Race |
| HP: 13/13 | AC: 14 (14 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +2* | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none. |
Gender |
Male CG human fighter 1 |
About "Cricket"
Male half-elf legendary fighter (eldritch guardian) 20// legendary witch (invoker) 20
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf, elf, human)
Init +12; Senses low-light vision; Perception +29
AC 56, touch 26, flat-footed 45 (+17 armor, +5 deflection, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, +5 shield; +4 dodge vs. AOO from moving)
hp 264 (20d10+140)
Fort +31, Ref +28, Will +25 (+4 vs. fear and mind-affecting effects); +4 (+4 to lose grip) vs. spells that target his held weapon
DR 9/-; Defensive Abilities defensive weapon training, focused resolve 6/day, moon kissed, persistent tenacity, physical resilience, secure weaponry, sharp reflexes +4, spell parry, steel will +5, unbowed, weapon guard
Speed 40 ft., fly 70 ft. (good)
Melee large +5 truthful holy estoc +44/+39/+34/+29 (3d8+33/15-20/x3) [P]
Ranged large mw orc hornbow +38/+33/+28/+23 (3d6+14/x3) [P, 80 ft.]
Special Attacks assured strike, battle trance, critical master, invoke patron 20min/day, rapid attack, tactical training 5/day
Str 26 [15+5+6] (+8), Dex 34 [16+2+5+5+6] (+12), Con 20 [14+6] (+5), Int 20 [14+6] (+5), Wis 18 [12+4] (+3), Cha 9 [7+2] (-1)
Base Atk +20; CMB +32 (+6 with weapons, +2 with heavy blades); CMD 57 (immune to disarm, steam and sunder against heavy blades; +4 dodge vs. AOO from moving)
Feats Advanced Weapon Training (Trained Grace), Alertness, Barroom Brawler (7/day), Censoring Critical, Combat Reflexes, Coordinated Charge, Dodge, Greater Called Shot, Great Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Great Weapon Specialization (heavy blades), Improved Called Shot, Improved Critical (heavy blades), Improved Familiar, Paired Opportunists, Racial Heritage (dwarf), Seize the Moment, Shake it Off, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Weapon Specialization (heavy blades)
Traits *, *
Skills 180 Ranks [30 ranks left]
Acrobatics +35 (20 ranks, 3 class, 12 Dex)
<> +4 to jump
Climb +12 (1 rank, 3 class, 8 Str)
Fly +23 (8 ranks, 3 class, 12 Dex)
<> +14 with flight active
Intimidate +22 (20 ranks, 3 class, -1 Cha)
Perception +29 (20 ranks, 3 class, 3 Wis, 4 feat)
Sense Motive +26 (20 ranks, 3 Wis, 4 feat)
Stealth +32 (20 ranks, 12 Dex)
Survival +16 (10 ranks, 3 class, 3 Wis)
Swim +16 (1 rank, 3 class, 8 Str, 4 witch)
Armor Check -0
Languages Common, Elven, *, *
SQ abundant tactics, armor expertise (+5 Dex, -1 ACP), armor mastery, armor specialization (full plate), armored bastion, armored juggernaut, bonus skills (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Ride, Swim), combat composure, critical specialist, dogged obstinacy +4/+5, dual minded, familiar, feat aptitude, feat expertise, feat retraining, fighter's tactics, flawless form, flawless technique, flight, focused weapon, greater armor specialization (full plate), ironclad enforcer, latent feats (critical focus, critical mastery, disruptive, powerful maneuvers, unarmed combatant), manifest might, multitalented, patron (strength), proper conditioning +5, scry on familiar 1/day, second invocation, share training, solid footing 1/day, tenacious grip, tools of the trade, ward, weapon adaptation, weapon mastery, weapon training +4 [+6], weapon unity
ABP armor attunement +5, deflection +5, legendary ability (+5 Dex), legendary body 2 (+2 Str, +4 Con), mental prowess (+6 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Cha), physical prowess (+6 Dex, +4 Str, +2 Con), resistance +5, toughening +5, weapon attunement +5
Favor Class Bonuses: +20hp, +5 natural armor to familiar
Weapons large +5 truthful holy estoc, large mw orc horbow (Str +8)
Worn mithril nimble full plate
-Hands: gloves of dueling
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch 428,500gp
Armor Mastery (Ex) Cricket gains damage reduction 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield. If weapon damage from an attack ignores some or all of his armor mastery DR then Cricket can redirect to his armor or shield the amount of weapon damage from the attack that bypassed his DR, taking any remaining damage. If an attacker uses an ability that allows it to total the weapon damage from multiple attacks before applying damage reduction against Cricket, multiply his armor mastery DR by the number of successful hits after the first. He can have his armor or shield receive this amount of damage from the attack, or the total weapon damage from all hits after the first if this is a smaller amount, taking any remaining damage.
Assured Strike (Ex) Once per round before making an attack roll, Cricket can choose to treat the d20 result as a 10.
Autonomic Grasp (Ex) Cricket clings to his weaponry even when on the brink of death. He can choose to retain his hold on his wielded weapons when he is knocked unconscious or succumbs to a sleep effect. While he is asleep or unconscious, attackers must succeed at combat maneuver checks to disarm him, but they gain relevant bonuses for attacking a helpless target, including treating his Dexterity as 0 when determining his CMD.
Battle Trance (Su) As a standard action, Cricket can enter a state of calm focus during battle, gaining a bonus on melee weapon damage rolls equal to his Intelligence modifier. The trance lasts for 5 rounds.
Combat Composure (Ex) Cricket can take 10 on trained class skill checks during combat even if the situation or immediate danger wouldn’t normally allow him to do so, provided he could take 10 on the check outside of combat. He cannot use this ability if he currently has any of the following conditions: confused, cowering, dazed, disabled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, flat-footed, frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned.
Critical Master (Ex) When Cricket scores a critical hit, he can apply the effects of three critical feats in addition to the damage dealt.
Dogged Obstinacy (Ex) Cricket gains a +4 morale bonus on rolls when repeating actions he performed in the previous round:
<>Saving throws made against the same effect and saving throws of the same type against the same creature or situation. (Ex: Cricket made a Reflex save against a sorcerer’s lightning bolt in the previous round would gain the bonus when making a Reflex save against the same sorcerer’s burning hands spell in this round)
<>Attack rolls (except combat maneuver checks) made against the same creature with the same type of weapon.
<>Combat maneuver checks of the same type made against the same creature.
<>Skill or ability checks of the same type that require at least a move action to perform. Opposed checks only gain the bonus if performed against the same creature.
This morale bonus also increases by an additional +1 for the first time it applies in the current round if Cricket failed the same roll in the previous round. He can also apply this bonus to an activity that takes place over a longer period of time that requires checks or saves and involves the continually doing the same thing, even though he may not be making rolls each round.
Flawless Form (Su) Cricket's carrying capacity is treated as though he had twice his Strength score. Additionally whenever he rolls for initiative he rolls twice and takes the better result.
Flawless Technique (Ex) Cricket doesn’t automatically miss an attack roll when he rolls a natural 1.
Flight (Su) Cricket can use feather fall at will and gains a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. He can cast levitate once per day, and can fly, as per the spell, for 20 minutes. These minutes must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Focused Resolve (Ex) As an immediate action, before attempting a saving throw, Cricket can roll twice and take the better result. As a standard action, Cricket can focus his mind and will, so once during the next minute, he can choose to roll an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw three times and take the best result. He cannot use both of these options on the same saving throw.
Invoke Patron (Su) As a swift action, Cricket can invite two spirits into his body and mind, chosen from the list below. Cricket can use this ability in 1-minute increments:
<>Bondage: Cricket gains a +6 enhancement bonus to her Strength.
<>Bridge: Cricket treats other creatures as if their damage reduction and spell resistance were 10 lower.
<>Crisis: Cricket gains a +6 enhancement bonus to her Constitution.
<>Curiosity: The DCs of Cricket’s hexes and patron spells increase by 3. <>Decisions: Cricket gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
<>Fortune: Cricket gains a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws.
<>Paradise: Cricket gains a +9 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks and concentration checks.
<>Rapture: Cricket can increase the duration of any non-stantaneous spell he casts on herself by 3 rounds.
<>Revelation: Cricket gains a +3 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons.
Ironclad Enforcer (Su) Cricket's speed is no longer reduced by the armor he wears. As long as he is wearing metal medium or heavy armor which grants an enhancement bonus to AC he also gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to all his movement speeds.
Manifest Might (Su) Cricket gains an enhancement bonus to natural armor equal to his Strength modifier. Additionally, he is treated as one size category larger for the purposes of determining what weapons he may wield, carrying capacity, for magical effects that would move him (such as gust of wind), and CMD.
Persistent Tenacity (Ex) If Cricket fails a Fortitude or Will save against an ongoing harmful affliction, including instantaneous and permanent ones, he can attempt it again at the start of his next turn. If he succeeds on this saving throw, it has the same effect as if he had made the original save. This only gives him one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw. However, this ability has no effect on hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain.
Physical Resilience (Ex) If Cricket takes ability damage, ability drain, or a temporary penalty to an ability score, this damage, drain, or penalty is reduced by 5 points.
Rapid Attack (Ex) When making a full attack, Cricket can move up to his speed either before or after his attacks. He can also combine a full attack with a charge as a full-round action, as long as he only moves a distance up to his speed. In either case, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. When attacking in this way, Cricket must forgo one attack of his choice and all attacks after the first take a –2 penalty on the attack roll.
Secure Weaponry (Ex) Cricket defensively counters when an opponent uses an effect which would harm his held weapon or cause him to drop it. If the effect is a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability which doesn’t grant a saving throw, he gains a Reflex save to negate the effect, calculating the DC as if the effect did allow a save. Otherwise, if the effect is an extraordinary or nonmagical ability that doesn’t require the opponent to succeed at a check against the fighter’s CMD then the opponent must succeed at a combat maneuver check against him as if attempting a disarm, steal, or sunder combat maneuver, as appropriate for the effect, or the effect is negated.
Solid Footing (Su) Cricket may take 10 on all strength checks and strength based skill checks even when distracted or otherwise normally unable to take 10. In addition, once per day he may take 20 on one of these checks without increasing the time needed to do so and when otherwise distracted or normally unable to take 20. He may take 20 an additional time and become exhausted after the attempt whether or not it was successful. This exhaustion lasts for only one hour and cannot be mitigated by any means other than rest.
Tactical Training (Ex) As a swift action, Cricket can grant two teamwork feats he knows to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him for 13 rounds.
Tenacious Grip (Ex) Cricket doesn’t drop held weapons when panicked or stunned.
Unbowed (Ex) If Cricket makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. He does not gain the benefit of this ability while helpless. Additionally, Cricket adds his strength modifier in addition to his Constitution modifier to Fortitude saves.
Ward (Su) Cricket can place a protective ward over a single other creature, who receives a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. Cricket knows when a warded creature is no longer protected.
Lyrakien azata patron familiar
CG Tiny outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, detect magic, low-light vision; Perception +26
Active Effects ward hex
AC 44 [48], touch 21 [25], flat-footed 35 [39] (+3 armor, +8 Dex, +1 dodge, +18 natural, +2 shield, +2 size, [+4 deflection]; +4 dodge vs. AOO from moving)
hp 172 (20HD)
Fort +13 [+17], Ref +14 [+18], Will +15 [+19]
DR 5/evil; Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 25
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Melee tiny +1 agile estoc +33/+28/+23/+18 (1d4+13/15-20)
Melee slam +30 (1d2-3)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks starlight blast, strength of mind 5/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +25)
Constant — detect evil, detect magic, freedom of movement
At will — dancing lights, daze (DC 15), summon instrument, ventriloquism (DC 16)
1/day — cure light wounds, lesser confusion (DC 16), silent image (DC 16)
1/week — commune (6 questions, CL 12th)
Str 5 (-3), Dex 27 (+8), Con 12 (+1), Int 15 (+2), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 20 (+5)
Base Atk +20; CMB +15 (+2 with heavy blades); CMD 34 [38] (+4 dodge vs. AOO from moving)
Feats Barroom Brawler (1/day), Censoring Critical, Combat Reflexes, Coordinated Charge, Dodge, Great Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Great Weapon Specialization (heavy blades), Improved Critical (heavy blades), Paired Opportunists, Shake it Off, Seize the Moment, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Weapon Specialization (heavy blades), *
Acrobatics +31 (20 master ranks, 3 class, 8 Dex)
Bluff +11 (3 ranks, 3 class, 5 Cha)
Climb +9 (1 master rank, 8 Dex)
Diplomacy +11 (3 ranks, 3 class, 5 Cha)
Fly +31 (8 master ranks, 3 class, 8 Dex, +4 size, +8 maneuverability)
Intimidate +25 (20 master ranks, 5 Cha)
<> -4 for small or larger targets
Knowledge (religion) +8 (3 ranks, 3 class, 2 Int)
Perception +26 (20 master ranks, 3 class, 3 Wis)
Perform (string) +11 (3 ranks, 3 class, 5 Cha)
Sense Motive +26 (20 master ranks, 3 class, 3 Wis)
Spellcraft +5 (3 ranks, 2 Int)
Stealth +39 (20 master ranks, 3 class, 8 Dex, 8 size)
Survival +13 (10 master ranks, 3 Wis)
Swim +9 (1 master rank, 8 Dex)
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; truespeech
SQ deliver touch spells, empathic link, enhanced familiar (+40hp, +8 Dex, +3 natural armor), share spells, speak with master, traveler's friend
Weapons tiny +1 agile estoc
Worn +1 buckler, +1 nimble spider-silk bodysuit
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch
Strength of Mind (Su) As a standard action, Dust can swap her Strength and Intelligence scores. This effect lasts for 10 rounds.