
- Ed -'s page

Organized Play Member. 117 posts (810 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Horizon Hunters

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Also, your max curse status I believe is 2 until later leves.

Horizon Hunters

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]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

"Very well, time to try. Let's see how this goes..."

Acrobatics DC15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Hero Point: Acrobatics DC15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Thievery DC17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Horizon Hunters

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I have one as well, so everyone has 2 hero points.

Horizon Hunters

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]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Zepth will do his best to bolster his allies abilities as he weaves magic into the air, music starting out of nowhere matching his dancing steps.

◆◆ Musical Accompaniment
◆ Inspire Courage
◆ Lingering Composition Performance check: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 13

Horizon Hunters

3 people marked this as a favorite.
]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Burnouts do happen when suddenly everything requires your attention.

It happens, and there's nothing wrong with it. Just give us a head when we restart. Take all the time you need, gaming is for fun after all!


Horizon Hunters

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Half-Elf Babarian 1|HP 23, AC 18, Speed 30| F8, R4, W6 | Per +7 Icons: ◆◇↺

No problem with friendly fire here ... just don't do it if I'm dying =)

Horizon Hunters

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]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

"More new things to add to the resume is always a good thing. I'm sure fish will be far better to eat than that stone stew... or at least I hope so."

Horizon Hunters

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]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Mostly confused at the whole situation, Zepth just focuses his magic into helping everyone do their best, taking a deep breath, tapping the floor with his shoes and breaking into dance and song.

◆◆ Musical Accompaniment
◇ Perform, Lingering Composition 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 15 Musical Accompaniment +1 status bonus, Virtuosic Performer +1 circumstance bonus
◆ Inspire Courage

Rock stew for me, rock stew for you!
It’s the soup that helps us in all that we do!

If you want to make it, you need a few things,
Potatoes, carrots, celery, and

Rock stew for me, rock stew for you!
It’s the dish that helps us see winter through!

Some salt, some pepper,
a cauldron of bounty,
a few cuts of mutton
and a magic rock or three!

Rock stew for me, rock stew for you!
Have a Happy Winter Week, let’s eat some stew!

Horizon Hunters

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
Caster damage going down is a real head scratcher. Tier 1 was already the heaviest struggle for casters (and where I saw the most complaints from my players). I agree with the rest and hope for clarifying information that makes this seem less punishing.

It makes no sense to me. I guess casters will be expected to cast magic weapon on their own ranged weapons now for 2 fights and then go pew pew with 2 action 2d4 attacks ... and for that you're far better just using your bow and 16 dex from afar instead.

Horizon Hunters

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Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Quite so. That 'sensible chuckle' had me laughing at the end too.

Horizon Hunters

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Icons: ◆◇↺ | Tome Skills - Athletics (E) +11, Thievery (E) +14 | Half-Elf(Cave) Thaumaturge (Darkvision)| HP 78/78 | AC 24 | F +12(E) R +14(E) W +11(E) | Expert Perception +11 | Hero Points 0/1 | Exploration: Search| Bot: Demoralize/Exploit if needed, Attack with Chakram(20ft)/Boomerang(60ft) | Esoteric Warden, Sympathetic Vulnerabilities, Diverse Lore, Unmistakable Lore, Fast Healing 1/min

Squinting his eyes at the approaching scorpions, Angvim retrieves his tome and focuses on finding out just where and how to hit these creatures before sending out his first attack.

◆Take out Tome
◆Exploit Vulnerability 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 If any interesting vulnerabilties or information is found he'll relay them to the group
◆Ranged Attack Pink Boomerang, 60ft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24bashing damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13+4pv

Raising an eyebrow at Aldonza's words, he smirks and adds his own as the boomerang hits? the scorpion, "Here kitty kitty, CATCH!

Horizon Hunters

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Fast Actions:
◆Boost Eidolon | ◇[dice=Extend Boost DC 19 Occultism]1d20+9[/dice] | ◆◆[dice=Furious Strike]1d20+10[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d8+9[/dice]
Elf Summoner 3 |HP 45, AC 19, Speed 30| F9, R7, W7 | Perception +7 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | Blaze, Anger Phantom Eidolon | AC 19 | F10, R7, W7 | Perception +7

This format is really fun. Now I need to get my GM credentials and extra knowledge on the bureaucracy of it to go with my first bounty as a GM.

Horizon Hunters

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Oh! I get it now.

For the time being I just need to wait and see if a level 1 spot opens somewhere. At least now I know what to do then.