
ElderNightmare's page

Organized Play Member. 116 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Lantern Lodge

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I am disabled (autism, PTSD, heavy depression).
Thanks you, Paizo for this.

Lantern Lodge

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I admit, the Dominion of the Black is one of my favourite things about Golarion.

And Iron Gods is my favourite AP. I could not run it, but i look forward to run it in the future.

To put it in a nutshell, I Love the little bits of Sci-fi in Pathfinder.

Lantern Lodge

This is based on a real nightmare i had :

13 : The target discover that every social contact does not remember it. It has no legal existence.
Its home and hearth are gone or belonging to someone else.
And then, assassins and aeon begin to try to kill it, as the target is seen as an anomaly.

My nightmare was concluded by the discovery that it was a cruel prank by a trashy real tv show, but for the nightmare spell, no such niceties.

Lantern Lodge

Stay Safe. I wish Paizo's folks the best under such circumstances.

Lantern Lodge

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As an autistic person, I appreciate.

RPG saved my life and allowed me to have a social life and friend.

Lantern Lodge

Hello Merisiel, What do you think of the city of Otari ?

Lantern Lodge

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I praise Sara Marie, for in spite of becoming disabled, I have managed to keep my job, begin again my studies and continue to practice RPG.
I will do more Pathfinder in the future. Thanks to all Paizo folks.

Lantern Lodge

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This is a hard but right decision . Stay Safe. Courage. I send a virtual hug to everyone at paizo.

Lantern Lodge

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Stay safe and courage.

Lantern Lodge

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I am glad to hear you are fine at paizo.

I hope people are not panicking and buying everything in the Seattle Area.

I read news about Australia having brawl for toilet papers.

There is a shortage of surgical mask, hand sanitizer in France and some people were even trying to send expired surgical mask.
Some people are stockpiling noodle and cooking oil.

This is madness.

Lantern Lodge

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Hello Merisiel, what kind of prank did you do on your teammate on the Page 30 of the gamemastery guide ?

Lantern Lodge

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Well, I would say the following :

- A adventure guide book, mixing the adventure series of books from the first editions (occult adventure, mythic adventure, horror adventures and so on) with ultimate campaign introducing corruption as a new affliction, new example of subsystem using the victory point framework.

- an occult book introducing the psychic magical traditions and class like the mesmerist, the psychic and the occultist.

- an ultimate options book with archetype, feat, spell, focus spell and so on to improve the existing. The more first editions classes converted into archetype, the better.

- More bestiaries of course, because we never have enough monster.

- A book of template to improve the customisation of monsters.

Lantern Lodge

In order :
NPC galery
Automatic bonus progression
Victory point.

In fact, I am tempted into saying everything.

Lantern Lodge

It may be too late but yeah, some unchaining will be great.
For example, a guide for scaling feat.

Lantern Lodge

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Neh Thalgu.

Just to see the face of the PC player when a neh thalguu harvest a brain.

I am fond of this horror and of the Dominion of the Black.

Lantern Lodge

The weapon master handbooks. Some of its content should have been in core.

Lantern Lodge

Because many people who wish to see the world they despise burn never think they could be on the wrong side of the stick in their new world.

Lantern Lodge

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Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

But put that aside for the moment. I'm curious. What will other people miss about PF1?

Doug M.

In my case, Adventures and campaigns, like Iron gods, Skull and Schackles etc...

Lantern Lodge

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A game dies only when it lost its player.

There are still player playing 3.5, AD&D and whatever previous iteration of the games.

I will still play The first editions and look at waht the second has to offer.

Lantern Lodge

Edit : thank you for yours answers.

Derklord wrote:

"Attacks: Some spell descriptions refer to attacking. All offensive combat actions, even those that don’t damage opponents, are considered attacks. Attempts to channel energy count as attacks if it would harm any creatures in the area. All spells that opponents resist with saving throws, that deal damage, or that otherwise harm or hamper subjects are attacks. Spells that summon monsters or other allies are not attacks because the spells themselves don’t harm anyone." CRB pg. 208

In doubt, going back to basics. I should have known.

Derklord wrote:
That's the rule about what the term attack means for spells (and similar abilities). Someone who thinks pulling hair wasn't an "offensive combat action" clearly didn't have any siblings!

Or a pet.

avr wrote:

If the opponent has taken damage or been affected by some combat maneuvers in this fight there may well be hair or blood somewhere the unseen servant can collect it though.

Good catch.

VMRH wrote:
And what about picking a loose hair from someone's clothes? That's more of a pick-pocketing thing. Which is a hostile act, but not an attack.

Indeed, but in battle, I will go with the blood example.

Lantern Lodge

Hello there,

Can an unseen servant be used to fetch hair from an opponent in order to be used by an Hexing doll ?

I would say no because it is a bit too close from an attack in my opinion to be tolerated, but my player think this is not an attack.

Any advice or opinion ?

Lantern Lodge

Question : Apart from Being Envious, scheming and Back-stabbing, what other trait of character are known about Belimarius ?

Lantern Lodge

Any lawful good deities.

They all oozes of self-rightousness and Holier-than-thou attitude.

I admit Good is not nice, But this does not justify horrible deities like

- Damerrich
- Genshau. A good god of Ignorance ?
- Ragathiel.
- Vildeis.

Lantern Lodge

I hope we get a corruption based on the Dominion of the black.

Lantern Lodge

42. You are dreaming of a powerful fiend. He sit on the top of a pile of skull, savoring a glass of wine and clad in aristocratic armored garb.

When you can see its face, you can see it is yours and heard a hellish voice telling you "I am waiting for you, my friend".

Lantern Lodge

25. Each time you are healed by a cleric, a child end up with the same wound as you. It is allways the closest one from your location.
And the last time you were raised from the dead, a child died.

Lantern Lodge

Gilarius wrote:
Do the fused spell feats have level limits on when they kick in their improved bonuses? If not, I'd add them at 12th level.

Indeed. This is an oversight from my part. The improvement kick in at level 10.

I've long felt that the various fighter feats should be free as soon as the character qualifies for them - eg Improved Trip and Grapple and the rest, and then Greater versions, etc. So I think any house rule that helps with those is a good thing.

Yep, mitgating the feat tax is good for non caster.

My thanks for answering.

Lantern Lodge

Good day mates.

For a coming Games, I wish to use the following house rules and want to heed your advice and criticisms about them.

First : Free feats.
These feat will be free :
- Combat expertise for all Full and medium BaB classes at first level.
- Power attack and deadly aim when the requirement are met.
- deadly aim replace point blank shot as requirement for ranged feat.

Second : Fused feat :
The following feat are fused.
* Spell focus and greater spell focus
* Spell Penetration and greater spell penetration (Not so sure about this one, I fear this can be quite powerful)
* Combat reflexe and Stand still
* Dodge and Mobility
* Endurance and Diehard

Third : Feat chains.
Some feat chain will let the character gain automatically the next feat as long as he met the requirement.
Here some of the concerned feat chains, from the core and APG :

* The combat maneuver feat (Improved, greater)
* Great Fortitude-> Improved Great fortitude.
* Improved grapple -> Greater grapple.
* Iron will --> Improved Iron Will
* Lightning reflexe --> Improved lignting reflexe.
* Cleave--> Great cleave
* Shield focus--> greater shield focus (fighter only)
* Shield Slam-->Shield master
* Two weapon fighting/Improved weapon fighting/Greater weapon fighting.
* Vital strike--> Improded vital strike--> greater vital strike.
* Penetrating strike --> greater penetrating strike
* Weapon specialisation --> greater Weapon specialisation
* Disruptive --> Spell breaker.
* spring attack-->Wind stance--> lightning stance
* Scorpion style--> gorgon fist-->medusa wrath-->cockatrice strike (APG)
* Nimble move--> acrobatic step.
* Precise shot--> improved precise shot--> pinpoint targeting
* Rapid shot--> Manyshot
* Double slice--> two weapon rend
* Dazzling display--> shatter defense -->Deadly stroke
* Weapon focus -->Greater weapon focus
* Improved Unarmed strike-->Deflect arrows-->Snatch arrows.
* Furious focusAPG --> dreadful carnageAPG
* Gang up--> Team Up.
* DieHard-->Heroic recovery(Apg)-->heroic defiance(APG)
* Blind fight-->Improved Blind fight (APG)--> greater blind fight (APG)
* Minor spell expertise (APG) --> Major spell expertise (APG)
* Second chance (APG) --> Improved second chance.APG
* Shield focus-->Shield specialisation (APG)-->Greater shield specialisation (APG)
* Dodge-->Sidestep(APG--->Improded sidestep(APG)
* Spider step --> Cloudstep

For the following chain, you have to choose which feat you choose when you gain access to.
* Critical Focus -->Bleeding critical OR Sickening critical -->Deafening OR Staggering critical OR Tiring critical -->Critical mastery (fighter only)-->blinding critical-->Exhausting critical --> Stunning critical

Lantern Lodge

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3.People don't remember you. Your relatives claims you are supposed to be dead stillborn and buried.
Every trace of your supposed life is gone.

Lantern Lodge

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Rennes, Britany, France.

Lantern Lodge

"The world is agonizing."

This is both a quote and an arc word from my homebrew.

Lantern Lodge

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I praise Sara Marie, because my lumbago seems to be gone.

Lantern Lodge

Worst Out of game : A player starting spouting racist and misogynistic slur in an martial arts themed RPG (Qin FYI), insulting and trashtalking other player,including me as a GM.
I had to get him out because the tension have started to skyrocket and the other players were ready to lynch him. It nearly degenerate in a brawl.

Worst In games : The mass effect reapers are a good idea. Recycled in Pathfinder, no.

And in another scenario, I have use cultist of angazhan as the antagonists and all player were nauseated when I was describing their lair because I went the very detailed road, with clinical accuracy and no horrors were sparred or ignored.

My player made me sign an agreement to never put Demon lords worshipper as antagonist in my future games.

Lantern Lodge

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I hope we will have archetype or feat similar to the fleshwarper Prestige class in Lord of Madness.

And much much more.

Lantern Lodge

Cavalier fighter : improving how you can fight and being a bit more useful out of combat.

Plus : Better skills list, mount, tactical bonus, feat overload.

con : still the horse problem.

Lantern Lodge

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My homebrew uses these pantheons :

Old gods :
12 gods, modelled on the olympian plus a thirteen one, the Harlequin which is a trickster god. Basically some temple.

New gods :
A dualistic pantheon, inspired by mixing taoist philosophy and zoroastrianism.
This pantheon has two church, the traditionalist one which has minor god known as saint. They are basically pagan gods (from a universe POV) assimilated by the church. Their temple are quite lavish (and quite bling bling according to their detractor)

The reformed church is a strictly dualist one. Their temple tend to be quite sober.

Norse champions :
7 heroes-god, worshipped as example and parangon.
Siegfried the Norse dragon of victory
Thorkell, champion of mankind and people
Fenrir, champion of the beast
Mime, champion of Arts
Haggen, champion of Fire and Ice
Alberich, champion of cleverness
Sidar, champion of the wind and his twin brother, Budor, champion of Shadows.
Worshipped by Norse humans and dwarves.

The One God :
This one is a path of inspiration one, and their cult is hellbent on enforcing their human supremacist creed by steel and fire.
To better envision this one, imagine Razmir with Mythic tiers and the ability to grant spell. And replace the con artist personna with the worst human supremacist.

Shamanistic :
this is the orc faith

Pantheistic : This is the wood elves faith

Ancestor worship : this is the traditionnalist Dwarf faith.

The tengu tends to worship Kami, Nezumi (ratfolk) have a weird syncretism (they tink the god you pray, the more likely one is going to answer).

Lantern Lodge

If you are ready to go on the road of 3pp, Green's ronin advanced Bestiary Pathfinder edition have some nice template for demonic and daemonic possession.

Lantern Lodge

22 : chunky salsa rule.

Lantern Lodge

I am glad for this one.

I am curious about the insanity rules. Any vile teaser ?

Lantern Lodge

I wonder if the player guide will introduce some subsystem rules for this AP linked to the political context.

I am quite curious to see this AP.

Lantern Lodge

Pledged. It seems we will have a nice mythic chapter.

Lantern Lodge

Bunnyboy wrote:
Ciaran Barnes wrote:
We had to run away from a jellyfish. Twice.
As you should. For example, one box jellyfish got enough poison to kill 60 human. Adventurers or not.

And the Irukandji syndrome make you wish you had died.

Lantern Lodge

I would mention some individuals :

Abrogail Thrune II :

Why ? Because when a pit fiend has to rein a person and to reminds her than even evil has standard, you can be sure this person is serious business.

Folca :
Why ? Enough said.

Mengkare :
Why ? Because good is not nice and his project is a tykebomb.

Razmir :
Why ? He is a dangerous conman, has conquered a nice patch of land and created a very effective scam religion. ANd being a 19th level wizard mean he is serious business if angry.

Lantern Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Cruel Illusion wrote:
Zon-Kuthon and whatever changed him, kytons.

This is the reason I really wish the next book of damned is about kytons.

Lantern Lodge

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The Dominion of the Black and the implications they have an interest on Golarion.
The hinted invasion in 4718 (according to an Osirian calendar).
And the fleshfarm.

A heh thalguu : for example, an horror who want to extract your brain to improve its spellcasting and processing power.

Lantern Lodge

My favourite :
CN For I love free spirited character.

I am glad that I manage to avoid chaotic stupid (But my GM is glader).

The one I like :
True Neutral : beyond morality, quite a balanced outlook.
LE : pragmatic villainy.
NG : good without the idealism of the CG and the zeal of LG.

The one I find meh :
LN : Conservative, and the line between the zealot and the oppressor is thin.

The ones I dislike :
CE : I dislike playing psycho.
LG : I dislike playing zealot and holier-than-thou.

The one that puzzle me :
NE : I am not quite sure how to understand it or to play it rightly. I oscillate between the greedy, coward and nihilistic.

Lantern Lodge

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cablop wrote:
Aralicia wrote:

Here's rundown of a level 1 fighter made by a player I know :

Human Fighter 1
Attributes : 20 Dex, no other score above 12
Feats : Exotic Weapon Proficiency (hand crossbow), Two Weapon Fighting, Dodge
Notable Gear : 2x hand crossbow, leather armor, no melee weapon.

Typical Combat Tactic (what the player usually did):
- First round : fire two bolt (+4/+4, 1d4 damage each). If he's unlucky, he's got an ally in mele, and he's firing at +0.
- Second round : sheathe the first crossbow, reload the second
- Third round : sheathe the second crossbow, draw the first crossbow
- Fourth round : reload the first crossbow, draw the second
- Fifth round : repeat first round

This isn't even a joke. It's an actual character who's been played for multiple games.
Bad players can make terrible fighters.

Gods! I cannot do anything but take my words back...

Not even laugh ?

This is so over-the-top.

Seriously, no pathfinder is not Dying. We are still loving the system enough to try to fix it, and with all the 3PP plublishing plus all the paizo material, we have a nice toolbox too use.

Lantern Lodge

Happy new Year Lady Merisiel.

I have just checked and read the Treaty "Agent of Evil".
Something is arising in my mind:
Will a stabbity queen like you use necrotoxin ? Even on Meligaster ?

Lantern Lodge

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I dot for interest.

Removing Tax feat is allways a good start.

Lantern Lodge

My Highest stat : Intelligence.
My lowest : Charisma, As my personality is quite gruf and I express myself quite badly.

So my ability score would be :

Strength 14 (quite strong and nasty grip)

Dexterity 12 (fast reflexes but not supple or skillfull)

Constitution 14 (rarely sick and it last less than a day)

Intelligence 16 : I have high IQ and an edeitic memory, but I have no control of it. My memory want only to stock horrors.

Wisdom 12 : I am affraid i am quite average, because I can make mistakes, big blunder of judgement, but I am also perceptive.

Charisma 8 : only animals, geek and nerds can stand my presence, and plants die in my vicinity.

Classes : I would got for Alchemist or Magus, but IRL I am specialised in IT and biotech.

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