Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Mahari slides into the pilot's seat and begins the pre-takeoff flow then double-checks to make sure she didn't miss anything. It's nice to be back in a ship with standard controls and interfaces, though she kind of misses the performance of the Star Sythe, and Mean Gurl even more so. She lifts off the weird little planetoid and flies out toward the beacon.
"What's the plan, Cap'n?" she asks Azara?
She can auto-aid Computers if needed.
"I hope this isn't gonna be like one of Shokil's books," she muses. "You read the first one thinking it's a stand-alone. Then you find out from his promo-feed that he planned it as a trilogy. But when you finish the third book, there's a huge cliffhanger, and you realize it's a never-ending series."
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
"That's why I don't read prose," Azara says.
"Follow that beacon!" he answers Mahari's question, pointing dramatically to the spot on the screen where the light is flashing.
"It doesn't matter, Kat! We're the Starfinder society! We'll follow them if there are a hundred or a thousand. We'll continue until the answer is found!"
Kat (with some small help from Mahari) is easily able to get the beacon data upload onto your ship. Most of you are quite familiar with these beacons' specs by this point! It still takes some time though, and during it a still-slightly-tense Khendai fidgets about the starship with a sense of curious awe. Starship tech has advanced quite a bit in the century+ since they've traveled in one.
Once the dataset is downloaded, you can make your way back to Abaslaom Station. In barely a day too - fantastic time! This Drift thing really is great isn't it, and always will be!
Upon your arrival home, Radaszam is once again elated by the confirmation of another beacon signal, and immediately goes to bring it to his team for decryption. The First Seeker Ehu Hadif seems to be more excited at your mention of the research data on Golarion the architect minds of 'Tombworld' had found, and is eager to see what you recorded about them. However, the Seeker also looks to your new companion with sympathy. "Khendai, is it?" he asks softly. "I can't imagine what you've gone through. Our resources are at your disposal if you want to rest and recover or try and locate your kin. If it would help, our society is not unfamiliar with trauma and its lingering effects. There is a support center, Respite, in our main Complex. It is up to you of course if you would choose to go, but perhaps it could help"
The varculak looks a bit uncomfortable from the attention. Maybe. I, I'll see. A few society assistants move to guide them to lodgings. Khendai follows, but stops to turn to looks at the six of you and offer a final ...thank you before leaving.
Ehu Hadif keeps his eyes on the departing undead. "I'm not sure if they'll stay with us, but its their choice. A choice they have thanks to the six of you." He looks, eyes beaming with pride at your party. "I think you did well Starfinders. Well done."
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Mahari docks the ship back at Absalom Station already planning her next scam. She says goodbye to Khendai and gives them one of her many contact numbers (not one of the business ones, but one that she uses for "friends" that she might eventually need to ditch.) It's not that she isn't sympathetic to their situation; she's just worried they might get clingy and weird.
She sends her after-action report to Radaszam, and heads home to do some research on Corbosi Inc. and the Kalistocrat sect. It's well into the night when she finishes her second glass of a nice Castrovellian white that she feels like she's got a plan.
Two days later, Mahari gets her makeup, hair, and illusory clothing in order. Her hair is pulled back in a severe bun and bleached pure white with a single bright blonde highlight. It matches the all-white robe with gold trim and white gloves she's made her clothes appear to be. Her face is altered just enough that one of her teammates would recognize it as Dortay-but-not-Dortay. But given that no one else has seen the real Dortay in a very long time, who outside her team could gainsay her?
She checks herself in the mirror one last time before heading down to the waiting (rental) limo. It promptly delivers her to an understated building that looks like a cross between a bank vault and a church. Within, Mahari joins the assembled Kalistocrats and proceeds to hob-nob and name-drop all the while gathering inside intel on their businesses along with personal data for future social engineering uses.
Profession( Kalistocrat), Professional Clothing :1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 1 = 14 Pffft! Okay, I don't think I used my reroll. But before I do, is there anything we need to do regarding the irradiated issue?
"Kat6" | Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 56/56 HP 52/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None
Kat turns over her recordings to the First Seeker of the inside of the pyramid and its contents. She watches Khendai leave, content that she did all she could to protect him during his extraction. She is happy to see him free to leave and find a life for himself.
"Thank you for allowing me to work with your established crew" The Andriod tells you all. "We may not have found the treasure, but we helped that poor soul along the way. At least your friend won't be too upset, we didn't bring the treasure home without her. Oh, which reminds me. I have prepared this". The android reaches to the rear of her skull and removes a small storage device. "I have encoded my experiences on this mission on this device. Please, give it to her if you meet again. She may review it, and add it to her memory banks as if she shared the experience with you all. Take care, fellow Starfinders."
She hands the small chip to Mahari, turns on her heels and makes for the exit.Medbay?
Male NG ysoki scholar technomancer 8 | SP 56/56 HP 42/42 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10|Active Conditions: None | Speed: 30 ft | Spells: Lvl 1: 5/6 Lvl 2: 5/5 Lvl 3: 3/3
Nimh submits his reports, and bids farewell to Khendai.
I hope you find a place in this Universe that works for you , in spite of what Dortray did.
Looking to the rest of the group:
It has been a good run. Hopefully Radaszam will call us all together again when we have more leads, but until then, I hope we all get more chances to work together. Now I am going to go to the Zoo and relax for a while before I get to work on decrypting that data.
Croaker when the back goes to meet his previous co-workers to play some cards. But he was less successful than usual, something related to tombs and searching for immortality got stuck in his head...
"For a moment there I was certain that we will find Rasheen as a mummy there, but it turns out that their fate is still unknown"
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
"We make a good team. Let us make a pact: should any of us find any clues about the end of Rasheen's Run, we will contact the others to run them down, together," Azara says as the group separates again.
He then sets about crafting his next folio of Lashunta Epic Poetry, something investigating the nature of immortality, greed and self-determination.
Thanks for squeaking me in GM Zoomba. I am good with crossing the last bridge when we get to it if you are. Looks like my exocortex mechanic will be playing up, but I'm up for the challenge.
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
I know I've seen Mahari and Hellih around before but I can't remember if I played with them with this character or if they were in the game of The Last Bite that I ran.
Male Android Street Rat Mechanic/7 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 48/48 | RP: 7/7 | EAC:25 KAC:26 | Fort +7/Ref +10/Will +4 | Init +6 | Perception +1 | Land speed: 30ft | Swim: 20ft | Fly: 30ft
Azara Thenason wrote:
I know I've seen Mahari and Hellih around before but I can't remember if I played with them with this character or if they were in the game of The Last Bite that I ran.
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Azara Thenason wrote:
I know I've seen Mahari and Hellih around before but I can't remember if I played with them with this character or if they were in the game of The Last Bite that I ran.
Mahari played in your run of #2-00 Fate of the Scoured God earlier this year. Zoomba had to step in as GM when you lost power for a few days.
Have we nailed down our expected start date? I have played Kat exclusively here on the paizo forums, but have been searching out a roll 20 game for that extra XP to play all three modules.
@Gm - since I am bringing Croaker, he is an owner of War wagon ;) which is an armored vehicle. If possible I would try to use it, either as a way of transport or if scenery allows as a vehicle to fight with ;)
It can fit all 6 starfinders, it is not great in terms of armor and all. But you get a bonus for a stylish entrance crashing through a wall with it ;) Think about Mad Max and War Rig :D
But I am curious about your War Wagon. The entry for Speed says "Drawn." Meaning it's pulled by one or more creatures at whatever their speed is?
That raises the question of what happens if they have a climb or swim speed. Or how many creatures it takes.
Is Smiley's sister on Clydesdale duty now?
Ha, Didn't you have a chance while we 'infiltrated' that bunker? Anyways, darn that 'drawn' speed. I was certain that it is a vehicle with its own engine, from coolness factor that is even better, but it means I had to buy an additional 'car' to tow it :D
Regarding ship, Croaker has access to boon for Crypt Warden tier 7 it has some nice weapons but man it is a slow ship ;)
If we don't go with Crypt Warden, Croaker has:
Mystical Guidance Systems Upgrade (Starship Boon): Blueprint that allow you to change one weapon into a hybrid weapon. Gunner using it can use mysticism and wisdom instead of piloting and dex
During starship combat Croaker is:
Decent gunner: +9 or +11 (with mystical guidance system)
Captain: Diplomacy +11 / Bluff +13
Mystical Officer: Mysticism +14
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Ooohh, I vote Crypt Warden just for the RP potential and one-off chance of flying a stolen?/procured?/captured? Corpse Fleet ship!
I have a Manticore boon, but it caps at Tier 6. Mahari won't be flying the Mean Gurl any longer. :(
Edit: I forgot that this is a 5-8. What tier are we in? If 5-6, she could bring the Manticore.
As for roles:
Bluff +22
Diplo +20
Piloting +19 (8 ranks)
Gunnery +13
So Captain or Pilot. Or Gunner if someone else beats her on the others.
She'll slot the Dataphiles starship boon "Computational Savant" which provides a floating +2 bonus to any check that she attempts (not included above).
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
That is a slow ship but I always like using boons when I can. It makes the Starfinders seem more like the Rebel Fleet and less like the Imperial Navy.
Azara's boon is a Heavy Solar Cannon - 3d8 damage with sustained fire: Each round after the first that it hits the same target it deals another die of damage in this case up to 7d8.
And, Azara is pretty much only suited to be a Captain-Diplomacy +17 or Chief Mate-Athletics +12.
Male NG ysoki scholar technomancer 8 | SP 56/56 HP 42/42 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10|Active Conditions: None | Speed: 30 ft | Spells: Lvl 1: 5/6 Lvl 2: 5/5 Lvl 3: 3/3
As I mentioned in the Gameplay thread, I have the "Hero of the Stars" Starship boon, which restores 5 Hull Points per Tier if we get reduced to zero Hull Points. We can only have one, and it might be enough to let us survive a fight.
I understand the desire to use a Boon ship, but those Advanced Long Range Sensors on the Pegasus look like they were designed for this mission. If we go with another ship, I am sure we can overcome the deficit.
During Starship Combat, Nimh is best as:
Science Officer: Computers +17
Engineer: Engineering +17
Pilot (only if no one else can pilot) +15
Looks like I may be jumping between Science and Engineering.
With this party comp we’re rounding up to 7-8 tier. There also is (as many/all of you noted be I realize I never explicitly confirmed) the Starship tag on this first scenario
Male Ghibrani Witchwarper (Icon) / 8 SP 48 HP 44 RP 9 EAC 22 KAC 23 INIT +8 PER +2 FORT +3 REF +10 WILL +4
In doublechecking my chronicles, I see that Teleemo is actually 7th level at this point. I'll make sure everything is up to date early this weekend. I'm sorry I have been a little behind on this. It's been a crazy week. Lots of extra hours at my side hustle part-time job, as well as the usual day job (not complaining, I love my jobs).
Teleemo is probably best at Captain. He can manage a +8 for guns if needed. I think he would also be a decent science officer.
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Starship roles:
Mahari: Pilot +19 (8 ranks) +2 boon
Croaker: Magical Officer +14 Mysticism
Teleemo: Capt Diplo +17 (taps the DC 15 for Encourage)
Nimh: Engineer (can also Science Officer if Croaker is gunning)
Kat & Azara: Chief Mates & more gunners
If that looks fine, let's get this show on the road.
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
Mahari Jones wrote:
Starship roles:
Mahari: Pilot +19 (8 ranks) +2 boon
Croaker: Magical Officer +14 Mysticism
Teleemo: Capt Diplo +17 (taps the DC 15 for Encourage)
Nimh: Engineer (can also Science Officer if Croaker is gunning)
Kat & Azara: Chief Mates & more gunners
If that looks fine, let's get this show on the road.
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
Actually...scratch that. I just read about the EMP Cannon. I also have a boon to swap in a Mining Laser for a light weapon.
Unless anyone objects, I'll replace the EMP Cannon in the turret with a Mining Laser. It's Short Range only but it does half it's damage to the hull without having to go through the shields first. It's only 2d6 but it will let us do damage no matter what arc the opponent ends up in.
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Hehe. Why does an Eoxian ship have escape pods? Undead don't need to breathe in a vacuum, so they could just launch themselves out of any hole in the fuselage if they need to escape. I'd think they'd have emergency exits like on planes.
Each of my characters has a unique name for "their" version of my Manticore boon, along with a little story of how they got access to it.
Mahari's Manticore was Mean Gurl. She "repossessed" it from the CEO of a caf-company. You know, the one with the round green logo of a mermaid :) The bank had put out a repo on it, and she did the job but under a false identity. Then she just didn't bother turning the ship over to the bank. I guess I need a story of how they finally caught up with her now that she's out of tier to ever use it again.
Male NG ysoki scholar technomancer 8 | SP 56/56 HP 42/42 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10|Active Conditions: None | Speed: 30 ft | Spells: Lvl 1: 5/6 Lvl 2: 5/5 Lvl 3: 3/3
I suspect it has escape pods so that the crew can actually go somewhere. Yeah, they could just jump out a hole in the ship, but then they have no propulsion, and may drift for thousands of years before getting anywhere. I also suspect they would not handle re-entry well in just their armor.
I find the fact that the medical bay only supports Undead to be slightly more disturbing and possibly problematic.
Can you imagine what they might use for air filters in the "Life Support"? Or what kind of Torture/experiments they might have in the Life Science Lab?
Korasha Lashunta Solarian 10th | INIT + 3, Senses Perception +12 Darkvision 60' | EAC 26 KAC 28 DR 11/B or S| Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +9 | [THP]5[SP] 98/98 [HP]75/75| Resolve: 6/9 |
"Hey guys! I was fiddling with some switches and levers down in the Life Science Lab. The good news is, we have a new crewmember! The bad news is, he's afraid of fire and keeps threatening to float away on an iceberg if we don't provide him a bride."
It is relatively flat. I had thought we’d discovered the vehicle in question required animals to pull it though: do you have those or am I thinking of a different non-‘drawn’ vehicle?
Sorry, @Gm I did not follow up on that. Croaker put his big Rat pants and bought a vehicle to drag the War Wagon, Urabn Cruiser the biggest issue is to find a vehicle for 6 PC's. So I have two: one that takes 3 and wagon that takes 5 ;)
And if the party's happy to use those, fine with me. Always happy to let a PC's hard bought vehicle (or two in this case) get a chance to show off. Just would need to know who's driving/riding in which then
There are several potential environmental dangers you might experience on your trek to the ship. Factoring in vehicle's being used, I was planning on having that both impact your travel time and potentially alter the effects of some of those hazards.
And then the dice decided 4/6 of those would be 'nothing dangerous happens' anyway :)
Croaker has 1 rank in piloting with a whooping +5 modifier. It is enough to drive slowly through Absalom from hangar bay to wherever they are stored :D
Acro +6 : Ath+15 : Bluff 0 : Comp +16 : Cult +5 : Dip +10 : Disg 0 : Eng +16 : Intim +10 : LSci +5 : Med +8 : Perc +12 : Phy Sci +8 : Pilot +16: Prof+4 : Se Mot -2 : Stealth +10 : Surv 0
That was an incredible stroke of luck. I wish I could have participated in that a little more, but I was dealing with some sick kids. I was checking in and reading along though, that was great!
I smiled when I saw you pick the ship. I laughed when I confirmed that at this tier it is not just a Corpse Fleet ship they are flying, but literally a Crypt Warden for them as well.
I’m going to have a larger next post in the Gameplay thread this evening when home from work, but you crazy SOBs did it (don’t forget your bony ship itself gives a Computers bonus too) :)
So we are now essentially in wrap-up of this first scenario (1-35). There's still the debrief with Radaszam to go through and RP, but I will work to get chronicles out today. (in-tier creds will be 6.091, out-of-tier 5,097 if that notice helps with purchasing plans).
After that, we'll continue shortly into your next mission: 2-22 Rasheen's Reception. While I know we will need to have some group re-jiggering for the higher-tier 4-14, this next one is still a 5-8. That said, if things have changed and any of you are no longer interested in keeping on to the next scenario, let me know!
Female Halfling (Corporate Agent) Operative 9 SP 81 / 81 | HP 56 / 56 | RP 9 / 9 EAC 21 KAC 21 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +8 (Evasion)| Invisibility 10 / 10 | Active conditions: none
Mahari will continue for sure!
Gonna get a chronal harness from Galactic Magic and a jammer charge from Tech Rev. That should be it. As noted previously, she'll level to 9 after Part 2.
Side note, her Bluff and Computers checks should have been 2 higher for the extra node she asked Kat to install. Not that it mattered, I suppose.
Anyone got any suggestions for a feat for her at 9th?