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Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. ****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 1,990 posts (3,434 including aliases). 2 reviews. 5 lists. No wishlists. 60 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

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Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm prepping this for Sunday, and I'm very confused by the map on page 11. It seems like where the map tags don't match the encounter descriptions. (In particular, B5 is indicated to be a dead end in the description, but is clearly on the correct path in the map.) Do people have a working map and my copy is just bad, or is something else going on here?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's an issue that I couldn't find in the rulebook, although some of you who have read it more thoroughly may know:

If a scenario lists more than one card as the Danger, when you encounter the Danger, do you encounter both of them or one at random?

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey everyone! On April Fool's Day, I like to do something funny and nice rather than try to trick people. Last year, I wrote Paizo Unchained, a fake PFS scenario where you go into the Paizo offices and fight against members of Paizo staff. This year, I've done something similar, but with Lone Shark instead of Paizo, in an adventure I'm calling A World of Despair.

(Do note that if you play it - it's not the most playtested adventure ever, so there may still be some rough spots. But let me know how it goes! Also, all the scourges say "support" because the program I'm using doesn't have scourges built in.)

Happy April Fool's Day!

What's that? You mean there's a puzzle in it? Are you asking if I would hide a puzzle in something that's supposed to be a joke about Lone Shark? That's absurd! </sarcasm>

Sovereign Court

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

(Alliteration's always awesome!)

So I usually hang out over in the PFS section of the boards, and one of the things I do to help PFS GMs is that I make stat block documents to help other GMs run PFS scenarios. Since I'll be running Ironfang Invasion starting next week, I have a bunch of prep that I made, so I figured I'd share it with you all.

You can find all that prep at this link: LINK

Note that some of the documents have the word "Edited" in the title. These are the documents with the statblocks that have been edited to conform to my house rules. This means that they have had the following changes:
- Automatic Bonus Progression for all NPCs = to their CR
- All Rogues are Unchained, other classes possibly Unchained to taste
- All Fighters get Combat Stamina for free at 1st level, but they can only use the other ability of combat feats with fighter bonus feats until they hit 6th level.

Also in the drive is the Southern Chesnardo Forest written up using the Exploration/Discovery rules from Ultimate Wilderness.

Yes, I know that's not how apostrophes work.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If I GM a scenario that can give extra Reputation to the players if they accomplish certain goals in that scenario, do I get access to that Reputation on my GM credit?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As some f you may know, last year I made cheat sheets for the pregens in 7-98 - Serpent's Ire and 7-99 - Through Maelstrom Rift. Now I don't know what materials that Paizo is going to be preparing for Starfinder yet, but we know that there's gonna be a pregen special, and the formats that Paizo puts pregens in aren't always the best for picking up a character that you haven't built before.

So I wanna know - if you've used my sheets before, what worked well? What didn't? What's missing that should totally be on there?

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey everyone!

I noticed that there are a lot of GMs out there who are having trouble with kineticists showing up as enemies, so I wrote a guide to help them interpret the stat block and run them properly. You can find this guide on Google Docs.

In the future, I would like to create some sections for how to deal with a player who is playing a kineticist, both in a home game and in PFS, but for now, I feel like it’s a useful enough tool to post as-is!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

34 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello everyone!

It’s April Fools Day! While it is traditional to try to prank someone today, I tend to shy away from that. It’s too easy for pranks to either be lame or mean. Instead, I like to be silly! In that spirit, allow me to present to you Pathfinder Society Scenario* #8-i: Paizo Unchained!

*Not actually a legal Pathfinder Society Scenario. Feel free to play it for fun, but it is not actually part of the PFS campaign.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you are playing Marvaro, and you have an Elemental Treaty (which recharges/buries/banishes when the location is closed) out on a location, then on someone else's turn they encounter a henchman that has the potential to close the location, is there any point where you have the opportunity to use Marvaro's power to gain the Arcane or Divine skill in order to be able to attempt the recharge check for the Elemental Treaty? Or is that spell pretty much useless for Marvaro?

Sovereign Court

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So for those of you who play PFS, you may be familiar with my work making stat block documents for PFS scenarios. Or perhaps you've seen my work if you've run the Emerald Spire and used the stat blocks up on PFSPrep. Well, I'm going to be running Strange Aeons coming October, and since I was going to have to research all the monsters and pull their stat blocks together anyway, I decided to take the little bit of extra time and make it available for all of you as well. I'll be trying to keep up with releases, but that'll get harder and harder the higher level the AP goes.

In my Strange Aeons Dropbox there are currently 4 documents. The first two are a .docx and a .pdf of just the normal stat blocks. These are literally copied from Bestiaries, with rules errata applied (see the Tatterman's attack line) and with extra rules added in for your convenience. The .docx and .pdf are there to make things easier for you for tablet viewing/if you want to use my document as a baseline and change it for your own home games.

The second set (the "edited" set) apply my own house rules to the stat blocks, particularly turning on Automatic Bonus Progression. It is probably less helpful to you all, but I uploaded them as well since they exist and I have the space.

The Strange Aeons Dropbox will be updated as more volumes come out and I complete my prep for them.

Sovereign Court

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to the Overseer thread for 7-00! In this thread, I'll be posting announcements relevant to all the players. I ask that individual players and GMs please do not post in this Gameplay thread. (There'll be an exception to this - keep reading.)

This game starts on August 27th and ends on October 11th - whether you fully succeed at your mission or not. Because of this, please be considerate of your fellow players at your table and at other tables. Try to make an effort to be posting every day. We understand that life happens and that posts may not happen every day, but we would like to see you experience as much of the content available as possible. Your individual GM is aware of this timeframe and has their own expectations for what your activity should be during their game. Follow their lead.

The map for the special will be available at this website. Currently it is showing a giant snake eating the Grand Lodge, but that will be replaced with the map once the special gets started. There will be commentary under the map indicating what conditions are currently in play for those that have trouble with the map/use screen readers/etc.

If you know a bit how websites work you may be able to poke around the website and find some materials that will be posted later in the scenario. Please don't. You'll just be spoiling yourself.

When we finish up the introduction, I will roll to see what tables start out with an aid token. The text for the Aid Tokens is included in the below spoiler:

Aid Token Details:

Aid Another: A Pathfinder agent helps the PCs solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the bonus granted increases by 1. In Subtier 10–11, the bonus increases by 2.
Allied Offensive: A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 1d8 points. In addition, after the attack, anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, increase the damage dealt to 2d8 points. In Subtier 10–11, this amount increases to 3d8 points.
Burst of Healing: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 1d6 points of damage. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the amount healed increases to 3d6 points. In Subtier 10–11, the amount healed increases to 5d6 points. Alternatively, in any subtier the agent can instead cast neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level equal to the table’s APL (minimum 5).
Spellcasting Synergy: A Pathfinder agent casts a spell at the same time as the PC, increasing the save DC and caster level of the PC’s spell by 1. In Subtiers 7–8 and 10–11, the PC’s caster level instead increases by 2.
Timely Inspiration: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. In Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4, the competence bonus is +1. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the competence bonus increases to +2. In Subtier 10–11, the competence bonus increases to +3.

At the end of an encounter in which you use an aid token, pass the aid token to another table. You may also decide to pass your aid token in the middle of an encounter if you haven't used it yet. Passing Aid Tokens is subject to the following restrictions:
- You may not pass the aid token back to the table you got it from.
- You may not pass an aid token to the same table twice, unless the other rules make it impossible for this to happen. (There's 31 tables. I'd be surprised, but I'll mention it just in case.)
- You may not pass an aid token to a table that has a player/GM from your game as a player/GM of that game.
- A table can only have one aid token at a time.

To pass an aid token, copy and paste the template below and post it in this thread, replacing the <#> with the appropriate table numbers.
Table #<#> is passing their aid token to table #<#>.

Please make an effort to use/pass your Aid Tokens around. While it may be tempting to save them, there are going to be a lot of them floating around, and an Aid Token that is just sitting there isn't providing any benefit to anyone.

Get excited! It's only a couple days until The Sky Key is activated!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

39 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Online VO Team is ready to announce the next PbP Gameday, just in time to kick off the new Season of the Stolen Storm! The signups open today, the gameday will start August 27th and will end 90 days later on November 25th. There will be a midway point on October 11th. In order for your game to count, it must start on or after August 27th and end on or before November 25th. While the official specials will be running in two “slots”, from August 27th-October 11th and October 12th-November 25th, GMs should not feel limited to those time slots for running their own scenarios, especially if you know you take a longer time to run.

In order to participate, go to PbPGameday.com. The front page contains a list of tables that are currently signed up in addition to a link at the bottom to register a table as a GM. If you are GMing a table, you’ll need to create a recruitment thread before registering your game on the PbPGameday website. If you want to play, please check back multiple times as new games are being added every day as GMs step up to the plate!

There are three official specials being run during PBP Gameday V. During the first slot, we will run 7-00 The Sky Key Solution, for the first time in Play by Post. Were you not able to get to a con over the past year to play 7-00? Here’s your chance! We don’t have limitations of physical space, and my crackpot team and I will be overseeing, so we’ll take on as many tables as we have GMs and players to fill. Don’t forget, this counts as a special for the purposes of achieving 5 stars!

During the second slot, we will run 7-98 Serpent’s Ire and 7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift. Presumably, these will be limited to run in some way, although I do not have the details at this time. If you have 4 stars and are interested in running one, you should email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com and I will keep you posted for when the details are revealed.

In addition, we welcome ACG PbP Games. Each game will have a GM who controls the box – those GMs should use the signups like the RPG games, but indicate what Season that they are running.

But if you don’t want to run one of the specials, then we’re ready for you to sign up! If you are a GM and you want to start your game during the first slot, you need to sign up by AUGUST 9TH. If you want to start your game by the second slot, you need to sign up by SEPTEMBER 10TH. That is when we have to turn in the forms to Tonya to get the scenarios in your account. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee that we can get you the scenario in your account. (This does mean that if you want to run 8-04 and 8-05 in the second slot, this is hopefully possible.)

Get pumped everyone! We’ll be rocking the start of Season 8 together!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On the first couple reads, I'm excited. I'm wondering how best to organize myself for it, but I'm excited.

Let's start with some questions.

1. How do the elemental manifestations trigger? It's pretty clear that areas become cleared in Part 2 from 2/3 and 4/3 * tables successes in that element, but what's not clear is how many successes are required to trigger the elemental manifestation for each element.

2. In areas C1, D2, and F2, the PCs can find a small cache of supplies. In one of the common encounters, the PCs earn everything from their subtier and below, but in the C1/D2/F2 cache, that's not e case. Is that intentional?

3. In part 2, do Common encounters count for successes in the area that we run them?

4. How long should the time be overall between encounters in H3? (This matters both for tracking duration of minute/level buffs and if one PC goes "screw the puzzle box, I need to heal you all".)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need a GM for a Dawn of the Scarlet Sun game on the Paizo messageboards. Feel free to PM me if you are interested in filling in.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

YAY! COLORED PAWN BASES! Now my silver/gold/bronze metallic sharpie hack is no longer necessary!

Now to order all the pawn bases!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello everyone! A new month and we got some new things for you!

First things first - if you want copies of Roll20 tables for 7-20 All for Immortality Part 1 or 7-21 The Sun Orchid Scheme, please feel free to email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com.


Second, if you haven't been paying attention, the pbp Year of the Shadow Lodge that has been started hit 15 tables and qualifies for boon support. There are still some spots available, and if there isn't one for the tier you would like to play, hop on the waitlist so that Shifty knows what tiers to recruit gms for. You can find more information about this event here


In addition, Roll20 con is coming upon us, and in fact event registration will be up tomorrow. (Hey, it's still before midnight in Paizo when I'm writing this - that counts!) Jesse will be posting a thread with instructions as to how to sign up for that when event registration goes up. We're excited, and we're hope y'all are excited to come out that Friday.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey everyone! The Online VOs have been rather quiet recently, and those who know me know that I don’t like being quiet when it comes to PFS, so I wanted to give a heads up as to what we have in store coming up.


I want to highlight two conventions coming up. The first one is F-G Con (Paizo thread) – it’s happening this weekend, April 8th to 10th, and it will be featuring a number of Pathfinder Society games, including running 6-97 Siege of Serpents on Saturday. There’s still some slots left in the special if you want to try out Fantasy Grounds, along with a couple slots remaining in other games.

Another con to keep in mind is Roll20 Con – a 24 hour convention happening on June 3rd. We haven’t been able to submit events yet, but we will be running PFS that day, so save the date!


One other thing I want to talk about is a pet project of mine. One of the roles I’ve built myself into over the past couple of years is one that makes it easier for GMs to run scenarios, and this is an issue that online play has more than most. Whereas a physical GM can just needs a couple physical materials and they’re ready to run a game, online GMs have the extra step that we have to create a table in whichever VTT we use. For those who are not familiar with extracting maps and creating tokens, this can seem daunting, and really, I would prefer a new GM to online take their first game to learn the GM interface without having all the frustration of learning how to build a table. In addition, some people have trouble building tables in general, or don’t have time to build a table, but are still good GMs who we want running online.

So there’s some interesting complications of Online Play and GMing. Fortunately, I’m in a position to help.

I’ve been building the tables for the new scenarios every month since I try to run them soon after they come out. Now I’ll be trying to build them the first week of every month, and building them in a slightly cleaner way so that everyone can use them. Once I’ve built the scenarios, I’ll lend them out to anyone who requests that they want a copy. That copy is yours to use and to run the scenario as many times as you want. There is two caveats:
- I do have to watch space. I’ll guarantee that you have the table for the rest of the month, and I’ll let you keep the table as much as our space allows.
- Once I write it, I do intend to send out surveys to anyone who borrows a table from us. Nothing too onerous, mostly asking how often you used it and what kind of improvements I could make to make the tables better in the future.

So right now, I have two tables available to lend out: One is 7-19 Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, and the second is a table that combines 7-14, 16, & 18, aka the entire Faithless and Forgotten series into one table. Either or both can be yours with an email to jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com. (I know some of you have other email addresses for me due to various reasons, but please use this email address to request tables – I would like to have those requests all in one place.)


If you have any questions about the tables or really anything at all, please feel free to post in this thread. If you would like to email me in private, you may do so at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com.

If you need something that requires a VC, or you just feel like emailing someone else, then you can email Jesse Davis at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com.

Sovereign Court

Okay, a couple of things before we start.

First things first, congratulations on getting to level 12! That’s not easy in PFS, and it means a lot of time and dedication to your character. Eyes of the Ten isn’t just a Seeker Arc, it’s also meant to be a reward for your character getting this high. It still holds up as some of the best PFS content, so I hope you enjoy your run through.

Let’s talk timeline. The first scenario of Eyes of the Ten happened near the end of Season 1. That means that there’s no Sky Key, there’s no Hao Jin Tapestry, there’s no Cult of Lissala, and there’s not even any Shadow Lodge. There are no metaplots yet. So keep that it mind, especially during Part 1 of Eyes.

Let’s talk timeline. I’ll admit I’m not that great at timeline when it comes to PbP as I don’t have that much experience with it, but note that the whole series is the length of 5 scenarios. (Part 1 is a double length scenario). I’ll be keeping a steady pace, but keep that in mind if the first part seems long – it’s supposed to be.

Let’s talk timeline. This was written before Secondary Success Conditions and has been retrofitted with SSCs like every other pre-Season 5 scenario. The SSCs for this work a little weirdly – they depend on how many Campaign Points you get in a scenario. What’s a Campaign Point? Campaign Points are basically like mini-SSCs. In fact, they’re the predecessor of the original SSCs. Each scenario has some number of Campaign Points. You need to earn a certain number of them to get your SSC and therefore your second prestige. In addition, the number of them you earn affects something in the later parts. Don’t worry, just be a good pathfinder and all will be fine.

Let’s talk timeline. This was written back with the original 5 factions – Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira, and Taldor. Unlike some of the early scenarios with the stupid faction missions, the faction missions in Eyes are overall well done and add to the story wonderfully. (There’s 2 in particular that are really amazing.) I’ll be passing out the appropriate faction handout to you anyway. There’s no bonus or penalty for doing them, although they may interact with the scenario in interesting ways. They’re another roleplaying hook. You may do with them what you like. (There will be one exception to this – I’ll explain when it comes up.)

Faction Conversion:

Dark Archive = Cheliax
Grand Lodge = Osirion
Liberty’s Edge = Andoran
Scarab Sages = Osirion
Silver Crusade = Andoran
Sovereign Court = Taldor
The Exchange = Qadira

Let’s talk timeline. Sorry, got carried away there. Note that I’ve put a subdirectory on my website to easily host the handouts for this, since I know some people have trouble with Google Drive on phones. (At least, I do.) Please don’t go poking around the website looking for other handouts. You’ll find them. You’ll spoil yourself. You’ve been warned.

I’m still figuring out what I want to do for the maps, but one thing I will ask is that while we’re in initiative, please include at the bottom of your post what spell effects you’re under and their caster levels. Something like this:
Shield (CL 1)
Haste (CL 12)
Mirror Image (CL 12), 4 images left
It’s a thing I ask people IRL to do w/ index cards and it makes it so easy in figuring out stuff like greater dispel magic at these tiers.

Okay, I think that’s all the boring business stuff. I’ll be sending out the PMs with the faction missions for Part 1 now. If you have any questions please feel free to respond in thread or in PM.

Sovereign Court

With some helpful scrying and other magics, you are able to trace Lord Higgenstrom III to where he teleported to. However, he’s nowhere to be found. Instead, there’s just two notes on the table.

Lord Higgenstrom’s Note:

Ah good – I was hoping you would be resourceful enough to get here. Don’t feel bad – I’ve been trying out one of those new Ruse spells detailed in the latest Pathfinder Chronicle. It seems to be working like a charm.

The Ten asked me to deliver the four of you a message. This room, deep below the Flaxseed Lodge should be a safe place to read it. The Pale Maiden is in room 308 in Skyreach. Careful, the room is covered in a mirage arcana to make it look like someone is trying to negotiate with an inevitable. It’s all fake though.

Have fun. Don’t die.

The paper is signed at the bottom with a picture of a man riding a lion.

The Other Note:

Link to the other note. – Text is repeated below for your convenience.

Orders from the Decemvirate

Personal Instructions from the Inner Circle of the Pathfinder Society

This crisp note, delivered personally to each of you by courier, bears the official rune of the Decemvirate, the anonymous, masked ruling order of the Pathfinder Society. The Ten have rarely taken notice of your efforts to date, but their reliance upon you is a sign of your growing influence in the organization.

The orders command you and a team of hand-chosen fellow Pathfinders to escort the famous longsword Pale Maiden, blade of the legendary early Pathfinder Durvin Gest, to the newly reestablished Pathfinder Lodge in the city of Woodsedge, in Revolution-wracked Galt. The Decemvirate wishes to entrust the sword to the Lady of the Lodge, Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro. You are to escort the Pale Maiden from Absalom to Galt and ensure that the weapon arrives safely.

So, you guys are currently in Cassomir. You need to get to Absalom, pick up the Pale Maiden, and get to Woodsedge. So Seekers, what’s your plan?

Sovereign Court

There was some talk at the Flaxseed Lodge of another Eyes run, so this is to feel out if there is enough people to justify another run of Eyes.

When you sign up, make sure that you have both your full character sheet and a copy of your play history. (I don't need full chronicle sheets, but I do need to know what chronicle sheets your character has, including boons.)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It appears that I cannot add #7-13 to my event (#5768 Iammmars' Online Table) so that I can report it.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The scenario rules trigger off the Cultist trait, and the new henchman called "Duergar Cultists", but they don't actually have the Cultist trait. Should they actually have the Cultist trait?

Silver Crusade

Hm. It looks like Menhir Savant Lini gets a free power, along with some definitely interesting feats.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm super excited to run this next week. From reading it, this seems to be the most interesting "go research in a library" module that I've ever seen.

I was brainstorming some ways of trying to emulate the feel of exploring through a weird library while running, and I came up with this:

Grab a bunch of dummy Magic cards and opaque sleeves. Sleeve the cards backwards so that all that's showing is the Magic card back. Sleeve about 50 of these. For each bit of knowledge, I'll print it out magic-card sized and put it in a sleeve. Then I can stack the deck so that when the primary researcher decreases the kp by X amount, they flip over X cards. The cards with the knowledge written on them will be strategically placed in the deck so that when the right number of cards/kp are left, the person flipping the cards gets the knowledge. For the knowledge that requires a skill check, I can have two slips of paper in the sleeve - one before and one after the skill check.

I'll have to have the PCs' individual secrets outside since a magic-card sized paper isn't that big to write on, but that should be fine. This should be relatively cheap to put together, especially since I used to be addicted to Magic and therefore have a ton of cards hiding around. I hope that this provides a bit of suspense on the researching and also puts a bit more focus on it, since it does try to be the central focus of the scenario.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just want to make sure I'm reading this card correctly, because it seems a little off.

Let's say I get this card early on and decide to take the offer. Later on in the first location deck I come across the villain, so I increase the checks by 1d20. I fail at the check, the villain is undefeated so the boon is banished. However, it looks like Compelling Offer is still displayed next to the scenario card until I find a new barrier that will replace it, event though there is no boon to do anything with.

Is it really the case where it adds 1d20 every time you come across the villain? Unless you only have one location left, why would you ever take the offer then?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So seeing the other thread got me to stop futzing around with this idea in my head and actually put fingers to keyboards.

This is a combination of two thoughts that have been ruminating in my head for a while. The first is that some of the characters in each AP stay in the box because I just don't have the spots for them at the table and there are other characters I like playing much better (see every version of Harsk in existence). The second is that in play Allies often seem like Blessings-lite, and one of the cool ways that they get set apart is the ability to have additional effects when they grant an extra explore.

Thus the Iconic Ally idea was born!

One ally is provided for each of the iconic characters currently printed. Each of them is an AD3 ally with one ability: "Discard this card to explore your location" with the text under the card modifying how it works. (The one exception is the Hunter Adowyn, whose entire ability is listed below since it doesn't modify the same as the others.) When you add AD3 to the box, only add in the Iconic Allies that come in that AP but are not being played. (For example, if you were playing Wrath of the Righteous with Enora, Alain, Adowyn and Seelah, you would add Crowe, Kyra, Imrijka, Harsk, Shardra, Seoni, and Balazar.) Each of these allies has a Charisma/Diplomacy 10 check, along with another skill to be used flavorful to the character. (Yet to be determined)

(Wording is not perfect - this is me nailing down the effects I want.)

Discard this card to explore your location…
Alchemist - Damiel
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random item with the alchemical trait instead.

Arcanist - Enora
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random item with the book trait instead.

Barbarian - Amiri
Add 1d12 to a noncombat Strength check during the exploration.

Bard - Lem
Add 1d6 to checks that other characters make during this exploration.

Bloodrager - Crowe
Add 1d4 and the Electricity trait to combat checks during this exploration. Reduce any Electricity damage dealt to you to 0 during this exploration.

Cavalier - Alain
If you are the only person at your location, add 1d4 to your checks.

Cleric - Kyra
If you acquire a blessing during your exploration, you may recharge a card from your discard pile.

Druid - Lini
If you encounter a boon, you may encounter a random ally with the animal trait instead.

Fighter - Valeros
If you would discard a weapon for its power during this exploration, you may recharge it instead.

Gunslinger - Lirianne
If you play a weapon on a check during this exploration, you may add 1d8 to that check. If you do, after the check, roll a d6. On a 1, bury that weapon.

Hunter - Adowyn
*Examine the top card of your location deck. You may explore it.

Inquisitor - Imrijka
If you defeat a monster during this exploration, roll a d6. On a 1 or a 2, you may explore again.

Magus - Seltyiel
You may recharge a weapon and a spell to add 2d8 to a combat check during this exploration.

Monk - Sajan
Recharge the first blessing you play during this exploration.

Oracle - Alahazra
If you recharge another card, you may explore another location instead.

Paladin - Seelah
Reduce all damage you would be dealt during this exploration by 1.

Ranger - Harsk
Add 1d4 to any Ranged check you make during this exploration.

Rogue - Merisiel
You may evade the encounter.

Shaman - Shardra
Add 1d8 to your Knowledge checks during the encounter.

Sorcerer - Seoni
For your first combat check during this exploration, you may roll Charisma or Arcane skill + 2d6.

Summoner - Balazar
If you encounter a monster during this exploration, draw a random monster from the box. If its adventure deck number is greater than or equal to the monster you encountered, add 1d6 to your checks to defeat.

Swashbuckler - Jirelle
Your checks during the encounter have the Swashbuckling trait. You may reroll 1 die during the encounter.

Warpriest - Oloch
During this exploration, you may display a weapon or blessing from your hand to add 1 to your check. At the end of your turn before you reset your hand, return any cards displayed this way to your hand.

Witch - Feiya
Reduce the check to defeat any bane during this exploration by 3.

Wizard - Ezren
Add 1d6 to your Arcane checks during this exploration.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been coming up for some homebrew ideas in Golarion, and as part of my brainstorming I came up with, I would like the PCs to visit an underwater city in the vein of Atlantis. Does this exist in Golarion already, or should I start planning on making this up?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Let's say that I gained the Flesh Golem as a cohort, then I discarded him for his ability to explore. Does his ability to be banished if I have any mythic charges still trigger when he is in my discard pile or only when displayed?

(Sorry, would have exact wording but I don't have the exact wording on me right now.)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Notes added up to pfsprep.com

What is the caster level of the custom items? Either I'm missing it or it's not listed anywhere.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As a heads up to those who are prepping this for Gencon (and in the future), I have separated all the stat blocks by subtier and encounter. In addition, I made my spell cheat sheets for casters, and included the text of some obscure abilities.

You can find it all, as usual, on pfsprep.com

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Redcap's Corner has been supporting the RPG Organized Play for years, and tomorrow we'll be testing the waters for the ACG Organized Play as well. We'll be playing every Tuesday in July, and if it seems popular enough, we'll keep running it afterwards as well.

This is our warhorn, where you can find both the information to find the store and the place to sign up so we know to expect you. Walk-ins are of course welcome, but we would prefer if people signed up so that we can make sure that we have enough base sets so that everyone gets a chance to play.

(And sorry about the short notice for this week - it just occurred to me today to post here for interested people. Don't worry though - we're happy to have you next week if you can't make it tomorrow!)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It will be sad to see you go, but thank you for everything you've done!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just to clarify, if someone plays through 1-1ABCDE through the tier system and therefore get the adventure reward, this means that they now have 2 skill feats despite being Tier 2, correct?

Sovereign Court

Yay discussion!

Sovereign Court

Yay gameplay thread!

Sovereign Court

Hello everyone! For this PbP Gameday I'll be offering The Technic Siege. This scenario has a reputation for going a little long, so I'm hoping that PbP can help do it justice.

Some notes:
- While I am an experienced GM, I am not as experienced with PbP. I ran some games for PbP Gameday 2, and it seemed to go well, which is why I'm going for it again. I'm going to try to tweak some things this time, but feel free to look at my profile for the previous games I've ran to see my style before you sign up.
- My expectation is that you will post on most days. I understand that due to various reasons you won't have time to post every single day, but please make an effort to post most of the time, especially when combat is a thing that is happening.
- When you sign up, please post with what character you wish to play this with.
- I am open to running multiple tables again, so even if there are already 6 people signed up, feel free to sign up as well.
- Grand Lodge and The Exchange characters are encouraged! You'll have the opportunity to further your factions' goals in this scenario.
- As I said earlier, this scenario tends to go long. Be aware that this will tie up your character for a while. There is a lot of stuff that you can do.

And on that note, let the signups begin!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Reading through the scenario right now - it looks really cool and I really like how it is structured to allow players the freedom to take a lot of different actions to defend the lodge.

I'm just posting because...

apparently we're being attacked by someone with the last name of Gavix.

Are we suddenly about to be attacked by a family who's pissed that their daughter died via minotaur?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Like many of you, I've been thinking about my schedule before GenCon, making sure that I have the weekend before free so I will have enough time to prepare the 4 scenarios I have to run that are all coming out that Friday. It occurred to me that I would probably have to depend on the Shared Prep Site for at least one the scenarios if I'm going to prepare them sufficiently. That's when it hit me.

What if we, as a community, got all of the GenCon scenarios prepared and uploaded on Saturday?

This would be an immense help for everyone going to GenCon, since that's a lot of work that wouldn't be duplicated and allowing those under a time crunch to focus on other parts of the scenarios and grab the prep when we're done. We did something similar to this last year with the subtiers of Siege of the Diamond City, which makes me confident that, as a community, we could get all 6 scenarios prepped if we divide and conquer.

Here's what's coming out, and how I'm guessing we should split it up for people to claim.

6-01 - Trial by Machine -
6-02 - The Silver Mount Collection -
6-03 - The Technic Siege -
Legacy of the Stonelords 1-2 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 3-4 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 5-6 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 7-8 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 10-11 -
The Paths We Choose Andoran/Liberty's Edge -
The Paths We Choose Cheliax/Darkive -
The Paths We Choose Osirion/Scarab Sages -
The Paths We Choose Qadira/Sczarni/The Exchange -
The Paths We Choose Taldor/Sovereign Court -
(Bonekeep 3 is also coming out, but Bonekeeps usually have all the statblocks printed in them already, so my guess is that they don't need much prep. Also do we know if there's going to be a separate path for Qadira and Sczarni or will they be merged together?)

Unless anyone can find something wrong with this breakdown, I'm totally calling Technic Siege.


Just as a side note, one thing that I think that as preppers we should focus on is to make sure that the stats for all the magic items in our prep as well. Maybe it's just Philly and online, but I've noticed a bunch of slacking in identifying magic items, since a lot of players assume that they don't need to identify them since they're on the chronicle sheet anyway. Also, it's a pain in the neck to look up the caster level of items you don't know, just like it's a pain in the neck to look up stat blocks you don't know. Add into the fact that recent scenarios have actually been including interesting items, and suddenly identifying items is something that PFS GMs and players should be paying more attention to.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, somehow wires got crossed and the Emerald Spire print pack I ordered got sent to someone else in the guild I backed with.

1) Apparently everything was sent besides the actual Emerald Spire book. Is there any chance we can get that routed to me instead?

2) What should we do about the books that got sent to my friend instead?

(I'm having him post in the thread so you know I didn't just make up an order number with the hopes they ordered a print pack.)