
DualJay's page

313 posts (4,342 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 10 aliases.


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I'll add you on Discord in the interest of future games, but probably won't be joining this one - I'm started graduate education and probably will be joining the doctoral program at my university, so I have a lot less free time than I used to.

Hey guys - I'm gonna need to take a break til Thursday, as I have a PhD qualifying exam and my bachelor graduation this upcoming week. Should be a lot more free after that and be able to post more regularly, though.

Has Paizo been up and down for y'all?

Hey guys, sorry for the inactivity, was not sleeping well for the past week but I'm feeling better now.

Hey guys, I may need to take a break until early or middle of next week. Super busy with some grad classes and stuff to get into a PhD program.

"Aye, a preemptive strike would be wise. And we want to cut Harrigan down - I doubt his minions will fight tooth-and-nail if Harrigan isn't around to strongarm them."

Sorry, just finished exams. I'll be back on it now.

Computer had to go in bc of a faulty part after site came back up :(

Dug out a backup computer so we should be ok now tho

I had gotten logged out again and hadn't realized bc of the UI changes. SHould be fixed to remember my login now.

welp i actually am level 11 i just forgot to update my header thingy.

im in

Sledge probably neither knows nor cares. He's just gonna follow the leads of the people who know what's going on.

Hasn't let up for me.

ugh still happening

Has Paizo been automatically singing y'all out? Is there a way to prevent that? Every time I check my campaigns page it doesn't tell me if there are new posts because I've been signed out.


I'm registered.

It'll probably be done on GiTP.

I don't think he'll be able to appeal. There's only one mod here, so I doubt they have the time/energy to argue it.

I don't know how discord works either, but it does have a dice roller.

Aight folks, so Sundakan/Rynjin/the GM guy has been banned for something. If ya'll want, he's happy to continue over Giant in the Playground or Discord (tentatively - Discord would be an experiment).

However, if that doesn't work, he also totally understands.

Aight folks, so Sundakan/Rynjin/the GM guy has been banned for something. If ya'll want, he's happy to continue over Giant in the Playground or Discord (tentatively - Discord would be an experiment).

However, if that doesn't work, he also totally understands.

Aight folks, so Sundakan/Rynjin/the GM guy has been banned for something. If ya'll want, he's happy to continue over Giant in the Playground or Discord (tentatively - Discord would be an experiment).

However, if that doesn't work, he also totally understands.

He wouldn't, though he would be very gentle. Making it clear it's not because of a flaw on her part or that he thinks she's ugly, but rather that he has elected to save himself for marriage.

He agreed to the walk in the jungle primarily to save her from embarrassment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MMCJawa wrote:
As for free speech...well it has its limits. Our country allows you to say whatever you want (almost), but that doesn't mean people have to listen to you or host you. If Milo wants to speak on college campuses maybe he should be less of a a troll.

I would argue that there aren't limits (or shouldn't be) on free speech - no-platforming is not limiting it, its just not enhancing it. Obviously, immediately dangerous speech ("fire!" in a crowded theater) is an exception.

I think colleges should try to grant platform even to views they find reprehensible, at least occasionally. If people are never challenged in their college careers, they won't know how to appropriately handle challenges to their worldviews outside of college.

Pan wrote:
Though it is public universities responsibility to keep people safe; even at the expense of free speech.

Is it? I think I disagree here. Speech cannot actually, physically harm people. Sure, if they're threatening someone, kick 'em out, but threats are explicitly not protected speech - they are a way of shutting free speech down. I'd say the Berkeley protesters - or at least the ones who stayed involved once it got violent - are completely, 100% in the wrong.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Rysky wrote:
And sexist does not equal Good.

But does it preclude it alltogether?

This. I have zero issue with Lawful Good deities having some flaws or moral failings, particularly in a world as dangerous as Golarion.

While I totally understand that someone would be upset by it, Golarion is not some cheerful world overflowing with hope and good guys who win every time. Even the best people won't be perfect.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Ventnor wrote:
I guess my least favorite goddess is Milani, since she feels kind of redundant with Cayden Cailen. Do we really need 2 chaotic good gods of freedom?

You gotta be free to choose your favorite CG god of freedom.


sounds clown to me tbh

umm it clearly says goblins are evil on their beastiary page so goblins cant be paladins?!?!?

So would we switch over to just the one thread?

It's fully figured out. It's the last entry in my undead army list.

Feral wrote:
If there was ever a time for the electoral college to buck the trend now would be it.

Electoral college should follow the votes of the people. They should not just decide to change because 45% of America don't like Trump.

Pennysylvania has gone Trump. Election is over.

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The Norv wrote:
Killer_GM wrote:
The New York Times (who's profits crashed 95% this past year incidentally) has just stated that Trump has a 95% chance of winning Pennsylvania. That boys & girls, is the ballgame. Trump is president. Hillary for prison.
Leaving aside Donald Trump--which is a big thing to leave aside--let me just say how terrifying it is that you are suggesting, even in jest, that the loser of a free election should face jail time. That is not the way that a free country operates.

He's not suggesting that because she lost/will lose. He's saying that because a lot of people think Hillary is a straight up criminal.

FantheFlames wrote:
DualJay wrote:
A highly regarded expert wrote:

We could see Trump, and a Republican majority in both houses tomorrow morning. Trump will appoint Scalia clones all over the country. A Koch/ALEC wet dream. Any hope for something like democracy will be officially dead.

Mass human die-outs will come sooner, rather than later.

Don't be so dramatic. Life will go on. America survived a man who performed genocide - Andrew Jackson, who won 56% popular and 2/3 of all electoral votes.

Donald Trump will not destroy America. If we're lucky, he'll be a wake-up call. We need to change, we need to tell corrupt politicians that we will not allow them to carry on, and we need to cooperate across party boundaries.

I'm sorry to say this think Donald Trump is going to be the beacon that gets rid of corruption?

No, I hope people will see it more clearly because he isn't subtle about it and get fed up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
A highly regarded expert wrote:

We could see Trump, and a Republican majority in both houses tomorrow morning. Trump will appoint Scalia clones all over the country. A Koch/ALEC wet dream. Any hope for something like democracy will be officially dead.

Mass human die-outs will come sooner, rather than later.

Don't be so dramatic. Life will go on. America survived a man who performed genocide - Andrew Jackson, who won 56% popular and 2/3 of all electoral votes.

Donald Trump will not destroy America. If we're lucky, he'll be a wake-up call. We need to change, we need to tell corrupt politicians that we will not allow them to carry on, and we need to cooperate across party boundaries.

New York times is putting it at 95+% Trump. Seems to be a raw mathematical analysis, so not much room for bias. Pretty spooky.

Washington was right when he warned against parties.

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"Every country has the government it deserves." - Joseph de Maistre

I think the big takeaway from this election is we need to not be so divided. We let the media shape sensational narratives that divide the nation for the sake of views or clicks, until we are left with two candidates that are intolerable to the other side and barely tolerable to their own.

This division has left us with two corrupt politicians to choose from and only ourselves to blame.

Ouch. That sucks :(

Or suffocation, which has the benefit of also being faster.

probably punisher and watchmen would be good as well :^)

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tbh daredevil and jessica jones are probably definitely the best for the correct tone :^)

Shifty wrote:

Yeah but the Gypsies in Australia apparently call themselves Gypsies, and encourage the use of the term widely and by all.

So whats the go?

Go with common sense and kindness, and you'll go far. If it's not hurting anyone, it's fine - even if some white savior wants to speak over actual Romani who say it's fine.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Unless you're on the wrong side of ethnic discrimination, you tend to be a lot less likely to be aware of it.

Also remember that different cultures can have different meanings for the same word - some word that could be a slur in one culture could be a friendly thing to say in another - see "c**t" in America versus the same word in Australia.

In cases like this, always fall back on that most key of all the senses: the common one.

Who are you talking to? Will they be upset, or will they know you're just using it give context? If you're not being rude to anyone, call them whatever you will - just be polite.

Also, in-world, you could have a villain (or just unpleasant person) refer to them as gypsies. This lets them see the perception of the Varisians, as well as showing the villain/unpleasant person to be unpleasant.

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The only thing that could be an issue there is signficant age difference (or setting-specific religious/cultural things). Nothing in the druid or cleric classes disallow marriage - though some druidic schools of thought or clerical callings might. That's a setting-specific thing, though.

One matter of concern is lifespan difference, though - the half-elf may outlive his wife by 50 years.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, so might be a bit out of it. Not sure - it'll be my first actual surgery type thingy.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, so might be a bit out of it. Not sure - it'll be my first actual surgery type thingy.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, so might be a bit out of it. Not sure - it'll be my first actual surgery type thingy.

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