
Dustfather's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 97 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

Dark Archive

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So, I am playing in an Abomination vaults game. We are currently level 3.
The GM is using the free archetype and staggered ability increase optional rules.

The party consists of:
ORC ruffian rogue with Ghost Slayer dedication.
Dhampir Elf Necromancer Wizard with Reanimator dedication
Shared NPC Human Cloistered Cleric with medic dedication.

And my Iruxi Fighter with Barbarian dedication -focused mostly on 2-handed weapons- using sudden charge/Brutish shove.

Now, my character is great at taking and dishing out damage. He is fun to roleplay (not the smartest and takes everything literally). However, I made him when I was in a bad place, and feel like maybe I should make something that helps the party even more.


GM will let me retrain things as needed or bring in a completely new character.

Dark Archive

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I emailed about this, but I am also starting a thread like suggested.

I need to cancel all of my subs (PF2 Core, Lost Omens, PF2 Accessories, Starfinder) at this time. Things are a little tight right now, but I promise to get back into subs again early next year.

Thank you,

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looks great!

Dark Archive

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Hello, I click to track my package for order 8715811 and it doesn't load the tracking... Whether from my phone, my work machine, my personal machine, chrome, edge, incognito, etc. Would you be able to confirm tracking shows it, on track? I know mail and everything is slower these days, but I just want to check since we recently had an issue with one of the local ups hubs losing some coffee we had shipping to us.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

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Hope mine ships soon so I can have my PDFs!

Dark Archive

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My subscriptions did not process. I emailed as well. Should be lost Omens world guide and starfinder alien archive 3. I am creating this thread and the email per the note in the August thread.

Please fix my order so it processes and sends out on schedule!

Thank you.

Dark Archive

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I emailed about this before the pending email and again afterwards. I am posting here as well. Please cancel my subscriptions at this time as we are having some financial issues right now.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dark Archive

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I let my group know that I wanted to run Starfinder.
Several people seem really excited.

However, one player is not excited.
He likes watching various sci-fi films/shows, but he doesn't like sci-fi RPGs.

I am trying to get him to see the fantasy in Starfinder and to get him more excited so he can have fun and enjoy the game as much as everyone else when I run it.

I don't want to run the game and have a player not having fun, etc.

Any thoughts here to help get him more interested in it? He prefers D&D/Pathfinder/3.5 fantasy over anything else.


Dark Archive

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I had emailed about this as well, but I am concerned.

My Ultimate Campaign order says suspended.

I know Justin Riddler had advised your tech team was fixing the fact I was billed as if I had pathfinder advantage when I do not.

The fact is I was still billed, so I am concerned about the 'suspended' status.