DM Panic's Silverhex Chronicles Classic Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master wakedown

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And thus began a new game...

The way Silverhex works:

There are 6 quests.

Each one is fairly short (think 1-2 encounters where they could be both roleplay, both combat, or a mix).

As you complete quests, you unlock greater rewards on the chronicle sheet:

1 quest = 100gp 1xp 1pp
2 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp
3 quests = 250gp 1xp 1pp + boon
4 quests = 350gp 1xp 2pp
5 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp
6 quests = 500gp 1xp 2pp + another boon

At any point, you can decide you're done questing (and I can try to substitute you out, or just continue on if others want to keep playing).

You can then take this chronicle, assuming it's not complete with 6 quests checked off, and decide to carry it around until you do check off as many quests as you want to. At whatever point you decide you're done checking off quests from this sheet (could be 1, could be all 6), you can then apply the chronicle to one of your existing PFS characters. Once you play any other scenario on that PFS character, you can't continue to check off quests on this sheet.

So, if you decided you wanted to stop at 3 quests and apply the chronicle to your xxxx-4 for example, you could do so. You could keep playing here assuming we do all 6, and then you can take those next 3 quests and apply them to your xxxx-5 for example.

EDIT: I forgot we were using Pregens.

No problem.

This game is:

From the sheet, I see some preferences:

Rick = Crowe
Awenydd = Adowyn

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

dot. I will have the pregen info up on my alias sheet tonight... or do I just have to have the pregen information available? Always wondered how pregens worked on the message boards. Anyways, I can run under this alias, or put up one for Adowyn. Your call.

First post up.

As you settle on the pre-gen you wish to play, go ahead and check in as that pre-gen.

No stats needed yet, we'll likely just be orienting ourselves for a day or so.

@Awenydd83: Up to you if you want to create the alias. I'm in favor of it as posting as the character with the picture can help you and folks regard you as the pregen you're playing.

Grand Lodge

Dot. Will get a pregen ready asap. Willing to play whatever we need. If nothing specific is needed, I'll go with Crowe (bloodrager).

Scarab Sages

Checking in here (switching from the Core table to this one).

Any preference on what pregen to play?

Dotting. I'll be just about any character we need.

I'll take Jirelle (Swashbuckler). Will post as Jirelle tonight.

I think I'll take Shardra the shaman.

Awenydd here

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

Ok so we're all set except Revvy.

Have Bloodrager, Hunter, Shaman, Swashbuckler.

Whatever you want to play is fine Revvy.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

K, going with the pregen warpriest then

I believe we're all checked in and rolling now.

Here's the breakdown of who is who:
Rick = Crowe
Scizzfoot = Shardra
Tarondor = Jirelle
Awenydd = Adowyn
Revvy = Oloch (Preg)

Go ahead and post here for the virtual sign in sheet as well with the following information for chronicles:

Player Name
PFS ID that will receive credit
Faction for the PFS ID that will receive credit
Pre-gen used

What if we haven't decided who is going to get the credit? And do they have to be out of a game to have it assigned?

Adowyn wrote:
What if we haven't decided who is going to get the credit?

As a GM I'm fairly flexible here, but I believe you are supposed to identify where you want you credit applied by the time we finish a scenario/quest so the chronicle can be given out and logged. Quests will go suprisingly fast (it will be a single NPC to roleplay with, or a single NPC to enter combat with), so I'd honestly expect to be done by the end of the week.

Adowyn wrote:
And do they have to be out of a game to have it assigned?

This is mostly a PbP-format question. As far as I know, you're not supposed to have 2 PFS IDs engaged in games at the same time. So you can't have an ID earning credit in one PbP and then be playing a pre-gen in another PbP with the intent to give credit to that same PFS ID (or play that PFS ID at an in-person gameday/con while it's concurrently in a PbP).

The Silverhex quests work a bit differently than usual, too. The moment you receive any chronicle on the same PFS ID after the Silverhex credit for the last completed quest, that character can no longer progress further in the quests (i.e. imagine we finish the first quest on Friday and on Saturday you received a chronicle for any reason, that PFS ID can no longer undertake any further quests).

Again, this is my understanding how it works, not necessarily how I'd want them to operate. Folks can let me know if I got anything wrong, here.

ok.. I have everyone tied up right now, but I should have the character that I was considering for this free soon. We are about to enter the last boss in that scenario.

You all have completed Mausoleum, the first of the six Silverhex Chronicles.

I'll be moving on to run Mists next. If anyone wanted to switch the PC getting credit, change their pre-gen or tap out from continued quests, let me know.

They will largely be similar in concept, scope and length to Mausoleum.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

I will be applying credit to my newest character. . I will put up the info when I can get to a computer.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Dwarf Lvl1 Shaman HP11/11, AC15 (T:9, FF:15), Init+1, Perc+4, Saves(F+2,R-1,W+5; +3vPoison,+5vSpells), CMB-1, CMD8
Tuatara Lvl1, HP5/5, AC14 (T:13,FF:13, Init+2, Perc+4, Saves(F+2, R+2, W+5), Bite +3(1d3-4 attach)

Ditto to that

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

I'll apply to Tynat, who ran Wounded Wisp with you. I'll get his info up in a bit.

-Posted with Wayfinder

My name: Patrick
Character name: Sillith
Grand Lodge
Just born.. No prior info
Will be keeping this character free so that I may complete the entire silverhex campagn.
Will we be staying on this board and just moving on from here or will you be starting a new board?

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

I'll be happy to play through the entire six quests, either with Crowe or any other character should a bit of diversification be called for.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch - Male goblin 1 hp 7/7 AC 14, touch 13, ff13 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will + 1Init +2; Perception +3

I just created a new character to apply the credit to;

My name: Eric
Character name who will receive credit: Thrandomir
PFS nr: 13475-20
Faction: Grand Lodge
Pregen used: Oloch

I'll be happy to play all parts and I'll keep the same pregen (at least for the next part)

And that went faster then I expected..even though I knew it would be short.

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

Rick .
Tynat n'Tynata
# 143757-3
Dark Archive

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Dwarf Lvl1 Shaman HP11/11, AC15 (T:9, FF:15), Init+1, Perc+4, Saves(F+2,R-1,W+5; +3vPoison,+5vSpells), CMB-1, CMD8
Tuatara Lvl1, HP5/5, AC14 (T:13,FF:13, Init+2, Perc+4, Saves(F+2, R+2, W+5), Bite +3(1d3-4 attach)

Hamasaki Hanabi
Scarab Sages

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

So will we just continue on here or will you be making a new thread for part II Panic?

-Posted with Wayfinder

You have completed Mists, the second of the six Silverhex Chronicles.

I'll be moving on to run Colony next. If anyone wanted to switch the PC getting credit, change their pre-gen or tap out from continued quests, let me know.

in for a pence, in for a pound.. same character, same credit. :-)

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch - Male goblin 1 hp 7/7 AC 14, touch 13, ff13 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will + 1Init +2; Perception +3

Not changing anything, sticking with Oloch for now

Female Dwarf Lvl1 Shaman HP11/11, AC15 (T:9, FF:15), Init+1, Perc+4, Saves(F+2,R-1,W+5; +3vPoison,+5vSpells), CMB-1, CMD8
Tuatara Lvl1, HP5/5, AC14 (T:13,FF:13, Init+2, Perc+4, Saves(F+2, R+2, W+5), Bite +3(1d3-4 attach)

Yeah I am gong to pick a different pregens as well and upload tonight.

-Posted with Wayfinder

So that knocks off quest #5.

After completing 5 quests, the character you apply the chronicle to will have achieved the maximum gold/PP reward (500gp/2pp).

Blank Chronicle sheet here

There's one more quest to go which unlocks the Elixir of Treasure Seeking and Pleasure Doing Business checkboxes on the chronicle.

I know posting's slowed for a few folks, so this is your chance to take the chronicle and run. One of my other tables is down to only 3 players, so I have the opportunity to merge two games into the final quest or possibly juggle a player or two if everyone wants to keep playing to balance the numbers out.

Let me know where folks are at going into starting the 6th and final quest.

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch - Male goblin 1 hp 7/7 AC 14, touch 13, ff13 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will + 1Init +2; Perception +3

I'm in for the last part

I'm definitely in
Just out of curiosity, looking at the chronicle sheet above, did we get the incredible find bonus?

Gunslinger 1| AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | HP 13/13 | F +4 R +5 W +2 | Init +5 Perc +7; low-light vision


-Posted with Wayfinder

Yep, you're on track for unlocking all boons.

Male Human Lvl 1 Monk HP 11/11, AC14 (T:14,FF:11), Init +2, Perc +5, Saves(F+4,R+5,Will+3), CMB +3, CMD 17

I'm in as well.

-Posted with Wayfinder

OK, I'm not going to rebalance tables, so we're good to continue with the normal crew.

Post up and new map as well.

Here's your chronicle!

Since you were all on pre-gens, it's just one file for everyone.

Thanks for playing the Silverhex Quests. Hope folks had fun!

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch - Male goblin 1 hp 7/7 AC 14, touch 13, ff13 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will + 1Init +2; Perception +3

Thanks for running, it was fun.

Grand Lodge

Human Bloodrager Lvl 1 HP 13, AC: 17 (FF: 16, Tch: 11), Perception + 4, Initiative +1, F+4, R+1, W+0 Rage: 6/6 Elemental Strike: 3/3

Thanks Panic, was a good time.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Thank you for the good game!

Grand Lodge

Female Half Elf Swashbuckler 1 - HP 1/12 - AC 18/T: 14/FF: 14 - Perception +3 - F: +1/ R: +5/ W: +3* - CMB: +6 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Thanks, DMP!

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