![]() I chose Shalelu more for the fact that she is a Ranger than that she is hot, though not really having a problem with that either. And as far as characters go she has the least amount of back story at least available to the players unless she has a detailed back story on some wiki somewhere. Making it easier to tie her in with my character whom has existed since at least Ghostwalk back in the 3. something or other days... But when I read about Jade Regent back when it was coming out about an epic journey involving romance and car... er caravan chases I was hooked and decided this is where this character truly belongs. ![]()
![]() Eden's origins were rather different than most I suppose, both his crunch and fluff have changed drastically since he was created; he changed little by little every game I played him in, until he became what he is now. I guess you could say I forged him slowly over many years until I found the one adventure I wanted him to retire in. Cuz that's my habit, I retire characters once I run them through the game I think they best fit in, or that they were meant for. Until then they are concepts that keep getting tweeked. ![]()
![]() I would like to toss my hat into the ring with another half-elf, but not Dex based, lol. He is a shipwreck survivor from another JR game that had the GM leave, several actually. I am going to check his stats and wealth now, to make sure thye line up with the requirements. --EDIT-- I dropped his smoke stick to bring him within the wealth limits; and from what I can see he is now good to go. If I missed something please let me know. ![]()
![]() Jade Regent is the only Adventure Path I refuse to run, cuz I want to play in it too much to ruin it. That being said I am like Nami there and been in a few jade regent games that always die right after they start, and would like to toss my name in the rather extensive list; with this character. Traits: Birthmark
Caravan Job:
![]() I would also like to apply for this game. I made Eden years ago as a character for a Dungeons and Dragons Ghost Walk game that never really went anywhere, and since then I have been pulling him out from time to time changing his back story slightly to make it fit in the particular universe, but when I made his back story for JR I fell in love with it and decided that this was the adventure he belonged in. Sadly each and every one of my attempts to play him in JR have all died just after the first encounter. So I again submit him here. Also been a while since I looked at his sheet, may need to change up his stats some for a 20 point build. Not sure - but will go back and proofread his sheet to make sure it is all good, but his background is fully fleshed out and ready to be seen. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Glad to hear it was computer problems and nothing too serious. I do have a few questions for when you get the time to answer them however. 1.) Will you be keeping track of the relationship scores or will we need to do that on our own? Which leads me to my second question; if we do need to keep track of it: 2.)I recently re-read the relationship mechanic stuff and was wondering if I calculated Eden's relationship with Shalelu correctly. +2(Charisma)+4(for his childhood crush trait)= a relationship score of 6? Am I doing that wrong or not adding something? I think it is right just wanting to double check. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden still squirms slightly at the direct confrontation but seems to grow a slight backbone as he says. "I didn't say it meant you any harm, it could want you alive for some reason, I don't know, but what I do know is that you need to be careful with... it." He says before patting his leg for Tisa to come to his side. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden’s face becomes a cross between embarrassment and anxiety at the rather direct confrontation, made even worse by the appearance of the weasel. Eden runs his hand through his hair before focusing his bright golden eyes at her and saying: “I am not very good with… um… understanding what is and is not appropriate to say, and I don’t want to offend you… but I… That weasel is unnatural, and powerful, and I am sensing a connection between you two, a lot like mine with Tisa… But unlike Tisa it is not natural and I am not entirely sure it has your best intentions in mind… Not that I am saying it wishes you harm… Just be careful.” ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden is quite surprised at the attention and kindness he is receiving apparently not used to it in the slightest. He then laughs at Hjorleif’s seeming misfortune with the bugs. “If we have time I will prepare and cast a spell that will hide you from animals in the swamp Hjorleif.” When Ryoko catches up to him he smiles at her and thanks her for the compliment obviously unaware she was teasing. At the sight of the black familiar Eden’s smile begins to fade as he stares at it. Then as she speaks her comment about slaying the goblins Eden realizes she had been joking up to that point. Looking toward the familiar he opens his mouth as if to speak with a somewhat concerned look on his face but decides not to say anything. He instead opts to walk at a slower pace letting her pass him. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden moves over to the bed where the man has just been placed. Tisa also moves to the bed and rests her head upon it watching as Eden studies the man. OOC: Ok I assume this was some sort of con draining attack, and if that is the case there is nothing Eden can do for him, really wish I had taken some ranks in heal, next level I will. But for now the only thing that Eden might be able to do is use knowledge nature, perhaps to determine if he will make it, or whether or not he can be healed by healing magic, on the chance I am wrong and it was not a con drain attack. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden shakes his head. “You don’t need to repay anything, you needed help so I helped." And at the mention of being a doppelganger Eden’s eyes widen and he pinches himself. “Nope I am still me.” He says relaxing with relief that he was not one of those things that now lay on the floor dead. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Tisa makes her way to the corpse sniffing it, probably to make sure it was actually dead. While Eden begins chanting something in a tongue that no one would understand but him (Druidic) before laying his left hand upon Renjiro and allowing the healing energy to flow into him. He then backs up "There you go. Better?" 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden hearing the noise in the other room and then the breaking of glass as Ceru makes her way through the window leans toward the stairs and says “Hjorleif! I think we found it down here!” OOC: Tisa will move behind Renjiro and Eden will move to just in front of the broken window. And that will be my turn since my one prepared combat spell (Flare) is not going to work on a creature without eyes. And considering the cramped environment Tisa can’t really make it to the monster either so… yea that’s my actions. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden and Tisa stand in the doorway Tisa standing in front of the young Druid her body on full alert. "He is a shapeshifter, maybe he is a chair or something." Eden says looking about and drawing his shield and Quarterstaff. He then looks to Tisa and says "Sniff him out." Tisa will be using her scent ability which gives a +5 on her survival score when tracking. In essence following his scent. If that is not a legal interpretation of the rules I will also roll a perception check. Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden from his crouching position bolts into a charge behind the samurai, following on his heels is Tisa. Eden thought the snake bites were strange and now he understood why, they must have been defending their master against the shapeshifter. Full of adrenalin Eden surges forward easily but the lack of confidence in himself has him worried as to whether or not he would be of any use. Then knocking the self loathing aside he focuses on the hope that maybe the real Walthus Proudstump is still alive somewhere. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden was suspicious of the multiple snake bites from one snake but not of the Halfling himself. When Ceru mouths her concern Eden looks in the direction she was pointing and when Hjorleif begins talking about paths to take Eden steps in. “I purpose trudging!” He says enthusiastically and with a smile, to which Tisa lets out an audible growl. “OH come on Tisa its only water… Fine… Tisa and I vote the path.” ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden looks at the halfling's arm and then goes about drawing the poison. Once he is done he smiles and stands. Curious and a bit confused he asks. "I thought you said only one snake bit you? What snake was it? I mean I am curious, because most snakes don't bite that many times unless you are annoying them. I would love to see it, I have never met a snake like that. Maybe I can calm it down or help teach you how to better handle it." ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden smiles and approaches the halfling kneeling down to his level. "Well I am not the greatest at drawing poison but if we have enough time I think I can manage it." He says looking to the group to see if they say yes. Eden has no ranks in heal so he will only get a +3 bonus to it. I am wanting to know if we have enough time for Eden to take 20? Making the roll a 23. If in the case we do not I will go ahead and roll now and will use that number if we do not have the time or I cannot take the 20. Here goes: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden looks to Ryoko in amazement. “You can speak with animals too? Cool!” He says before he notices the weasel and becomes aware of just how unnatural it is. At which point his expression changes to one between confusion and apprehension. He then notices Hjorlief’s own apprehension and recovers from his own after a second. “You don’t need to worry Hjorlief. Most of the animals are harmless, the bugs might be a bit annoying if you are not used to them, but the less you sweat and the calmer you become the less rowdy they become, unless being commanded by someone. They are attracted to your scent and the more you sweat and breath hard the more they know you are there.” When he notices his weariness at the sounds coming from the marsh, Eden begins naming the creatures off to help put the man at ease. “Frog, another frog, an alligator, the mating call of a Moorhen… a kind of bird.” He then stops realizing he is probably not helping much. Eden then looks at the water and says “While this place is awesome… I would advise not drinking the water. Looks like it could make someone pretty sick if not treated.” Once in the marsh Tisa is on edge. And refuses to go anywhere near any kind of water making sure to even go around puddles in the road giving them only the briefest of sniffs, probably to determine danger. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Ok while making a Cavalier for fun I noticed I had been doing the point buy system wrong. I assumed it was a one for one basis with the baseline being 10. I was very very wrong. Luckily my mistake was only over by 4 points and I have since made the following corrections. Nothing major has changed, except that I lost 1HP. Here we go: Original: STR:10
New: STR:10
*Note that in both cases the half elf +2 was added to the INT which was a 13; thus making it the 15 you see. Lost 1HP My Fortitude save dropped to a +2 from a +3. This did not affect anything else like my skills or anything, luckily, and was an easy fix. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused to anyone (other than myself.) Was a simple mistake though a careless one. kinda makes me miss rolling. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() The marsh may be ominous to the others but not to Eden. The place is simply smothered in life and vegetation; a veritable paradise for any who love nature (at least in the way a Druid does). And his gleeful demeanor never seems to waver. “That place is awesome!” He says. “I bet they have huge toads in there, maybe some cool kinds of snakes, and I bet there are tons of insects in there I have never seen! This Walthus Proudstump picked one of the coolest places to live!” He exclaims seemingly forgetting the reason he is on this journey in the first place. Tisa on the other hand does not look like she wants to journey into the marsh in the slightest. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden's smile creeps back onto his face and he jumps up and attempts to catch up to Renjiro, Tisa close on his heels. "You hear that Tisa we are actually going on an adventure!" He says barely able to contain his enthusiasm. The grizzled old she-wolf lets out a long sigh in response to Eden once the two of them have caught up to Renjiro. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden looks at the map remaining fairly quiet, his faithful companion by his side the whole time. When Renjiro asks his question Eden drops his backpack and rummages through it presenting the items one at a time. “I have some rope, fifty foot actually. Some Caltrops; always useful, helped me get away from some bandits on my way here.” He says moving to the other pouches. “A smoke stick, and two bottles of this…” He says holding up two bottles of Alchemist’s Fire. “The merchant I bought them from said they were really powerful when thrown, he was so enthusiastic I couldn’t help but buy some, but I don’t know what they do.” Digging further he says. “Nope no bandages or torches, but I can heal with magic so hopefully we won’t need any bandages.” ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden listens to Ceru’s description of the vile beasts, taking their description to heart and listening to Hjorleif and Renjiro’s comments as well. “Oh, I didn’t know, I have never encountered beings that were so uniformly bad across an entire species before. I mean I have met mean humans and elves before, but I wouldn’t say all humans and elves were bad. But regardless I will track them if they leave tracks and from the sound of them, it seems they will be hard to not find.” He says trying to keep his smile and hide his uncomfort at being so clueless. ![]()
M Half-Elf 1/Druid
![]() Eden sensing that the atmosphere in the room isn’t combative or even hostile toward him listens intently to each person as they speak. He listens as Ryoko speaks and then notices the weasel. He then looks to Tisa who obviously has seen the weasel but simply sits there staring off into nothing as if both bored and tired. Then with another yawn she drops to the ground once more and begins sleeping. As he turns his attention back to her to speak he then hears Ceru speak to him and his attention once more shifts. He listens as she introduces everyone and gestures as appropriate (bow, wave, smile, etc.) “Oh I don’t work with Shalelu, she is just my friend. I came here looking for her. It was a pretty long journey. I’m from the Churlwood. I am confused though, why do you all assume the Goblins will be hostile? Maybe they don’t like games but they might like talking. I like to talk, I find most things like to talk, well those things that can talk anyway. Did you know some things can talk without mouths? Most of those are unnatural though… Wait what is a goblin anyway?” He says obviously losing his self control. |