Cashmerez "Cash" Magravi's page

1 post. Organized Play character for GM_Drake.

About Cashmerez "Cash" Magravi

My character is a male Varisian human relic channeler medium, and (if you allow it) instead of the six spirits being those of legendary heroes, are instead the spirits of his six childhood friends who were killed by goblins at Junk Beach five years ago.

Twenty Questions:

What is your character's name?

Cashmerez "Cash" Magravi

How old is your character?


What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?

5'4" (slender-framed and well-toned runner's physique) Varisian male with pale skin, wind-swept dark hair that is chin-length, pale green eyes. On his right hand he wears six silver rings (two on the ring finger and one each on the other digits). He wears brown leather armor; attached to his belt on his right side is a cold iron light hammer and sheathed dagger; on his left side a bola and a silver light hammer. He is wearing an explorer's outfit (brown sturdy boots, a dark green hooded cloak, with the hood down, a multi-coloured scarf wrapped around his neck).

What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?

His eyes - which tend to get briefly moist briefly about once every ten minutes or so - just on the brink of tears forming, giving his eyes a perpetual look of sadness to his eyes.

Where was your character born?


Where were you raised?


By who?

His mother

Who are your parents?

Father - Zanesh Magravi, Mother Deshniza Magravi (nee Callinova)

Are they alive?

mother is, father was killed a few years ago in the processing of saving me the night my friends were killed by goblins at Junk Beach.

What do they do for a living?

My father was a bartender at The Hagfish. My mother is a waitress at Cracktooth's Tavern.

Do you have any other family or friends?

Family- (great aunt) Risa Magravi and her descendants in Sandpoint, many Callinova cousins that are part of a Yondabakari route Varisian caravan

What is your character's marital status?



no (not including the spirits of his childhood friends who are the spirits he communes with)

What is your character's alignment?

Neutral (he was neutral good until his friends were murdered, which impacted him deeply, though the spirits of his friends (when they take control of his body) tend to do things that reminds him of the joy of their childhood and they are confident Cash will eventually become the outgoing kind soul they all knew in life).

What is your character's moral code?

Honor the memory of his firends, if he is capable of preventing immediate harm to a child he will try to protect the child.

Does your character have goals?

To become the person his friends tell him he still is and that he yearns to to be able to become that carefree again.

Is your character religious?

He was, and his primary deity he revered was Desna, but he tends to have nightmares of that cursed night at least twice a month, so he feels like Desna blames him for his friends' deaths.

What are your character's personal beliefs?

Treat others as you would prefer they treat you. If they offer a friendly smile or hand, return in kind; if they are demeaning, they are not worth your time.

Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?

For ones who are not familiar with him he tends to come across as alternating between being aloof and focused and appears to have a habit of talking to himself.

Why does your character adventure?

To accomplish what his friends and him dreamed of becoming when they were grew up - famous adventurers, though if were not for the spirits of his friends still hanging around he might settle for a quiet life with as much peace as possible - but that desire is outweighed by not wanting to let his friends now - for the only way for their names to go down in the annals of great adventurers is if he does not give up on the goal.

How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?

As someone who tries to support the more capable adventurers, as well as letting the spirits of his friends take control of his body so they experience the thrill of being adventurers, that he has the ability to give them.

Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?

A scar on the back of his right hand, where one of the goblins grazed him with a dogslicer.

How does your character get along with others?

He is quick to return friendly attention, and becomes withdrawn when unfriendly attention is given to him.

Is there anything that your character hates?

Mean-spirited suggestions that it is his fault that he is to blame for his friends' deaths.

Is there anything that your character fears?

Losing the only remaining close family member he has - his mother. Falling off Junker's Edge, which is partly how his friends died.