
Dustfather's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 97 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.


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Maya Coleman wrote:
So, I know I'm about to throw out something from left field here (please feel free to tell me my suggestion is just flat out not a good one and why), but looking at the party, I myself would then maybe want to toss in a character with high intelligence to the mix? Rogue Sorcerer feels like some pretty strong offense. Bard Barbarian feels like strong defense. In my mind, something missing is someone with the mega brains to solve weird problems. I honestly might go Alchemist Investigator on this one?? Investigator Stratagem and Advanced Deduction could be really helpful to the other two party members' fighting skills? Alternatively, I'm crazy and I just like Investigators????

I actually entertained an idea like that.

Dark Archive

TheFinish wrote:
Dustfather wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:

Two words of caution for the kineticist/monk:

1) You will probably want to avoid the kineticist impulses with the stance trait to avoid dropping out of any monk stance ("A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you use a stance action again, whichever comes first.) before access to Fuse Stance.
2) Related to the first, a kineticist/Str-monk should probably select Mountain Stance (plus Mountain Stronghold and Mountain Quake) as the impulses granting armor will not benefit from the higher unarmored defense proficiency of the monk class benefits.
Ah I thought the Armor in Earth uses your 'highest' Armor proficiency, which would be the Monk's expert unarmored right?

You'd need to discuss it with your GM, since while Unarmored is definitely a Defence, but whether or not it counts as an Armor Proficiency is a hotly debated topic.

I think it does simply because the Armor section of Player Core says:

"The armor’s category—unarmored, light armor, medium armor, or heavy armor—indicates which proficiency bonus you use while wearing the armor."

If Unarmored is an Armor category, then it follows Unarmored is a type of Armor proficiency.

Do note, however, that regardless of how your GM chooses to rule this, it's still armor, which means you can't use a lot of Monk stances anyway because they require you to be Unarmored. The only ones open to you would be Stumbling Stance and (if you allow Legacy content), Gorilla stance. If you don't care about Monk stances though, this isn't a big issue.

I wouldn't recommend Mountain Stance because it's not worth the feat slots.

Yeah I probably won't use any stances.

Dark Archive

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Two words of caution for the kineticist/monk:

1) You will probably want to avoid the kineticist impulses with the stance trait to avoid dropping out of any monk stance ("A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you use a stance action again, whichever comes first.) before access to Fuse Stance.
2) Related to the first, a kineticist/Str-monk should probably select Mountain Stance (plus Mountain Stronghold and Mountain Quake) as the impulses granting armor will not benefit from the higher unarmored defense proficiency of the monk class benefits.

Ah I thought the Armor in Earth uses your 'highest' Armor proficiency, which would be the Monk's expert unarmored right?

Dark Archive

Thanks for the advice!

Dark Archive

I am usually the GM most of the time, so making characters as a player is sometimes hard for me to decide on etc.

Dark Archive

Hi all, a friend is running Extinction curse for three of us, and wanted us to make our characters Dual-class.

So far we have:
Tripke Rogue (thief)/Sorcerer (Diabolic) with the circus born background - very dex and charisma focused and is being an aerialist for the circus.

Human Bard (polymath)/barbarian (fury), clown background. Also mostly dex and charisma. Clown background and leads the clown group for the circus.

So I was really trying to think what works best for me.
I made a cavern elf Kinetiscist (earth)/monk, who has the mystic seer background. However I don't know if that is the ideal way to go to really help the party.



Dark Archive

I answered my own question. We don't have anyone charismatic. Time to rectify that.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I am playing in an Abomination vaults game. We are currently level 3.
The GM is using the free archetype and staggered ability increase optional rules.

The party consists of:
ORC ruffian rogue with Ghost Slayer dedication.
Dhampir Elf Necromancer Wizard with Reanimator dedication
Shared NPC Human Cloistered Cleric with medic dedication.

And my Iruxi Fighter with Barbarian dedication -focused mostly on 2-handed weapons- using sudden charge/Brutish shove.

Now, my character is great at taking and dishing out damage. He is fun to roleplay (not the smartest and takes everything literally). However, I made him when I was in a bad place, and feel like maybe I should make something that helps the party even more.


GM will let me retrain things as needed or bring in a completely new character.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I emailed about this, but I am also starting a thread like suggested.

I need to cancel all of my subs (PF2 Core, Lost Omens, PF2 Accessories, Starfinder) at this time. Things are a little tight right now, but I promise to get back into subs again early next year.

Thank you,

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looks great!

Dark Archive

My order is still pending, but I look forward to my pdfs when it finally ships.

Dark Archive

Woo hoo! APG character sheet pack!

Dark Archive

Received my shipping email! PDF time :)

Dark Archive

Hope to have the pdf soon- starting up a new PF2 game Saturday!

Dark Archive

Nothing yet... :(

Dark Archive

Hope mine ships soon!

Dark Archive

Received my auth notification last night. Woo Hoo!

Dark Archive

Dustfather wrote:

Hello, I click to track my package for order 8715811 and it doesn't load the tracking... Whether from my phone, my work machine, my personal machine, chrome, edge, incognito, etc. Would you be able to confirm tracking shows it, on track? I know mail and everything is slower these days, but I just want to check since we recently had an issue with one of the local ups hubs losing some coffee we had shipping to us.

Thanks in advance.

I was able to track it. The links never worked, but I was able to pull the tracking number and manually enter it into the UPS MI tracking page.

So no further checking needed.


Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, I click to track my package for order 8715811 and it doesn't load the tracking... Whether from my phone, my work machine, my personal machine, chrome, edge, incognito, etc. Would you be able to confirm tracking shows it, on track? I know mail and everything is slower these days, but I just want to check since we recently had an issue with one of the local ups hubs losing some coffee we had shipping to us.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Mine shipped!

Dark Archive

Hopefully mine ships soon!

Dark Archive

David knott 242 wrote:
Dustfather wrote:
I never received an authorization or confirmation email, but was told my order was waiting to ship. Hopefully it happens.

Do you have any pending order(s)? If you have one, that should be your subscription e-mail.

If not, you may want to go to the product page for any item that you know should be in the order, locate the "View order" link, and click on it. The page with your order should show whatever would have been e-mailed to you.

My order shows pending when I go to my account. Just used to emails about it too.

Dark Archive

I never received an authorization or confirmation email, but was told my order was waiting to ship. Hopefully it happens.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hope mine ships soon so I can have my PDFs!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My subscriptions did not process. I emailed as well. Should be lost Omens world guide and starfinder alien archive 3. I am creating this thread and the email per the note in the August thread.

Please fix my order so it processes and sends out on schedule!

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Here is to hoping for mine too! :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I emailed about this before the pending email and again afterwards. I am posting here as well. Please cancel my subscriptions at this time as we are having some financial issues right now.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dark Archive

Unfortunately, I have not received mine yet. Guess I wasn't the NC order that was supposed to arrive today :)

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
I just looked at an order that shipped 3 minutes ago (it happens to be to North Carolina) and it's scheduled to arrive Wednesday.

That is promising...I am in North Carolina!

Dark Archive

Feros wrote:
Zaister wrote:
I got two of these playtest charging emails tonight. Is that to be expected?
... and I got four e-mails. What's up?

I received several as well.

Dark Archive

Yakman wrote:

maybe wait until the Alien Archive comes out and there's space dragons, space ogres, space xxx.

then run a fantasy style campaign with starfinder rules... BUT IN SPACE.

Yeah I am leaning toward waiting on the Alien Archive before I really try to run my game.

Dark Archive

Thanks for all the responses. It has given me a lot to think about.

Dark Archive

Vellis wrote:

Are you running Dead Suns or home brewing your campaign? If you're willing to put the work in to homebrew something, you could get his input for a Starfinder campaign idea that excites him. Maybe something like exploring the depths of Drow-controlled Apostae, or a campaign centered around the Drift and it's impact on the outer planes. Maybe something that looks into what happened to all the missing Pathfinder God's or even Golarion itself.

If he's not interested in the setting maybe you can get him interested in the story.

Would be my own stuff. However, I have asked him what he is interested in and unfortunately he isn't too interested.

I may just need to shelve the idea of running it for my regular group, and go run it for the FLGS instead for now.

Dark Archive

Davor Firetusk wrote:
As someone who hasn't gone outside the genre as well in 20 years and was also content with second edition material (still so much left worth playing) I enjoyed Starfinder a great deal at Gencon. On the rules side it does not take much effort. Maybe he'd be down for trying Skull and Shackles or Kingmaker using Starfinder rules?

I have no time to convert either of those to Starfinder.

Dark Archive

Redelia wrote:
I don't think that convincing beforehand will do much to change whether he enjoys the game or not. I would recommend a gentle push toward one of the more fantasy type classes (solarian, technomancer, or mystic), whichever is most like his favorite fantasy classes.

I have subtly pointed out things like that.

Dark Archive

Woran wrote:
What sci-fi shows and movies does he like? Maybe you can point out in which places starfinder took inspiration from them.

Starwars and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Dark Archive

captain yesterday wrote:
Did you ask them to suck it up, take one for the team, and try to have an open mind., :-)

He did say he is willing to give it a shot for the team. I just don't want an unhappy player. That can lead to issues down the line.

Dark Archive

Nohwear wrote:
Have you asked him what he does not like about sci-fi rpgs? Are there specific problems to address?

I will have to ask him.

Dark Archive

Franz Lunzer wrote:

Are the others not going to play if he doesn't want to?

or asked another way:

Do you have to have him play with your group?

Franz, he is a good friend, hosts the space for the game, and husband to one of the players.

So to answer you, yes.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I let my group know that I wanted to run Starfinder.
Several people seem really excited.

However, one player is not excited.
He likes watching various sci-fi films/shows, but he doesn't like sci-fi RPGs.

I am trying to get him to see the fantasy in Starfinder and to get him more excited so he can have fun and enjoy the game as much as everyone else when I run it.

I don't want to run the game and have a player not having fun, etc.

Any thoughts here to help get him more interested in it? He prefers D&D/Pathfinder/3.5 fantasy over anything else.


Dark Archive

The pdf was awesome, but now holding the book in my hands, I can attest it is one of the most beautiful books Paizo has produced. Thank you Paizo!

Dark Archive

Downloading my PDFs now.

Dark Archive

I still wait as well :)

Dark Archive

I hope I get my shipping notice soon :)

Would love to look at the PDF.

Dark Archive

I don't see this in the rules for Retraining but maybe someone has mentioned this in the messageboards and I missed it.

Can you retrain what your character took as your favored class bonus? So, instead of taking a hit point, you can retrain and take a skill point instead?

I don't see why it would be a big deal but I don't see it mentioned.


Dark Archive

+5 Toaster wrote:
so I never got my download...

Don't have mine yet either. I am wasting away again... :)

Dark Archive

I am leaning toward a bard now. Yeah its not a full-caster like I was thinking I wanted. However, I think it will help shore up knowledges and help support the party.

I still get some magic, so it scratches that itch too.

Dark Archive

Dustfather wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
Dustfather wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

Gravewalker Witch

Juju Oracle Mystery

Ah it was in an adventure path chapter. Gotcha.

Wow I caught myself in quotes. LOL... long day.

Dark Archive

Lamontius wrote:
Dustfather wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

Gravewalker Witch

Juju Oracle Mystery

Ah it was in an adventure path chapter. Gotcha.

Dark Archive

Lamontius wrote:
Dustfather wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

Gravewalker Witch

Yeah that one is sorely tempting...What patron?
well a number of the patron spells get replaced by ones from the Gravewalker archetype but Occult would be solid and thematic

Yeah, looking over that, I agree.

Thanks- you helped me clear my head.

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