DM Panic's PbP Gameday 4 Siege of Serpents (Inactive)

Game Master wakedown

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Let's start in-character check-ins so that we're ready to rock when the special formally begins.

Every year, the Grand Lodge hosts the Grand Convocation at its campus in Absalom. While the Grand Convocation is ostensibly not a party, it is an opportunity for the Decemvirate and Absalom’s resident venture-captains to express their gratitude to field agents and those venture-captains stationed abroad. The Grand Convocation also serves the practical purpose of encouraging networking, relationships, and shared intra-Society communication.

The capstone event is a banquet with remarks from Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, who will touch on the Society’s many successes from the last year.

This morning marks the start of the Grand Convocation, and each of you is currently standing in line next to each other (how convenient), waiting for you chance to be admitting to the festival grounds.

And cue introductions!

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

Keeya, looking forward to the Grand Convocation since weeks, wears a beautiful white dress with blue ornaments. It's not one of these prom dresses, but a simple one. Her hair is blonde and everybody standing next to her feels a slight breeze around her. Her eyes are aqua blue, she's oviously a Sylph woman. Around her neck she wears her wayfinder.

Waiting for some time already, Keeya tries to use the time to get in touch with other Pathfinders. "Hello, my name is Keeya. I'm really looking forward to the festival, the stories and the food. I wonder if Janira is here today to tell us stories of some great adventurers." she starts to talk, nobody in particlar, and looks around if somebody heard her words and is willing to answer.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Cirri had to buy a new dress after undead messed up her last one. But she's wearing armor this time!

"Hi Keeya! My name's Cirri. Good to see you." Cirri twirls her staff. "This is my first Grand Convocation - I always wondered what it's like. Have you been here before?"

"I never met Janira before- who is she?"

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

"Nice to meet you, Cirri!" Keeya says with a smile. "It is my first as well. Janira is a singer and story teller. I met her when I made my Confirmation. She's famous for her heroic stories about famous Pathfinders and their adventures."

We are officially off! Please be sure to post as soon as you can, because I'll be using a post in this thread to verify you are playing the special. Once you've posted in here, I'll PM you a private link and password for access to the "overseer's table", which you'll be checking for additional information about how all the other tables are progressing.

Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus strides up to the large crowd and claps his hands together for attention.

"Welcome Pathfinders, one and all! And welcome to our traveling venture captains stationed abroad as well our honored guests! I am Marcos Farabellus, and on behalf of the Decemvirate, I welcome you to the Pathfinder Society’s annual Grand Convocation!"

A smattering of applause follows.

"I shall address all of the attendees later this afternoon to announce some of the Society’s greatest accomplishments over the past year and our plans for the future. In the meantime, I invite you to stroll about the campus, meet with your peers, and enjoy all the sites of the Grand Lodge. "

The master of swords gestures beyond the gate to the Grand Lodge's open grounds.

"We have set up numerous challenges and contests so that you can show off your skills or sharpen them if need be. I’ll send around ushers when it’s time to assemble for the speeches on the north lawn. Enjoy!"

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

Dotting...will post more later (boards are killing me Paizo!)

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

A tall, lean human male dressed in scale armor carries a finely-crafted polearm, his long black cloak trailing behind him. In fact, all his clothing is black. He squints as if in bright sunlight despite being indoors.

His eyes appear to mask a much older soul than his forty or so years might suggest.

He nods solemnly as he considers their task.

"I am Telos Phane," he says by way of introduction to his fellow Pathfinders.

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources

While waiting in line a dark older gentleman bows to those near at hand. He wears a flawlessly polished Mithril shirt, under a billowing cloak, leans on a fine cane, but carries no visible weapons.

"Allow me to introduce myself... I am Quinn Mulari, at your service-- an old traveler of the Inner Sea Lands for some years, but only recently a member of this fine society."

He bows gracefully over the ladies' hands but does not actually kiss them, and gives Telos a firm handshake.

"I am honored to share membership in the society with such as yourselves." He says smoothly.

Turning to the sylph, he asks, "And who is your little friend?"

Quinn smiles, "I too know not what to expect from this evening. But I must confess I am intrgued by the mention of 'contests of skill'. Shall we see what they have prepared for us?"

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

"This is Roxy. Yes, let's have a look."

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

Hello, my friends! I hope that the light of Sarenrae can shine in this event, more than anything! - a woman in yellow and blue clothes say to his fellow Pathfinders.

My name is Kyra, I'm a follower of Sarenrae. Probably you guys already guessed that. - she speakes that with a smile on her face - If I may, could I accompany you to these events? Not that I think will participate , but I believe the power of Sarenrae can be useful to my companions that get hurt in one of these "skill contest".

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

"Oh, this will be so cool! So many people about- you guys just have to tell me about what you've done! I just came back from an Opera house in Oppara that was raided by zombies." Cirri shudders. "They ruined my dress and everything. I wasn't wearing any armor but I did have my trusty shield."

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources
Keeya Radaya wrote:
"This is Roxy. Yes, let's have a look."

Quinn leans forward to make friends with the little fox. Considering the question weather to treat it like a dog or a cat, he extrapolates from his familiarity with natural lore.

Knowldege Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Kyra, Dawnflower's follower wrote:
Hello, my friends! I hope that the light of Sarenrae can shine in this event, more than anything! - a woman in yellow and blue clothes say to his fellow Pathfinders....

"Hail servant of the Everlight! Your order is always welcome among the good peoples. Though I trust this night, it will only be for your pleasant company, and not Sarenrae's healing power."

Cirri Merryweather wrote:
"I just came back from an Opera house in Oppara that was raided by zombies." Cirri shudders. "They ruined my dress and everything. I wasn't wearing any armor but I did have my trusty shield."

"Zombies at the Opera? I wouldn't have thought it possible, but my esteem for necromancers has reached new depths." Quinn frowns in genuine distaste.

Sovereign Court

HP 27/ 54 | AC 17 (T12/FF16) | F: +8 R: +3 W: +4 | Perc +7 | Init +1

A tiny yet muscular gnome shoves the gates open before spitting in the grass.

"Hey, good bye to anotha closed door! Hey hey! Don't wanna keep no peoples out, you know what I'm sayin?"

Springing ahead with way too much energy, the gnome evokes a strong scent that is borderline offensive, yet somehow compels you regard him as manlier, more macho and perhaps slightly inappropriate member of his race, or any race for that matter.

He takes a bite from a barely cooked haunch of meat, apparently fastened to a dirty stick, catches your glances towards his meal and decides to comment on the obvious.

"Yeah. Meat on a stick. Neat, am I right?"

He steps forward, apparently seeking to punch Quinn in the arm, but stops just short, apparently thinking better of it, before smearing his greasy hand through his own long black, wavy hair.

"So, uh. Balzanno's da name, but uh, yeah my friends, dey calls me Balzy."

At this the gnome smiles.

"Because dat's what I am! Ha ha ha ha!"

His laugh isn't exactly one that sets you at ease, but it seems to come easy to him. The gnome looks over his shoulder at the campus beyond.

"So yeah, I guess some bigshot thought dat I was some sorta good candy-date for welcomin' yous all inta the Great Ladge. So, dey uh, gots a lotta stuff heres. Like, uh..."

As he apparently has forgotten the location he just departed, he glances back over his shoulder.

"Oh yeah! Dere's like dis obstaca course. You know, like one dat you'd run through?"

The gnome counts off two fingers, seeming to find that appropriate for his place.

"And um, yeah dey gots a menagerie with like animals and stuff to tame if you know dat stuffs."

Something makes you think he didn't quite pronounce menagerie right.

"And uh, dey gots a chat on lore or somethin'. Bunch of dem big brains. And uh, storytellin' contests. And, uh slootin."

The gnome regards his place counting with his fingers - some seven between both hands despite counting off four features, and he works to pronounce the last word again more carefully.

"Sloooo-tin. Like a detective thing?"

Taking another bite because apparently it doesn't bother him if he's talking to you with his mouth full, he continues.

"Somethin' about a workshop on traps and of course, bada boom, bada bing... Weight liftin! Which, uh hey, Kyra, I just came from dat, and you wanna feel dese?"

The gnome pulls back his sleeve revealing an actually impressively sized bicep for a gnome and flexes.

The party can feel free to split and engage in things that personally interest them. You are free to walk through the gate, and the items of interest are repeated below in the spoiler for your ease of parsing without a typed accent!

Locations of Interest:

1. Animal Taming at the menagerie

2. Boasting/storytelling

3. Lore symposium

4. Obstacle course

5. Sleuthing

6. Trap mastery

7. Weight ligting.

And yes, this is your GM. :)

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

"Oh wow. There's a lot of stuff going on, isn't there Balzy?" Cirri has a huge grin on her face. "Lore telling, huh? I'd love to talk shop. But I also want to practice weight lifting...Ohhh, I'll just do both!"

Cirri tries to lift some weights.
Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

She then has a long discussion about the joys of pulleys and buoyancy of wood.
Knowledge(Engineering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

Nice...Balzy is awesome!

Telos smiles appreciatively at the gnome's humorous mannerisms. "Thanks for the rundown. I'll have to try some of the weight lifting and obstacle course, I think."

Do you want us to go ahead and roll checks for these, or see who wants to go where and then tell us what to roll?

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources

"Thank you... Balzy for your most distinctive assistance." Quinn bows slightly to the gnome.

Cirri Merryweather wrote:
"Lore telling, huh? I'd love to talk shop. But I also want to practice weight lifting...Ohhh, I'll just do both!"

"The Lore Symposium strikes my fancy as well, Miss Merryweather. If you will allow, I will accompany you there, and later visit the Slooot-in Competition."

...assuming there is more to the competition than rolling a skill check...

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

Hey, nice to meet you Balzy, you are quite strong I can see that! Did you win there? - Kyra says with a smile on her face. Porbably a little shocked by the way the gnomes talks and eat at the same time

I will gcheck this Lore symposium. Anyone wanna come with me? Knowledge is always welcome...

Cirri and Telos break off to find Pathfinders of all sorts gathered around a makeshift yard which bears weights of all shapes and sizes. You're quickly corralled in with a dozen other Pathfinders ranging from fey half the size of Balzanno all the way to beasts of men who must have giant or ogre blood coursing through their veins.

Cirri's attempts seem half-hearted as she overhears announcements of the lore symposium beginning, so she drops her weights and heads over to the Quadrangle, finding Quinn and Kyra already gathering outside with what appears to be dozens of other scholars.

Telos, flexing, moves to out-lift the others.

@Telos: Just a Strength check is needed!

@Quinn, Kyra and Cirri: Any Linguistics or Knowledge check will do for the lore symposium. Feel free to roleplay up anything relevant to the skill, make assumptions about NPCs present, and to roleplay/interact with one another without GM posts in between. :)

@Keeya: Feel free to wander to any of the seven areas of interest.

@Everyone: We only have the weekend for this section, give or take, so make the best of it!

Sovereign Court

HP 27/ 54 | AC 17 (T12/FF16) | F: +8 R: +3 W: +4 | Perc +7 | Init +1

"Yea, course I's won. Dey always underestimates da Gee-Nome when dey shouldn't, you know what I'm sayin?"

Balzanno flexes a bit, highlighting a tattoo in an arc on his upper pecs.

~ Gno Ragrets ~

"So uh, you gonna take my arm and am I gonna show you round or what, Kyra? We should go watch dis Telos P dude go lift some stuff, right?"

Balzanno flashes a smile, and there's something about him that seems downright charismatic despite the extreme macho chauvinism that drips from his exterior more than the pungent odor of old, decaying forest and smoke.

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

str check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Cirri starts to lift stuff, but she's not really into it. She sees a seemingly bull humanoid and gets distracted talking to him and his lineage. The bull really doesn't want to talk about it. Kyra practices some politeness judo and politely guides Cirri towards the Lore Symposium.

Of course, Cirri finds fewer strong people but instead finds intellectuals, researchers, and the curious.
...she also finds the bull humanoid, who quickly curses his fate as Cirri approaches him.

En route she hears several elven wizards discussing the nature of conjuration magic and how it draws energy from other planes. Cirri rolls her eyes.
C'mon! Let's talk about something could help our fellow man! Like physics!

"I could talk about magic theory and stuff like that." Cirri notes. "But I'd rather talk about pulleys! Isn't it cool that you can lift so much with just a little bit of friction and some rope? It's because with a pulley, you can use less force over a greater distance..."

Cirri begins to ramble on about energy transformation, gravity, and friction and how constructions like the pulley can convert between them.

GM, I rolled a 16 for K. Engineering before, should I roll again? I have a +7 bonus.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources
Kyra, Dawnflower's follower wrote:
"I will check this Lore symposium. Anyone wanna come with me? Knowledge is always welcome...

"The lore the merrier..." Quinn smiles.


At the symposium he applauds Cirri's lecture on mechanics and buoyancy.


Once his turn arrives Quinn strides into the center circle of the assembled, and with a theatrical flourish of his cape, bows to everyone.

"Greetings fellow Pathfinders! My name is Quinn Mulari, at your service.

In honor of this festive occasion, I bring a translation I have devised a translation (in verse) of part of a newly discovered ancient Osiriani table. It is uniquely appropriate for this occasion, and hopefully will entertain and inform.

I call it,
'The Boast of the Orphan Lore-keeper General'

I am the very model of a modern Keeper-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of Azlant, and I quote the fights historical
From Burning Child to Nagisa, in order categorical
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.

I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Keeper-General.

I know our mythic history, Cyclopes and all Thassilon;
I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox,
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus,
In conics I can floor peculiarities parabolous;
I can tell undoubted Erastil from Lamashtu and Rovagug,
I know the croaking chorus from The Frogs of Aristophanes!
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.

For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;
But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Keeper-General."

Quinn bows.

Lore History: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 8 + (5) = 24

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

My fellow Pathfinders, there is soo much knowledge here that we can already write a book about what we are learning in this day. - Kyra says applauding the performances of her friends.

If I may, I would like to share the lore about a war so long forgotten. A war that involved Gods: .

In a time so long ago that perhaps, Rovagug sought to destroy the wolrd that we live. When he turned his gaze upon a new world he was opposed by an unlikely collection of gods, including Sarenrae.
Gods died in this battle, but their names have been forgotten.
For our good, the goddess Sarenrae sliced open a hole in the Material Plane, and the archdevil Asmodeus bound him there.

So, my fellow companions, we are only here today because of this kind act of the gods. - Kyra says waving her hands. - Shouldn't we be kind and good too? Let us search redemption in our hearts!

Finally , I would make a prayer to Sarenrae in order to bless us all - raising her hand to the sky and holding her holy simbol in the other hand she starts:

May the Flames of the Dawnflower carry us through the shadows.
May the light of our hearts vanish the fog of fear and our weapons find home in the heart of evil

With that, Kyra goes back to the side of Balzy.

Hope it wasn't so boring, Balzy... It's so hard to pass the good of Sarenrae to another person... - Kyra says in a worried way.

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

I thin this should be in storytelling... If so, i will go to this station, and if needed i will roll whatever i need there. Sorry!

@Kyra: Your rolls thus far are all good for what you are attempting.

At the sound of a whistle, Telos begins to bench press an assortment of weights set up for him and with ease he completes more repetitions than any of the others in the yard.

Balzanno hollers at the warrior from the distance, seeming to pay little attention while Cirri is talking about pulleys.

In fact, Cirri gets the sense that a lot of the folks gathered are potentially overlooking her words, seemingly more impressed with the "more seasoned" or "more bearded" sages about. There's a smattering of discussion afterwords, but nothing like the discussions stirred by Quinn and Kyra's contributions.

Quinn is quickly surrounded by a dozen younger Pathfinders, all requesting that he expand on details about cyclopes or Thassilon or mathematics.

Kyra, after he turn, seems to spur a religious debate as many dark Pathfinder begin weighing the importance of Asmodeus relative to Sarenrae in Golarion's pantheon.

Balzanno shrugs.

"Eh, dat was a lotta words. I gotta be honest, Ky. Can I call you dat? I was lookin' at yer eyes more than listenin to whatchoo was sayin'. Hey! Did you see dat Telos? He lifted real good."

@Telos: Gain a +2 competence bonus on one Strength-based skill check, attack roll, or combat maneuver check attempted during the adventure.

@Kyra and Quinn: Gain a +2 competence bonus on one Linguistics or Knowledge check attempted during the adventure.

@Cirri: Sorry, neither of the checks made thus far hit the needed DCs!

@Everyone: There's plenty of time for you to hit up another event/area still.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Cirri shrugs as conversations do not involve physics, pulleys or buoyancy. "What good are we if we can't help people sail the seas?"

Cirri decides to find some musicians and dance alongside them. She's looking for something with a little energy and pizzazz.
Perform(Dance): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Jeez, I cannot beat a 16. Cirri's the Master of None today.

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources

What's the skill for sleuthing?

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

Keeya follows Quinn to the Lore Symposium. She picks one text from several others. The text is written in runes, seems to be dwarven. She tries to translate it.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

"This seems to be a text about a dwarven group digging deep in a mountain, the name I can't translate, they asked gnomes to build a machine to get the metal faster out of the mines. The greedy dwarves refused to pay the gnomes the weapons and armor. The gnomes got mad and built another machine to lock the dwarves in in their mountain. The never escaped."

@Quinn: I'm okay if you make any skill check you can roleplay as appropriate. Perception, Heal and Survival are the most appropriate checks to sleuth.

Keeya works to translate a text at the lore symposium, but makes an honest mistake, swapping the ancient words for gnome and dwarf. Nobody laughs, but there's a long silence as several elder sages confirm and one stands to point out the wizard's mistake.

Cirri, abandoning the talks on engineering, joins the performances dancing and frolicking about. It's remarkable how many Varisians are engaged in dance this hour, and unfortunately her talents are lost in the writing mass of performers.

Here's our breakdown in events thus far. Everyone besides Cirri should make another round of checks at another event, as desired.

Telos: Weightlifting
Cirri: Weightlifting, Lore, Boasting/Storytelling
Quinn: Lore
Kyra: Lore
Keeya: Lore

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

After translating the piece of lore Keeya moves over to the weight lifting contest. She picks up one of the metal bars around and throws it as far as she can.
Strength: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources

After listening to Keeya's translation and aplauding politely, Quinn moved through the colorful crowd to the Sleuthing event.

The scene of a simulated murder has been set up with the natural clues in several rooms built for the purpose with open sides, and a railing all around to keep any observers from disturbing anything. Off to one side a herald explains the information available on all suspects. Quinn joins the small crowds carefullly examining the scene and pondering.

He muses to himself, "Paladin Plum in the Scriptorium with the Candlelabra? No, surely it was Wizard White in the Hall with a Quarterstaff."

Quinn wrote down his answer in a elegant script then folded it and handed it to the judge.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

Since everybody is tryng weightlifting, i'll go there too... - Kyra goes to the benchpress and lays there waiting for the signal - Sarenrae, give me strength! . If that she tries to lift the weight.

Str: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

Would the obstacle course be str or dex, or both?

@Telos: Acrobatics or Dexterity for the obstacle course.

Keeya moves to the weights after her mistake translating the ruins. Seemingly the frustration is a boon as she picks up a large metal ball and shotputs it further than any of the assembled Pathfinders. Kyra meets with similar success as she sits down and manages to lift the same weight that an oversized half-ogre before her did.

Balzanno hands through a chain mesh fence surrounding the weights and whistles and hollers at both women, commending them on their success.

@Keeya and Kyra: Gain a +2 competence bonus on one Strength-based skill check, attack roll, or combat maneuver check attempted during the adventure.

Quinn takes a detour to the sleuthing challenge and despite significant evident implicating Paladin Plum, he deduces that Wizard White was in fact to blame and earns a medal commemorating his success.

@Quinn: Gain a +2 competence bonus on one Heal, Perception, or Survival check attempted during the adventure.

Here's we sit, which puts us on pace to complete this section by 11/10!

Telos: Weightlifting, (Obstacles TBD)
Cirri: Weightlifting, Lore, Boasting/Storytelling
Quinn: Lore, Sleuthing
Kyra: Lore, Weightlifting
Keeya: Lore, Weightlifting

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

After pumping himself up with the weights, Telos seems primed for the obstacle course, which he flies through without trying very much.

str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources
DM Panic wrote:

Here's we sit, which puts us on pace to complete this section by 11/10!

To confirm, we were all supposed to do 2, right? Do we move on to the next section, or wait for the other tables?

Telos literally barrels through each and every obstacle set on the course, crossing the finish line ahead of all the other competitors. He doesn't even seem to notice the fact he has three of the hurdles dragging from his abdomen.

@Telos: Gain a +2 competence bonus on one Dexterity-based
skill check attempted during the adventure.

@Quinn: Yep, the goal is to get two attempts in per PC. The next section will begin shortly.

Contents Summary:

Telos: Weightlifting(Y), Obstacles(Y)
Cirri: Weightlifting(N), Lore(N), Boasting/Storytelling(N)
Quinn: Lore(Y), Sleuthing(Y)
Kyra: Lore(Y), Weightlifting(Y)
Keeya: Lore(N), Weightlifting(Y)

GM Rolls:

1d8 ⇒ 2

As everyone completes their challenges and mingles in the common grounds, several rumors reach your ears (7 to be exact)

Rumor #1 New Policy:
The Decemvirate has spared no expense on this year’s Grand Convocation and has reached out to as many Pathfinders as possible and underwritten some costs when necessary. This is an effort to demonstrate their appreciation to field agents, repair any frayed relationships, and celebrate a successful year.

Rumor #2 Strange Artifact:
Strange Artifact: The principal discovery of the sky citadel of Jormurdun has been moved to a strange chamber with no corners along the exterior walls, floor, and ceiling. This is to help shield it from strange otherworldly entities. This year’s keynote address is allegedly about the artifact discovered in Jormurdun, the Sky Key.

Rumor #3 Future Agendas:
Future Agendas: A large number of venture-captains posted abroad have made a concerted effort to attend the Grand Convocation this year. There is speculation that there are interesting plans for the year ahead and that they’re jockeying for consideration from the Decemvirate.

Rumor #4 Menagerie Multiplication:
The budget to maintain the menagerie has been temporarily expanded for the Grand Convocation. The Grand Lodge is capitalizing on the large number of visitors to present as many unusual specimens as possible.

Rumor #5 City Politics:
Foreign Quarter councilman, Lord Omrys of House Ahnkamen, has registered some concern about the Grand Convocation with Absalom’s Grand Council. Lord Omrys feels that the Pathfinder Society is a “weirdness magnet” that brings more trouble to the city than good. He fears that a “Pathfinder Convention” is only going to exacerbate and concentrate the mischief that surrounds the Society, so he has requested that the district guard keep close tabs on the Grand Lodge for the next week. The Decemvirate has been in contact with Lord Omrys and assured him that all will be well.

Rumor #6 Mysterious House:
Arliss Hall is full to the brim with visiting venture-captains from abroad. The building is rumored to mysteriously change its internal layout. The increased comings and goings have prompted it to do so with even greater regularity and many venture-captains have become lost themselves, wandering the hallways.

Rumor #7 Master of Scowls:
The Master of Scowls: Master of Spells, Aram Zey was slated to deliver the keynote address but begged out of the privilege, citing his general dislike and disdain for the Grand Convocation as a colossal waste of time and expense. Marcos Farabellus, Master of Swords, volunteered to take his place.

Runners sprint through the campus, shouting for all to hear.

"Pathfinders, please get settled. All campus-wide events are closing. All venture-captains and field agents are invited to gather on the north lawn for refreshments and the keynote address in several minutes!"

Feel free to roleplay yourselves gathering on the north lawn, making small talk about the rumors you've all picked up.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

A bit sweaty from the dance, Cirri leaves and reunites with her newfound friends. "Man, I had no chance against those other dancers- they're good. Real good!"

"You know, I've heard Aram Zey was supposed to give the keynote address, but he dropped out. He thought it was a waste of time. Pfft." Cirri shakes her head. "Pathfinders are a flock, you can't do everything by yourself! Good thing the Master of Swords is gonna keep our spirits up, huh?"

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

Telos nods, though apprehensively.

"I suppose...I do wonder how much all of this costs to run, and whether the gold would be better spent elsewhere. Still, it is amazing to see this many Pathfinders gathered together," he says as they walk toward the venue.

Liberty's Edge

Regional Venture Coordinator - Online

Overseer Announcement

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

Keeya listens to Farabellus' speech before the strange voice appear. What the hell is Happening here? Seeing winged humanoids flying down from the roofs she jumps up and shouts "We are under attack! We have to do something!"

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

When she joined the society, Cirri thought artifacts belonged in a museum. Safe from traps, hungry predators and insane cults. But when she travelled to Irrisen, found Jerdek's Shard and became an honorary Snowmask Tribe member, she did realize how easy it was for the Pathfinder Society to overstep their bounds. It was too easy.

So Cirri was enjoying the conversation between the Master of Swords and the mystical glyph. What does the outside world think of the Society? Are they really weirdness magnets, or would it be even worse without their intervention?

Cirri has many questions to ask, but it doesn't matter right now: Strange beasts are threatening everything and everyone!

"Keeya, everyone! you OK? We gotta repel these...things!" She clutches onto her staff.

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources

An ancient Osiriani curse betrays his suprise. With a flick of his wrist, Quinn withdraws a slim blade from his cane. Keen eyes darting, he takes the measure of these unexpected creatures...

Knowledge-All: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 8 + (2) = 24

attempting to identify, and if possible remember weaknesses

Long work day, post incoming!

Sir Laribold Croome, an immaculately dressed Taldan nobleman scrambles for cover behind a table, which his halfling manservant helpfully flips onto its side. Catching his breath, the Taldan fumbles for his monocle before addressing the nearby Pathfinders.

“Monsters and villains are attacking all over the grounds,” he states with perfect articulation, punctuated by a crossbow bolt that embeds itself in his makeshift barricade.

“Spread out, patrol the grounds, and snuff out trouble as you find it. If you should discover any clues about what the devil is going on, report back here at the base of Skyreach.”

He pulls his sword cane free from its sheath and raises it overhead. “Look alive, and show initiative,” he shouts before performing an elaborate dueling salute in the direction of an elephant and setting off after it.

The map is updated above. Red=high danger and most in need of help.

Please pick an area in the Grand Lodge Map: Northwest, Northeast or South (Center is unavailable right now). At the end of each encounter, you'll have a choice whether to stay and fight in the area you're in, or move to a different one.

We'll want to push on posting, as the more encounters we complete, the better shape the Grand Lodge will be in! I'll do my best to ensure I'm getting several posts in per day.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

Kyra was listening to the speech when all happened. She couldn't believe in her eyes. Suddenly the grand Lodge was flooded with pursuers.

This is no good... - Kyra unsheates her scimitar and taker her holy symbol in her other hand - Sarenrae, protect everyone here and help me strike true against those who bring evil to this place!

Grand Lodge

Human Investigator 4 — HP 31/31 — AC 16, T 11, FF 15 (+2 Nat AC: Mutagen) — Init +1, Percep +8 — Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs poison, +1 vs charm compulsion) ~ Tracked Resources
DM Panic wrote:
Please pick an area in the Grand Lodge Map: Northwest, Northeast or South (Center is unavailable right now)

Is there any reason (that we could be aware of) at this point to choose one region over another, like a higher concentration of enemeis?

If not, let the dice decide...

random area choice: 1d3 ⇒ 1

1 = Northtwest

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

"Uhh...Northwest it is!" Cirri follows behind Quinn.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 | AC17, T 10 FF 17 | HP= 35/35| F+6, R+3, W+9 | CMB= +5 CMD=15 | Init+0 | Perc +4
Tracked Resources:
Cure Light Wounds 2/50, Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (DC 16) 2/5 PotioLeLR 0/2

Let's go!! - Kyra runs to northwest.

Dark Archive

Human Fighter 2 / Slayer 2 | HP 38/38 | AC 19; Tch 12; FF 16 | F +8; R +5; W +1 | CMB+8; CMD 20 | Speed 20 ft | Init +2 | +1 Fauchard: +10 (1d10+7/18-20) | Perc +7

Telos swings his polearm to warm up his arms again.

"These intruders have picked probably the worst collective group to mess with," he observes as they run to the northwest.

Silver Crusade

Female Sylph Wizard 7 HP 17/27; AC 16; TCH 15; FF 13; F +1; R +6; W +5; CMB+3; CMD 17; Speed 30FT; Init +3; Perception +6;

And Keeya follows.

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