
JERRY WAYNE 073's page

******* Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 52 posts (1,458 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 30 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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The Exchange

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I very, very much need to make custom minis for this adventure!

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/5 *

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I've been tinkering with some custom minis for this scenario, Settling Accounts is so full of ideas within it to jump off the page and bring to life.

proto fermawr

proto felivines

finished felivines

finished fermawr

finished fermawr

finished fermawr


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop realizes he was holding his breath throughout the cataclysmic flight and slowly begins inhaling and exhaling again.

I needs ta go change muh pants.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

pilot check: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 26 + 2 + 2 = 34

Sunny? I... I gots some'tin ta confess... I had ta drive dat 'naught back dere an' I had ta say some stuff ta get 'er revved up an' goin' an' I ain't proud'a whut I did. I didn't mean none'a it but I had ta lead her on real strong an' serious-like ta coax some giddyup outta her... it.. it meant nuthin' ta me an' lives were at stake... but.. but... I feel real low an' dirty like dat...


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop grips the directional controls and sneers.

Ggggrrruummmnn, dis crate's hull's pretty damn thick an' gots a lotta zap guns but she ain't got much giddyup. I'm usin' all muh tricks ta coax 'er outta bed but she wants ta sleep in!

pilot check:
1d20 + 26 - 1 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 26 - 1 + 10 = 54

C'mon, baby, howzabout dinner an' a movie? New action flick, lotsa explosions? An' we're gettin' surf an' turf, real lobster wit' some real butter, none'a dat fake stuff dat Abadar Corp makes, huh?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Twisting to avoid the blast, B-Bop sighs dejectedly.

Fishbowl, Bro-dog... we're prob'ly gonna die on dis side'a dis magical force field... y'all needs ta get outta here and blast off wit' Sunny 'fore dey catch ya. An' I need ya ta do some'tin fer me when ya go...



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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop, not wanting to be left out of the verbal harassment of the pompous elebrian, furrows his brow in righteous indignation and sneers confidently.

So yer da frag-smackin' mook who da Mayor'a Blight wuz workin' fer? Yeah, dat nagblagger got his an' ya ain't gonna control da townfolk'a Blight no more through yer puppet politician!

At this point, a slow moving thought from earlier reaches its conclusion terminus in the half-orc's brain.

Hey, wait a klarg-puff pickin' minute, did someone say "suicide"?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Holy mother'a Megazod!

B-Bop watches in horror as Tiktik joyfully places the magical gemstones onto his eyes and flinches when they melt into his eye sockets.

Kid? Dat... dat ain't right. Dat's just... fragged up big time. First, dat crazy helmet screwed inta yer skull... now dese jewels slurpin' away yer eyeballs...

Dis ain't some doctor invented an' approved cyberware, dis is some freaky, ancient magicalness crap dat could have some weirdo bad mojo long term.

He turns and sees Bepo eat away at the runeworm and the noticeable effect he exhibits with his more enhanced physique.

Whoa! Big, ya look real badass!


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop scoffs at Tiktik's argument.

Yeah right. A pack'a Ab Corp M an' M's taste like plastic bits compared ta real Bretheda Stellarwerx brand M an' M's. An' dere ain't a single nanospeck'a Sriracha in dere Sriracha ice cream sandwiches! Dey just use Triaxian tungsten algae 'cuz it's cheaper!


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop will spend 1 RP for a 10 minute break

Oh damn, I ain't seen dis episode!

B-Bop sits down in front of the robot's screen and begins singing along with the show's theme song, somewhat mostly matching the actual lyrics while he reloads his gun.

Dey just some good ol' wyrms,
Dey don't mean ya real harm,
Not 'less ya get it dere face
while dey eatin' some chicken parm.

Flappin' dere wings,
Racin' 'round in a big orange truck,
Dat's just a lil' bit more den dey like ta...

Oh, I forgot some'tin!

He approaches the mended Tiktik and reaches for the front of the jacket he wrapped around him.

Watch out now, gotta get dis pin off da jacket here.

He retrieves a shiny pinned badge from the jacket in the shape of The Sunrise Maiden, an item he had made on the previous trip to Asbsalom Station. He offers it to Jax.

Hey, Fuzzy, so long as ya take good care'a dis, I'll let ya borrow it. When yer all growlin' in a fight, it's gots magic dat makes dem more scared.

Ferocity Blazon:
A ferocity blazon is a decorated medal or tabard whose magic enhances any impression you make so that you're better at intimidation.

A ferocity blazon must be worn prominently to function. While you do so, when you succeed at an Intimidate check to bully or demoralize a creature, you double the duration of the effect. If you are in the captain role on a starship, when you take the taunt action and succeed at the Bluff or Intimidate check, you double the duration that enemy crew members take a penalty to checks.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

fort save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

In his interminable way of mishearing what is said to him, B-Bop shudders in horror at Rags' description of a nihil's undeath creation.

Whuh... huh?! Ya mean he's like DAT 'cuz he croaked doin' some chokin' an' tuggin'?? Oh man, I REALLY feel sorry fer havin' ta blast ya now, Spanky!

He then slips down the hallway swiftly and quietly for lining up a shot further away from the dead drow.

Full round action trick attack, take on stealth for 36, use hampering shot on target if successful

Cruel ominous conserving elite semi-auto pistol vs kac, flatfoot if stealth check passes: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23

piercing damage: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) + 5 = 18

trick damage: 6d8 ⇒ (4, 5, 7, 3, 1, 3) = 23

Damn, Spanky, sometimes dat lil' extra buzz ain't worth dyin' over, huh?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Auto aid on Tiktik's engineering check

Hey look, it's one'a dem thermo ka-bobbers. Linked right in dat neutron flange. Dat a mark twenny-fiver? A twenny-sixer?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Yeah, frikkin' nice'a y'all, always runnin' off ta blast drek up an' I gots ta be da responsible-minded guy dat has ta make sure Pee-Cee's got some water an' a bowl full'a chow crispies wit' da gravy kibbles it likes before stormin' off da ship fer lootin' an' shootin'! I swear...

An' did any'a ya plan ahead fer da critter considerin' where we landed an' if we don't make it back? Yeah, I sure fraggin' did. I gave da roomba a loaded gun an' instructions ta put da guy down if da boneheads break inside Sunny so's dey can't eat 'em alive.

Dat fur-biscuit's lucky someone 'round here gives a hoot 'bout its well-bein'.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Dat.... dat ain't Boney an' his "Krazy Kartoon Kadaver Kowboy Krew" here ta save da day.

We're in some deep wruunk-frekk here.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop grumbles at the exchanges with Osteth.

Rrrhhmmmm, can't understand dat Istamakian lingo an' I hate gettin' da dumbed-down translation. Hmmph, maybe Boney can bring me up ta speed.

He approaches the nearest access station to try to open the Boney program left by Tiktik.

Where's F12....?

computers: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop turns away from the assemblage and peeks down the front of his pants.

Oh thank Gruumsh, da Captain an' da Tennilles are still dere!

He turns and glares at Tiktik.

NO. BAD. We don't do dat!


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop gasps in surprise at the close acid shot.

Nnayahh, muh biscuits!

He then weaves, dips, and dodges amid the two cultists until he is between them before pointing his gun at the green clad cultist.

Huh, I see ya gots some nimble moves, junior.

Full round action trick attack on green, take 10 on stealth for 34, use hampering shot if successful though he likely can't be caught flat footed for the attack, will provoke from both enemies if they have a melee attack, ammo 3 of 12

semi auto pistol vs green KAC + coordinated attack: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 14 + 1 = 17

half pierce half electric: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 6) + 5 = 13

trick damage: 5d8 ⇒ (7, 5, 4, 8, 2) = 26


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop looks on at his departing comrades and even gives the elevator buttons a few pushes despite Tiktik's system shutdown.

He follows down the ramp, shoulders slumped.

Y'know, we might'a found da secret "off" button fer da stella degenerator up dere. Or some +5 vorpal shotguns, +8 versus cultists fer everyone.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

After reloading his gun, B-Bop walks towards the western-most elevator.

Dese two lifts prob'ly go ta da other dockin' bays. Let's check dem out real quick 'fore we head deeper in dis place. Maybe find some better loot, anything better'n more golemforge armor wit' scorchmarks an' holes an' piss from when da old owners died in 'em.

No wonder we can't get a better resale price on dat fraggin' stuff.

The Exchange

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I take it this is the 2nd ed release of the skinwalker? Just curious if this is an updated version of that.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Nah, kid, da way ya beat dat level is inna secret message in da heart shaped tattoo on his left butt cheek 'fore ya even go in da genie. It says "Chlora plus Phil fer ever". So ya gots ta play da chlorophyll melody on da flute first ta knock 'im out, den ya can navigate his gastro-verse and get da brass notes wit' none'a dem other problems.

B-Bop eases the ship towards the red lit bay; if that does not allow access, he manuevers to a green lit bay.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

I ain't likin' takin' Sunny through dis roller derby of a sector. She shouldn't be gettin' fraggin' micro fractures like dese; she's a primo classic, not some jalopy ya beat around inside'a meteor shower.

Find me sump'tin down dere ta shoot, I needs ta let out some aggression.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

After having Osteth's words translated to him, B-Bop's face lights up with an idea. He then nudges Tiktik.

Kid, I gots an idea. Maybe ya should upload a copy'a dat Boney program'a yers in da containment space'a dat other hollergram. Ya know, ta keep 'im company. I think I precog'd dat Boney'd be needed again, ya know?

Dont use dat one station over dere, it's gotta booger on da screen.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop deactivates his cloaking field and rushes to Tiktik.

Kid! Hey, kid! Hey! Hang in dere, huh? It's gonna be okay, alright? Look, lemme help pick up dese pieces, we'll get 'im back ta yer workshop on Sunny. We'll get some'a dem cookies ya like, we'll make dis better, huh?

He begins picking up the pieces of Elliott, slowly and carefully. B-Bop raises an eyebrow when he thinks he recognizes a colored mech servo that looks like it came from the ship's roomba within Elliott's interior chassis.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop heavily considers L's inspiring words to him.

Da cookies? Da cookies. Yeah, we're gonna need dose cookies ta make da kid feel better. All da cookies we gots.

Get yer filthy mitts offa dem snickerdoodles!

Full round action trick attack, take 10 for 32 stealth, move, make target off target for all if successful, uncanny shooter doesn't provoke AOO with operative weapons, ammo 6 of 12; cloak field 2 of 10

semi auto pistol vs kac: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

half pierce half electric: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1) + 4 = 7

trick attack: 5d8 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 2, 7) = 19


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Tiktik's cry of pain snaps B-Bop out of his dreamy focused reverie that blocked out noticing Elliott's destruction. He gasps in shameful remorse at what occurred which quickly changes to unbridled rage towards the half-orc cultist.

Wha... how... Kid? Ya just nulled da kid's best friend, ya LINT-LICKIN' COOTIE QUEEN! PAPA SPANK!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop licks his thumb and uses the saliva coated digit to hastily smooth his eyebrows before launching into a fierce display of cartwheels, backflips, handsprings, and other gymnastic tumbling moves forward before stopping next to the red armored cultist and firing his gun at him.

Full round action trick attack on red, make target flat footed for others if successful, take 10 on acrobatics for 31, ammo 4 of 12

semi auto pistol vs red kac + get em + coordinated shot: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 1 + 1 = 27

half piercing half electric: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 4) + 4 = 10

trick damage: 5d8 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 2, 4) = 16

'Sup? Name's B-Bop. So, uh, whut're ya doin' after dis fight, care ta join me fer a bite ta eat? How 'bout some knish, huh?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Hah! Look'it how pissed he is!

B-Bop proceeds to take selfies of himself next to the screen displaying the ranting Istamakian. After a few pictures, he leans closely to the screen and taps a finger on it.

Hey. I knows ya prob'ly can't unnerstand me but I gotta tell ya.... I saw dis happenin'.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop cocks his pistol and looks around the hall.

Yeah, my precog powers're piercin' da veil'a time an' tellin' me we're gonna have more trouble comin' up.

He looks around the immediate area cautiously.

Best magazine questionnaire dat I ever took.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop rushes into the room.

Geez! What wuz ya doin', openin' a darn spam email from'a Istamakian prince wantin' ta wire ya stacks'a his cash?!

He snarls at the ongoing alarm and looks over the computer controls.

C'mon, c'mon, where's da F12 button? Hey, Supercharge! Get yer nanobots butt in here!

[Ooc]B-Bop auto aids on computers, will aid Talek's computer check.[/b]


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop reloads and takes an attempt at calming the alien.

Hey. Hey dere. Who's a good boy, huh? Who's a good, good boy? An' where do yer eggs go? Do dey go in us? No dey don't, dat's right, ain't it?

1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

B-Bop deftly evades the blast. He pauses when the melancholy melody drifts through the air.

Wait'a minute! Ya mean yer down wit' Da Cure?? Oh frag! Maybe ya frakkers ain't all dat bad! Now I almost don't wanna pop caps in yer lungs. Almost, dude.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Geez, Fishbowl! Ya look like serious drek! Dere's bits an' chunks'a stuff floatin' in dere in yer water! Ya need ta pop back inta Sunny an' let her give ya a quick filter job? An' don't ya dare do what frackin' just happened here happen again, yeah?!

B-Bop turns away quickly, rubbing his eyes a bit and mumbling about jungle pollen and allegies.

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The helpful heroes wipe away the copious amount of stridermander blood that cascaded everywhere from Nako's bombastic strike and note three bodies laying in the corner of the beasts' lair. Three pahtras are found on the animal skins and with a minor amount of first aid, the hunting lodge clients can exit the caverns with only a bit of assistance. The would-be hunters are a bit delirious from their ordeal but are able to mutter thanks to their saviors, especially when they emerge into the light of day.

Nakonechkin is relieved to see his crew when they appear at the cave entrance, going so far as to embrace them in one big hug. He then realizes that he has an audience and clears his throat with embarrassment. Syvatsolex is lucid enough to drive her vehicle back to Ewagadravona, mostly with aid from famed vesk inventor Elon Vusk's Veskla self driving system. Both groups arrive back at the city before dusk. Biconiamaca is similarly thrilled to see their friend and the customers who made it back alive. They hand over any promised reward on behalf of Gadraveech Tours. If asked, Biconiamaca promises that they will inform the city authorities of the newly connected caverns and deeper entrance into Gadraveech. Protocol dictates that the caves be fully explored by a seasoned team of spelunkers before they can be used recreationally. Biconiamaca jokingly suggests that the heroic scavenger crew should volunteer for the job, which is followed by Nakonechkin laughing nervously and escorting his employees out of the building. Such an adventure will have to wait for another day!


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Cheeks, don't ya worry. Da walking scab here is gonna help out on da "trick" part'a da holiday next. I just gotta go make a prop. I'll be right back.

B-Bop returns to The Sunrise Maiden but returns about five minutes later holding a plastic bag that exudes an especially stinky odor. He sets it down by the airlock entrance.

Okay, Cheeks, here's whut ya gotta do. Take my laser pistol an' pop off a small shot at da top'a da bag here ta light it up an' den ya run an' hide an' watch whut "Ol' Man Mr. Jangles" does next.

B-Bop, still holding his pistol at the prisoner, motions to the burning bag on the floor.

'Would ya look at dat, Ol' Man Mr. Jangles. Dem fraggin' neighborhood kids done left a bag on fire on yer doorstep an' dere's no time ta get da garden hose so ya better stomp it out.'

Right now.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Hear dat doorbell? Go an' answer it an' give out some candy, ya filthy poozer! He got all dressed up fer dis an' he ain't leavin' disappointed!

Still holding his pistol in the direction of the strange man, B-Bop shoves him towards the airlock door.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop leaves to find the galley on the enemy ship and retrieve any items that contain sucrose and places them in a bowl and returns to the ship airlock bay.

Hey, Cheeks. Go back out in da airlock an' hit da hailin' button in just'a bit.

He grabs the strange man roughly and shoves the bowl of sweet items in his hands.

Now, ya better make nice fer da kid when he rings dat doorbell. Or else. Ya savvy dat?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop notes Tiktik's cosplay and shakes his head and begins to roll his eyes at the spectacle when the ship chronometer catches his eye and his demeanor quickly changes.

Uhhh, yeah, ya didn't think we wuz gonna forget ta take ya out trick'r treatin' tonight, did ya, lil' buddy?

bluff check that he didn't forget it was Halloween: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

Just remember: we don't take no candy from strangers. We shank dis fragger first an' take his wallet ta see who his is an' den take his candy.

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Upon closer inspection, Gazigaz recognizes the cave blobs as ferrofluid oozes from part of a documentary on top ten amorphous xeno-forms he saw part of in the dentist office waiting room of his last teeth whitening procedure because a stellar smile IS worth it. As an ooze, they are immune to critical hits, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, gaze abilities, illusions, visual effects, and other attacks that rely on sight as well as being unflankable. He recalls from the show that ferrofluid oozes are resistant to electricity Resistance electricity 5 and able to withstand most bludgeoning attacks from predators DR 5/piercing & slashing. Also, there was an interesting bit about how their magnetic nature can allow them to "leap" onto ferrous, technological items, which they can feed upon, and attach themselves upon such and thrash about on any adversaries in possession of said items Can be performed every 1d4 rounds. He then notes a follow up bit of trivia that fire causes them to demagnetize and detach from their "food" successful fire attacks make them automatically detach.

Green, 11 damage
Nako, -5 SP
Gazigaz, -3 SP
Quonx, -5 SP
Dakoyo, -3 SP


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Hey, buddy, hey! Look at me, huh? Not him, right here at me, yeah? Watch what happens when I do.... this!

B-Bop attempts to distract the strangely befuddled creature from Rags' spellcasting by holding one hand up and making it appear as if he is removing his thumb from it with his other hand.

bluff check to distract: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

sleight of hand check to convincingly do the thumb removal trick: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40

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Quonx's deft fingers and specialized engineer tools navigate the detonation system devised by either a sheer genius or an utter madman and bypasses the command codes and priming configurations with ease. With it now safe to do so, she cracks open the expulsion chamber and finds not volatile explosive chemicals but tightly packed slips of recycled paper that would have been hurled across the entire festival area. The mini flyers have versions of the same rhetoric Zerostorfen espoused earlier, such as, "Helping is a LIE", "Selfish-manders must admit the truth", and "You help them, but why they no help you?" Additionally, the papers also list an infosphere site address for an article titled, "Skittermanders: A Truly Selfish Species by Zerostorfen" and details a list of other places that will soon see "demonstrations of the true skittermander species" across the planet.

The Vesk-3 authorities soon arrive to take Zerostorfen into custody in addition to two water elementals that were hiding in the fountain and surrender saying they will gladly testify against Zerostorfen in exchange for clemency. The water elementals are remanded into jars while Zerostorfen has specialty "multi-cuffs" placed on him. He pleads admission to his crimes of destruction and begs to be punished immediately. The skittermander authorities nod in approval and bring forth specialty equipment in the form of colorful, over-sized inflatable hammers that half of them use to strike the self-confessed terrorist while the other half administers hugs and encouraging words.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop rushes swiftly inside, drawing his pistol as he moves. When the creature enters his view, he is initially stunned by its appearance but quickly recovers as he cocks his gun.

Da Butterscotch Beast.

I've been preparin' fer just dis moment, ya sticky bastard.

semi pistol + coord shot: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 1 = 32

half piercing/half electric damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 6) + 4 = 14


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

reflex save vs saliva covered grenade: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

B-Bop barely manages to sidestep and flip around to avoid the grenade explosion.

Rrrruurrr! Cuttin' it real close dere, Cheeks!

His jetpack activates before his feet hit the ground again and B-Bop then flies five feet above the ground away from the swarm.

[B]Take dis, ya coleslaw carpet!/b]

Full round action for trick attack, using jetpack for fly speed and moving five feet up and back out of the swarm, will take 10 on stealth check for 29, make swarm flat footed if successful

semi auto pistol vs KAC + carrying fire: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 2 = 31

half piercing/half electric: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 5) + 3 = 10

trick damage: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 3, 3, 5) = 19


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Wrapped up in his search for evidence of knish, B-Bop perks up out at the sound of trouble. He then rushes across to the scene of the disturbance, pistol drawn.

Aww, drek! Da plush carpet's gonna try ta shag us!

Double move


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Dat machine needs my whut? No way, I can't do dat in front'a all'a ya!

B-Bop takes a step back.

Besides, I ain't even really in da mood...


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

I feel kinda bad, blastin' dis guy! He looks like someone dropped a pepperoni calzone on da floor an' den it stood itself up!

Full round action for trick attack, will use take 10 on stealth for total of 29 for check and see if this thing is CR9; opt to make target flat footed if successful; pistol rounds used 2of 12

pistol vs KAC + coordinated + get em: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 1 + 1 = 23

damage half piercing, half electric: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6) + 3 = 12

trick damage: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 7, 8) = 29

Whut if dese guys been usin' an' ol' microwave oven an' didn't know it an' dey left da door open an' dis is whut happens?


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop lowers his weapon but still has a scowl on his face as he holds up two fingers at his eyes before pointing those fingers back at the eyes of the aliens. He quickly changes his pointing to include a third finger.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Yeah, a maze is like a labyrinth, I saw dis movie once called dat. Wit' dis human runnin' around from a king goblin. Ok, I'll go to da labyrinth. Maybe bring some'a dis stew if anything dere wants some. 'Cuz I don't wanna go ta no labyrinth'a hungry ghosts.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

Yo, Tzayl, tell me 'bout Istamakians fer my report. Do you guys shoot plasma beams outta yer eyes? Or have some venom tipped fingers? Or are ya immune ta lava or radioactive blasts? An' do Istamakians make babies by puttin' dem in host bodies'a other species? Dat one's real important fer my research.

B-Bop stands patiently with pen and notebook in hand.


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M Half orc Operative LVL 11 | sp 99/99 | hp 72/72 | rp 11/12 | EAC 31 | KAC 31 | init +11 | perc +18/+24 vs traps | sm +18 | fort +8 (+11 vs poison & disease effect, +2 vs. inhaled poisons or other airborne toxins) | ref +14 | will +7 |

B-Bop pauses from his search around the customs office for an vending machine with snacks to comment on the outside commotion.

Yeah an' maybe neither's gonna be our friend an' dere fightin' over who gets ta put eggs up in us first.