Pirate Guard

Jacques Le Grand's page

30 posts. Organized Play character for wakedown.


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Thanks for the run!

Liberty's Edge

I know you sent out chronicles. I can write this in on mine though:

Profession (sailor): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Allowing himself to return to regular size for the moment, LeGrand eyes the charge lane past the lion and to Megferra's aid.

Bardiche: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 2 + 1 = 28 for 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (2, 4) + 16 = 22

vs Yellow Guard.

"Best ye be wary, for we have set two eyes on ye now, pups!"

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [X|_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [X] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 1/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 3/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 1/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters, no bull's: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+6 strength (22)
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 haste
+12 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+10 strength (22 while enlarged, 2H or 20 otherwise for +9)
+6 power attack (2H)
+17 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Ye got me on the verge of a con weekend, maties!

LeGrand advances, narrowing his eyes.

"Arr, where be thar devil? We be waiting fer ye!"

He'll move a bit (I forget where I started now, but should be within 30ft of that) and ready an action to swing at the devil with his copious reach instead.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Round 2, Init 5

LeGrand, seeing the wall form, chuckles a bit.

"Arrr, now that be a nice trick."

He advances to one of the buildings and with a couple pulls, hauls his ten foot self up onto the roof for a peek down at how Grim and friend are faring.

Climb: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [X|_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [X] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 1/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 3/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 1/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters, no bull's: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+6 strength (22)
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 haste
+12 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+10 strength (22 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+17 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

And assuming LeGrand likewise gets an AoO with his 20ft reach. :)

Bardiche: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 for 2d8 + 17 ⇒ (7, 5) + 17 = 29

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Round 1, Init 5

LeGrand shakes his head as his eyes focus on the battle ahead.

"Arrr, twas like I was daydreamin' there for a moment and several days passed while I just stood here lookin' pretty."

Growing swiftly to a larger size (free action, growth domain), he charges ahead swinging at the devil ahead of Megferra with his sizable reach.

Bardiche: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 2 = 21 for 2d8 + 17 ⇒ (1, 7) + 17 = 25

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [X|_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [X] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 2/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 3/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 1/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters, no bull's: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+6 strength (22)
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 haste
+12 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+10 strength (22 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+17 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand, now having returned to normal size, narrows his eyes at the shining city on the horizon.

"Arrr, that be a neat trick, but I be expectin' another welcomin' committee just the same."

As they get within reach of the newer Geb's Rest, LeGrand pulls out a rod of his own, much like the one found on the dead cleric, and applies a few of Bessie's blessings.

Extended barkskin and bull's strength.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Mega-LeGrand spits and advances boldly towards the cleric at the far side of the field of combat, ensuring the man is within his range no matter what actions he may take.

Just double moving.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand chortles as the formation of men advance towards them.

"Arrr, lining up they be. Just right for some sort o' lightning strike..."

LeGrand eyes the party's front line and realizes he'll need some reach to get to their foes.

Begin casting Enlage Person.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand stops a presumably safe distance from the soldiers.

"Arr, ye don't think such a thing be contagious if we do travel too near?"

LeGrand glances at Avelina and considers what things could be accomplished with a night of the charismatic yet talkative young lass held in statis.

"Actually, I be certain it be safe to be walkin' in. Surely the statis would be thwarted by our deep belief in the Inheritor this day."

LeGrand takes a swing from his flask and smiles at Avelina.


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Frowning slightly as Megferra steps forward and blocks his view of Avelina "handling" her wand in an obviously unintended manner, the pirate brings his attention to the tracks.

"Yar darlins', let us be moving alonggggg..."

The pirate forces a 'g' sound and smiles at Avelina, as if he would merit some additional wandplay later as a reward for his effort.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand chuckles at Avelina's request.

"Har har! I be thankin' the Inheritor for the recent updates she be makin' to her follower's dress code. Oh bless ye, Inheritor!"

Cackling, the pirate leers at Avelina's shortened skirt for a bit before uncorking his iron flask adorned with a pirate flag and taking a long swig.

"Best ye just gather 'round. Bessie ain't be needin' no prayers to be givin' ol' Jacques enough power to be keepin' up our economics like good Pathfinders."

Channel: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) = 16

If anyone needs/wants more than that, claim these cure lights in order below and LeGrand will spontaneously lose some 1st level spells he's unlikely to cast.

Cure Light #1: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Cure Light #2: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrande continues to be surprised that the two enemies stand.

Stretching his kneck he steps up and indicates the one ahead of him (green).

"That one tharrr displeases me." (Freebooter's Bane, so +1 for everyone against green).

Bardiche (freebooter, PA): 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 = 11 for 1d10 + 5 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 6 + 1 = 13

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [_] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 3/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 4/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 3/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+4 strength
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 freebooter's bane
+10 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+6 strength (18 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+1 freebooter's bane
+14 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand saunters up, nodding.

"Arr, ye all be havin' this one."

He swings his bardiche, but seems as if he's just doing general clean-up duty.

Attack target is GM's discetion.

Bardiche (melee cover): 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 4 = 18 for 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand leans against the stele, ignorant of whatever magic or power it may contain and takes a long swig from a flask chained about his neck bearing the symbol of a skull and black flag.

"So we be havin' two more books, but tweren't there bein' four in total?"

The pirate scans about the camp for additional clues.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

"Or should we be readin' the incan-tation to be seein' what it be doin'?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand winces a bit as he watches the two "cats" pounce and grab Grim and Misfortune.

"Arr, tis why Baldwin and I should always be standin' in front..."

He shakes his bardiche at the creatures, lamentning the fact that they didn't charge slightly f-ARRR-ther.

Stretching his neck, the pirate circles around as he grows in size. He manages a wink to Avelina and Megferra as he does so.

No flank since Grim is grappled.

Bardiche: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 for 2d8 + 13 ⇒ (8, 8) + 13 = 29

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [_] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 4/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 4/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 3/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+4 strength
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 freebooter's bane
+10 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+6 strength (18 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+1 freebooter's bane
+14 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand spits, as if something about tarrying too long puts a distate in his mouth.

"Arr, so we be needin' two more o' the journals penned by the lass who no longer be among the land o' the livin'..."

Taking a few steps out of the inn, the pirate scans the horizon.

"It matters not to me if we travel by day or night. Bein' that we should be walkin' in the o' the less-than-livin', how do they fare at night compared to us less challenged folk?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand grins at everyone as he pokes the fallen devil with his bardiche.

"Arr, well done me Pathfindin' brothers!"

He pauses for a moment to wink at the ladies.

"Arr, and fair sisters, too. Now it be time to be searchin' this inn now that we dispatched with its warm welcoming party."

After the others are recovered, the pirate leads the way into the building's interior, keeping his eyes open for danger, whether in the form of guards or traps.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

As LeGrand returns to his normal proportion, he gives the competence of his companions a good arr'ing.

"Arr, ye be a finer group o' companions that I was expectin'"

With a wink to Megfarra, he brings his polearm down at the nearest monster, judging it unworthy of his companions (move action to Freebooter's Bane).

Whichever is more injured gets the attack and the bane, failing that then blue.

Bardiche: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 1 = 21 for 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [_] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 4/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 4/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 3/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Not enlarged, no freebooters: +9 hit, +11 damage

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+4 strength
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 freebooter's bane
+10 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+6 strength (18 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+1 freebooter's bane
+14 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

If I'm reading this right, yellow and green are prone and purple is standing?

"Best we be leavin' some space 'tween us and those, thar."

The pirate gestures his bardiche's end at the two on the ground.

"Arr, ladies tis time for Captain LeGrand to become even grander..."

Then with a wink at Avelina and Megerra, LeGrand takes a step back (5ft step) and seems to grow to a towering ten feet in height while uttering a prayer to Gozreh (Growth domain).

He then swings his bardiche at the standing enemy to their east while indicating his preferred target.

"That one, tharrr..."

(Move action to freebooter's bane the purple target, everyone gets +1/+1 vs it)

Bardiche vs purple (PA): 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 1 = 26 for 2d8 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (4, 6) + 13 + 1 = 24

AoOs (with Combat Reflexes):

Assuming any stand up and provoke or do move than 5ft step within LeGrand's 20ft reach.

Bardiche AoO #1 (PA): 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 1 = 15 for 2d8 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (8, 3) + 13 + 1 = 25
Bardiche AoO #2 (PA): 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 = 20 for 2d8 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (7, 6) + 13 + 1 = 27

LeGrand Status:

HP: 74/74
AC: 17 (T12/FF15)
AC: 20 (T15/FF15) w/ barkskin
AC: 19 (T14/FF14) w/ barkskin while enlarged

F: +13, R: +9*, W: +10 (Reflex is 1 lower while enlarged)

Spells Prepared/Cast
3rd: [_] daylight, [_] plant growth, [_] communal resist energy
2nd: [X] barkskin[D], [_] bull's strength (2), [_] grace, [_] lesser restoration
1st: [_] divine favor, [_] enlarge person, [_] fallback strategy, [_] liberating command, [_] shield of faith

Copycat Left: 5/5
Enlarge Left: 4/5
Channels Left (3d6, DC14): 4/4
Extend Rod Uses Left: 3/3
Cure Light Wand Charges Left: 46/50

Effects Active:
Barksin: +3 natural armor

Attack bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+5 BAB
+4 strength
-1 size penalty
-0 power attack (Furious focus)
+1 freebooter's bane
+10 to hit

Damage bonus breakdown:
+1 magic bonus
+6 strength (18 while enlarged, 2H)
+6 power attack (2H)
+1 freebooter's bane
+14 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand guffaws at the touch of the mage hand, rubbing his cheek with a smile before winking at Avelina.

"Har! Likes it rough she does! I'll be rememberin' that, darlin'"

The pirate gets additional ideas as Megferra stares him eye-to-eye and begins "bonding" with Avelina. LeGrand considers what color he'd want if he were to get a second eyepath and takes the opportunity to scratch his good eye, suddenly discovering an itch there.

Sighing as the paladin takes up arms with Avelina, he takes a few swings with his bardiche. He then steps up to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Baldwyn and gives his fellow polearm-wielding warrior a nod.

"Would it be ungentlemanly to be lettin' the ladies go first, now? I'm certain Geb's End cannot wait to be hearin' the songs they plan to be singin'..."

The pirate looks about for whatever evils they have stirred up with their antics, somewhat disbelieving they have allowed his guard to falter ever slightly.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

[dice=Perception DC20 vs Avelina's "armor"]1d20+12[/dice]

LeGrand's smile widens as his attention is called once again to Avelina.

"Arr, I can say I be approvin' o' this armor choice o' yers, darlin'*."

LeGrand inspects the "Iomedean" from head to toe - a few times to ensure he's studied her various curves properly as a pirate captain who's been out to see for several fortnights should.

"Tis easier to be gettin' out of for when Imma'day turns to Imma'night."

LeGrand lets his attention be diverted from the town only for so long before he returns to scanning it for possible enemies or clues, knowing that to be distracted by a fair maiden in dangerous waters is the surest way to be meeting Besmara earlier than planned.

* The pirate's tone and use of the word seems to twist it in ways that further alter its meaning - not in a derisive manner, but certainly something inappropriate.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrand scans the immediate area.

"Tis a charming place no doubt, and not one I be intendin' to be stayin' in longer than necessary."

As he crunches forward amid the rubble, he skins begins to appear more tree-like.

Cast Barkskin, lasts 70 min.

"So, then? Rijana and her books?"

Investigate the central hub then inn?

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

As the others make a quick shopping trip, LeGrand stows his extraneous valuables upon his ship docked in the harbor (just his liquid gold) while checking on his crew and giving them an update on his latest lead for economics from the Society. He sadly informs them that the Murder Hobo won't be needed to sail his assigned retinue and urges them to ensure the decks are squeaky clean and the vessel's ready to set sail upon his return.

He lounges at the assigned meeting point, wondering what kind of trouble he and the "crew" will be immediately teleported into. He shakes his fist at his goddess, challenging her will once again.

"Curse ye Besmara if ye be gettin' me teleported right into a magical maelstrom at this Geb's End"

He briefly considers applying some protective wards upon himself, but shrugs figuring it'd be best to see things firsthand before wasting Bessie's good graces.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrande grins and nods as Baldwyn suggests a room might be in order.

"Har! I be knowin' the First Act, and the Second Act, and the Third Act. Learned 'em all in Riddleport, I did."

The captain leans forward again, allowing Avelina to become breathless in her oration before he chimes in.

"Can ye be callin' us darlin' again now, darlin'? Tis a grand thing when ye do and then be wavin' the wand about like so."

The pirate gestures, mimicking Avelina's own mannerisms before pulling out a hipflask emblazoned with Besmara's holy symbol. He takes a long swig and then politely offers it to the others present, including the "Iomedaen" strumpet.

"To the goddess of courage, then... I be toastin' ye with the finest liquid courage!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrande was taught early in his career by a cleric of Abadar that what he's practicing is merely economics.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

LeGrande holds up his hands, his face a bit red at the sudden turn in Avelina's demeanor.

"Whoa, whoa, princess. No need to be gettin' yer knickers twisted."

Keeping his eyes on her, he lowers his hands and gestures to the window and the docks beyond.

"I just thought ye wantin' to be seein' the rod of lordly might I be keepin' in me drawers..."

Scratching the back of his neck lest he appear too disarming, LeGrande smacks his pants, causing no small amount of dirt and debris to fill the room.

"Har! Now what've we been summoned for this day that ye'd be puttin' the likes o' Avelina here in Captain LeGrande's, and thusly Besmara's sweet lovin' care?"

He then leans forward, looking about for Drendle Dreng, Kreighton Shane, or another of the Society's many "henchman". He rubs his head, not even sure which port of call he docked in this week - must've been the cheap rum he picked up in Magnimar last month.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Captain LeGrade lounges in a position barely dignified around close friends, scratching in places that one would normally only do in private.

Pulling a dagger, he examines himself in the blade's reflection, finally picking at a spot between two teeth.

He grins as Avelina introduces herself.

"Har har. I see Yer Highness has opted to go slummin' today. Well me ship's parked just outside if a personal tour is what ye be searchin' for? I'm sure I's got some lion wares about in a few o' the holds."

He grins at the others.

Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

"Inheritor artifacts, probably somethin' powerful..."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rng1/Clr6 | HP 74 | AC 17 T12 FF15 | F+13 R+9 W+10 | Per +12* | Init +2

Oh, I see Avelina in the muster! We're in trouble!

<- PC formerly known as Thorgan

I'll switch to a PC that's in the 7-8 subtier for this game, especially since it's an older season and the table has a full 6.

Liberty's Edge


Release the chronicles, says I, else me sword's point, tastes ye.