
- Ed -'s page

Organized Play Member. 117 posts (810 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Horizon Hunters

Sorry to hear you're going through such tough times. Wish you and your family the best.

Horizon Hunters

I wish you the best of luck on your emergency!

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, your max curse status I believe is 2 until later leves.

Horizon Hunters

I'd flavor it that your proficience comes from your class rather than the feat, or maybe it was knowledge passed down through your ancestry in an oracle flavored way. Pick another focus power for your trance, but otherwise I'd say you're gimping yourself.

Horizon Hunters

Ōtani Yoshitsugu. wrote:
Weapon Trance

The problem is that you need to hit for it to be sustained ... just striking doesn't cut it. I'd suggest you take the tengu weapon proficiency feat instead.

Horizon Hunters

rainzax wrote:

Hey gang,

(Posting this in all my PbP games)
Going to be travelling tomorrow and through the weekend, meaning my posting should slow and be "lower tech" than usual, and following that, I will be attending Gencon in person (end of July through early August), slowing again. But yeah, gunna do my best to keep up.


Have fun!!

Horizon Hunters

GM Frost wrote:
We are close to the end of the scenario. I would like everyone to check the details in this Sign-Up Sheet and for Zepth to sign up as well.


Horizon Hunters

GM Frost wrote:
I'd like to inform everyone that I will be unavailable from April 27th to 30th (UTC +8) for an out-of-town summer vacation. I will update the game when I get back by Wednesday earliest.

Have a nice vacation!

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have one as well, so everyone has 2 hero points.

Horizon Hunters

Enjoy your vacations!

Horizon Hunters

Nice!! =)

What about the strange font?

Horizon Hunters

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute!!!

How did you do the whole summoned creature thing for the forum?

Horizon Hunters

Well, I'm interested. I can bring any of the following:

Level 3 Elven gunslinger
Level 4 Halfling ranger
Level 5 Human fighter
Level 6 Elven sorcerer

Horizon Hunters

rainzax wrote:

Posting a question to GM without links is asking GM to do the research for you.

Posting the question to GM with links is doing the research yourself and then seeking adjudication.


hahahaha =)

Horizon Hunters

GM Zoomba wrote:
Vikka's sheet added to the folder then :)


Horizon Hunters

GM Zoomba wrote:

Chronicles sheets for most of you are HERE

(Vikka: I need your PFS #)



Horizon Hunters

Watery Soup wrote:

So, I had planned to sign up to GM a nonrepeatable 1-4 or 3-6, but several of the ones I'm interested in already have signups.

Unofficial interest check for:

2-17 (Lost Maid of Anactoria): I think this may be long for a convention, but I really liked it. Did someone recruit for a 2-17 run recently? I feel like I recently saw it.

2-21 (In Pursuit of Water): This was okay fun when I played it. I didn't read the description and brought a water-themed character. Would not recommend that, but would recommend the scenario overall. I don't think I've seen it offered recently.

I haven't played either of those, so mark me as interested.

Horizon Hunters

Thanks for running!

Horizon Hunters

GM Frost wrote:
Busy weekends, and Monday and Tuesday are particularly hectic on my end. We have a recertification audit by Tuesday, and today, I only have enough energy to update the games I am playing. I will delay posting the intro for the quest until Wednesday at the earliest when work stuff settles down. Thank you for understanding.

No problem!

Horizon Hunters

I'd be bringing my remastered Earth/Wood Kineticist 7

Horizon Hunters

GM Tiger wrote:
Ed and Argoni - I'm in the process of prepping 04-07 as well. Do you want seats when I open a table?


Thanks =)

Horizon Hunters

Dang, too late =)

Horizon Hunters

Shifty wrote:

**a wild Shifty appears!**

Good day/afternoon/evening all!

I am the requested GM!

I will grab a copy of the scenario and have a read through and aim to have you back on the road in 24 hours.

Thanks GMT, got you covered!

thanks for taking over!

Horizon Hunters

GM Tiger wrote:
Apologies folks. I've requested another GM to take over the game. I'm just a bit too distracted at the moment.

No problem, hope the best for you. Wish you luck!!!

Horizon Hunters

Jerikyo wrote:
Do animal companions die at 0 hp?

They get the same treatment as PCs ... so dying, wounded, etc.

Horizon Hunters

Jortix wrote:
-Vikka- wrote:
Basic info set up on profile =)

Hey Ed! I just had a look at your profile as your high AC caught my attention. How did you get armor training? Some extra general feat? Witches are untrained in all types of armor :(

Versatile Human - Armor Training for Studded Leather and +3 dex.

Horizon Hunters

I hope everyone had some nice holidays =)

Horizon Hunters

GM Zoomba wrote:

It's a new year. A time for new beginnings, and new Pathfinder agents.

Looking to see if there's interest for a table of Intro #1: The Second Confirmation. Come test out you new (or newish) level 1-2 characters to help out a fellow missing agent!

I have a level 2 sorcerer that would be delighted to go!

Horizon Hunters

No problem!

Horizon Hunters

1 glyph here

Horizon Hunters


Horizon Hunters

Ah regarding december, I'll be traveling between the 22nd and the 30th to a place where I don't know if I'll have internet access.

Horizon Hunters

Oh dang, too late =/

Horizon Hunters

All cantrip damage has been changed. Those reprinted in the core and those who didn't got errata.

Sadly enough, Daze still has a duration =/

Horizon Hunters

Thanks for running!!!

Horizon Hunters

Oh boy, poor Alistair.

Horizon Hunters

I have a level 7 wizard and a level 7 champion who would also be interested in giving this adventure a try.

Horizon Hunters

Thanks for running!!!

Horizon Hunters

IMHO, if you guys want to do auditing, I'd suggest the following:

Pick a random player at any time, offer him to auction his whole character folio.

Do it, step by step. If anything is missing, give him the chance to fix it in a reasonable timetable (say 1 week).

Keep track of who has been audited.

You'll go crazy otherwise. How many players are there? how many characters? I'm looking at you Goji~Tsu ;)

That would be my 2 cents.

Horizon Hunters


Horizon Hunters

I just had to update some games from the last couple of weeks. I'll bring my Summoner 3 then, since I think my alchemist 3 is not quite what's needed for something that can get ugly =)

Horizon Hunters

Yes, let me check and change that.

Horizon Hunters

Looks like we're ready to roll! =)

GM Tiger wrote:

Recruitment is open for:

Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-6 (subtiers 3-4 and 5-6).

The Pathfinder Society is called upon to aid the fledgling nation of Vidrian! As the PCs sail beyond the edge of the Inner Sea and into the waters off the coast of southern Garund searching for new trade routes to connect Vidrian with new allies, the PCs find themselves amongst the iruxi, a civilization of lizardfolk astrologists. While the iruxi themselves seem to be likely allies, other forces stir in the nearby jungles, and if the PCs hope to return north with news of a newly charted route, they will need to first face an ancient evil whose presence complicates navigating the treacherous ocean ways.

Written by Lu Pellazar.

Two Tables being offered. Please only choose one to give everyone a chance to play.


GM Tiger's Table (4 seats open - seats reserved for Frozen Frost and Lady Ladile)
GM Chadius' Table

Horizon Hunters

I'm also interested =)

Horizon Hunters

I have not played that one yet.

Horizon Hunters

Man, things go fast in here.

Horizon Hunters

@GM Ultra Plus I sent the request to be able to modify the slides.

Horizon Hunters

PFS number will be: 2424714-2018

Horizon Hunters

Player Name: Ed
Character Name: Kenashrget (Ken)
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Downtime Use: Politics Lore
Notes I need to know: Gnome gathered lore psychic, knows a ton of languages & skills (including cyclopedean from boon & multilingual)

Horizon Hunters

Here we go, a human thaumaturge ritualist.

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