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![]() So we're playing through Skull and Shackles, and after a player failed to defeat the barrier "Pirate Hunting," which has the player summon and encounter a random ship. The card says: "If the summoned card is not defeated, leave the barrier faceup on the location deck and put the summoned card next to it. "Characters at this location encounter the summoned card as their first exploration each turn. If the summoned card is defeated, banish it; this barrier is also defeated." Now Merisiel comes to this location and encounters this card. I assume she can evade the barrier and the summoned ship, though this soaks up her first exploration. But what, if anything, happens to the card then? Some players suggested that since the card was evaded, it should be shuffled back into the location. Others argued that this isn't in the spirit of the card and that the barrier should remain face up on top of the location deck until someone comes along and defeats it. Any ideas? And do any rules specifically address this point? We haven't been able to find one. I believe that technically this card is still part of the location deck and remains on top and is not a displayed card, if that matters. ![]()
![]() Resurrecting this thread: As printed, the "At This Location" wording begins: "You automatically succed at your checks to acquire boons." But the official Skull & Shackles errata says:
Interpreted strictly, that clarification removes the wording about boons, but that also seems counterintuitive. My thinking is that the wording about boons should be left in as well. Anyone have thoughts on this? ![]()
![]() A lot of ranged weapons allow you to discard that weapon to add dice to a combat check at another location. When you do this, does this also add the ranged weapon's traits to that combat check? This came up when we were fighting Brimorak because if the check to defeat has the piercing or slashing trait, the Brimorak deals 2 fire damage. But I can see it having other applications, such as adding the magic or fire trait. ![]()
![]() This came up at our game today: Let's say a player with Cape of Escape temporarily closes a location when another player encounters the villain. Could the player with the Cape then use that item to move to a second location and close that as well? We decided against it. Our thinking was that you have to resolve the checks to temporarily close locations before you could play the Cape. But I figured I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has a different opinion. ![]()
![]() Yewstance, thank you for spending so much time and providing such a detailed answer. This all makes sense. I had read through the guild guide a couple times before posting and just looked through it again to find the information you've posted. I see most of it, but not a tidy summary like you've provided. This kind of summary makes it much easier for a beginner to get started in organized play, and your discussion of the difference between following OP rules and just shuffling the class deck cards into the box makes it clear that both styles would have a very different flavor. Thanks again! Now, I gotta go. I have to memorize Burning Snot and find my Dogslicer before I run into any Longshanks. ![]()
![]() We are starting to play through We Be Goblins, and I'm not sure we're setting up the game properly. We have Rise of the Runelords and all the adventure decks. We also have the two Goblin class decks (Goblins Fight and Goblins Burn). I don't know that we'll ever participate in an organized play event. If we're not going to do that, is there any advantage to registering our characters? When building our decks, are we limited to cards in the class deck the character came from, or can you also use cards with the Basic trait from the Runelords base set? From the PACG Guild Guide, it sounds like you are limited to the class decks. If that's true, what happens when you acquire boons from Runelords? Finally, do you shuffle unused cards from the goblin class decks into the box with the Runelords cards, or should these always remain separate? ![]()
![]() We've been debating how to handle the duration of cards that are displayed on their own, next to a character's deck or next to a location deck. For example: Elemental Skin: Displayed next to your location.
I'm sure there are more. Do these cards last just one turn or until the effect is triggered? For example, Stone Skin says: "While displayed, reduce all damage dealt to that character. At the end of the turn..." We're trying to figure out whether "at the end of the turn" refers to the turn during which the spell is cast -- meaning it goes away right away even if the character didn't take damage -- or if stoneskin remains in effect until that character takes damage. All four cards end similarly with "at the end of the turn" or "at the end of your turn." This probably should be in a separate thread: But for Stoneskin, could you cast it on yourself (or someone else) after you draw an encounter but before you resolve it? Thanks, everyone. ![]()
![]() Resurrecting this old thread: We are rapidly making our way through Mummy's Mask. We love it so much that with the recent sale of all the PACG sets, we've decided to get them all, including a non-mint copy of RotR for the sake of completeness. But I'm on the fence in terms of the class decks (and also selecting which ones to get). It seems to me that each set has its own flavor -- This definitely has been true in Mummy's Mask. -- and that adding cards from outside the set (the class decks) might detract from that. I also worry about things like characters that are unbalancing. I played RotR a couple years ago with a friend of mine, but beyond that my experience is limited to Mummy's Mask. I'll probably pick up at least a few of the class decks so I can try out Organized Play (which, if I understand correctly, is required). But what do you think about adding these decks to the base game? Is it worth it? Has it caused any problems? ![]()
![]() Hey, everyone: I've finally finished up my Excel-based Pathfinder character sheet. You can find it here. The sheet only incorporates rules from the Core Rulebook, but there are instructions in the FAQ that you can use to easily add classes, races and so on. Enjoy! ![]()
![]() The room in The Academy of Arts with the portal to the Armageddon Echo has a fight with a barbarian named Kardrogas. He is an eighth-level barbarian, but the text describes him as a pain taster even though he does not have any levels in pain taster and does not meet the prerequisites for skills and feats. I thought it would be cool to give him the requirements he needs for this prestige class and replace a couple levels of barbarian with pain taster. Does anyone know if this is another case of a good idea winding up on the cutting room floor for a lack of space? Does anyone have stats for this guy that incorporate levels in pain taster? ![]()
![]() They managed to get her back to the Gold Goblin. She hasn't tried to escape yet, partly because I want to see what the PCs will do and partly because she wouldn't want to be spotted by all the city's inhabitants either. (She really doesn't know where she is or where she'd go.) In the end, I had Kwava ask them to escort her to Crying Leaf and to turn her in to the elves there. Given how little traveled the road to the Mierani Forest is, it seems reasonable, as long as they can keep her disguised long enough to get out of Riddleport. I may have her try to escape during the opening encounter of that module. Thanks for the input! ![]()
![]() Hey, guys: I was talking about no grey. Just black and white. I have an ancient printer myself that sometimes chokes on images. However, using the color image would look better on the screen, and I hadn't considered that the image size is small enough it probably wouldn't matter. So I'll stick with that. Thanks for the prompt replies, everyone. ![]()
![]() I'm working on an Excel-based Pathfinder RPG character sheet and have a question about using the Pathfinder RPG logo. (It's listed in Paizo's community use registry, and you can find the Google group here.) I want to put the Pathfinder RPG logo in the top-left corner of the sheet. However, I want it in black-and-white to keep the file size down and make it easier to print the sheet on non-color printers. Paizo's policy, however, prohibits altering the color of the logo. Would Paizo consider letting me use the black-and-white image? I'd be happy to provide the image for review. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Hey, guys: Aaron, I'm not at all familiar with Office 2007. I built this in Excel 2003, and it's definitely an Excel template and not a text file. Maybe someone else more familiar with Office 2007 can shed some light on this, but I'm surprised it doesn't just open for you. Sorry you're having trouble. Lorekeeper, the current version is just Core Rulebook. I may add more material later, depending on the reaction I get to this sheet. Also, the sheet doesn't presently put anything in the special abilities section. I chose to limit the initial version to a two-page character sheet modeled after the sheet in the Core Rulebook. I also chose to not use any VBA code. That greatly limits my ability to program the special abilities section with things like Turn Undead and Barbarian rage, but I plan to add macros with more sophisticated code in future versions. I wanted to see how much I could do without macros. Erian, thanks for the link. I hadn't seen your sheet but have downloaded it and will take a look! ![]()
![]() The Beta 2 version of the character sheet has been posted. All class abilities that apply 100 percent of the time are now included, most notably the monk's Flurry of Blows ability, which can be calculated automatically from the Weapons dropdown menus. Enjoy! Again, this file is posted in a Google group. You do not need to join the group to download the file if you don't want to, though you have to be a member to post. Here's the link again: http://groups.google.com/group/snarfs-pathfinder-rpg-character-sheet ![]()
![]() Hello: I am finishing up a Pathfinder RPG character sheet I've created as an Excel template. It's close enough to being finished that I decided to go ahead and post it here so I can get some feedback from the community. Right now, I've set up a Google group for this file. You don't need to join the group to download the file or view discussions, but you do have to join to post messages. You can find the group here. The sheet looks a lot like the character sheet in the Core Rulebook.Once you enter your ability scores, class, level and race, a lot of other stuff should fill in for you. Classes, races, feats and weapons are dropdown menus, and the sheet can easily be customized. Right now, I am in the process of adding class abilities that apply 100 percent of the time (Bardic Knowledge, the barbarian's Fast Movement, the fighter's Armor Training and so on). Almost everything else (other than Spell DCs/Spells per Day) is finished. ![]()
![]() Has anyone done any work to convert this adventure path to the Pathfinder RPG? I looked through the thread but didn't see anything. I'm most immediately interested in the conversion of traits. I saw a link to a thread on that subject in the Second Darkness thread, but the link appears to be broken. Thanks. ![]()
![]() If you take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, do you gain proficiency in only one weapon or in a class of weapons? The text of the feat says: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally. But it also goes on to say the feat refers to a type of weapon, which could mean weapon groups or even something as broad as bludgeoning, piercing, etc. Thanks. ![]()
![]() The rules say a ranger's combat style feats apply only when he wears light or no armor. This rule seems a bit unwieldy in that the player and DM will have to keep track of when the character got a feat. If a ranger wearing chain mail takes Point Blank Shot as his standard second-level feat, he can use it whenever he wants, but if he takes it as a combat style feat, he can't use it when wearing his armor. That seems overly cumbersome to me. I can't think of any other instances in the rules where someone with a feat is limited on when he or she can use that feat, outside of limitations in the feat description itself. Apologies in advance if this issue has already been covered elsewhere. I didn't see it. ![]()
![]() My players and I got into a debate about alignment a couple game sessions ago. At issue was whether most common folk in Riddleport are evil. (This came up because of a paladin's detect evil ability.) It seems to me that most would be evil not only if they're petty criminals or thugs, but also just by participating in a society where stealing, bribes, violence and other crimes are daily facts of life. If someone is getting mugged and you just look the other way, is that evil or just chaotic? Any other thoughts? What about stealing? ![]()
![]() I admit I'm not much of a gambler in real life and am having trouble running the gambling tournament. For one thing, Saul says in his speech that as you play games, you get a gold eye for coming in first, a silver tooth for coming in second and a copper heart for coming in third. But all of the games look like you make wagers and the amount you win (or lose) depends on your wager. Am I right, or am I missing something? Also, it says gamblers can buy chips from the house. By my count, someone could just walk in, spend about 270 gp on gold eyes to buy all the badges and get into the final Golem round for the grand prize. I realize, of course, that even if a gambler buys his way into the final round, he still could lose, but it seems plausible. ![]()
![]() A group I'm running this for also failed to stop the thieves, but I just continued with the story. Saul is getting the money back anyway, so it's irrelevant to him. If anything, it adds to the argument of why he needs the PCs to help him out. And it gave the party another "enemy" to focus on (even though they can't find the thieves) and brought them closer to Saul. ![]()
![]() Hello: Unless I'm missing something, I think I found a problem with the thieves' getaway plan in the Gambling Hall. I am running this game now, and the thieves are actually getting away. The module states on p. 17 that during Round 5, Angvar will cast Hold Portal on the entrance. However, there are two entrance doors on the map, and they are separated by a wall. To me, this is two separate portals. Heck, even if the doors were touching, I still think they'd count as two separate portals. I hate to be technical but always want to be fair to the PCs. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? ![]()
![]() I'm disappointed we can no longer get free downloads of Player Guides for the newest Adventure Paths to share with players. They were really good for the first two paths, and while I don't mind buying them for myself, I don't like having to tell players they need to pay to get the most out of the game. (I play an online game and can't share the hard copy.) Seems like at very least, Paizo should allow adventure path-specific information to be shared for free, particularly if the DM has paid for the Adventure Path. Getting all six parts costs more than $100. Given the cost, I think DMs should have some leeway to share material with players without violating any copyrights. Still, it's a great product and a nice alternative to the 4.0 garbage. Keep up the good work! |