Guy Humual's page

Organized Play Member. 4,189 posts (8,435 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Well somebody needs to take the glory and the blame and it sure as heck isn't going to me. This job is like herding cats, no offense Merle and Seph, and it requires someone smarter than everyone here, wise enough to give sage advise, and charismatic enough to give those pep talks to motivate everyone into action, and I'm terrible at pep talks, and dumb as as a brick, so that means it's got to be you Justin. Also someone's got to do all the writing and record keeping and that sounds like the sort of thing wizards love to do we're practically doing you a favor by letting you do all the things you love. I mean you really aught to be thanking us, but we won't hear of it, we're humble that way."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Merry Christmas everyone

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Using swift flight Karrin should be able to reach the robot with a single move, so she gets the first attack and the haste attack I believe

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"We're not looking to nab anyone's tiramisu though, only non glycemic gastronomy, as, well we don't have anything against sweets, we usually only indulge ourselves once the journey is over."

"Just covering our bases," Karrin whispers to Justin, "In case he's a dessert person."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

I just noticed that nobody had posted in the main thread in over two months so I gave it a little bump

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

At level 12 we get along with normal leveling bonuses (skills, HP, Attacks, Saving throws):
+ 1 feat
+ 1 attribute increase

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Huh," Karrin says as Justin relays the information, "You think he who shall not be named used this anti paladin to make his wand? If so they could be the key to destroying the thing. Like we'd need the living version of this dude though, hopefully uncorrupted, like pure paladin, but that's probably like one step, might need to find out where it was crafted or something like that, and then have this Anarchocies throw it into a volcano and stuff. I'm willing to bet bringing this dude back to life isn't going to be an easy step though. Might need some really powerful magic to do that."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Oh congrats on being a grand dad!

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Oh, Karrin will also take a 5'ft step so she can charge next round.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Huh, so wait, you're telling us that this guy we need to find is like the main squeeze of the most powerful lady in this joint? That doesn't seem like a meeting that's gonna happen unless we can bring something to the table for your house. How reasonable is this Verdaeth? Because spearheading a breach into this House Kilsek is kind of out of our pay grade considering all we thought we were doing was getting to ask some questions to a local wizard in this town, and sure, we suspected that he might want us to jump though some hoops to get the answers, but now, seeing as this is your Matriarch's number one fly boy, and she's in a war, getting access might be a long drawn out thing.

"If we can get an audience, pop our questions we've been hired to ask, and hopefully Erehe knows the answers, well we sure don't want to hang out in a war zone for long, I mean if we're unemployed mercenaries this is a job rich environment, but for gainfully employed mercenaries, who have a sweet gig, this is the sort of thing that makes us nervous. All sorts of folks looking to draft us, unwilling or otherwise, into their wars. We're with you for sure. Hopefully we can talk to this Erehe and get the heck out of Dodge."

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Look, I'm no genius, but I think we all know that was a b!%##%+* answer, Sutekh is more than a little bit involved in this, the only real question now is: is he working with the spider queen or against her? I mean we haven't exactly been leaving a lot of witnesses in our wake, despite what our scorpion friend's agent has suggested, and unless you knew some of the characters involved you really can't know who, never mind the why, which means there's more going on here. He's looking for a favor, which leads me to believe that at some point in this business he predicts that certain events might give him advantage by putting his thumbs on the scale and my thinking it has to do with this artifact. Anyone signing this piece of paper has to be kept from the artifact."

"Also eating people is called cannibalism, and it likely going to get me put on some lists if I started doing that."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin
David M Mallon wrote:
Hamar of the Hyena Tribe wrote:
Plus, who wants to live forever hey?
Linked for you.

I just re watched the Highlander movie the other day. Such a fun movie, so glad they never made any sequels or, like a TV show out of it, or something stupid like that like you'd think they'd have been tempted to do. I mean it'd be easy money, but much like my other favorite movie from the 80s, Ghostbusters, there's only the one movie in existence and nothing to tarnish the legacy . . . although in the case of Ghostbusters, a cartoon would be acceptable I suppose, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. Although I'd prefer if they got the actual stars to voice their own lines, and not, say, the voice of Garfield voicing Peter Venkman or something stupid like that.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"I think that's the most you've talked since we met Hamar, like if we were to add up all the things you've said for the past few weeks, and put them together, I think that would totally equal all the information you just gave us. You're getting to be as long winded as Justin. Lucky for you you're nowhere near as squishy or need as much coddling, so all this talking hasn't made you soft or anything like that, but just don't get too used to liking the sound of your own voice, giving long speeches with no point, or meandering points because that's usually the worst, like you're waiting for the person to get to what they're saying and they just keep going on and on, I mean folks start to drown that thing out after a while, I suspect that some of these people do it on purpose so they can slip some sneaky fact or relevant information somewhere in the middle so that when asked later they can claim they told us, but instead of outright telling us they yammered on for ages, which is the sort of thing priests and wizards like to do, and thankfully, being raised by monks, I've managed to avoid. Like could you imagine me just talking on and on for no reason but promising a point somewhere, a tidbit of useful information, but never really getting to it because of a bunch of deviations and asides that have no actual use to the conversation and instead just seem designed to waste everyone's time? That's the worst, like this one time I asked Father Kron about my parents, as it was pretty obvious that a bunch of celibate monks weren't my parents, and he went into this long meandering story that didn't really seem to go anywhere at all, which I'm sure was on purpose as you don't want to just tell your adopted daughter what you know outright, especially if she has a notoriously short attention span and you want to try to teach her some patience or maybe to keep the illusion that you're all knowing and have some great revelation tucked away somewhere, or maybe you're looking into leads on the girl's behalf but don't have anything to reveal at that point? I mean who knows? Monks, am I right? Thankfully that sort of thing doesn't really rub off as far as I can tell. You and me Hamar, straight and to the point, none of this wasted verbiage on useless diatribes."

Sovereign Court

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Well it was a bit of an adventure, had to do it 3 times, but I'm finally back in with firefox.

Sovereign Court

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I can sign in with chrome (what I'm using now) but not firefox (my usual default browser for these forms. I'll try deleting cookies and see if that works.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

we're living through times that future historians are going to base their careers on.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Karrin grew up in a monastery, has read multiple dictionaries, and thus she knows the meaning of fear. The problem she has is with application.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Karrin grumbles a bit internally at the thought of wasting stew but realizing that some of the elves probably lost family and the monstrous act of butchering sentient beings for food is clearly a far more heinous act than wasting food, but Karrin still feels a bit of regret at pouring out the pot and burring the remains.

"It was probably under seasoned anyways," she mumbles to herself.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin
Guy Humual wrote:

I'm not going to add Karrin's next line:

"I don't want to alarm anyone but this stew tastes a lot like elven flesh"

Because it's alarming on so many levels.

Me englush gud

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male hu-man Paladin

I'm going to Karrin's next line:

"I don't want to alarm anyone but this stew tastes a lot like elven flesh"

Because it's alarming on so many levels.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Karrin, how many of those chain attacks hit you? Did they all, or is your AC augmented right now?

Karrin only has an AC of 23 so all of them, 30 points off the stone skin, Karrin has 54 damage.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

No, there's two ways of provoking, moving out of a threatened square, or preforming an action inside a threatened square that would provoke, like casting a spell, drinking a potion, or standing up from prone. Running is a full round action that would normally provoke an AoO, but that's a) four times movement speed, b) in a straight line, a double move or a charge don't provoke in of themselves, BUT moving out of a threatened square while preforming these actions will provoke an AoO. Your Giants have a 10ft reach, and thus threatens I30, L30, M30, N30, O30, P30, and Q30, Alessia does not provoke for moving into O31, but she does provoke for leaving N30, O30, or P30 (whichever route she took).

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

The attacks have nothing to do with AoO, it's moving out of a threatened square that provokes, if I just ran around someone with my 30 move I'd provoke an AoO every time I left a threatened square. Charging enemies with reach almost always provokes because they just threaten a far greater range and thus someone with a normal 5' reach has to provoke at last once, if not more, just to get within range. There are of course ways to avoid AoO, breaking line of sight, like becoming invisible, using acrobatics, and also opponents don't have unlimited AoO.

Edit: The other thing I forgot to mention is the 5' step, if all your movement is just a 5' step that doesn't provoke an AoO. Stepping 5' towards or away will not provoke even if you're moving out of a threatened square.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

well the thing to remember is that giants have reach so stepping into O30 doesn't provoke an AoO, but stepping out of O30 on your way to O31 does provoke an AoO

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Aww, damn, I lost my last dog almost 10 years ago. It's freaking horrible. They're beautiful creatures that are often too good for us. Worst of all their time with us is fleeting, often less than 20 years. I hope you guys remember the happy times and don't dwell on this final goodbye. Dogs would want their people happy. That's just how they are.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Ok, here’s yet another corner case. I don’t know why I gotta get these ... but...

OK- you cast Spiritual Weapon. The blasted thing scores a nat 20. Can it crit? It’s a spell, but also a weapon. I can’t find any help on the Internet

Yes, it can crit, and it has the same threat range and critical modifier as the ordinary weapon it's a spiritual form of.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

I forgot to mention this, but for future climb checks Karrin will help others with the Aid Other ability, Karrin can do this automatically, and for anyone that needs it it'll give a +2 for future climb checks. That should allow Blaze to succeed with a take 10 on future climb checks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Oh, Ferissirion," Karrin says to her axe, "You must feel right at home here, we don't see many crystal weapons back home, but here they're everywhere. I mean you're still super special and all, but here people aren't gonna think you're exotic and all."

Karrin pauses as her axe shimmers with cold.

"What's that?" Karrin asks as Ferissirion leaves a layer of frost on Karrin's menicing spiked gauntlet Mitt, "No, silly, we can't do that. They should live."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

I've read all the Robert E Howard books, most if not all the Fritz Lieber stuff, all the Lovecraft stories, and these guys were definitely from a different time with different sensibilities, Tolkien was from a similar time and likely had similar attitudes but it doesn't come through as blatantly in his writing. We're living in a different age and it's not fair to judge people from different eras to the standards we have today. If you do that almost everyone seems racist/sexist/homophobic. In 40 years I'm sure youths from that era are gonna hate something we believe today.

Howard and Tolkien are the two giants of fantasy though, Tolkien ruled high fantasy and nobody was better at the pulp fantasy than Howard, everyone that came afterwards were kind of trying to escape their shadows.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Karrin approaches the alter and gently touches Rhiannon's head.

"So long sister, we shall meet again in the next world I hope. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten."

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Karrin watches the back and forth, but adding her opinion at this point would cut into valuable eating time, and if there's still food on the table it would be completely reprehensible for Karrin to let that food go to waste. Besides, fashion wasn't one of her expertise, her old friends like Eir or Hanali, who was with management at the Silver Rose, knew far more about fashion than she did. Perhaps once she was done with all this pulled pork Karrin would helpfully point out Hanali's expertise on the subject, not that adventures usually cared much about fashion, usually cobbling together mishmashes of magic items that seldom matched or sometimes came from the same style, Gothic armor with stylish renaissance pistols and swords, with ancient stone age ion stones would fit the motif of these typical adventurers, at least the ones Karrin saw in Greyhawk, and what she'd seen of the planes walkers, the adventures of the multiverse were not much better. Still, if Hamar cared about that sort of thing Karrin wouldn't judge, there were all sorts of men that cared about the ascetics more than the practicality simply assembling the best gear for adventuring, usually the sort that liked bathhouses over whorehouses as well. Karrin didn't really have much use for either to be honest, she was able to keep her face and hands clean enough, and that's all most people saw, and in Karrin's short existence she never had any difficulties acquiring sex, although as the young tiefling glanced around the table she did notice that the pickings were suddenly very thin. Justin was way scrawny, Mel worshiped another god, and Hamar was possibly a fancy lad and that meant Karrin's other choices in the group were female. Usually it was the other way around, back in Greyhawk Karrin was ridding with a group of six men, and while she was committed to her Torreen, it didn't seem like if she and Torreen parted ways she'd have any difficulty finding a new lover. One with strong grippy arms from the few romance novels she'd read, but now with Isaac gone, there were decidedly less men for her to choose from. One should avoid mixing work and pleasure, but Karrin was a grown woman and a woman had needs. She wasn't desperate enough for a . . . whatever the male equivalent of a henhouse was . . . maybe a snakepit? But it'd been a few months since comeing to the cage and if she didn't find someone soon she'd certainly have to seek out a professional. Preferably one that specialized in women.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

Karrin moves over to assist Mel:

"I'm here, I can carry her, but I guess our shopping trip is over, I mean it's unlikely that we'll see either of those two anytime soon, but there's no reason to think that they don't have friends and stuff, I mean maybe friends is a bit of a stretch, I mean who would hang out with someone with that many mouths right? I mean they'd probably just talk and talk for ages without saying anything interesting or worth listening too, but I'm sure they'd be real useful at parties and such where you got this obnoxious guest that you don't want to talk to so you put them in the same room as the guy with 33 mouths and hopefully he get annoyed and leaves on their own, but would you call that person a friend? I think more of an acquaintance. So we better head out before they can get word to their acquaintances and business associates.

"Maybe finish buying whatever we're going to get here, I mean they couldn't possibly get their quote unquote friends and get back here before we could finish out shopping here, but any other trips we had planned for the day is probably a no go, I mean that guy might have seen our shopping list, and there's no reason to tempt fate, also we're down a fighter, and nobody wants to run around shopping while lugging a body, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to haggle when you've got a body. Everyone always wants to know about the body. I mean in theory it could be intimidating, like if we got a body the shop keeper is likely thinking these people are dangerous and are gonna kill me if I don't give them a good deal, or maybe they're thinking our party member got beat up by local tavern bouncers or something like that, anyways it can lead to a bad reputation and we don't want that. So the best course of action is finish here and then let's get back to base so I can put Ramuah into her bed.

"Sorry to be so abrupt and concise with my opinions, but you know after that encounter with a gibbering mouther I just don't feel like fully expanding on my ideas, I mean after all that noise the last thing the group needs is me yammering on and on about shopping and stuff, when the correct course of action is plainly clear, so there's no need to talk about it further, and if you guys insist on talking more about it I really think it'll be a waste of time. Also is anyone getting hungry? I think I could go for some nice pork buns on the way home. They're probably more like dumplings than buns but that's what they call them, even though they got this pork filling, it's really nice, I could eat like 15 or so, I mean I got to save room for supper, but you know something to snack on for the trip back home, we could even get some for Ramuah for when she wakes up, but somebody else better carry that one as I'm worried it could accidentally get eaten on the way home. When you're eating pork buns who could possibly keep count?"

Sovereign Court

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I miss the discussions we had on these forms.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

That scene in Indiana Jones was so great, and the best part about it was it absolutely wasn't planned out, the guy the brought in had spent months practicing for that bit and Indiana was meant to have a big fight with him with his whip, however on the day of the shoot Harrison Ford had dysentery and could only film for 10 minutes at a time. He could barely stand upright, never mind preform the physical bits they'd need to film between the the stunt work, and worse still it would take 3 days of filming. So Harrison asked Steven "Why don't we just shoot the son a b%#$%" and that's how one of the greatest film scenes came to be.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Well if at any time you feel the urge to murder us all maybe take the ring off and see if that changes your mind first. Also beware of ringwraiths I guess. You humans are kind of weak willed sadly," Karrin says as she stuffs a handful of her never ending rations into her mouth, "M'bsotuly mo mipulse conmrol"

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Ferissirion made his first appearance in the hands of a big goblin all the way back on May 25 2008, he's been in Karrin's hands for more then a decade.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Personally I'd say it's time to destroy that rod if we can, it's caused nothing but trouble and I don't want it falling into anyone else's hands, especially not centipede thought people."

Karrin pauses at the weapon check.

"Are you ladies immune to extreme cold? I got an intelligent, rather vengeful magic weapon here, and I'd rather not an explosive repeat of what happened back in Hammerhime. It was four hours cleaning Ferissirion with a tooth pick. Why didn't the gnome freeze and then explode rather than the other way around? Like when I just chop them with my axe there's no explosions, they just kind of freeze and shatter, if they'd done that it would have saved me a lot of time, like on the bright side my mouth wasn't open, but I had to wash my hair, my clothes . . . Anyways you ladies look like you have a bit more body mass than that gnome and that was like giblets over eighteen feet in all directions and I'd really not like to experience a bigger pop so to speak. Maybe I should just hang out in the lobby?"

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Oh I know Bigby, he's famous for his fisting" Karrin says, ignorant of how that could be taken out of context. Thankfully the room currently has a Modron and a paladin so there's likely not going to be any snickering.

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

I love writing for Karrin, the line I was happy with was: "you might find this hard to believe, but I had a lot of trouble sitting in one spot for too long as a kid, I mean I'm way more composed now"

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Ah, I love the smell of books," Karrin says as they enter library, "I practically grew up in one you know. I mostly did chores, looked after the animals, fetched water, that sort of thing, but there really wasn't much to do at the monastery except pray and read, and you might find this hard to believe, but I had a lot of trouble sitting in one spot for too long as a kid, I mean I'm way more composed now, but back then I wasn't too good at it and it was only through reading that I could relax. Guess when I was left to my own devices I had trouble keeping them focused but when I was reading other people's stories I could let my mind run wild. Sadly most of the books were religious texts, which were pretty dull, I mean there's all sorts of terrible things in them, rape, murder, torture, bestiality, etc, but they were always written in a really boring way so it was hard to feel compelled or griped by the narrative, also, spoilers, when there's a heaven it's hard to feel that any of the people in the tales are at risk because the good guys always end up in heaven, which really sounds like a baller place, and I hope to get in there when I die, but from a strictly narrative based perspective, it kind of makes the tale kind of dull as you remove the risk and stuff."

Karrin pauses as she spots the ice devil, Karrin knew him, but she still wasn't a fan of devils and Shactal, from their limited interactions, wasn't the sort that was going to sell her on any potential redeeming qualities. Karrin does give him the finger guns. No reason to be completely antisocial.

"Ollie!" Karrin shouts as she spots the blocky modron, she than catches herself, quickly covering her mouth, and whispers, "Sorry."

Sovereign Court

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Male hu-man Paladin

Whew, Karrin's tale is finished!

Let's see if HBO can top that story. Without the nudity of course, Karrin's story doesn't have any nudity, but we can pretend that Mara, once transformed into her living guise, was topless the whole time if we wanted to compete with HBO.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Well our foe didn't last long after we lost our dear friend, he met his final death seconds after he hurt Rhiannon. Anyways me and Naridre tended to Rhiannon's body while the others tossed the place, and in the giant's hoard we discovered Memnon, who was adopted by Justin, there were all sorts of bobs and ends, but no tiefling sized breastplates and no ladles of never ending gravy so I can't remember quite what was in there, someone took notes I'm sure, and not long after that a companion of Blayze showed up, and had he not been a known friend of Blayze things could have gotten ugly as he was kind of monstrous looking, a bit like a tin solder that was set down a bit too close to the forge, but stretched out rather than melted down. His name was Arnev, but he's not going to be joining us here at the Silver Rose, I think he had plans elsewhere and he left us not long after we got back to the cage, I suspect it was because he was more into guarding warehouses and that sort of thing and we did a fair bit of traveling and exploring so that was likely all the adventure he was interested in.

"Well what followed after that was a really long debate about what we should do with the portal, I'm not going to say who was right and who was wrong, mostly because I can't remember who was on what side, but basically I decide to go though and take a peak on the other side, and there was a whole lot of nothing with this one kind of bright light it the distance, and when I get back we decide we're going to try exploring it, which seems like a really crazy move even now, defiantly the sort of thing a good leader would never have allowed, and then, whoever was in charge split the party leaving Nari, Seph, and Merle behind to guard our escape, again, not so bright, thankfully they got board and eventually came to join us, but anyways back in the void we found we could float through space with our minds or something, and we flew towards the light, which I think is one of those things people say you're not supposed to do and stuff, but it was cool, we discovered a base in the void that looked exactly like the one I saw in that dream.

"So now we're exploring this base that's floating in space, with no up or down, doors going off in all sorts of directions, and the whole joint is loaded with undead monsters that kind of explode into ghosts or something when we kill them, so it's like we got to kill them twice or something, which is hardly fair, we only get one shot here on the prime material plane why do they get advantages in the negative? Anyways we fought a bunch of monsters, Justin got sickened and vomited, Justin got drained, you know, typical adventuring stuff, the biggest target usually gets hit the most, and with Arnev Justin was still the second largest. Thankfully about that time Merle, Nari and Seph joined us and we were able to camp and heal up while Mamnon made a restoration potion for Justin.

"So after we rest, heal up, we continue exploring, and we come across libraries, labs, and stuff, you know typical evil lair stuff, but one of the rooms we discovered had a bell in it, and man was that a cool bell! I was gonna take it back with us but I got distracted by the excitement of our amazing escape, which, I don't want to down play it when I say it was the most exciting escape that will ever be told in word, print or song, which is the only reason I left the bell behind. Let me tell you about this bell, it was big and black and iron and even though Justin kept daring me to ring the bell, I decided not to because I'm the responsible one, even though I totally wanted to ring it, though I think we should totally go back there some day to get it, why do the undead get to have bells when only the living can truly appreciate art, quite frankly I think that bell is wasted on them, and it would be a great dinner bell for the Copper Cauldron.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"So it seemed this temple had all sorts of inscriptions, and frescoes, but it was weird, parts of the inscriptions were missing, you know it was the usual god talk, but it seemed the one thing missing was the god's name. Like there were bits of paper with the god's name missing, which we'd thought was part of an erase spell or something, but I don't think any of us had heard of stonework and tiles getting erased before. Also we discovered another portal, this one seemed kind of sinister somehow, and once again reminded me of something, way back in the day, when we were investigating that property for Mr Swire, back when we first got drawn into Ranaïs, I had a dream of a strange fortress in a black void, and the words:

"Tcian Sumere,You will find answers at the redoubt of Ultimate Undeath. Find the entry to the bottom of the multiverse in the land of death, where life cowers beneath Pelor's cloak.

"Which I now realize was a vision, sent by someone, because that name, Tcian Sumere turned out to be a real place, Justin recognized it, and it turns out to be a fortress in the negative plane, which I don't need to tell you Renkar was a bad location for a fortress, not a lot of resell value, okay place to hide out if you're the Ultimate Undeath I suppose, but good luck selling that if you can find a bigger place.

Karrin seems to get a bit somber when she begins the next part of the tale:

Anyways we search under the temple, hoping to find a way to shut down this portal, but we discover a giant sized tomb, along with a giant sized war chariot, a giant sized crown, and so we're thinking there could be a giant, maybe the body of this dead power, but what we weren't expecting is the loss of our dear friend Rhiannon . . . turns out the giant burried in the tomb wasn't resting peacefully, and was in fact an undead monstrosity, he pops up, through the floor, with this massive flail and says something about a bug god, and reveals that whatever erased the god's name from the temple and the papers in the temple, also erased it from his mind as well, which seems like pretty powerful magic, but I don't have time to think about it too much as this jerk starts beating the tar out of us. He gets me first, but thankfully Ekurr is there to heal and Rhiannon charges in to absorb some of the damage, but this beast gets a lucky shot off and kills our dear friend with one swat."

Karrin pauses and holds up her mug of Grog:

"To Rhiannon, the best cavalier I ever met!"

Pausing here for appropriate cheers and to ensure I don't lose anything again.

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female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"So we started our journey to Yggdrasil, that's like a really big tree for any of you not familiar, through a secret portal, but before we get though the portal someone shows up with a message for Isaac and he has to leave, which was kind of bad as it kind of made me the temporary leader, and we all know how bad a situation that could be, thankfully we mostly made it back in one piece, but anyways when we got to Yggdrasil we were looking for missing people, which is like a really hard mission to deal with in general as missing people aren't around to explain where they went missing, so you got to hope someone said "I'm going to go hang out at that scary looking knot in the tree where I saw all those monsters the other day", or they leave a note with a map before they disappear or something, which, thankfully is kind of what happened, I mean if people hadn't talked before they went missing we'd be likely still be there now. Anyways when we get to this knot in the tree we're attacked by these ghosts with masks on, because regular ghosts aren't scary enough, but we came across these guys before, I remember getting Olli to look into them, but here they are again and Ferissirion does not like them. In fact my axe, which is the best axe in the all of creation, starts glowing even before they appear! So we bust those ghosts and they disappear leaving behind their masks, and the name Tenebrous, which was their boss or something, it's not a well known name but I remember this poem:

"The Prince of Death
Might rule on high
But within stranger Aeons
Even death may die
But what is death
To Death's pale King
A tenebrous fate
His end will bring

"Which sadly nobody in the group is really impressed by, our resident dunderhead remembering a poem she read once in a dusty old tomb she found in the library here in the cage, but that aside we discover there's a portal hidden in that knot that they were coming though and we know that if we don't deal with them here they're going to keep coming so we hop through that portal to see if we can shut it down."

Karrin pauses briefly to see if everyone is following along.

"Anyways we end up in this really creepy theater in Ranaïs, which is this undead dimension, which is where we find Hamar by the way, though not straight away as he's really good at hiding and stuff, and he wasn't sure we weren't more undead, how he got there we're still not certain, but Hamar is so good at hiding that the ghost that was circling the joint didn't see him and attacks us instead. Well we get into a fight and I get drained, which I do not recommend, 0/10, would not do again, but Hamar pops out of the shadows to help and naturally we quickly become friends, and we defeat the ghost. So, we then look for a way to shut down that portal, which we do with magical formulations or something, not sure, was busy being drained and stuff, but Seph seemed to know what was up so maybe he can elaborate, but while we're trying to shut down this portal we're searching for an off button or something, and Hamar finds a secret storage place under the stage and it's filled with evil puppets! So long story short the theater burns down and we're trapped behind enemy lines with no way to get home.

"I mean we were in Ranaïs before, I remembered there was a portal to Sigel under this Pelor Fort, but I didn't know how to get there at the time and I was really out of it at the moment, so we decide to camp so Ekuur can restore me, and after a long night of ghouls, clowns, and other unspeakable horrors, we manage to do so. While we were camping Hamar does some scouting and discovers one of those masked ghost floating around a nearby temple and naturally we go to investigate, this is where we meet Blayze, who was sort of trapped, but was probably going to escape on her own but needed a distraction, and if the Silver Rose is anything, we're one heck of a distraction. Anyways we defeat the ghost and make friends with Blayze."

Karrin again pauses to get a drink of grog and to see if anyone else has anything to add.

So I got about this far yesterday and I'm posting this half now as I don't want to lose anything again

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, figuring it was on my end I googled firefox support to see what they suggested doing, and long story short I completely cleared my firefox history and that seems to have done it. Thanks for looking into this for me. I wish I knew what would have caused that bug, I fooled around with my security settings, tried resetting the computer, and was thinking of deleting firefox completely and reinstalling it before attempting this slightly less drastic step.

Again, thank you for looking into this for me and confirming that it was probably on my end, and I hope I didn't take up too much of your time. Have a great Thanksgiving guys!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I tried again today, apparently there was a firefox update not long after I posted yesterday and I looked to see if it would work today but I still can't get in with Firefox.

I should add that I don't think I've ever added any plugins, 3rd party or otherwise, but Firefox is my default browser. Sounds like the problem is on my end in this case if you're not having issues.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Morgan Champion wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:
Not sure if any of this is related but the hyper links to access "Sign in", "My Account", and "Shopping Cart" aren't active on Firefox, the "Help/FAQ" is working though. Those links are working on Google Chrome, which is how I was able to log in and report this.
I have the same problem with Firefox. Incidentally those links are working on Pale Moon 27.0.6, which is what I'm currently using.
Check to make sure that you aren't coming in via an rss/atom link.

I came in via the google link, still no dice, the only link that's working is the Help/FAQ link.

If people are looking to shop at Paizo and they're using Firefox those are costumers you might be losing. I use a couple of web browsers so I can get in with Chrome

4 people marked this as a favorite.
female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"No, no, no Justin," Karrin says, "That was a set up line and you flubbed the answer! He . . . she? They ask why have you come to Tcian Sumere and what we should have said is something like: "To kick ass and chew gum . . . and we're all out of gum." and then you'd do something subtle like adjust your hat or play with the hilt of your sword to emphasize how badass we are. Do you seriously not know a set up line when you hear it? I think we're going to have to try that again, we're in an undead fortress in the negative plane, we might not get many more opportunities like this again, so let's try this again."

Karrin points to Alessia, "You, say your line again, the "Why have you come" bit, and Justin, try to get something a tad more dramatic and exciting this time. Try to surprise me. I mean if you're going to jump on the good lines you'd better learn how to respond to them. I mean we might not always do the heroic thing, sneaking up and attacking someone from behind isn't exactly heroic, though quite frankly stabbing people in the back is quite preferable to a fair fight from our point of view as fair fights might lead to one of us getting hurt, but even when the person you're stabbing in the back isn't a person but a ghost, and thus unquestionably evil, stabbing them in the back does seem a bit dodgy, but getting the dialogue right should be a given."

"Now, from the top!" Karrin says with a clap of her hands.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I still can't sign in on firefox

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I still can't login with Firefox, not sure if that's on your end or mine.
















Common, Elvish, Skald



Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Tears of the Sky

Background & Description:

Long before the race of man first lifted his face to the sun, a tribe of elves stood watch in the north, battling the Linnorm that dwelled there, and maintained an uneasy pact with the fey that dwelled there. Over the centuries, they lost the fight and their way, falling to barbarism and forgetting their true past. A small village on the south edge of the frozen wilds is all that exists of these forgotten sentinels. The elves trade with the local Ulfen settlements and occasionally venture out on their war and trade ships.

Tears of the Sky is one such elf. After a successful killing of his first mammoth, a rite to adulthood, he ventured West to the coastal villages. Hired on as a guard on a trade ship, the boat sailed far to the south, eventually ending up in Absalom. On the return trip, the boat docked in Augustana. A night of drunken revelry at a local tavern later and the ship was sacked and burned, racial tensions were to blame. Tears is now marooned in a city that hates Ulfen and likely him by association.
Tears of the Sky stands just over six feet tall and has the frame of an athlete. His dark hair is normally tied back and his skin is pale like the snow. He regularly dresses in his wolf pelt armor that doubles as heavy clothing against the cold. In combat he wields “Shattertusk”, a greatsword given to him by his grandsire that clinks quietly with attached talismans, charms and fetishes.

During his day to day, Tears enjoys hunting, philosophical discussions about the state of the natural order, and poems written by warriors. Still young, he believes these are the pillars to making a great warrior and leader of his people.


Class/Lvl: Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) / 1
HP: 13/13
AC: 17=10+4armor+3dex
Rage Rounds: 5/5

Str 16+3
Dex 16+3
Con 12+1
Int 12+1
Wis 12+1
Cha 8-1
Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +1
Base Attack: +1
CMB: +4 CMD: 17

Speed: 30
Init: +6

Greatsword "Shattertusk" Hit+4
Dam: 2d6+4 Crit: 19-20/x2 Type: S 8lbs

Shortbow Hit+4
Dam: 1d6 Crit: x3 Type: P Range: 60' 2+1lbs
Arrows: 20/20

Morning Star Hit+4
Dam: 1d6+3 Crit: x2 Type: B/P 6lbs

Armor: Hide +4AC Max Dex: +4 Check Pen: -3 Type: M Size: M 25lbs


Feats: Power Attack

Abilities: Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities, Silent Hunter, Fleet-Footed, Fast Movement, Rage

Traits: Veteran of Battle, Fencer


Acrobatics 7 = 1Rank +3Dex +3Class
Climb 7 = 1Rank +3Str +3Class
Perception 5 = 1Rank +1Wis +3Class
Ride 3 = 0Rank +3Dex
Stealth 4 = 1Rank +3Dex
Survival 5 = 1Rank +1Wis +3Class
Swim 3 = 0Rank +3Str


Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Blanket, Chalk, Crowbar, Fishing Kit, Flint & Steel, Grappling Hook, Iron Skillet, Mess Kit, Rations x5, Silk Rope 50', Sack, Scroll Case, Soap, Torch x2, Waterskin, Whetstone

Money: 24g 0s 5c
Loads: L-76 M-153 H-230
Currently Carrying: Light load / 75lbs