
ElderNightmare's page

Organized Play Member. 116 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Lantern Lodge

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I am disabled (autism, PTSD, heavy depression).
Thanks you, Paizo for this.

Lantern Lodge

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I admit, the Dominion of the Black is one of my favourite things about Golarion.

And Iron Gods is my favourite AP. I could not run it, but i look forward to run it in the future.

To put it in a nutshell, I Love the little bits of Sci-fi in Pathfinder.

Lantern Lodge

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As an autistic person, I appreciate.

RPG saved my life and allowed me to have a social life and friend.

Lantern Lodge

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I praise Sara Marie, for in spite of becoming disabled, I have managed to keep my job, begin again my studies and continue to practice RPG.
I will do more Pathfinder in the future. Thanks to all Paizo folks.

Lantern Lodge

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This is a hard but right decision . Stay Safe. Courage. I send a virtual hug to everyone at paizo.

Lantern Lodge

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Stay safe and courage.

Lantern Lodge

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I am glad to hear you are fine at paizo.

I hope people are not panicking and buying everything in the Seattle Area.

I read news about Australia having brawl for toilet papers.

There is a shortage of surgical mask, hand sanitizer in France and some people were even trying to send expired surgical mask.
Some people are stockpiling noodle and cooking oil.

This is madness.

Lantern Lodge

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Hello Merisiel, what kind of prank did you do on your teammate on the Page 30 of the gamemastery guide ?

Lantern Lodge

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Well, I would say the following :

- A adventure guide book, mixing the adventure series of books from the first editions (occult adventure, mythic adventure, horror adventures and so on) with ultimate campaign introducing corruption as a new affliction, new example of subsystem using the victory point framework.

- an occult book introducing the psychic magical traditions and class like the mesmerist, the psychic and the occultist.

- an ultimate options book with archetype, feat, spell, focus spell and so on to improve the existing. The more first editions classes converted into archetype, the better.

- More bestiaries of course, because we never have enough monster.

- A book of template to improve the customisation of monsters.

Lantern Lodge

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Neh Thalgu.

Just to see the face of the PC player when a neh thalguu harvest a brain.

I am fond of this horror and of the Dominion of the Black.

Lantern Lodge

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Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

But put that aside for the moment. I'm curious. What will other people miss about PF1?

Doug M.

In my case, Adventures and campaigns, like Iron gods, Skull and Schackles etc...

Lantern Lodge

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A game dies only when it lost its player.

There are still player playing 3.5, AD&D and whatever previous iteration of the games.

I will still play The first editions and look at waht the second has to offer.

Lantern Lodge

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3.People don't remember you. Your relatives claims you are supposed to be dead stillborn and buried.
Every trace of your supposed life is gone.

Lantern Lodge

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Rennes, Britany, France.

Lantern Lodge

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I praise Sara Marie, because my lumbago seems to be gone.

Lantern Lodge

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I hope we will have archetype or feat similar to the fleshwarper Prestige class in Lord of Madness.

And much much more.

Lantern Lodge

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My homebrew uses these pantheons :

Old gods :
12 gods, modelled on the olympian plus a thirteen one, the Harlequin which is a trickster god. Basically some temple.

New gods :
A dualistic pantheon, inspired by mixing taoist philosophy and zoroastrianism.
This pantheon has two church, the traditionalist one which has minor god known as saint. They are basically pagan gods (from a universe POV) assimilated by the church. Their temple are quite lavish (and quite bling bling according to their detractor)

The reformed church is a strictly dualist one. Their temple tend to be quite sober.

Norse champions :
7 heroes-god, worshipped as example and parangon.
Siegfried the Norse dragon of victory
Thorkell, champion of mankind and people
Fenrir, champion of the beast
Mime, champion of Arts
Haggen, champion of Fire and Ice
Alberich, champion of cleverness
Sidar, champion of the wind and his twin brother, Budor, champion of Shadows.
Worshipped by Norse humans and dwarves.

The One God :
This one is a path of inspiration one, and their cult is hellbent on enforcing their human supremacist creed by steel and fire.
To better envision this one, imagine Razmir with Mythic tiers and the ability to grant spell. And replace the con artist personna with the worst human supremacist.

Shamanistic :
this is the orc faith

Pantheistic : This is the wood elves faith

Ancestor worship : this is the traditionnalist Dwarf faith.

The tengu tends to worship Kami, Nezumi (ratfolk) have a weird syncretism (they tink the god you pray, the more likely one is going to answer).

Lantern Lodge

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Cruel Illusion wrote:
Zon-Kuthon and whatever changed him, kytons.

This is the reason I really wish the next book of damned is about kytons.

Lantern Lodge

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The Dominion of the Black and the implications they have an interest on Golarion.
The hinted invasion in 4718 (according to an Osirian calendar).
And the fleshfarm.

A heh thalguu : for example, an horror who want to extract your brain to improve its spellcasting and processing power.

Lantern Lodge

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cablop wrote:
Aralicia wrote:

Here's rundown of a level 1 fighter made by a player I know :

Human Fighter 1
Attributes : 20 Dex, no other score above 12
Feats : Exotic Weapon Proficiency (hand crossbow), Two Weapon Fighting, Dodge
Notable Gear : 2x hand crossbow, leather armor, no melee weapon.

Typical Combat Tactic (what the player usually did):
- First round : fire two bolt (+4/+4, 1d4 damage each). If he's unlucky, he's got an ally in mele, and he's firing at +0.
- Second round : sheathe the first crossbow, reload the second
- Third round : sheathe the second crossbow, draw the first crossbow
- Fourth round : reload the first crossbow, draw the second
- Fifth round : repeat first round

This isn't even a joke. It's an actual character who's been played for multiple games.
Bad players can make terrible fighters.

Gods! I cannot do anything but take my words back...

Not even laugh ?

This is so over-the-top.

Seriously, no pathfinder is not Dying. We are still loving the system enough to try to fix it, and with all the 3PP plublishing plus all the paizo material, we have a nice toolbox too use.

Lantern Lodge

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I dot for interest.

Removing Tax feat is allways a good start.

Lantern Lodge

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And in a university, a troll history teacher is trolling his elven pupil, finding it funnier than rending them.

Lantern Lodge

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Hags were the product of a witch coven pact gone horribly wrong.
The survivor scattered. As hags target remote community, a lot of inbreeding ensued and explain the deformity and different kinds of Hags.
As well as their madness.

Ogre were the product of the Black Sun alchemist grand scheme of giving birth to a Master race. Ogre were supposed to be stronger than a human, and as smart.
Suffice to say their creation were gone horribly wrong.
Ogre are strong, incredibly good at surviving. But they weren't really bright and not up to the Black Sun standard. When they tried to exterminate them, the ogre rose in rebellion and made a slaughter, as they were dumb but incredibly crafty when it come to violence and atrocities.
Thank to the Black Sun biomantic tampering, the ogre manage to survive inbreeding. Today they are still a plague to deal with.

When the Ice age begin and the elves toppled the remnant of the first human civilisation, they tried to alter animals to create a beast of burden. Their creation were deemed to dumb to be a menace, yet clever enough to be tamed, tough enough to be used in nay thing, yet killable using simple elemental magic.
But trolls were not as easy tamable as they thought. And troll managed to escape and wrecking havoc.
Elves conveniently erase the record and try to demonize troll.
But Trolls remembered. And they were not as dumb as elves thought..;

Sahuagin were a merfolk prototype. But when the aboleth discovered they incredible mutability, they deemed it an unexpected good result and let them loose on Mundus.
Sometimes, they keep check on them.

Lantern Lodge

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DM Under The Bridge wrote:

Does the appearance of the eye vary with their bloodline?

Yes, but it is not a sure method for bloodline identification.

Lantern Lodge

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For classes this is my takes :
Martial work as indicated, with some differences :
- Fighter are more "master at arm" than rank and file soldier.They tend to be sergeant and other role in the different armies.
- Paladins are an exception : the only way to become a paladin is to be a worshipper of a path of inspiration-like religion which is one of the major antagonist of Mundus.
These paladins are lawful good. To their cult. the rest of the world is fair games.

Divine spellcaster work like this :
To cast a divine spell, you need to be trained in Theurgy (a bit of magic arcana and theology, scorned by real mage) and to have faith (thanks captain obvious)
In fact, you just need faith to cast a divine spell. They are not granted by deities (this work like Eberron a bit) and your alignment is irrelevent.
This need of study is why churches tend to have ecclesitheurge, evangelist and cloistered cleric instead of vanilla cleric.
Warpriest and inquisitor work as normal.
Warpriest are often use as chaplain in the local armies.
Inquisitor are covert ops.

Druids need to bond to land to be effective. And the more they became powerful, the more distant they grows as they forsake their attachment to human issue and prefer to concern with natural one.
Ranger and hunter need to bond to use their hedge druidic magic, but with lesser consequences.
In fact, to be a Ranger and or Hunter, it is important to know this basical hedge magic.

For skill monkey class,
Rogue are nearly everything.
Bard are usually trained in their way, as they are frequently used to spy.
Skald are more feral, use to bolster troop in battle

For arcane spell caster :
Arcane work by manipulating planar substance and power.
Wizard study and use try and trusted method. Their casting method is in fact the safest way to use magic, as planar substance can be a very potent source of corruption.
During their training, they are presented with a transparent crystal which change color based on the elemental affinity of the prospective mage (Blue for water, Red for fire, white for air, yellow for Earth, Gold for universal and black for void). In fact, they are all member of elemental school.
Witch and warlock made an eldritch pact with a patron. But wether the pact is real or just a poorly understood ritual is not yet solved.
Sorcerer work as RAW, but with an exception : they all manifest a mystic third eye.
Arcanist are mad scientist mage, or insane engineer. They take reckless risk to use magic. And are the most likely to get a spellblight.

Lantern Lodge

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Well, this is my Homebrew and my take on many things

My world is called Mundus. It has 3 main continental masses and culture.
It is an aboleth laboratory, to study human evolution. They observe and try to not interfere. After all, they HAVE many back-up world.
I have divided races in four groups :

Human and human like :
Humans (homo sapiens) The dominant species. Incredibly versatile. They are more ancient than the others, save maybe for the dwarves.

Elves (homo sapiens nobilis) and half-elve, live in guetto or in nomad group in forest (like the scoia tael in the witcher). Wrongly claim to be the oldest race.

Orc (homo sapiens robustus), live in nomad group, like a mix of celtic tribe and native american. Some live in urban guetto.
Incredibly strong warrior, and fearless in battle. They were a highly spiritual people, but due to elve and human xenophobia, had fallen to violence and brutality to survive. The yesterday druid have been replaced by scared witch-doctor.

Dwarf homo pumilonis. Live integrated among human. They also have their own culture, which work like the republic of Plato.

Halfling (Homo humilis, similar to Homo florensis) Not discovered by mankind yet, they live isolated on a Archipelago south of the TianXia continent.

Demi human :they exist and are product of Aboleth meddling a bit with DNA and Fleshwarping.

Catfolk, Tengu and ratfolk are the more common and the more eager to interract with mankind.
Catfolk hail from cities-states on the continent called the Green Hell. (Amazonian rainforest up to eleven).
Their culture is basez on Aztec.
Tengu are exiled from TianXia and the Sun Islands. They live in nomadic group. Among the Demi Human, they are the most integrated in human society.
Ratfolk are weird merchant and engineer. But they are fierce to defend their lairs.

Lizardfolk are highly isolationnist.
Boggard are nearly instinct because of their agressive nature
Merfolk are the rarer one.

Ettercap are a failed experiment. Aboleth didn't succeed in their extermination, but their are too isolated to be a menace.

Serpentfolk are NOT an demi human race. They are in fact, an accident unforeseen by the aboleth overseers.
To avoid to ruin their experience, aboleth triggered an ice age which shattered the serpentfolk civilisation and crippled the human. But at the times, the elves rose to prominence and destroyed nearly every record of the old human civilisation.

Gobelinoid : they are primate, hominidae but not member of the genus homo.
gobelin are nearly extinct, thanks to the dwarf policy of total war against them.
Bugbears are extinct
Hobgoblin are organized in tribe, lead by Khan.

Aliens and planetouched race : android, aasimaar and the like.

Basically, human is the dominant species and non humans are living in ghetto, à la Witcher or Dragon Age.
Human are bastard, but given a chance, the elves would not be better. And they have done the same if not worse.

Dragons have the same freedom of alignement as mortal. You can met a lawful good black dragon. They act as protector of environmental balance and keeper of secret man was not meant to know.

Lantern Lodge

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I love paizo for the nice and not overpriced pdf.

I love paizo for the presence on the message board.

I love the Mythos reference and shout-out.

I love what you have done with Kytons, Aboleth, goblins and other fun critters.

I love Paizo more since they made the Iron gods AP and the technology guide.

Lantern Lodge

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My wish : High Octane Nightmare Fuel.

More specifically, some Hive minded horror, so alien that qlipphoth look like carebears in comparisons.

Or the Chinese Wugong Sui. It is a centipede-human hybrid feeding on fear and terror, killing its target and getting bigger.

Some other big monster, like Bigorne and Chicheface.

Some normal critters, like dinosaurs.

More clockwork.

Lantern Lodge

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Somebody mentionned Mosquitoes, so don't forget some nasty diseases, like dengue fever, yellow fever and other virus induced extasis (if you are a masochist).

I can suggest some giant waterbug and for more nightmare fuel, don't forget that some carry diseases (check Buruli ulcer, even if the disease is african, it is interesting enough)

Some fungus also.

And some cultist of Cthulhu, as in the original Call of Cthulhu story.

And cultist of some random Dark Power, sacrifizing people during Carnival for unfathomable purpose.