Pirate Guard

Jacques Le Grand's page

30 posts. Organized Play character for wakedown.

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Shadow Lodge

Apparently my credit card expired and it took over 20 minutes to get an order placed.

1) First I tried a working credit card which for some reason didn't work (it just spun forever on the CVC confirm).
2) Eventually it said declined (the card is good) but nonetheless I play along and go to the cards page to delete it and clear out all the cards
3) I go through checkout again, somehow it still has the old cards I deleted on the payment method page that I just deleted. I go through and enter a new one again.
4) The final checkout page still shows the old card despite adding a new one
5) I clear the cart and try all over again, still showing the old card despite seeing it no longer on the payment methods page (bad cache!)
6) Try another browser, no dice
7) Finally I switch to a whole other Paizo.com account in a new browser and am able to get the order placed with the card that wouldn't go in the other browser.

Would've loved PayPal or something here vs having to dig out several cards in order to navigate a pretty rough checkout with a good number of bugs. Or even another site to use like Drivethrurpg where it's easier to checkout as a backup when it's hard to purchase on Paizo.com.

Shadow Lodge

Maybe it's too soon to start considering house rules.

We've already run into some fatigue on what things cost 1-action vs 2-actions.

Here's a house rule to try.

1. Instead of 3 actions per round, run 2 actions per round.

2. You can always move your movement each round, it doesn't cost an action and you can use it before, after and in-between actions.

3. Verbal components, pure mental actions and things like talking are free.

4. When you ready, its the same as delaying but you use your reaction to 'come back into initiative'.

5. Dropping item(s) costs no actions.

6. You can concentrate on one spell for free. Each additional spell require an action to maintain.

Immediate benefits:
1. Two actions are faster and easier to spend than 3 for folks who are trying to optimize their per-round actions while standing still.

2. The third attack action was lackluster

3. Folks have movement for free, so it's a "use it or lose it" proposition and when movement is free, people will tend to act more like real heroes in a real combat vs oddly moved chess pawns that suddenly don't move because they need to do something like drop something they are already holding.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let me first state that I love feats. I loved my Pathfinder companion subscription and I loved skimming through a few dozen new feats introduced to the game every month.

I greatly enjoy using Herolab and the "is valid" feature and keyword searching through thousands of feats, both as a GM and a player.

If I could make one change to 5e to make it better, I'd have allowed characters to pick up a feat every other level to enable better character customization.

From those of us that are still active on the forums here, I can see those of us still playing Pathfinder as the system of choice are here because of the feats. And I can see many folks when they open the Playtest book pump their fist and they are like "Yes! This is like three times the feats as the 1e Core Rulebook!".


I've been chatting with various folks in my local gaming community (those who have faded away as our PFS scene has shrunk from 100 tables a month down to 2 Starfinder tables and a couple PFS tables) and have been asking "hey, are you going to be coming back and trying the Playtest?".

We've got a couple tables scattered at stores. One has 3 players signed up and one has 5, so there's some interest... but not a crazy backlog of interest.

So far, folks have said they've downloaded the PDF (so they wanted to possibly get hooked back in), but the one thing I've heard consistently is:


"Oh god, it's worse than original Pathfinder. I can't believe they put even more feats into the game."

So as I dig around here, I actually (to my surprise) discover that a lot of the local gaming community actually dislikes a feat-heavy system. This runs against my own personal sensibilities. Who wouldn't like the ability to customize their characters further?

But as I try to make the argument that Pathfinder is superior, I'm argued back against the "fatigue" they have with a "feat heavy system", especially one from a company that produces monthly books that keep adding more feats.

I've come to understand this perspective better, and it's actually hard to surmount.

There's 3 main segments I see in TTRPG participation:

1. Us, The Hardcore Forumites - who are here because we love the word feat, and love games that give us more of these.

2. Volunteer GMs - who as volunteers, directly make more tables available to play at each month. Those folks who are amazing narrative story tellers, who were so amazing we had to have a lottery system to play at their tables. The majority of these say they have no interest in PF2e because it looks "worse than PF1e" and its because to GM over a multi-year span they shudder at all the feats they'd have to adjudicate in organized play. They just prefer to "roleplay" where the collective majority doesn't need to memorize hundreds or thousands of feats.

3. Casual Players - these are the folks who'd never shell out for HeroLab or more than 1-3 books beyond the core player book. They tell countless stories about playing alongside us players that did shell out for all the books and how it was unsatisfying to always feel like they were missing out on something, and how in newer "mostly feat-less games" there's only maybe a dozen or two feats that they need to know about. Total.

Here's the rub..

This is all just packaging and perception. I counter back that "well PF2e has just put the label 'feat' on what other systems, like PF1e before it, called class features or class powers. So it's not like it has that many more.

But these folks, they twitch (really!) at the word feat like someone's mentioned their ex-girl/boyfriend's name. If someone had just run a global search & replace on the PF2e Playtest book and put the word 'Power' or 'Feature' in its place, they'd have had a totally different reaction. They don't care that there's a rational argument here that a system like 5e basically has 'class feats' hidden inside the class descriptions.

I have a decent sense that, at least in August, organized PF2e Playtest game attendance is low simply because of a perceived overuse of a single word in the rules along with some sort of irrational bias against that word 'feat'.

I'd think it's something to consider in a final printing - how to give those of us who want more options what we want, but at the same time acknowledge that there's a decent number of gamers who associate a stigma with a 'feat-heavy system'.

Legends foretell of a coming of dots, and by dots the Ancients were making veiled references to the weathered age-spotting of a certain elder Nagaji matron...

And so it begins.

Gameplay thread open for dottage. I'm good if your characters start introducing themselves and you describe yourselves to fellow party members while we wait for the green light to begin (I consider this just like in person where people sit around together before the GM officially begins and explain the possible PCs they are bringing).

You all await the main event of the day, when over a hundred members of the Pathfinder Society will join others at the Irorium in celebration of the city’s first military victory and its freedom, called the Passion of the First Siege of Absalom.

Coincidentally, the lot of you have all been assigned seats together, so determine it's best to share a cold one and get acquainted as you expect there's a good chance you'll be sharing future missions together.

Thread for checking in and getting ready for the game!

Dot away.

Generally available scenario description:

The daughters of Absalom's mysterious Blakros family have long been among the most pursued maidens in the Inner Sea. Now the family's matriarch approaches the Pathfinder Society to help her break a centuries-old pact with the denizens of the Plane of Shadow to save her twin daughters from a life of servitude at the hands of the Onyx Alliance. Heading into the fan-favorite adventuring location of Blakros Museum, you have only a short amount of time to break the Penumbral Accords and solidify the Pathfinder Society's ties to the powerful Blakroses.

Dot away.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

You've just had mental block cast on you and failed your saving throw.

You clearly cannot use any spells by virtue of spells known/spells prepared.

How does this affect your ability to use scrolls or wands (without UMD)? The rules (and lots of recent FAQs) have drawn a clear line between "spells known" and "spells on [your] class list". Mental block doesn't seem to strip the passive "spells on [your] class list", indicating you could still use wands and scrolls like you did previously.

Thoughts? Are wands/scrolls off limit as well?

Mental Block wrote:
The target loses all skill ranks, spells known, spells prepared, and activated feats, as well as its extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. Each round at the end of the target's turn, the target can attempt another Will save to end this effect.
Scrolls, Activation wrote:

To have any chance of activating a scroll spell, the scroll user must meet the following requirements.

> The spell must be of the correct type (arcane or divine). Arcane spellcasters (wizards, sorcerers, and bards) can only use scrolls containing arcane spells, and divine spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) can only use scrolls containing divine spells. (The type of scroll a character creates is also determined by his class.)

> The user must have the spell on her class list.

> The user must have the requisite ability score.

Discussion for the side-run of Emerald Spire level 1...

Invitation only. Open for dots.

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I've seen various threads, with various people, debate both sides of this one. I haven't seen a definitive answer, a FAQ, or FAQ votes. I've seen GMs rule it both ways.

A lone warrior and two orcs meet in battle.

Round 1-Init 11
* Warrior uses their full round action for Dazzling Display. They demoralize the orcs for exactly 1 round.
* They immediately end their turn.

Round 1-Init 10
* One orc swings and misses.

Round 1-Init 9
* The other orc swings and misses.

Round 2-Init 11
* The warrior considers an action based on whether or not an orc is still demoralized (he has yet to see a moment in the "game world" where has had a chance to take an action during his 1-round effect)...

At which point did the Dazzling Display effect come into play? Was it for:

(a) Round 1-Init 11
(b) Round 1-Init 10?

(It's clear the *action that caused* the Dazzling Display effect started on Round 1-Init 11, it's not clear if *the effect itself* began on Round 1-Init 11 since that was the last action taken on the warrior's turn - thus the action and turn concluded simultaneously. You could thus interpret that *the effect itself* began on Round 1-Init 10.)

Why this matters:

Core pg178 wrote:
When the rules refer to a “full round”, they usually mean a span of time from a particular initiative count in one round to the same initiative count in the next round. Effects that last a certain number of rounds end just before the same initiative count that they began on.

I've had players argue both sides. I stopped debating this one, and just let the players decide which interpretation they'd like, and apply it to both sides (GM controlled enemies using the same decision).

FWIW, I know there are adventures (3.5e and PF era alike) where enemies apply things like a 1-round bleed or something, end their turn, and presumably "take advantage" of that condition in the following turn. Evidence of this (not handy at the moment), leads me towards the 'b' interpretation over the 'a' interpretation, but then again I know "adventure writers make mistakes" (a case for 'a' over 'b').

Please FAQ if you think this is worth making crystal clear so we can summon the attention of Mark Eidolon. :)

For fun, I'll also follow this up with posts for voting on interpretation A and interpretation B, where you are voting on how you'd like it to work if clarified in a FAQ .. versus what you believe is RAW.

Do you belong?


Playground forum.

Hayato, Reiko and Lo Ma butt-kicking for goodness!

Early access to lob your dirty dots against this clean wall.

More than a decade has passed since the Goblinblood Wars left the nation of Isger in shambles, and the Pathfinder Society uses the many abandoned roads through the county's interior to smuggle valuable relics. But when a series of attacks on the Varisian caravans carrying the illicit cargo puts the route in jeopardy, it falls to the PCs to investigate and rid the region of the threat to the Society's operations.


Discussion begins!

Eventually as PCs are selected, I'll need the usual:

Day Job Roll

Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a woman of small stature, but great importance within Cassomir, sweeps locks of thick, raven hair away from her face.

“Colleagues, the city of Cassomir declared a state of emergency this morning! Late last night, swarms of rats poured into our streets spilling forth from every sewer grate! As the city guards dealt with this infestation, a large force of derro assaulted Swift Prison!"

Shrill horns bellow an alarm, suddenly interrupting the small woman. She pauses for the signal to quiet, and as the trumpeting ring fades, she continues.

"They emptied the Swift of all the prisoners, and marched their new slaves into the Darklands. Normally we defer incidents like this to the authorities, but I offered our assistance..."

She pauses again, the barest smile on her face.

"You see, there’s an item of interest... a church bell called the bell of obedience, that may reside in prison’s chapel. We want to catalogue it and may never have another opportunity to explore the Swift unsupervised."

She then gestures to the outside, clearly indicating your destination - the prison - off in the distance.

"So... investigate this derro invasion and detour to this chapel to determine whether the this bell is in fact the legendary bell of obedience. Do not take it from the prison! Cassomir’s constabulary is as of this moment fighting Cult of Nature’s Cataclysm devotees at the south entrance to the prison. They have agreed to distract these cultists so you can approach the north side and enter from the south gate behind the cultists.”

She pauses again, as if there's more, yet looks towards the door of her office.

HAR! Here be discussion.

For your mustering pontifications:

In the conclusion of the Devil We Know campaign arc, you are called once more to Cassomir, where a mass abduction of the residents of Swift Prison has the entire town in a panic. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis once more partners you with an Aspis agent to see what link the Swift Prison event has to the earlier kidnapping of a Pathfinder agent. You will explore an empty prison, delve the tunnels below, and come face-to-face with the source of Cassomir's troubles in a vile grotto deep beneath the city.

GM Bold Strider has warned this one can be a bit difficult in places, so make sure you bring your A-Game!

Let's start in-character check-ins so that we're ready to rock when the special formally begins.

Every year, the Grand Lodge hosts the Grand Convocation at its campus in Absalom. While the Grand Convocation is ostensibly not a party, it is an opportunity for the Decemvirate and Absalom’s resident venture-captains to express their gratitude to field agents and those venture-captains stationed abroad. The Grand Convocation also serves the practical purpose of encouraging networking, relationships, and shared intra-Society communication.

The capstone event is a banquet with remarks from Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, who will touch on the Society’s many successes from the last year.

This morning marks the start of the Grand Convocation, and each of you is currently standing in line next to each other (how convenient), waiting for you chance to be admitting to the festival grounds.

And cue introductions!

Mustering will begin here. Please check in and provide the usual:

Day Job Roll

Inaugural post to begin the campaign threads.

Discuss the characters you will bring!

Begin wall-of-text mode.

Venture-Captain Drandle Drang looks tired as he calls an emergency meeting in the middle of night at his chambers in the Grand Lodge.

“I’m sorry to call you in on such short notice and on such a dark night, but a friend of the Society needs your help immediately.”

From an adjoining chamber, an elegantly dressed woman of middle age with olive skin and long, straight black hair and piercing eyes steps into the room.

“Allow me to introduce to you Hamaria Blakros, of the esteemed Blakros family, whose name I’m sure you all know.”

Hamaria sits at Dreng’s side, smooths her satin dress over her knees, and speaks in a clear though pained voice.

“I’m afraid my forebears made a terrible mistake when they were first gaining a oothold centuries ago when they made a pact called the Penumbral Accords with a strange organization on the Shadow Plane called the Onyx Alliance.”

Hamaria frowns at this thought.

"While this granted us trade routes through its dark realm to avoid unpleasant searches and tariffs - as our wealth and influence grew, the benefits became less pronounced. Now, almost five centuries later, we no longer want to pay the ongoing price of this agreement. Since that time, we’ve been providing a steady stream of slaves to the Onyx Alliance... including the eldest of our daughters each generation. This year we have two eldest daughters—my twins Eleanir and Michellia—and I refuse to let them be taken!”

Hamaria clenches her fist and slams it against an open palm.

“But we can’t actively break the Penumbral Accords ourselves. We don’t know all the details other than our end of the bargain, which requires us to deliver slaves to our very own Blakros Museum on the night of each new moon—and to deliver the eldest Blackros daughter of each generation on the new moon after her 21st birthday. We are told to stay away until dawn, and have honored this command thus far. In every instance for generations, we’ve returned to find no sign of the slaves or our own heirs left in the building. They’ve got some device that lets them take our daughters to their plane, something that only functions one night a month, and only until dawn. That night is tonight, and my Eleanir and Michellia are already there! I need you to get in before the sun rises and deactivate or destroy whatever allows them to keep stealing our people. If that prevents them from ever threatening us and holding the Penumbral Accords over our heads again, even better.”

Hamaria seems exhausted by her monologue and turns to Dreng, who leans forward.

“You understand, I’m sure, how valuable our relationship with the Blakros family is to the Decemvirate. Their assets at the museum are immense, and assisting the Lady Hamaria tonight will go along way to ensuring that both her family and our organization can form a long-lasting alliance that will benefit all parties.” He glances at Hamaria, who nods once in agreement. “Hurry to Blakros Museum, friends. There isn’t much time!”

Mustering will begin here. Please check in and provide the usual:

Day Job Roll

Looking for 1-2 core PCs to jump into Emerald Spire at level 3 along with a rogue/ranger, a monk/fighter and a cleric!

We'll begin level 3 on Sept 19-20 as part of PbP Gameday 4.

Recruitment for Gameday IV, Siege of Serpents special, starting in mid-Sept along with the beginning of the gameday.

Targeting the 3-4 or 5-6 subtier.

Shadow Lodge

Here's last years limited quantities thread for those of us trying to eyeball what might be gone soon versus may still be around next year...

Classic Monsters Revisted needs to go on sale! It's been "<25 Left" for too long!

Discussion thread for the game!

Awaiting check-in from the following players...


Please check in with the usual details...

Character Name
Perception Modifier
Initiative Bonus

Alas, there are no day job rolls for playing/completing this module.

As you check in, feel free to make an in-character introduction post in the gameplay thread.

You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World.

Like all the great Pathfinders before you, you have just spent many hard weeks training at the Grand Lodge and based on the outrageous tales regaling the ruins surrounding Absaloms, you’ve always longed to explore the remnants that litter the plains outside the city's walls.

Rcently, rumors abound that a minor earthquake has made a long forgotten siege castle accessible and whispers are that it's only a matter of time before the Pathfinders descend upon its now available secrets.

You recall back to earlier this morning when you met with Pathfinder venture captain Drendle Dreng and he detailed how he believed that one of your colleagues, a young bard named Balendar Forsend set out to explore this tower on his own. Dreng elaborated on how Balendar had not been seen for a few days, and that he was assembling a team - both tasked with exploring the tower and discovering what happened to Balendar. The venture captain had little by way of additional details to provide beyond Balendar's description, so he ordered a bottle of wine and bid you all good luck before departing.

You're now standing in a small park as a light breeze whips through the air, not far from the gates through which you would pass from Absalom and set out to "conquer" this ill-fated tower.

Discussion thread for the game!

Awaiting check-in from the following players...

Wei Ji
Augustus Poe

Please check in with the usual details...

Character Name
Perception Modifier
Initiative Bonus

Alas, there are no day job rolls for playing/completing this module.

As you check in, feel free to make an in-character introduction post in the gameplay thread.

You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World.

Like all the great Pathfinders before you, you have just spent many hard weeks training at the Grand Lodge and based on the outrageous tales regaling the ruins surrounding Absaloms, you’ve always longed to explore the remnants that litter the plains outside the city's walls.

Rcently, rumors abound that a minor earthquake has made a long forgotten siege castle accessible and whispers are that it's only a matter of time before the Pathfinders descend upon its now available secrets.

You recall back to earlier this morning when you met with Pathfinder venture captain Drendle Dreng and he detailed how he believed that one of your colleagues, a young bard named Balendar Forsend set out to explore this tower on his own. Dreng elaborated on how Balendar had not been seen for a few days, and that he was assembling a team - both tasked with exploring the tower and discovering what happened to Balendar. The venture captain had little by way of additional details to provide beyond Balendar's description, so he ordered a bottle of wine and bid you all good luck before departing.

You're now standing in a small park as a light breeze whips through the air, not far from the gates through which you would pass from Absalom and set out to "conquer" this ill-fated tower.

Shadow Lodge

So there's another thread, and in an effort to not derail it specifically into talk where folks object or support certain fluff around PFS characters.

This is the thread to discuss/vent/etc your feelings about when a player brings a character who has fluff (aka a concept/backstory/picture) to a table you are about to GM.

Some of the examples from the root thread include:

NOTE: I'm not personally saying any of these things, they are merely examples.

* I don't like it when a character brings something silly, like eidolons who are named Nutsy the Squirrel or Fluffy the God of All Cute Things - they disrupt the seriousness and tone of the game.

* I don't like it a character makes up or invents lore that isn't in a book printed by Paizo, because it's lazy and uncreative.

* I don't like it when someone plays a character clearly ripped from fiction, complete with name and picture - like a shield-hurling Captain America/Captain Andoran, Black Widow, Legolas, etc.

* I don't like it when a character has a background story that ties into the game world that isn't supported, like being a relative to Drendle Dreng, Aram Zay, Sheila Heidmarch, etc..

* I don't like it when a character includes references to another game/universe - like a witch's patron being an other world deity named Pelor, a support eidolon named (and based on) Kerrigan, Cthulhu, etc - these are copyrighten by another competing game company and show the player is too lazy to find something in Golarion to use.

* I don't like it when a character plays a witch/bard/oracle/etc that pretends to be a "cleric of X" where X is Fluffy / Pinky / Rock & Roll / The Church of Banjo /etc - not a valid deity in Additional Resources.

NOTE: I'm not personally saying any of these things, they are merely examples.

I suppose to further the conversation and enlighten (or warn players), you can even discuss when and if you'd strongly insist they rebuild their character to another concept and/or completely turn them away, refusing to GM for them because you feel so strongly about their character's fluff.

Or, if you've played a violator of the above (or later comments), share why you were turned away or pressured to rebuild your character.

Shadow Lodge

I have an unformed ball of GM credit and wanted to explore some options with it on the forums.

Basically, for the purposes of the discussion I'm interested in making a "priest of Pelor" (from Greyhawk) and don't want to run afoul of PFS-specific reskinning rules.

Now I see a couple options that I'd like to discuss:

1. Witch
2. Oracle
3. Sorcerer (Razmiran Priest archetype)

Now to dig into details:

1. I think Witch is fine, as my patron could easily be a deity from another world and most of the text in the witch seems permissive of this.

2. Oracle is a bit of a grey area, here's the text from the Oracle class:

Oracle wrote:
Unlike a cleric, who draws her magic through devotion to a deity, oracles garner strength and power from many sources, namely those patron deities who support their ideals. Instead of worshiping a single source, oracles tend to venerate all of the gods that share their beliefs.

I'm not sure if there is a PFS-specific precedent that an Oracle, as "tending to venerate all of the gods that share their beliefs" would be a show-stopper here. If I wished to roleplay this "priest of Pelor" as having issues with Sarenrae, this might be difficult if PFS specifically suggests that an Oracle of Flame/Life would likely be venerating Golarion-specific deities. This is a case I'm looking for input.

3. Mike Brock has already stated that archetypes can't be reskinned, thus a Razmiran Priest is a Razmiran Priest, espousing the glory of Razmir with a mask holy symbol as his false focus. My question here is - what if I stop taking levels in Razmiran Priest at some point and instead take levels in another class where I now speak of a different deity? Do I lose my ability to use my Razmiran mask False Focus? Do I lose all abilities of that archetype? Or can I convert the False Focus to the new "deity"? This case I'm also looking for input.

4. Finally, on top of all this - there's Deific Obedience and the Evangelist PrC.

Deific Obedience Prerequisites wrote:
... must worship a deity.

In any of the above cases, where I'm clearly not worshipping a legal Golarion deity (perhaps a PFS-specific restriction) - can I even take Deific Obedience? (aka. since I'm not worshipping an official Golarion deity, could I say my one deity for PFS purposes is Nethys, and take it as such, even though I run around talking about another "deity" and hardly mention Nethys?)

5. What if I chose to go the route of Razmiran Priest (and as required since an archetype can't be reskinned, actually went with Razmir as my "deity"). Can a Razmiran Priest take Deific Obedience? Would they do so for Razmir? Or would they select another deity (like Nethys?). If they select another deity, what happens to their Razmiran False Focus and the abilities of their archetype? I guess part of this is if Razmir counts as a deity for all the purposes of PFS-specific single deity restrictions.

Between the Echo Wood and the broad expanse of the West Sellen River stands a resolute stronghold of law and order: the walled town of Fort Inevitable. From its stern keep, companies of Hellknights ride forth to enforce the strict laws of their commander and bring authority to the unclaimed lands of the Crusader Road.

While the taxes imposed by the town’s rulers are heavy and the laws inflexible, no one can deny that prosperity has followed the Hellknights’ establishment of hard justice in this small corner of the River Kingdoms. Merchants, travelers, and adventurers journeying on the Crusader Road find that Fort Inevitable provides a rare island of safety in an otherwise lawless land—so long as one is careful not to run afoul of the Hellknights’ laws.

Fort Inevitable is a small town, with about 960 residents, mostly human. It stands as your main point of selling and purchasing equipment for your forays into the Emerald Spire.

It was here that you met your fellow Pathfinders to pursue the orders that compromise one of your first assignments for the Pathfinder Society - which is a large one:

Explore and report on the contents of the Emerald Spire.

Thread reservation post!

Plan: To run more Core.

Expanded plan: To run Core Emerald Spire? (it is a question!)

If you see this thread - I've likely invited you to come join and weigh in!

The game will be here!

Feel free to dot or add to newsreaders while we sort out pre-gen selection.

The game will be here!

Feel free to dot or add to newsreaders while we sort out pre-gen selection.

The game will be here!

Feel free to dot or add to newsreaders while we sort out pre-gen selection.

And thus began a new game...

The way Silverhex works:

There are 6 quests.

Each one is fairly short (think 1-2 encounters where they could be both roleplay, both combat, or a mix).

As you complete quests, you unlock greater rewards on the chronicle sheet:

1 quest = 100gp 1xp 1pp
2 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp
3 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp + boon
4 quests = 350gp 1xp 2pp
5 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp
6 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp + another boon

At any point, you can decide you're done questing (and I can try to substitute you out, or just continue on if others want to keep playing).

You can then take this chronicle, assuming it's not complete with 6 quests checked off, and decide to carry it around until you do check off as many quests as you want to. At whatever point you decide you're done checking off quests from this sheet (could be 1, could be all 6), you can then apply the chronicle to one of your existing PFS characters. Once you play any other scenario on that PFS character, you can't continue to check off quests on this sheet.

So, if you decided you wanted to stop at 3 quests and apply the chronicle to your xxxx-4 for example, you could do so. You could keep playing here assuming we do all 6, and then you can take those next 3 quests and apply them to your xxxx-5 for example.

And thus began a new game...

The way Silverhex works:

There are 6 quests.

Each one is fairly short (think 1-2 encounters where they could be both roleplay, both combat, or a mix).

As you complete quests, you unlock greater rewards on the chronicle sheet:

1 quest = 100gp 1xp 1pp
2 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp
3 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp + boon
4 quests = 350gp 1xp 2pp
5 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp
6 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp + another boon

At any point, you can decide you're done questing (and I can try to substitute you out, or just continue on if others want to keep playing).

You can then take this chronicle, assuming it's not complete with 6 quests checked off, and decide to carry it around until you do check off as many quests as you want to. At whatever point you decide you're done checking off quests from this sheet (could be 1, could be all 6), you can then apply the chronicle to one of your existing PFS characters. Once you play any other scenario on that PFS character, you can't continue to check off quests on this sheet.

So, if you decided you wanted to stop at 3 quests and apply the chronicle to your xxxx-4 for example, you could do so. You could keep playing here assuming we do all 6, and then you can take those next 3 quests and apply them to your xxxx-5 for example.

And thus began a new game...

The way Silverhex works:

There are 6 quests.

Each one is fairly short (think 1-2 encounters where they could be both roleplay, both combat, or a mix).

As you complete quests, you unlock greater rewards on the chronicle sheet:

1 quest = 100gp 1xp 1pp
2 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp
3 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp + boon
4 quests = 350gp 1xp 2pp
5 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp
6 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp + another boon

At any point, you can decide you're done questing (and I can try to substitute you out, or just continue on if others want to keep playing).

You can then take this chronicle, assuming it's not complete with 6 quests checked off, and decide to carry it around until you do check off as many quests as you want to. At whatever point you decide you're done checking off quests from this sheet (could be 1, could be all 6), you can then apply the chronicle to one of your existing PFS characters. Once you play any other scenario on that PFS character, you can't continue to check off quests on this sheet.

So, if you decided you wanted to stop at 3 quests and apply the chronicle to your xxxx-4 for example, you could do so. You could keep playing here assuming we do all 6, and then you can take those next 3 quests and apply them to your xxxx-5 for example.

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Discussion thread for the pending game...

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* Merck
* PatheticWretch
* I'm Hiding In Your Closet

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Discussion thread for the pending game...

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* Rick
* Scizzoot
* Pirate Rob
* Tarondor

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Shadow Lodge

17 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I suspect this is FAQ-worthy, just to clean up the text.

The Core Rulebook discusses the move actions used to retrieve items on pages 186-187 and provides two types:

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon wrote:
Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.
Manipulate An Item wrote:
Moving or manipulating an item is usually a move action. This includes retrieving or putting away a stored item, picking up an item, moving a heavy object, and opening a door. Examples of this kind of action, along with whether they incur an attack of opportunity, are given in Table 8–2.

There are some grey areas here:

1. Can I draw a potion as a free action while I'm moving?

2. Can I draw an alchemist fire as a free action while I'm moving?

3. Can I draw a metamagic rod as a free action while I'm moving?

4. Can I draw a scroll as a free action while I'm moving?

5. Can I draw a snapleaf as a free action while I'm moving?

.. etc ..

As written and played at a table, you could foresee how that if a player can argue that anything is "like a weapon", they could conceivably describe anything that they retrieve from their person to their hand as retrieving a "weapon-like object". The scroll? It's like a blowgun. The snapleaf? It's like a dart. A wand is mentioned, and in some ways a wand is less like a weapon than a potion.

Where does a character keep these items? Weapons are usually kept in some form of sheath. Ultimate Equipment provides a piece of gear to keep these items somewhere more convenient than a backpack (presumably).

Bandolier, UE pg59 wrote:
This leather belt is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. You can use the "retrieve a stored item" action to take an item from a bandolier. You can wear up to two bandoliers at the same time (any more than this and they get in each other’s way and restrict your movement).

The "retrieve a stored item" action isn't present on table 8-2 in core, but it is mentioned under manipulate an item. Thus, if you consider a potion a weapon-like object, you hurt yourself by keeping it in a bandolier (as opposed to suggesting it's just nebulously floating on your character). This tends to players simply having items in an unspecified locale versus the folks who actually think out where and how things might be kept/stored on their person.

I'd suggest that all of this would lead to table variation on what can be drawn for a free action while moving and what couldn't. Thus, the potential need for inclusion in the FAQ.

I also dug back to "the source" and noticed that both of the actions from the Core Rulebook are verbatim from the 3.5e PHB. Additionally, 3.5e at it's tail-end did further clarify the action with the release of the Rules Compendium. While I know some percentage of players will generally fight tooth and nail against a clarification predating Pathfinder, I thought it was worth noting that if it needed clarification in 3.5e, it probably merits clarification in PF.

Rules Compendium pg9 wrote:

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can combine this action with moving your speed. Drawing a weapon applies to any weaponlike item, such as a wand, rod, or staff, within easy reach. An item that is stored or out of easy reach must be retrieved as a stored item. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat,

you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it normally takes to draw one. Wands are light, and rods are one-handed.

In this case "weaponlike item" is further enumerated beyond the PHB to be "such as a wand, rod or staff". In my mind, this answers that you could draw a wand, rod or staff as a free action (in 3.5 and presumably Pathfinder as a derivative which maintained the exact same text in the base rule).

Perhaps a nice clear ruling in Pathfinder that enumerates what's "weaponlike" is in order? Is a potion weaponlike? A scroll? A tindertwig?

Begone gray... FAQ away.

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