
GM Mokmurian's page

18 posts. Alias of Mokmurian the Great.


After some more consideration, I've decided to step away as PbP GM for some time so that I can focus more on running the game at my home table. While I appreciate the offer to join this project and wish the remaining members nothing but the best, I would like to withdraw from Project Bazaar.

TechnoDM wrote:

Crown of the Kobold King doesn't have a Chronicle sheet. I would suggest running Malevolence instead. It is designed for 2e, while Crown of the Kobold King isn't. Then, Troubles in Otari could be run at 2nd level.

For 4th level, there is The Enmity Cycle

Apologies, I should have been more clear. The aforementioned list was of the modules I own, so I cannot in fact run Malevolence or The Enmity Cycle, as I do not have either of said modules.

I would be willing to run the following one-shots, listed in order of level:

Master of the Fallen Fortress
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
Carrion Hill
The Gauntlet

The Fall of Plaguestone
Crown of the Kobold King
Troubles in Otari
Sundered Waves
Mark of the Mantis

Again, I'm not a very experienced GM - I'm the Forever GM for my own group, but that mostly consists of sobbing into my adventure notes as a gang of murderhoboes gets themselves killed trying to rob the Magaambaya (despite the campaign taking place in Goka).

My sincerest apologies for the delay - I seem to have misplaced my Curse of the Crimson Throne book.

The room beyond is sparsely furnished, a single desk in the center of the floor serving as the primary piece of furniture in the room. On the east wall, opposite from your point of entry, is another doorway - two more doors stand side-by-side to the north, along with a large pair of double doors to the south - the other entrance to the ancient fishery.

Secret Rolls:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

DC 10 Perception:
Scratching as if from a pen emanates from behind the east door, accompanied by the faint sounds of someone laboriously tallying up sums under their breath. The scratching and muttering abruptly stop as you enter the room, accompanied by the sound of a chair being pushed back.

A nasally voice calls out warily from behind the east door. "Giggles? Is that you?"

You easily recognize the voice of Yargin Balko.

Unfortunately, I do not have a map prepared - I was thinking the campaign would be "theater of the mind," but I can try and make one if you feel it's necessary.

Which door do you plan on opening? I'm seeing a decent amount of discussion about both.

It would seem that our intrepid heroes intend to open the door on the far side of the room, rather than the one to the left where the guard dog appears to be. Is this the case?

You had indicated that you would be opening the aforementioned far door if you heard nothing on the other side, but your Perception check allowed you to hear the sounds of a worker tallying up sums somewhere on the other side of the door. Will you still be opening it?

It is indeed just after sunset, and Lucian has observed the orphans moving back towards the fishery.

The fishery's lock falls quickly to Marcus's picks, and the main door to the fishery opens onto a large room dominated by a massive wooden trough. The smell in this room is almost overpowering, a mixture of rotten fish and grime that assaults your noses almost immediately. The trough seems to drain into another room to the left, which a small door in the wall allows access to, and at the other end of the room from the main entrance stands another door. A battered desk and a cheap cabinet both stand to the right of the main entrance.

DC 15 Perception:
You hear soft growling from the room to the left, as if an ill-tempered animal waits beyond.

DC 20 Perception:
Extremely faint scratching, as if from a pen, comes from the far side of the fishery, along with quiet muttering as someone tallies up sums.

I say this primarily because Lucien asked, but it's not exactly a secret - all the orphans do indeed sleep in the fishery itself.

Apologies for not posting sooner, I lost power again - one of the disadvantages of living in a storm-prone area - but I should be good now.

If everyone's okay with it, I think it might be a good idea to move ahead with the assault on the fishery. I'll just need to know whether you're attacking at night or during the day, as well as whether you plan to split up or attack together - if the former, I'll also need to know who is in each group.

You cannot hear anything through the rotting wood of the door.

Your vigil is uneventful, though you do occasionally catch glimpses of small children darting through the alleyways around you.

You aren't aware of any nearby piers. As far as entrances go, there is the main door, where the two figures are offloading boxes, and a side door around the side of the building. There is also a decrepit ship with the name "Kraken's Folly" painted on the side at the back of the fishery, though it doesn't look seaworthy. You don't see any lookouts.

The two men, their work complete, re-enter the fishery.

Unfortunately, I will likely be unable to post for the next few days - my area has had a major power outage that appears unlikely to be resolved soon. My sincerest apologies for the delay.

"And now that you are all here, I have information that may be of use to you all." A middle-aged Varisian woman with long, dark hair enters the house shortly after Marcus.

"Apologies for my tardiness. My name is Zellara Esmeranda, and like you, I have been wronged by Gaedren Lamm." She produces an intricately decorated harrow deck from her pockets, idly shuffling the cards as she speaks to you. "This is my harrow deck, passed down to me by my mother, who in her turn received it from her father. It is important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and also my sole means of support."

"When it was stolen by a pickpocket, my son Eran traced it back to a man named Gaedren - a name I believe you are all familiar with for your own reasons - and returned my deck to me. But Gaedren had him followed, and soon after he left my home, Gaedren’s thugs murdered him." Zellara's eyes close, and she takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I went to the Korvosan Guard, but they turned me down. I called on friends, begged those known to do business with him for help, in addition to my own sources." At this, she flourishes her harrow deck, a potent fortune-telling tool in the right hands. "In the process, I learned of you five, ones who have been wronged by Lamm but who have the abilities to face him.

Zellara spreads a map of Korvosa out on the table, indicating a small waterfront building in the West Dock neighborhood. "At Westpier 17 stands an old building - allegedly a fishery run by a man named Yargin Balko. Through my investigations, I discovered that Balko is one of Gaedren's accomplices, and I believe that Lamm can be found there."

Kane Hue:
You remember Yargin Balko as your primary contact with Gaedren when you worked for him. He struck you as a remarkably vain and petty man, extremely impressed with his own mediocre intellect, and he often bragged of a valuable wand he purchased from a merchant long ago.

You recall the name Yargin Balko from your days in Lamm's Lambs. To the best of your knowledge, he handled the financial aspects of Gaedren's illicit business, but you had little to do with the technical aspects of his crime empire.

Here's the discussion thread, if anyone's interested.

You don't know anything about 3 Lancet Street yourself, but several of your associates know of it by reputation. Apparently, the house is the residence of a skilled fortune-teller named Zellara Esmeranda, whose intricately crafted harrow deck is said to be a family heirloom. Her son Eran was killed three months ago, and nobody has seen her since then - most believe she is in mourning.

You manage to find a shady doorway and observe the premises for several hours. Most of the windows on the second floor are rather grimy, but the one overlooking the street seems to be frequently cleaned.
The house abuts a narrow street that seems to be part of a maze of alleyways leading deeper into Midland - a good escape route, if needed.
You don't see any activity from the house, with the exception of four figures who seem to be referencing directions on some sort of card (the other players), who arrive shortly after you begin your vigil.

As you walk through the streets of Midland, the bustle of the shops and restaurants of this cosmopolitan district gives way to an eerie stillness as you approach the West Dock neighborhood. The house at 3 Lancet Street is a small two-story building competing for space with a warehouse to one side and an abandoned butcher's shop to the other.
The interior of the home is a somewhat cramped room filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice, courtesy of several sticks of incense smoldering in simple wall-mounted burners. The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast juggling human hearts, and another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall, hooded figure shrouded in mist, holding a flaming sword in a skeletal hand.

Nicolai or DC 17 Knowledge (arcana):
The tapestries depict significant scenes from a series of ancient tales long associated with the harrow. The first depicts the fiend from the tale of the Prideful Juggler, the second shows the victory of the citadel's defenders in the tale of the Faithful Herald, and the final one shows the tragic fate of the eponymous character in the tale of the Forgotten Knight. Notably, all three tales share the common theme of the unexpected downfall of those who thought themselves invincible.

Several brightly colored rugs cover the floor, but the room’s only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throw cloth and several simple, tall-backed chairs. A note sits under a stone paperweight on the table, while a basket covered by blue cloth sits beneath. A set of narrow stairs leads up to the second floor.

Mysterious Note:
"Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a bit, but shall return shortly. Please, have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table contains bread and drink for you."

The upstairs room is a rather spartan bedroom, featuring a sturdy bed and a small chest containing personal effects of no significant value.

For decades, the crime lord Gaedren Lamm has tormented the people of Korvosa, complicit in crimes from pickpocketing to outright murder, but the crafty criminal has yet to face justice. However, his days are numbered, as several of his former victims are given an opportunity to end his threat.

During your daily routines, all five of you found a mysterious harrow card, bearing a cryptic message and a set of directions.


Your card is the Cricket, which generally symbolizes a swift passage or a serendipitous journey.


Your card is the Dance, which generally symbolizes gainful cooperation.


Your card is the Unicorn, which generally symbolizes the attainment of a long-sought goal.


Your card is the Peacock, which generally symbolizes a personal shift, such as a changing allegiance.


Your card is the Joke, which generally symbolizes a significant challenge overcome by cunning rather than force.

On the back of each card appears the following message: "I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done."