
Eden Nightseed's page

61 posts. Alias of Pyris3303.

Liberty's Edge

Hello All, been forever since I DM'ed PFS and well as such I am hazy on some points.

First I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this, as it was the closest thread I found.

Second my issue: So I will be running 7 - 05 School of Spirits, and as a GM I can apply the scenario for credit, and in that Chronicle there is an either, or, option either this happened or this happened, and the players get the benefit of that choice on their chronicle. Now my question is How do I as GM getting credit handle this, do I just pick one, or do I get both?

For those who don't know; some info can be handed in/kept/destroyed and the choice affects which boon you get on your chronicle.

Liberty's Edge

Okay so I was saddened by the fact that by the time I was able to get off of work and buy tickets for GenCon's PFS The Sky Key Solution, I was locked out of the Normal Mode, but was able to get a ticket to it for Core Mode.

Which means I won't be able to play my Skald I built last GenCon, who's first chronicle was the Legacy of the Stone Lords, whom I had been specially saving for the Sky Key scenarios and in particular The Sky Key Solution. So After much sadness I decided what the hell I will buy generic tickets and maybe I will get to play her, but if I can't I will at least be able to play in the event.

Which brings me to my conundrum, I can't decide what CORE campaign character I want to play, A Elven Barbarian, who worships Calistra, and thinks with his emotions rather than facts;


A Human Cleric of Abadar, who sees the goals of the Pathfinder Society as a means to proselytize the virtues of civilization to those who might otherwise never know them.

And I would love some advice on what to pick, because I am 50/50 on both of them at this point.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so I was a kickstarter backer for the MMO and got this nifty PFS legal super dungeon with it. And I want to run the first level this Saturday, but finally reading through it, there really isn't any kind of story outside of the individual levels, with the exception a couple of weak generic plot hooks to get you inside. Now once inside there is plenty or teaming with one faction over another sort of stuff, but getting in is meh.

Now I was wondering can I alter the story slightly to give it a more pathfinder society feel. Like maybe a venture captain sent them there to delve the dungeons depths or something? Nothing too big just something more than you see a dungeon, have fun.

Liberty's Edge

I logged on today to report the sesion I ran tonight and noticed that a new legacy of the Stone Lords suddenly popped up on my list of sessions as a player and it has: Player played this scenario previously at Gencon in the notes area. But the date for it's input is the same as Gencon's date and it has not been there until at least the past two or three days.

And while it has my full society number and character number it reports as my Real life name as opposed to my character name.

Also the original input from Gencon is still there, just have two now, and I don't really know who to tell about this.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone! I am new to the whole Pathfinder Society thing and wanted to ask some questions.

I got my first taste of society play in at Gen Con and loved being able to play for the first time in literally years, even if it is a really restrictive and cut down version of the game.

Which leads me to the first of my questions. (I will use spoilers to keep this from being a post with giant blobs of text.)

Question 1:
I find it hard to sell the idea of society play to people, because in my community there are very few Pathfinder players, and even fewer that can meet on the days I run, and fewer still that are willing to accept the harsh restrictions of Society play. Most are severely turned off by the massive list of banned content, and when asking me about valid builds I find my answer being more often than not "no".

Now I try to put a positive spin on it saying that it is the cost of being able to drop into any game and that the rules are there to keep it fun for everyone and keep cheating to a minimum. I also tell people that their actions and decisions help to shape the future of the factions in the society play story. And while I have a group of players willing to accept those rules, it is only four of them and I need/want to be able to encourage new people to game in society play; How do you guys/gals sell society play to people and make them think it is a good idea and a fun one?

Question 2:
I also have one other player that due to his scheduling and the hours of operation of the game store we game at can never make it to a game at it's start and can only arrive mid way through and watch enthusiastically while I apologize that I cannot let him join late because the game is for credit. It's also a shame because he is so enthusiastic about wanting to play but since I only have four players I cannot really throw him into another group on another day. Is there anyway I can let him join for full credit? I know people can get half credit when they leave early but I don't know about joining late, and even if he could join for half credit; with only four players he would not be able to keep up with them on half credit. I just hate saying no to someone who wants to play.

Question 3:
We are all assumed/ required to own or have access to the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Are we going to have to buy another one in the future with the new Factions and new vanities? Or are the old vanities still going to be legal for purchase once the new factions come on line?

Those are my biggest questions.

Liberty's Edge

I was in a Jade Regent game that died recently when the GM vanished, came back, and then vanished again. The character I was playing was one of my favorites and was hoping to finally do something with them but alas the game died; which is sad since I love the whole concept of Jade Regent and would love to finish it.

So I am hoping someone might be willing to run a Jade Regent game; and that I might be chosen to play in said game.

Liberty's Edge

I have often wondered this, why are there no rules for using people as weapons. Say the frost giant (or some other BBEG) grapples and beats the PCs opposition of the grapple, could he therefore not be able to swing the PC as a improvised weapon?

I see this all the time in comic books and sometimes in other forms of media, and it has always struck me as odd that there would not be at least a blurb somewhere about how to do so.

So I ask what do you think would be the best way to handle the attack as a whole and the amount of dmg a person would inflict and/or take if slung around as a ragdoll weapon?