The Road to Minkai: Dragoncat's Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Dragoncat

5 PCs are picked
To journey to a far land
To reclaim a throne.

Current Date: 13th of Gozran, 4715 AR

Wagon Encounter
Caerwyn's Loot List

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Gilbert Sternwood the Third wrote:

Whistles innocently in the shadow of the recruitment thread.

Looks around cautiously, as if up to no good.

So, about this talk about two parties?

Runs away to a safe observation point.

Seriously, though, is running two parties at the same time a thing in PbP? Just thought I'd ask.

It is a thing.

It mainly involves setting up two separate gameplay & discussion threads, but I think I can make it work...


Best lizard kitty evah!

Liberty's Edge

Sounds fantastic!! Best of luck to everyone who has applied...amazing builds!!

Don't overwork yourself with two parties though. Sure you can re-use some things but it might be a lot of work for yourself. I think it is better for the players and the GM if he has enough time and energy to fully commit themselves to the game.

But if you think you can handle it and wouldn't mind it. Be my guest, most chance to get it ;).

That is something I'm slightly concerned about, as a GM and a player, I'd rather not play in the game, if it would mean it stopping and noone playing, rather that just one party playing it.

I think I'm going to back out as well. I haven't been able to put something together that I'd want to play and has a natural-feeling backstory as opposed to forced.

As someone running a RotRL PBP campaign, I could see running two groups. And I have thought about setting up another group. Much of the work is prepping maps, dialog, and tokens. After you have done this once, the second should be easier. Now I said easier, not necessarily easy. ;)

Submitting Giovanni a Half Elf Bard. Background is below. Background and stat block are in the profile.

Giovanni was born a short 22 years ago to a Virisian Merchant man and an Elven caravan guard. Giovanni knows nothing of them though, as their caravan was attacked by a local Goblin tribe shortly after he was born. The goblins killed his family and raided the caravan. They left Giovanni alive only so the chief could eat him. Luckily he was saved by an even warrior named Shalelu Andosana.
Shalelu rescued the baby from the Goblins and took him into Sandpoint to be raised. Giovanni was raised in Sandpoint, never knowing of his family, only the story that he was rescued from a goblin tribe by Shalelu. His whole life he looked up to the woman. Though over time those feelings of admiration and respect began to change. As silly as it was, Giovanni began to fall for her. He knew she looked down on the humans for their lack of maturity and wisdom, so he dedicated his life to study so he could be as intelligent as an elf. He trained with the bow so that he could be as skilled as an elf. He stretched himself thin, becoming a jack of all trades, but he has never had the courage to admit to her how his feelings have changed.
He can never express the joy he feels inside to her when she compliments something he has done or learned. When she comes by to check on him when she returns from her trips abroad. He feels so special.
He even struck out on his own. Wandering Variant to expand his knowledge of the world. So he could be a traveler like she is. When she began to talk of a long journey away. Giovanni's heart nearly broke. Until he learned the caravan she was going on was hiring. Giovanni knew he had to join. These months away would be the chance to show her all he has learned. A chance to finally have her see the man he has become. The chance to confess his love.

Two JR games, at the same time? Wow I'm impressed.

Friday Daud wrote:


Best lizard kitty evah!


Thanks. :)


Deadline's coming up!

Ikoma Gohei: Male Human Samurai (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Gryf Rivers: Male Human Bloodrager (Arcane Bloodline) (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Armon Fallow: Male Human Paladin of Shelyn (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Philgor Longarm: Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Friday Daud: Male Human Ranger (Yojimbo) (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)

Yui Hirasawa: Female Wayang Witch (Best Friend: Ameiko)
Memitim Enoch: Male Wayang Witch (Hedge Witch) (Rescued: Shalelu)
Valeria Skendar: Female Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Arcanist (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Saburo Norimune: Male Kitsune Sorcerer (Kitsune Bloodline) (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)

Gilbert Sternwood the Third: Male Human Hunter (Foster Child: Koya)
Marten Rivers: Male Human Druid (Feral Shifter) (Friend of the Family: Koya)
Ramaz the Half-Orc: Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum (Rescued: Koya)
Eden Nightseed: Male Half-Elf Druid (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)
Morgrym Stonestepper: Male Dwarf Warpriest (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Eshana Virtudes: Female Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher; Heavens Mystery) (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)

Caerwyn Callandriil: Male Half-Elf Rogue (Scout) (Student Survivalist: Shalelu)
Setomi: Female Human Ninja (Best Friend: Ameiko)
Nestasha: Female Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) (Childhood Crush: Sandru)
Haru Yoshioka: Female Kitsune Bard (Student Survivalist: Shalelu)
Giovanni Xando: Male Half-Elf Bard (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)

Iron Vagabond DM
Game Master Scotty

Just For Laughs: Traits

Ameiko: 6 (Childhood Crushes: 4)
Sandru: 5 (Childhood Crushes: 1)
Koya: 3
Shalelu: 6 (Childhood Crushes: 3)

Addendum: And the two Student Survivalist applicants have crushes on Shalelu as well. So... Shalelu has more applicants with a crush on her than Ameiko.

Out of interest Dragoncat, when are you looking to begin the game?

Marten Rivers wrote:
Out of interest Dragoncat, when are you looking to begin the game?

Sometime around Wednesday--hopefully, I'll have everything sorted out by then. Two groups to manage and all that.

Sounds good. I think I'd echo what Ramaz said about the really time consuming parts being maps although updating maps between rounds of combat can also be a real pain.

Marten Rivers wrote:
Sounds good. I think I'd echo what Ramaz said about the really time consuming parts being maps although updating maps between rounds of combat can also be a real pain.

The maps being time consuming I'll agree with you on.

Updating them, however, isn't that big of a deal for me.

My issue is that when I run games I like to keep up a fast pace. I can post throughout the day at work but I can't update the maps until I get home and use MapTools on my laptop.

Marten Rivers wrote:
My issue is that when I run games I like to keep up a fast pace. I can post throughout the day at work but I can't update the maps until I get home and use MapTools on my laptop.

I just take snapshots of the maps in the PDFs and put them up on Google Drive. It's worked out quite well for me.

I do a similar thing. But if I have hero and enemy tokens on the map and move them about, add status effects etc according to actions, that can be the between round time consuming bit

I tried to use MapTools, once. A pretty great tool, but god is it time consuming.

At any rate, best of luck to everyone!

You could probably use Roll20 for the maps - I think you can set certain tokens to be moveable by the players and the maps and tokens stay there even when everyone's logged out. Just have people log in and move their character as they make their IC post here.

Liberty's Edge

I use Roll20 and it is very easy to use...I like it for combat maps and the like..

I'm not entirely sure (even though I run a game on roll20), but I think you can't access the maps if the GM is not online (as in, computer with browser and roll20 on the entire time)

Gilbert Sternwood the Third wrote:
I'm not entirely sure (even though I run a game on roll20), but I think you can't access the maps if the GM is not online (as in, computer with browser and roll20 on the entire time)

Actually, you can get to the maps on Roll20 even if the GM isn't online.

Here is the background for Philgor

Philgor was born and raised in Sandpoint. He lives with hsi father and mother on the north end of town near the The Old Light.

His father runs a small show that buys and sell exotic weapons. He would explain the history and use of each weapon in his inventory to his son. The weapons would arrive with the caravans along with messages from buyers. His father would then contact the local caravan master Sandru Vhiski.

On Philgors 15th birthday his father let him pick one weapon from his collecction. He choose a Lucern Hammer which was was the largest weapon in the shop. The large metal head was engraved with symbol for the city guard of Absolom. He learned to use the weapon and would ask his father to tell him about the far off land that the weapon came from.

A few years later Sandru came to collect one of the weapons to deliver to Magnimar. He spotted Philgor praticing with his weapon and asked him if he would like to go along as a caravan gaurd. Eager to seem more of the world he got permission from his father to join the expedition.

He has been working with Sandru for a couple of years to but the monotony of traveling the same route is starting to wear on him. He has meet lots of people on his travels and heard lots of stories of far off realms. The yearning to go journey further is growing stronger every day.

He as been asking around and has talked to Sandru about these feelings and is waiting to hear back from him on some potential prospects.

Shayliss Vinder, yes that one.

This is her stat block, backstory to follow soon:)

Shayliss Vinder
Human (varisian) cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Calistria 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 91)
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 13, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—dazing touch
Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—bane (DC 15), charm person[D] (DC 15), haze of dreams (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—enhanced diplomacy, guidance, stabilize
. . D Domain spell; Domains Luck (Curse subdomain), Charm (Lust subdomain)
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Selective Channeling
Traits calistrian courtesan, charming, rescued
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Bluff +3 (+1 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +4 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy +7 (+8 to gather information, +5 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check, +8 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disguise +3 (+1 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Intimidate +3 (+1 for 24 hours when you fail an opposed Charisma based check), Knowledge (religion) +5, Profession (courtesean) +8, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ domain mastery, malign eye, secondary domain (lust), vain
Other Gear dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), courtier's outfit, explorer's outfit, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text, jewelry, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Calistria, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 77 gp
Special Abilities
Calistrian Courtesan You worked in one of Calistria’s temples as a sacred courtesan, and you know how to flatter, please, and (most of all) listen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, and one of these skills (you
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) Domain (Curse)
Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) Domain (Lust)
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (6/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Dazing Touch (7/day) (Sp) Melee touch attack dazes foe for 1 rd, Immune if more HD than your level.
Domain Mastery Can use normal spells to prepare from the domain list, and can choose different domain spells available each day
Malign Eye (7/day) (Su) Target suffers -2 to saves vs. your spells until they hit you with an attack.
Rescued (Koya) (Ex) +2 hp healed by your cure spells. +1 vs foes threatening rescuer.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Vain -2 to Cha checks for 24h after failing an opposed Cha check

Game Master Scotty wrote:

Shayliss Vinder, yes that one.

This is her stat block, backstory to follow soon:)

** spoiler omitted **...

... Not surprised in the slightest :3

Back Ground for Shayliss

The shopkeeper’s daughter has come a long way since her days of inviting heroes down into the basement of her fathers shop for “rats…in the basement.”

After the attack by giants, she nearly died, saved only by the ministrations of Koya and even then, only by the smallest of margins.

When she woke up, she discovered her father had been slain in the battle and their shop devastated.

Koya took her in during this time and helped her past the event.

Unwilling to stay in the town where her father died and tired of being called names to her back, Shayliss left for the city of Magnimar with the last of her families money to become something more.

Several years later the town has been rebuilt and Shayliss returned a women, no longer the girl of ill repute, she returned an ordained Priestess of Calistria, powerful, willful and confident.

Employed at the Pixies’s Kitten, Shayliss has worked hard to shed her old reputation and mend bridges.

She works very hard to earn Koya’s favor anyway she can, almost slavish to the women that saved her life so long ago.

In adulthood, she has forged the friendships in town she wanted as a girl, without the baggage of her past.

More or less, she does make a very good wage at “work”, a girls got to eat you know.

Friday Daud wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

Shayliss Vinder, yes that one.

This is her stat block, backstory to follow soon:)

** spoiler omitted **...

... Not surprised in the slightest :3

Blast, and I thought I was being original...ish, sorta, maybe, kinda..

Oh, defintely original :3

And with this list, I'm officially declaring the recruitment drive over.

Ikoma Gohei: Male Human Samurai (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Gryf Rivers: Male Human Bloodrager (Arcane Bloodline) (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Armon Fallow: Male Human Paladin of Shelyn (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Philgor Longarm: Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Friday Daud: Male Human Ranger (Yojimbo) (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)

Yui Hirasawa: Female Wayang Witch (Best Friend: Ameiko)
Memitim Enoch: Male Wayang Witch (Hedge Witch) (Rescued: Shalelu)
Valeria Skendar: Female Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Arcanist (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Saburo Norimune: Male Kitsune Sorcerer (Kitsune Bloodline) (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)

Gilbert Sternwood the Third: Male Human Hunter (Foster Child: Koya)
Marten Rivers: Male Human Druid (Menhir Savant) (Friend of the Family: Koya)
Ramaz the Half-Orc: Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum (Rescued: Koya)
Eden Nightseed: Male Half-Elf Druid (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)
Morgrym Stonestepper: Male Dwarf Warpriest (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Eshana Virtudes: Female Human Oracle (Psychic Searcher; Heavens Mystery) (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Shayliss Vinder: Female Human Cleric (ecclesitheurge) of Calistria (Rescued: Koya)

Caerwyn Callandriil: Male Half-Elf Rogue (Scout) (Student Survivalist: Shalelu)
Setomi: Female Human Ninja (Best Friend: Ameiko)
Nestasha: Female Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) (Childhood Crush: Sandru)
Haru Yoshioka: Female Kitsune Bard (Student Survivalist: Shalelu)
Giovanni Xando: Male Half-Elf Bard (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)

Just For Laughs: Traits
Ameiko: 6 (Childhood Crushes: 4)
Sandru: 5 (Childhood Crushes: 1)
Koya: 4
Shalelu: 6 (Childhood Crushes: 3)

Thanks to everyone who applied! Now to deliberate over which PCs I would like to take with me...

Good luck, everyone

Just under the wire!

Good luck to everyone!

Best of luck everyone!


*anxiety intensifies*

Yes, good luck all.

Good luck all.

Good luck to all.

Good luck all!

Wishing everyone the best of luck with so many excellent character submissions!

Best of luck all around.

I would also like to echo the best of luck wishes to everyone.

good luck

Silver Crusade

Best of luck everyone!

Likewise; good luck everyone.

*starts making sacrifices to every god of luck listed on wikipedia*


Big list, good luck picking from it ^^

Well, it's time. And believe me, the choice of PCs for this wasn't easy. There were so many good picks I had to make two separate threads.

So, without further ado... here's the picks.

Party 1, go ahead and check in here. Party 2, go ahead and check in here.

To everyone else, thank you very much for applying!

Silver Crusade

All I can say is, that I will be doing my utmost and beyond to make the third time is a charm come true. And very happy to met Yui again!

Thanks for the invitation, and I'm hoping I can be at my best.

Congratulations everyone who made it in.

Liberty's Edge

Best of luck to you all..

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