
Hellih/HK's page

741 posts. Organized Play character for Farol.

Current Campaigns

The Fall of Plaguestone (inactive)

Game Master S's "Duskmire Accord 9" [1-4] (inactive)

TACTICAL MAP | HANDOUTS | Starfinder Ships | Ship Roles



Gameday XI GM Kate's A Time of Crisis (inactive)

GM Jhaeman's SFS # 2-11: "Descent Into Verdant Shadow" (inactive)

GM Tealk's - Starfinder - #1-06 A Night in Nightarch (inactive)

Nightarch - Maps!

SFS 4-12 A Festive Operation (inactive)

SFS Quests: Into the Unknown (inactive)

Zoomba's Rasheen Run [SFS 1-35, 2-22 and 4-14] (inactive)

[GDX] GM Debug's Stumbling Society (inactive)

[GM Wolffauer] SFS 1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight (inactive)

[GM Wolffauer] SFS 1-10: The Half Alive Streets (inactive)

[SFS/Gameday XII] 5-99 Battle for the Bulwark (inactive)

[SFS/Shifty] #2:15 Infernal Gallery (A) (inactive)

[SFS/Shifty] #2:21 Illegal Shipment (A) (inactive)

[SFS/Shifty] Veskarium (B) (inactive)

[SFS] 1-04. Cries from the Drift (inactive)

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4.
A missing Starfinder ship's distress signal would have gone unnoticed were it not for a passerby detecting it and selling the information to the Society. The PCs are to travel to the crippled starship, and once aboard, reach the bridge in order to piece together the tragic story of the vessel's lost crew. Only by unraveling the mysteries of the drifting starship can the PCs hope to uncover information critical to the Exo-Guardians future operations.
Content in Cries From the Drift also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Exo-Guardians faction.
Scenario includes spaceship combat.

[SFS] 1-13 On The Trail of History (inactive)

[SFS] GM kuey's The First Mandate (#1-05) (inactive)