rorek55 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Greetings all, I will be trying my hand at running the Ironfang Invasion AP.
I will be accepting a total of 6 players, however 2 slots are spoken for, as they are two folk that requested a GM for the game to begin with.
So, a bit of brutal honesty up front. I cannot guarantee this game will be seen through to the end. I will certainly try, and do hope that it will be. However light happens, and I don't like making promises that I may not be able to keep.
The post rate will be, on the average, likely 1 post every other day. This may change every now and then with updates coming daily, and I will normally try to keep combats moving at a 24 hours/turn rate.
I reserve the right to change encounters as I see fit, through the at the very least the general idea and arc of the AP will remain the same.
IF you are still around, and the above is OK with you,
One to two paragraphs describing where your character comes from and their personalty.
1-2 goals your character has, short or long term
1-2 fears your character has.
If your character has any family/loved ones they are close to.
How you managed to end up in, or passing through, Pheandar.
a quirk or mannersim your character has ween stressed or frustrated.
here are the build rules-
Only paizo material please. No 3rd Party
Classes- All classes are open, except summoner and vigilante.
Races- I am very open here, just ask me, either with a link in this thread or Via PM. One of the 2 already selected players may be playing an awakened animal.
30pt buy, no stat above 20 at start, and only one stat may be 18 pre racial modifiers.
two traits, 1 additional trait, with a drawback that will be selected by me for your character based on his background.
HP- Max every odd level, half+1 every even level.
Elephant in the room feat tax rules are in use
You will gain one additional feat every even level, however it must be used on non-combat and non-spell enhancing feats. (such as skill focus, other skill based feats, "extra X" feats, any teamwork feats, etc) Examples are- hellcat steatlh, deceitful, fleet footwork, extra ki, extra rage, acrobatic step etc. If you are unsure if a feat qualifies, please ask me.
Max starting wealth for your class.
Gestalt rules-
You will be allowed to gestalt, however you must first pick your primary class, and then select your gestalt class from one of the following-
Your gestalt class cannot be modified, this means that if you wish to multiclass, or take a prestige class, you must use levels from your Primary class. Think of one of the above as "freebie" stuff.
Class specific houserules:
Fighters gain perception and acrobatics as a class skill.
Fighters gain good reflex saves.
Rogues gain Good will save progression
unchained Rogues may make use of core rogue talents
rogues gain the signature skill feat at level 5 (basically gaining two skills they excel at)
Rogues gain Either weapon focus, or a weapon proficiency in place of weapon finesse at level 1. (however, it must be in their chosen weapon for finesse training)
Barbarians gain good reflex saves.
core Barbarians rage Temp HP works like that of the unchained barbarian. (in other words, you lose the Temp HP first, however, you cannot gain more temp HP again from a rage until at least 1 minute has passed)
Sorcerers gain their bloodline spell immediately upon qualifying for the spell. In other words, you gain your 1st level bloodline spell at level 1. Your 2nd level bloodline spell at level 4, and etc, etc.
All races my choose to use the Human favored class bonus (+1 spell known of highest level you can cast -1)
All universal spells are treated as being an opposition school unless the wizard is of the universal school. (wizard discoveries such as opposition research may be used to remove this)
The universal wizard power "Hand of the apprentice" using Intelligence for both its to hit and damage modifier.
Rangers gain two favored enemies at first level.
Rangers gain Acrobatics as a class skill.
Unchained Monks:
Unmonks gain good progression in will saves
Feat changes and other houserules:
Vital strike works with charge actions, and with the spring attack feat.
A new feat, "Double Strike" Bonus: The character may make an attack with both his main hand and off-hand weapon as part of a standard attack action. (does not work with vital strike)
Prerequisites: Two weapon fighting, 15 Dex, BaB +1.
Endurance: Endurance now allows one to sleep in heavy armor as well. It also reduces the amount of sleep needed every night to a minimum of 5 hours instead of 8.
Additional Misc Changes:
All shields (except buckler) add +1 to their total shield bonus. (Lights give +2 AC, heavy shields give +3, tower shields +5)
you may make a charge action outside of the surprise round as a standard action, however, if you do so you are staggered the following round. ( you still only move up to your speed as with the normal standard action charge)
I believe I covered everything, however if I missed something, please, feel free to ask.
theasl |
Might not make anything but dotting in all the same. A couple questions though:
-How do you usually deal with non-sentient animal companions regarding player control, handle animal checks, etc.?
-Is the gestalt rogue vanilla only or can it be unchained too?
-For your double strike feat, I assume the normal twf penalties apply?
hustonj |
I see a conflict I want to understand your rules intent on:
House rules under Rogue replace the class Weapon Finesse benefit with either Weapon Focus or Weapon Proficiency (in the weapon you select for Weapon Finesse) despite the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax replacing it with Deft Maneuvers (A clean and reasonable house rule, no complaint on that difference, here.). The conflicts that concern me are 1) You aren't required to select the first focus weapon for the Unchained Rogue class benefit until Level 3 (where you get Dex to damage, not just on finesse attacks) and 2) as I understand the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax rules, any Feat which selects a single weapon instead selects a weapon group (with a potentially unwritten exception for weapons not within a group).
I am NOT trying to argue that your rule is wrong. Your game. I am trying to understand your intent and thought process, so I can build in a fashion where the rules interpretations won't cause friction.
Kurgan Kegstalker |
Class 1: Mutation Warrior Fighter (As a brewer, he makes his own special drinks)
Class 2: Infiltrator Relic Hunter Inquisitor (Spells represent his brew. Implement will be an ale mug. Second class subject to change. Picked this instead of cultist as it is Wis based)
From Kraggodan they came, the Silver Company. The dwarves marched out to fight as mercenaries in the war against Molthune. Drawing upon their tradition of tunnel fighting, the dwarves formed a block of heavy shields and heavier armor which a general could form a battle plan around. They were reliable, on and off the battlefield. And Kurgan was one of them.
The young dwarf was a naught but a brewer. Having come from a long line of brewmasters, he signed up with the Silver Company as a way to earn a name for himself, and for the gold. He knew that he would eventually have to settle down. To take over the family business in Kraggodan, once his father deemed him worthy. What he didn’t admit, though, was that there was another reason for this. There was a lass he wanted to wed, and he was sure that if he asked she would agree. But he knew that there was no way her clan would allow a dwarf with barely a gold crown in his pocket to marry her, and that his own clan wouldn’t help with that. His father had been a self-made dwarf, and he demanded that all of his children work as hard as he did. To get the approval of either clan he would need gold. And some glory wouldn’t hurt either. The company gladly took him on, for dwarves at war were a thirsty bunch. And his alcohol, while not as good as his father’s, was still good enough to drink on the march. In fact, so useful was he, that he was always kept in the back ranks, for he was considered too valuable to risk in the thick of combat.
But no sooner had he joined them that word came that Kraggodan was under siege. Almost as one they left, marching back to where they belonged. Almost. They were dwarves of their word, and contracts had to be fulfilled. And there was one which still had to be completed. A merchant had hired their services to ensure his safety to the town of Phaendar. And Kurgan drew the short straw, and was assigned to the job, told that once it was complete he could make his way home as well. They said that he was always asking for some action, and this was his chance.
Unfortunately, by the time he got there, word had come to the town that Kraggodan was completely shut off by the Molthune siege. So now, he is not a bit lost. He is a halberdier without a regiment. A dwarf without a purpose. No purpose, that is, except finding a way back home. He is, without a doubt, sick of the surface. Of the watered down drinks. Of the harsh sunlight. Of how the air just tasted wrong. And of the feeling that he should have just stayed home...
1-2 goals your character has, short or long term
(1) Return home to Kraggodan with glory and gold
(2) Win the support of his clan and Brunhild’s for her hand in marriage
1-2 fears your character has.
(1) Disappointing his family
(2) General uneasiness with flying creatures
If your character has any family/loved ones they are close to.
(1) Brunhild Oreforger (Bride to be)
(2) Krugar Kegstalker (Father/clan patriarch)
How you managed to end up in, or passing through, Pheandar.
(*) Joined mercenary company for quick gold and glory, got stuck out when siege was laid to Kraggodan
a quirk or mannersim your character has ween stressed or frustrated.
(1) Drinking, or...
(2) Running fingers through beard
rorek55 |
YoricksRequiem- Yes, archetypes on the gestalt class are fine.
Monkeygod- yes, background skills will be allowed.
If the animal companion is part of a class feature (IE, druid, range or a mount) I do not require handle animals rolls unless you are trying to force the companion around a creature to which it has failed a fear save, or some other thing. the handle animal rules are a bit too much of a hassle for me.
unchained rogue was the excepted choice, so it perfectly fine.
corret, double strike merely allows you to use it on the move. All penalties for fighting with whatever two weapons you have are still present.
Mr. Rattlebones- yes, it is preferable one of your traits be from the AP.
A drow, yes, a drow noble, no.
hustonj- these are houserules I copy-pasted from a doc. I made for my F2F group, agile maneuvers would have been the best replacement for weapon finesse, however, it to is gone haha. When you make your choice, you gain the feat (at level 3) and this is the only such related feat that specifies a weapon, due to the ability requiring a specific weapon type. (and the fighter weapon training groups aren't good substitutes, due to some groups having some finesse weapons, and a lot of others that are not) to keep it consistent, you gain weapon focus in any weapon you gain finesse training in. The only difference for level 3, is that I will allow you to choose a weapon you are not proficient in, and gain proficiency in that weapon instead of the normal weapon focus.
recruitment will be around a little over a week. So lets shoot for next Saturday. 11:00 PM EST.
Also, a recent change to my houserules which I forgot to add-
Dual weapons may be "paired" up, whether they are two one-handed weapons or a double weapon. "paired" weapons cost 1.5x the gold to enchant. Example: a long sword and a short sword are paired up, normally, to enchant both, it costs 4k gold (2k each), however, now it only costs 3k gold. (2k for the first, 1k for the second).
You may purchase an enchantment on one at a time, however you cannot increase the off-hand weapon until the main hand weapon has a +1 enhancement total over it, and you may not increase the main hand weapons weapon enhancement total until the off-hand weapons total enhancement bonus is equivalent to the main hands.
shields cannot be "paired" weapons.
Monkeygod |
Just an FYI, I am one of the players guaranteed a spot, as I was the one who originally made the LF GM post.
I will very likely be playing a ranger of some sort.
Rorek, does the extra favored enemy of the ranger increase like normal? Also, if I take an archetype that says I only get one favored enemy as I level(ie, I don't get to pick new types every 5 levels), will I still get the bonus favored enemy?
While I know you said no 3pp for this game, if you can, you should check out the Legendary Games class reworks for Rogue & Fighter(actually, all their reworks that I have read so far are amazing), as they offer very similar alterations as you're using.
Almonihah |
I was actually the second player, the one who was talking about playing an awakened animal. :D I've sent the PM the GM asked for, so we'll see what I end up doing for my character.
I've kind of got a lot of possible ideas I'm playing around with, and may wait and see if there's an area the submissions aren't covering well (unlikely) to see if I can narrow down.
hustonj |
hustonj- these are houserules I copy-pasted from a doc. I made for my F2F group, agile maneuvers would have been the best replacement for weapon finesse, however, it to is gone haha.
An "are you aware" point . . ..
Agile Combatant is the EitR:FT version of Agile Manuevers.
So, it IS in the adapted system if you really believe it is the superior choice.
No sweat either way.
Edit: I'm playing around with a Shifter/URogue build. Should be useful early on, but once he gets Wildshape and Scout's Charge (Rogue Archetype Scout) so that he can pounce as a dino and get Sneak attack on every attack in the pounce . . .. He should become quite the damage dealer at that point, I think. Assuming he can hit.
And the finesse Dino does less damage and generally fewer hits than a power kitty, so this isn't even the full-on gouda.
Cuàn |
Seeing the new gestalt rules my previously idea does not work anymore.
Now I'm thinking about either a Wyrwood or a Vine Leshy.
The Leshy would be a Verdivant Cavalier on his Gestalt side. If allowed his plant mount would be grizzly bear based, otherwise I'd be looking at a wolf. Not sure yet on the main side. He'd be the creation of a Fangwood druid that got killed in the Blight.
The Wyrwood would thematically be about finding your place in the world and determining your identity. Both tricky things if you are created and not born I think (Leshies already exist before having a body so less of an issue there). Might be looking at the Living Machine alternate racial trait. Not sure on classes yet.
Sebecloki |
I'm planning to work around this buffer bard build. I guess it wound depend on if I'm even chosen, but I'm putting that out there in case anyone might want to consider synergies I could be helpful with.
hustonj |
Here's a first take for feedback if anyone wants to provide some.
The question I raised earlier about Agile Combatant vs Weapon Focus has an impact on the build, but not one that is going to cause me to change anything other than that one item.
Saffiro Atrabo
The young Chelaxian man is missing only one thing from fully looking the part, money. He has the coal dark hair, eyes a brown so dark the edges of the pupils are uncertain, the prominent hooked nose, and pale skin so typical of the ethnicity. His clothing and pack are all well-worn and without flashy ornamentation. The two visible weapons are plain and worn, the leather wrappings on the grip of each are uneven and stained from sweat and exposure, not from a proper tanning. He is thin, but does not appear malnourished. His eyes are always in motion, watching the area around him as though he doesn't trust that he is safe.
Hailing originally from Sisla's Post, a small village that used to lie near the modern Acorn's Rest, Saffiro managed to hide from the invading forces when the Ironfang Legion destroyed his home and killed everyone they found. The legion wasn't really looking for people that thoroughly, their assignment more to destroy the village than to kill civilians. He was six years old at the time. He lost everyone and everything he knew and loved during that attack.
He was found and rescued by Alito, a human Chernasardo Ranger. Alito took Saffiro to another nearby village, and handed him off to Grolock, a half-orc Druid he knew and trusted, to care for the young man. She couldn't miss the fear in him, or the sense of loss, so she started working to teach him to deal with both in the natural way. He took to some parts of the training better than others, of course. After a few years, Grolock moved on, taking Saffiro with her. He was ten when they moved into Phaendar. He continued learning portions of what Grolock was trying to teach him, coming to terms with the horrors in his past, when he started learning things from the infrequent passing Varisians. Alito would visit irregularly, Saffiro convinced it was to see him, but it was more about checking in during his extended patrols.
By the age of twelve, Saffiro was joining hunters and trappers as they tried to feed the village. He started doing this in earnest shortly after his fourteenth birthday, after burying Grolock, who passed peacefully in her sleep. The hunters tried to continue her lessons, but they just don't have full Druidic knowledge to share. At this point, Saffiro began paying far more attention to what he coul learn from the Varisians when they were in town. The combination of partial Druidic training and Varisian guile has provided Saffiro with an unusual combination of capabilities.
He inherently understands the circle of life, now. He has learned that skill, iron, and numbers can elevate one's position in the food chain, but he is unable to shake the loss of his home and family. He still grieves over them, but the confidence of youth and training is fueling the flames of anger over that loss, as well.
Minor Aspect: Deinonychus: +2 to Init
Speed 30'
BAB+1; Melee+3; Finesse/Ranged+5; CMB+3 (Str+2, Dex+4)
Rapier +5 for 1d6+2 @ 18+, P
Shifter Claw +6 for 1d4+2 @ x2, PS (Weapon Focus)
Shortbow +5 for 1d6 over 60' @ x3, P
Rapier +5 for 1d6+2 @ 18+, P and Shifter Claw +1 for 1d4+1 @ x2, PS (Weapon Focus)
Shifter Claws +6/+6 for 1d4+2 each @ x2, PS (Weapon Focus)
Sneak Attack: +1d6 when target denied Dex/Flanked
Defensive Stance: -1 to all Attacks for 1 round for +1 Dodge for the same round
Risky Strike: -1 Attack for +2 Damage per attack
AC 17, T 15, FF 12, CMD 18 (Armor+2, Dex+4, Dodge+1, BAB+1, Str+2)
Dodge: Upgrades to +5 vs AoOs caused by my movement
Ironfang Survivor: +2 Dodge vs goblinoids
Defensive Stance: -1 to all Attacks for 1 round for +1 Dodge for the same round
HP 13 (1x10 + 0x6 + 1x(Con+2+Favored Class+1)
Fort +4 (Base+2, Con+2)
Ref +6 (Base+2, Dex+4)
Will +5 (Base+2, Wis+3)
Wild Empathy +1 vs Animals; -3 for Magical Beasts of animal intelligence
Deinonychus +2 to Init. +4 @ 8th level. +6 @ 15th level.
** Major ** Currently unavailable 4 Hours/Day in hour increments
Deinonychus Your shape changes to that of a deinonychus. While in this form, you gain a base speed of 60 feet, low-light vision, scent (30 feet), a bite attack (1d8 damage), and two talon attacks (1d8 damage; your talon attacks can use your shifter claws damage), pounce, and +2 Str. At 8th level, you gain two foreclaw attacks (1d4 damage; these attacks cannot use your shifter claws damage) and a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks. At 15th level, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Spring Attack as a bonus feat.
Bonus Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Specified(+Conditional)
+ 8-Acrobatics +4+1+3-AC
+ 0 Appraise +0+0+0
+ 0 Bluff +0+0+0
+ 6-Climb +2+1+3-AC
+ 0 Craft (Any) +0+0+0
+ 0 Diplomacy +0+0+0
+11-Disable Device +4+1+3+Trapfinding+1-AC+2 circumstance MW Thieves' Tools
+ 0 Disguise +0+0+0
+ 8-Escape Artist +4+1+3-AC
+ 4-Fly +4+0+0-AC
+ 4 Handle Animal (Background) +0+1+3
+ 0 Intimidate +0+0+0
+ 4 Knowledge (Nature) +0+1+3
+ 4 Linguistics (Background) +0+1+3
+11+Perception +3+1+3+Frontier-Forged+1+Skill Focus+3(+Trapfinding+1 to Locate Traps)
+ 0 Perform (Any) +0+0+0
+ 4-Ride +4+0+0-AC
+ 3 Sense Motive +3+0+0
+ 8-Stealth +4 +1+3-AC
+ 7+Survival +3 +1+3(+1 to Get Along in the Wild)(+2 Circumstance to Get Along in the Wild, Deal with Severe Weather, Keep from Getting Lost, Avoid Natural Hazards, Predict Weather)
+ 6-Swim +2+1+3-AC
Ironfang Survivor: 1/Day roll 2ce pick best for Intimidate/Sense Motive/Stealth vs goblinoids
AC -0
Languages: Taldane, Druidic, Sylvan
H Skill Focus (Perception)
1 Dodge
R Weapon Focus (Claws)
** Traits **
Campaign: Ironfang Survivor: +2 Dodge vs goblinoids & 1/Day roll 2ce pick best for Intimidate/Sense Motive/Stealth vs goblinoids
Region (Any frontier area): Frontier-Forged: You receive a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks and a +1 bonus on Survival checks made to get along in the wild.
x10.0.0 Leather Armor (+2/+6/-0/10%/30'/15#)
x30.0.0 Shortbow (1d6/x3/60'/2#/P)
xx1.0.0 Arrows, Common, 20 (3#)
x20.0.0 Rapier (1d6/18+/2#/P)
100.0.0 MW Thieves' Tools (2#)
x50.0.0 MW Kit, Survival (5#, a flint and steel, a mess kit, two waterskins (enough to hold water for 1 person for 1 day), very basic maps showing major landmarks, a small utility knife, higher quality gear and a guide to identifying flora and fauna. It grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild, deal with severe weather, keep from getting lost, avoid natural hazards such as quicksand, and predict the weather.)
xx2.0.0 Backpack, Common (2#)
xFREE Outfit, Explorer's (8#)
xxx.5.0 Blanket (3#)
xx2.5.0 Rations, Trail, 5 days (5#)
216 GP spent (24 on hand) for 47#
Light: <=58# (By Armor)
Medium: <=116# (+3/-3/20'/x4)
Heavy: <= 175# (+1/-6/20'/x3)
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain 1 additional skill rank at 1st level and 1 additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common and their ethnic language. Humans whose ethnic language is Common (or Taldane, in the case of Chelaxians or Taldans) do not receive an additional ethnic language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d10.
Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140 gp).
Class Skills: The Gestalt's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Finesse training, Shifter aspect, shifter claws, sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, wild empathy
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Defensive instinct, Evasion, rogue talent, track
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Danger sense +1, finesse training, Shifter claws increase, sneak attack +2d6, woodland stride
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Debilitating injury, Defensive instinct (+1), rogue talent, Scout's Charge, wild shape
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Rogue's edge, Second aspect, Signature Skill Feat, sneak attack +3d6, trackless step
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +5 Danger sense +2, rogue talent, Shifter's fury
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +5 Shifter claws increase, Sneak attack +4d6
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +6 Defensive instinct (+2), rogue talent, Skirmisher
9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +6 Chimeric aspect, Danger sense +3, sneak attack +5d6
10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +7 Advanced talents, rogue talent, rogue's edge, Third aspect
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +7 Finesse training, Shifter claws increase, sneak attack +6d6
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +8 Danger sense +4, Defensive instinct (+3), rogue talent
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +8 Shifter claws increase, Sneak attack +7d6
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +9 Greater chimeric aspect, Rogue talent
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Danger sense +5, Fourth aspect, rogue's edge, sneak attack +8d6
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +10 Defensive instinct (+4), Rogue talent
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Shifter claws increase, Sneak attack +9d6
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11 A thousand faces, Danger sense +6, rogue talent, timeless body
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 Finesse training, Shifter claws increase, sneak attack +10d6
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 Defensive instinct (+5), final aspect, Master strike, rogue talent, rogue's edge
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. A shifter is proficient with scimitar, scythe, the natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) from the shifter claws class feature and of forms she assumes with wild shape.
Shifters are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor. A shifter can wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as if it were steel. Shifters are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only those crafted from wood.
A shifter who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to use her shifter aspect, shifter claws, wild shape, and other shifter supernatural or spell-like abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.
Bonus Languages: A shifter’s bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland creatures, and Aklo, the tongue spoken by certain sinister fey or otherworldly denizens of reaches of the wild rarely explored by humanity. These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.
A shifter speaks Druidic, a secret language known only to druids and shifters, which she learns upon becoming a 1st level shifter. Druidic is a free language for a shifter; that is, she knows it in addition to her regular allotment of languages, and it doesn’t take up a language slot. Shifters are forbidden to teach this language to non-druids or non-shifters.
Finesse Training (Ex): At 1st level, a rogue gains either Weapon Focus or Weapon Proficiency in the weapon selected for the 3rd level benefit as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.
Shifter Aspect (Su): At 1st level, a shifter gains her first aspect—a category of animal to which her body and soul have become supernaturally attuned. She can shift into her aspect’s minor form for a number of minutes per day equal to 3 + her shifter level. The duration need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments. Shifting into a minor form is a swift action, while ending the effect is a free action that can be taken only on the shifter’s turn. Until a shifter reaches 9th level and gains the chimeric aspect class feature, she can assume only one minor form at a time. Shifting to a new aspect (or aspects, in the case of chimeric aspects or greater chimeric aspects) ends all minor forms currently manifested. The minor forms of aspects are not polymorph effects, and the shifter does not lose the benefits of a minor form while affected by polymorph effects.
As the shifter gains levels, she gains more aspects; she gains her second aspect at 5th level, a third aspect at 10th level, and a fourth at 15th level.
Shifter Claws (Su): At will, a shifter in her natural form can extend her claws as a swift action to use as a weapon. This magical transformation is fueled as much by the shifter’s faith in the natural world as it is by inborn talent. The claws on each hand can be used as a primary natural attack, dealing 1d4 points of piercing and slashing damage (1d3 if she is Small). If she uses one of her claw attacks in concert with a weapon held in the other hand, the claw acts as a secondary natural attack instead.
As the shifter gains levels, the power of her claws increases. At 3rd level, her claws ignore DR/cold iron, DR/magic, and DR/silver. At 7th level, her claw damage increases to 1d6 (1d4 if Small). At 11th level, her claw damage increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small). At 13th level, her claw damage increases to 1d10 (1d8 if Small). At 17th level, the damage die does not increase, but the critical multiplier becomes ×3. Lastly, at 19th level, the claws ignore DR/adamantine and DR/—.
While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspect’s major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability. If the form she takes has claw attacks, she can use either the base damage of her shifter claws or the damage of the form’s claws, whichever is greater. If the form does not have claw attacks, she can choose up to two natural attacks that would deal less damage than her shifter claw damage and have those attacks instead deal the same damage as her shifter claws.
Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue’s attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every 2 rogue levels thereafter. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. This additional damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, unarmed strike, or whip), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty.
The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment.
Trapfinding: A rogue adds 1/2 her level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A shifter can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions as a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 93). The shifter rolls 1d20 and adds her shifter level and Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the shifter and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another and under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The shifter can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Defensive Instinct (Ex): At 2nd level, when unarmored, not using a shield, unencumbered, and conscious, the shifter adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC and CMD. If she is wearing nonmetal armor or using a nonmetal shield, she instead adds half her Wisdom bonus to her AC (minimum 0). In addition, the shifter gains a +1 bonus to her AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 shifter levels thereafter (up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the shifter is flatfooted. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless. These bonuses do not stack with the monk AC bonus class feature.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Rogue Talents: As a rogue gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, a rogue gains one rogue talent. She gains an additional rogue talent for every 2 levels of rogue attained after 2nd level. A rogue cannot select an individual talent more than once.
The following rogue talents complement the scout archetype: assault leader, camouflage, cunning trigger, survivalist, and trap spotter*.
Track (Ex): At 2nd level, a shifter adds half her level as a bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks.
Danger Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a rogue gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe. These bonuses increase by 1 every 3 rogue levels thereafter (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level). This ability counts as trap sense for the purpose of any feat or class prerequisite, and can be replaced by any archetype class feature that replaces trap sense. The bonuses gained from this ability stack with those gained from trap sense (from another class).
Woodland Stride (Ex): At 3rd level, a shifter can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as briars, natural thorns, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Briars, thorns, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect the shifter.
Debilitating Injury (Ex): At 4th level, whenever a rogue deals sneak attack damage to a foe, she can also debilitate the target of her attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round (this is in addition to any penalty caused by a rogue talent or other special ability). The rogue can choose to apply any one of the following penalties when the damage is dealt.
Bewildered: The target becomes bewildered, taking a –2 penalty to AC. The target takes an additional –2 penalty to AC against all attacks made by the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty to AC against attacks made by the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
Hampered: All of the target’s speeds are reduced by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). In addition, the target cannot take a 5-foot step.
These penalties do not stack with themselves, but additional attacks that deal sneak attack damage extend the duration by 1 round. A creature cannot suffer from more than one penalty from this ability at a time. If a new penalty is applied, the old penalty immediately ends. Any form of healing applied to a target suffering from one of these penalties also removes the penalty.
Scout’s Charge (Ex): At 4th level, whenever a scout makes a charge, her attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target were flat-footed. Foes with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level, a shifter gains the ability to turn herself into the major form of one of her aspects and back again. This ability functions as beast shape II, except as noted here. The shifter can turn into the major form of only one of her aspects at a time. Using wild shape to change to a major form or back is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. Often a particular aspect’s major form grants abilities beyond the normal effect of beast shape II. Each major form details the abilities the shifter gains with that major form and at what level; she gains these instead of the form abilities from beast shape II, but she still gains beast shape II abilities that are size dependent.
A shifter loses her ability to speak while in animal form because she is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal of that form can make, but she can communicate with other animals of the same general grouping as her form. She can also communicate in nonverbal ways with allies.
A shifter can use wild shape for a number of hours each day equal to her shifter level + her Wisdom modifier. It need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1 hour increments. For abilities that function based on ‘uses of wild shape,’ each hour of wild shape counts as a use.
A shifters can take feats and other abilities that require wild shape; for the purpose of qualifying for prerequisites, her effective druid level is equal to her shifter level.
Rogue’s Edge (Ex): At 5th level, a rogue has mastered a single skill beyond that skill’s normal boundaries, gaining results that others can only dream about. She gains the skill unlock powers (see page 82) for that skill as appropriate for her number of ranks in that skill. At 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, she chooses an additional skill and gains skill unlock powers for that skill as well.
Signature Skill Feat: At 5th level, the modified Unchained Rogue gets the Signature Skill Feat for a second immediate Rogue's Edge style benefit.
Trackless Step (Ex): At 5th level, a shifter leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She can choose to leave a trail if she so desires.
Shifter’s Fury (Ex): At level 6, a shifter gains the ability to make several ferocious attacks with the same natural weapon. Instead of attacking with all her natural weapons, the shifter can choose a single natural weapon and make a full attack with that natural weapon, gaining a second iterative attack at a –5 as if it was a manufactured weapon. When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws. At 11th level, she gains a third iterative attack at a –10 and at 16th level, she gains a fourth iterative attack at –15.
Skirmisher (Ex): At 8th level, whenever a scout moves more than 10 feet in a round and makes an attack action, the attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target was flat-footed. If the scout makes more than one attack this turn, this ability only applies to the first attack. Foes with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.
Chimeric Aspect (Su): At 9th level, when a shifter uses her shifter aspect ability to take on a minor form, she can choose two aspects and assume the minor form of each aspect.
Advanced Talents: At 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a rogue can choose one of the following advanced talents in place of a rogue talent.
The following advanced rogue talents complement the scout archetype: hunter’s surprise, skill mastery*, and stealthy sniper.
Greater Chimeric Aspect (Su): At 14th level, when a shifter uses her shifter aspect ability to take on a minor form, she can choose up to three aspects and assume the minor form of each aspect.
A Thousand Faces (Su): At 18th level, a shifter gains the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell, but only while in her normal form.
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 18th level, a shifter no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the shifter still dies of old age when her time is up.
Final Aspect (Su): At 20th level, a shifter gains access to a fifth aspect, and when she uses shifter’s aspect, she can assume the minor forms of all her aspects and the shifter can use her major and minor forms at will.
Master Strike (Ex): At 20th level, a rogue becomes incredibly deadly when dealing sneak attack damage. Each time the rogue deals sneak attack damage, she can choose one of the following three effects: the target can be put to sleep for 1d4 hours, paralyzed for 2d6 rounds, or slain. Regardless of the effect chosen, the target can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the additional effect. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Dexterity modifier. Once a creature has been the target of a master strike, regardless of whether or not the save is successful, that creature is immune to that rogue’s master strike for 24 hours. Creatures that are immune to sneak attack damage are also immune to this ability.
Base Race Level Gear Current
x5 14 +0 14 +0 14 +0 S 14 +2
10 16 +2 18 +0 18 +0 D 18 +4
x5 14 +0 14 +0 14 +0 C 14 +2
x0 10 +0 10 +0 10 +0 I 10 +0
10 16 +0 16 +0 16 +0 W 16 +3
x0 10 +0 10 +0 10 +0 H 10 +0
Kurgan Kegstalker |
I like the shifter/rogue combo, good synergy for them.
I also have my crunch done, it is in the profile. For implements, Kurgan will be using a mug of ale. So he’ll be getting his benefits by drinking, and his casting will be more difficult if it is done without it. Seems appropriate for a Dwarven brewer.
Also, amazingly, Kurgan has become a good face character. Diplomacy +10 Sense Motive +9 Bluff +8 Intimidate +3 (though it will improve as he levels up). Appropriate for someone who brews and sells alcohol.
rdknight |
I'm very exited about this! I'm working on a character that will combine two ideas I've wanted to include in a character for a long time, and gestalt will let me do it very well.
I'm putting together a Cavalier (Sister-In-Arms) / Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) of Kurgess. After leaving Korvosa behind, she traveled to Nirmathis for a new start. She's now an itinerate peddler who travels from fair to festival giving puppet shows about sportsmanship and fair-play, while watching out for cheaters in contests or refereeing if needed.
Hrad |
Here is the submission for Mr. Rattlebones. His character sheet on this profile and his background information is below. Please let me know if you have any questions. :)
Hrad is a native of Zirnakaynin, the great drow city far below the surface of Nirmathas. Born a vassal of House Parastric, vile practitioners of fleshwarping, he was raised from childhood to be a guardian and assassin for the demon-worshipping alchemists in their foul laboratories. Most drow are repulsed by fleshwarping (while acknowleding its usefulness), and Hrad's first-hand observation of the transformations and experiments of his overlords deeply disturbed him. When he discovered through a confidant that he was to fleshwarped to increase his usefulness to the noble house, he gathered what supplies and equipment he could and fled the city. He traveled through the tunnels of Sekamina, upward through Nar-Voth, until he emerged into a cave in the Fangwood Forest just south of the Marideth River.
One day while foraging for food, he was found by the Foxclaws, a loose band of hunters dedicated to disrupting Molthuni army caravans. They would have killed him on the spot, had not a cleric in their party cast detect evil just in the nick of time. With no prospects and no friends, Hrad was quick to offer his skills to the group to gain allies and protection. After months of travel he lost his light sensitivity, learned about the lands and people of Nirmathas, and gained friends in the Foxclaws. He became a valuable scout for the Foxclaws, and fought Molthuni forces on multiple occasions, including one harrowing encounter with the Ironfang Legion. He found his new role as a freedom fighter much to his liking after the oppressive autocracy of the drow, and is becoming a regular (if still odd) sight among the villages and towns of southern Nirmathas. He typically wears a deep hood and long cloak when outdoors to prevent rash reactions from strangers.
He is currently in Phaendar to rest and restock before heading out for another patrol along the borderlands with Molthune.
1. Fight for the people of Nirmathas and repel Molthuni invaders.
2. Find a permanent home in Nirmathas.
1. Being discovered by agents of Zirnakaynin or House Parastric.
2. Encountering an overzealous paladin, inquisitor, or cleric who decides to attack first and ask questions later.
1. Members of the Foxclaws, in particular Ulla Brownsmith, the cleric of Erastil who prevented his death on his first meeting with surface dwellers.
Drow society is hierarchical and oppressive. As a result, Hrad has a very concrete, black-and-white approach to social situations. He has a difficult time understanding things like sarcasm or casual threats. On more than one occasion, he has put a blade to the neck of a bar tough who was simply boasting. He feels remorseful afterwards and tries to make amends, but growing up in Zirnakaynin has made him twitchy and hypervigilant.
Javell DeLeon |
Alright, gonna roll with this guy: Breach
He was a replacement pc way back in the day. Should be finished up but there's typically always something I miss. All the info is in the backstory.
rorek55 |
firearms are Ok, however, due to the nature of the AP, getting ammo or power will be exceptionally difficult. Getting materials to make either will also be difficult, at least through the early books.
If you wish to roll on the variant chart, I will roll for you, and you can pick whether to keep the variant ability or your SLA.
hustonj |
Okay. I added the missing bits to the Background. My apologies for forgetting to make them explicit.
In order to reduce scrolling for repeated walls of text, HERE is a link back to where I originally posted everything about the character. And next is the updated Background spoiler.
Hailing originally from Sisla's Post, a small village that used to lie near the modern Acorn's Rest, Saffiro managed to hide from the invading forces when the Ironfang Legion destroyed his home and killed everyone they found. The legion wasn't really looking for people that thoroughly, their assignment more to destroy the village than to kill civilians. He was six years old at the time. He lost everyone and everything he knew and loved during that attack.
He was found and rescued by Alito, a human Chernasardo Ranger. Alito took Saffiro to another nearby village, and handed him off to Grolock, a half-orc Druid he knew and trusted, to care for the young man. She couldn't miss the fear in him, or the sense of loss, so she started working to teach him to deal with both in the natural way. He took to some parts of the training better than others, of course. After a few years, Grolock moved on, taking Saffiro with her. He was ten when they moved into Phaendar. He continued learning portions of what Grolock was trying to teach him, coming to terms with the horrors in his past, when he started learning things from the infrequent passing Varisians. Alito would visit irregularly, Saffiro convinced it was to see him, but it was more about checking in during his extended patrols.
By the age of twelve, Saffiro was joining hunters and trappers as they tried to feed the village. He started doing this in earnest shortly after his fourteenth birthday, after burying Grolock, who passed peacefully in her sleep. The hunters tried to continue her lessons, but they just don't have full Druidic knowledge to share. At this point, Saffiro began paying far more attention to what he coul learn from the Varisians when they were in town. The combination of partial Druidic training and Varisian guile has provided Saffiro with an unusual combination of capabilities.
He inherently understands the circle of life, now. He has learned that skill, iron, and numbers can elevate one's position in the food chain, but he is unable to shake the loss of his home and family. He still grieves over them, but the confidence of youth and training is fueling the flames of anger over that loss, as well.
1) The elimination of Molthune as a daily threat to Nirmathas. He does perceive them as a daily threat to the entire fledgling nation, not just border villages. He has no idea how to accomplish this goal, but believes joining the army and trying to beat them in a stand-up fight is just suicide, not a solution.
2) Build a real life for himself. He has a community, but he doesn't have a family, just friends and associates.
Because of the incident while such a young child, he has two unreasoned fears:
1) Claustrophobia - hiding in small places while the world around him burned has tied some strong emotions to being cramped - the response is more PTSD than traditional claustrophobia, but the "common" phobia explains this aspect fairly clearly.
2) Assassins will appear and try to kill everyone in the area, again. Sadly, we both know this one will come true if he is selected. This manifests as his inability to sit still, his constant scan for threats, more typical things like being unwilling to sit for a period of time with people behind him, etc. Is it a phobia if everyone really is out to get you?
He has some connections to members of the Chernasardo Rangers (Alito, primarily, but obviously Aubrin and the local students) and Foxclaw Scouts (None specifically named in the Player's Guide?). He has good relations with the Varisian caravan which passes through rarely, run by a Sosha Purrun ("Papa") and Gladial Nulzor, though his primary associate is Jarl Purrun, a minor "Uncle". He has other connections within a village of only 400, but those are his main connections.
As a result of being victimized by wanton destruction while so young, and then raised by Druids, Saffiro has a very Native American view on respect for life. Avoid killing anything unless there is a true need, and when there is, work hard to waste none of what you have harvested. I should note that this belief system considers self-defense and defense of your family and tribe a need.
Ouachitonian |
firearms are Ok, however, due to the nature of the AP, getting ammo or power will be exceptionally difficult. Getting materials to make either will also be difficult, at least through the early books.
If you wish to roll on the variant chart, I will roll for you, and you can pick whether to keep the variant ability or your SLA.
Go ahead and roll. I was thinking of taking one of the Variant heritages, do I need to take the Fiendish Heritage to do so? (And if I do so, can I roll three times on the Variant chart and pick? Because that’s worth the feat all by itself.)
Monkeygod |
Rorek, this might have gotten missed due to all the other posts, but:
Does the extra favored enemy of the ranger increase like normal? Also, if I take an archetype that says I only get one favored enemy as I level(ie, I don't get to pick new types every 5 levels), will I still get the bonus favored enemy?