the number of hours it takes to try and learn the same information.

What do you do?


Page 9 of Into the Unknown wrote:
The PCs can also sell their foes’ gear for 10% of its value, as usual.

Just to confirm, does this line impact the Credits reward that the PCs get at the end of the quest (i.e., I keep track and add it to their Chronicle sheet), or does it just provide funds that they can use during the quest (we just track it on the fly and then wave it away)?

It's been a while since a player tried selling anything in the midst of a PFS scenario, and I just want to make sure I'm not shorting my players if this is an option, but also don't want them to over-game the system.


Discussion thread is here!

The rain lets up for a little, yet its cold sourness remains and the overcast sky shows no effort towards cheering the mood. When Osprey assigned you this venture to Taldor’s wine country, he said the region was pleasant. As usual, his words were misleading. The coast was pleasant, the mires surrounding the Railford Distillery are not.

“This mission is easy,” he said, “All you need to do is travel to Railford, find the son of Iodon Railford and convince him to let the Pathfinders use part of his distillery as a lodge. We have finances, we can protect him, and if nothing else, we can help him honor the work of his father, who afterall, was one of us.”

The path to Railford is hardly an easy one to follow, especially after the spring thaw waters turn the thick clay soil to slough. Only a few crudely scarred trees denote the secluded route as it winds through the syrupy mire of flooded vineyards and vague remnants of rotten trellis with grapevines choked out by prevasive briars and heavy blankets of peat.

Dot below by introducing your character, and what they are thinking as they trudge through the rain. Gameplay begins in full 8/21/17!

This is a holding space to gather players from my current gaming group to go through the SFS quest "Into the Unknown."

Players, please claim your preferred 1st level pregen by posting their name below. If you don't want to create a new alias to run this pregen, that's fine - I'll try to keep you all straight. :)

You can download and view the available pregens by clicking here.

Ideally, we will begin play on Monday, August 21. This will give me the weekend to get everything set up. Looking forward to it!

Scenario Tags: Quest, Repeatable, Starship
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information on scenario tags see Chapter 1 of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide.

Hello! Since this is my first subscription (signed up this morning), I just wanted to check to see if I need to manually purchase the first three scenarios for Starfinder Society, or if I just wait for my account to be charged for them? Thanks! I know today is pretty crazy for y'all, so no rush. I've got the quest to keep me occupied for now. :)

I currently have an invitation to 5 players to participate in this game, but if any drop out, then I will open it to others. Feel free to add your character here if you would like to be on the list as an alternate player.


For PFS credit, I would like to run "Voice in the Void" from Season 1 for 4-6 players, tier TBD by interested players (1-2, 3-4, or 6-7).

We will likely play a Standard Campaign game (vs. Core) based on likely PCs.

Both current and potential alternate players: please post the following using your PFS Character Alias for these Messageboards:

1) Class and Level of PC
2) Desired Tier of Play (1-2, 3-4, or 6-7)
3) Your perceived party "role" (front-line, healer, ranged combat, skill monkey, controller, blaster, etc.)
4) Your day job roll (presuming you make it)

Game will take place here on the messageboards. My ideal posting rate is 1-2 posts per day, with notification for absences. I will likely use Google Slides for the game mat. I would like to complete recruitment on Friday, August 18th, and begin the game as soon as possible after closing.

Successful completion of this scenario will land players an invitation to a follow-up scenario (TBD).

Post questions below for assistance. I look forward to gaming with you!

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