
DM Greaek's page

1,257 posts. Alias of Greek Stronghammer.

You quickly make your way to the house, you look around and it doesn't look like there's anything abnormal, do you want to enter the house?


After a IRL Crimson throne game fell through due to player conflict I find myself itching to run Curse of the Crimson Throne again. But one thing that I couldn't get out of my mind throughout the course of the AP is "This would be a great Batman game, shame you can't run a Batman story for a group." and then the paladin killed the rogue and everything went to the crapper. After tempers cooled they decided it would be best to play a different adventure path, and forget that ever happened. I really want to play this adventure though, and I'm tossing it out here, with a twist. One person will be playing, that person will be Batman.

Character Creation:

-30 Point Buy
-Tristalt, one of the classes must be vigilante
-Unchained Classes are allowed, but not required. Occult classes are not allowed, nor third party.
-We will start at level 1
-For traits, you gain 2 standard traits, and Love Lost, Orphan. The bonus from love lost may be applied to any skill. You also gain the Rich Parents trait for free.
-You must be a human, half-elf, or half-orc. Keep in mind if you're a half-orc we can assume that neither Thomas or Martha was an orc, so maybe write that in as something additional in your back story

Minor Tweaks to vigilante:

-The Renown features will be gained naturally over the course of the adventure, but features that give you extra benefits for renown must be taken.
-You begin with Renown in a small part of the Midlands district on the west dock.

Information about the story I will try to tell:

-First off keep in mind that this will still be the curse of the crimson throne that people know and love, just with some added elements to mix it up and create a good Batman story.
-We all know the back story, after a play Bruce Wayne and his parents were mugged in an ally, Bruce was the only survivor. He lives with his Butler (And Lee Thompkins) until he goes and trains to become the batman. He then returns and is ready to save his city.
-In this story, Thomas and Martha were killed by one of Lamm's Lambs which is a child enslaved by an evil man. You could have been kidnapped if not for Blackjack, a Folk Hero in Korovosa.
-You will have a house in old Korovosa, and you will have a cave beneath the house. You may shape that cave as you wish over the course of the adventure. You will also have opportunities to build secondary bases throughout town, the Batcave on Arkham Island in Arkham Asylum for as an example.
-You've only been back for a week, in the meantime, you have been trying to locate Gaedren Lamm and avenge the death of your parents.

What I am looking for in an application:

-A fully statted out character
-Answers to these questions
1. Where are 3 of the places that Batman trained?
2. What does "Wayne Tech" do?
3. What are your feelings about the Lambs? Do you blame them or their enslaver?
4. What is the public image of Bruce Wayne?
5. Have you revealed your return in your social identity yet? Or have you spent your time searching for Lamm and not reestablishing contact?
6. What does your costume look like? Obviously, it's not a fully formed Batsuit, it should be rudimentary. Maybe the beginnings of a bat symbol, maybe some pointed ears on the mask. What did you sow together in preparation to fight the crime in the city?
7. Does your batman kill? Why or why not?
8. When the adventure begins you are inspecting a house after finding a note (located in the next spoiler,) on a harrow card found on a Lamb. How did you beat up this Lamb (describe 2 abilities) and what were they doing. This should be about a paragraph (2 at max) in length.

Zellara's note:
I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet street at sunset. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done And the harrow card this is found on will be determined by your best stat and alignment.

Additional information:

-I will expect a post every day during the work week, but on weekends and holidays, I understand not being able to post.
-This is a solo game because a story with a group needs to be centered around the whole group, not Batman and his amazing friends.
-Applications will be due by the end of April, though if there are many applicants and traffic slows down I might choose before that.

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions or didn't understand my rambling feel free to ask. Hopefully, I see some interest in this, it's been something I've wanted to do for awhile.

*Creeak, creaak, creeak, creaak*
You all remember last night, The wild laughter, the heady joy of excess, the scent of stewed meat, and the scent of perfume. Seeing the brothers that you've not seen for so long, you have all changed so much.
You wake up to a pounding headache, The sickly scent of cheap wine in your mouth, the hard floor beneath you, the steady creaking, and the feeling of the room swaying beneath you as if you were still drunk. You sit up and look around, seeing only the three of you, and an attractive human woman. As you are looking around you hear a set of heavy foot prints, and all of a sudden you find a lantern shining light into your eyes, as This man and 6 other pirates weilding saps come in, and the man with the whip cracks it in his hand and says “Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"

We begin in the city of Magnimar, in the Alabastor district which is close to the easternmost gate. The party is in the Heidmarch Manor, which is the first Pathfinder Lodge in Varisia. You are all waiting in the Foyer for Shiela Heidmarch, as she's finishing an unexpected meeting with a relatively well-known Pathfinder.
You guys can discuss with each other as you wait


Discuss any changes to characters or possibly knowing each other.

Discuss your characters and background here

Discuss your characters and background here

The biggest issue for games like skulls and Shackles or hells vengeance you run into an issue when everyone is greedy and all for themselves, and the group falls apart. That is why I'm having the four players all make their characters together, so they can tie their backgrounds together some, and have IC reasons to support each other above other NPCs. So 4 people post, and we can begin character creation

In gleeful anticipation for return of the Runelords, I'm looking for 4 players to play the sequel to Rise of the Runelord, the first game I ever ran and one I hold near and dear to my heart. The only problem about running the sequel to The game is it comes with an awkward prerequisite:
>You Must have played/ran rise of the Runelord before.
Character Creation Will start at first level, with
-25 point buy
-PHB races only
-All class
-Archetypes are allowed
-Hero points activated
-Background skills activated
-2 Traits, One must be a campaign trait from the shattered Star players guide (which I recommend you read)
-Applications are due on the 21st (possibly earlier), as I have the prerequisite and am not sure how many people will fulfil it.
Look forward to seeing your amazing apps

In gleeful anticipation for return of the Runelords, I'm looking for 4 players to play the sequel to Rise of the Runelord, the first game I ever ran and one I hold near and dear to my heart. The only problem about running the sequel to The game is it comes with an awkward prerequisite:
>You Must have played/ran rise of the Runelord before.
Character Creation Will start at first level, with
-25 point buy
-PHB races only
-All class
-Archetypes are allowed
-Hero points activated
-Background skills activated
-2 Traits, One must be a campaign trait from the shattered Star players guide (which I recommend you read)
-Applications are due on the 21st (possibly earlier), as I have the prerequisite and am not sure how many people will fulfil it.
Look forward to seeing your amazing apps

I am looking for 4 players to kill some giants in an epic run of the giant slayer adventure path
Character Creation Will start at first level, with
-25 point buy
-PHB races only
-All class
-Archetypes are allowed
-Hero points activated
-Background skills activated
-Two Traits, One must be from the Giant Slayer Player's guide.
-Applications are due on the 13, as i want to stay the game asap
Look forward to seeing your amazing apps

I'm recruiting 1-2 players to play in Rise of the Runelord, after two characters left and one is dealing with some work problems. The current pretty consists of
-Yeda, the human barbarian
-Sazzat Tamm, the human rogue
And the temporarily absentee is
-Corrin the elven druid and dewdrop the elk
The party needs a wizard (Cause it's rise of the Runelord) and probably a healer
For character creation follow these rules
Use 25 pt. Point buy, All base and hybrid classes are allowed, but not archetypes. Only the 7 base races allowed, but customizing is allowed.
Feat tax and background skills apply, I was in the car with limited time on a phone so that was all I could manage.
If you want to play a fighter let me know, and I will post the homebrew modifications to the fighter
2 traits, at least 1 from the Rise of the Runelord players guide (An immensely helpful resource for players *hint hint*
-Applications due on the 13th





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I'm recruiting fora group to run through the Kingmaker AP
-Group: 4 players
-Starting Level: 1
-Stats: 25 point buy
-Gear: take the max for your class
-Background skills: Activated
-Hero points: Activated
-Traits: One (From the players guide)
-Sources: All official Paizo, no 4pp
-Due date: Wednesday June 18th
-Questions: Ask away

Let's discuss our feelings and opinions!

One small dot for man, but one giant circle for man kind

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The first 5 people to post will make it in, and than we will do character creation

Dot Away when ready

It all started when a mining crew found an asteroid floating in space. When they reached Absalom station and the entire crew was missing things started to get worse. Two factions are going at it for sole rights to the asteroid, one the company owning the ship, and the other the company that hired the other company for the job. Hiring gangs and tension is growing, it is only a matter of time before tempers flare with lazers. This is where we begin

The brightly lit docks of Absalom Station are abuzz with
activity as travelers bustle by, preparing to board or
disembarking from starships bound to or from any of dozens
of worlds. Brash and swaggering starpilots, scurrying ysoki
mechanics and expectant colonists mingle with enigmatic
kasatha mystics, hard-faced asteroid miners, imposing
vesk mercenaries, and more creating a microcosm of the
abundance and variety of life in the Pact Worlds. New arrivals
meet friends, loved ones, or business contacts, and are
whisked away into the humming activity of daily life on the
vast space station. Beyond them, ground crews tend to the
docked ships, and dockworkers in mechanized cargo lifters
load and unload freight and baggage. A sharp tang of ozone
hangs in the air—a byproduct of electrical discharges from the
docked ships—but underneath, the station’s atmosphere has
a slightly used aroma. The docking bay’s deck plates thrum
beneath your feet, though whether it’s from the passage
of innumerable feet or the vibrations of the station’s power
conduits and air recycling systems is impossible to say.

We start at first level. For ability scores, roll 4d6 drop the lowest 6 times, and then have those on your base, adding the mods from your theme and race. If you are not satisfied you may use ability buy, or reroll but keeping the rolls. We will not start out with a starship but you will get one semi-soon. You may use the races from the Core Rulebook, and from the Alien archive with permission. This is my first time DMing starfinder, but I DMed Pathfinder for 2 years, and have been DMing 5e for an additional year so I'm not a new DM, and APs are good for new systems.

Looking for 2-3 new players to join an already existing (But pretty new) Tal'dorei game. I would be able to provide online rules if anyone is interested, Main classes+UA Classes (Replacing PHB with unearthed arcana Ranger)

You would make your character at level one (where the rest of the party is).

It is your choice which method of stat generation, I am more of a 4d6 cut the lowest 6 times guy, but whatever you guys want. the game takes place before crit role, and is in a different part of the world, there is an ashari member background, A arcane Lyceum (Basically Hogwarts in emon) and clasp member background, and than blood domain cleric, cobalt soul monk (Basically like medieval studious monks), Rune child sorcerer, and juggernaut domain

You do not need to be familiar with Critical Roll to play, you might miss some references or jokes but that's fine.

Our current party is: Rrath Half-orc Barbarian, Chaq Dragonborn cleric, Krutt Half-Orc Pugilist (Uncertain whether still with) and Morgana Human Fighter (Mercer's gunslinger at 3rd, also uncertain whether still with). Our past two party members were Nileane Drow Wizard and Sylberos High elf Fighter.

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We begin in the town of Red Larch, a small hamlet where not much goes on... or that is what most think.

I would be interested in GMing a 5e game (I would be able to provide online rules if anyone is interested), Main classes+UA Classes (Replacing PHB with unearthed arcana Ranger)

For Character Creation You may use whatever method you want for generating ability scores, and if you want to play a third party sub/class or background than send it to me and i might clear it

For the first post Amookbu if you wanted to switch one of your languages for Omuan that would be allowed

For the first post Amookbu if you wanted to switch one of your languages for Omuan that would be allowed

Not quite to the starting point yet, but dot if your character is done

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Not quite to the starting point yet, but dot if your character is done

Not quite to the starting point yet, but dot if your character is done

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would be interested in GMing a 5e game (I would be able to provide online rules if anyone is interested), Main classes+UA Classes (Replacing PHB with unearthed arcana Ranger)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qatXTIXlr_VkxJ8LYBETG6oM651MNqmBZgg-_jK Zhfc/edit?usp=drivesdk here is the link to my house rules

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qatXTIXlr_VkxJ8LYBETG6oM651MNqmBZgg-_jK Zhfc/edit?usp=drivesdk here is the link to my house rules

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qatXTIXlr_VkxJ8LYBETG6oM651MNqmBZgg-_jK Zhfc/edit?usp=drivesdk here is the link to my house rules

So we start of 20 years before the events of Critical Role, In a shifty town (Kind of like pre Nolan-Batman Gotham), the town is somewhat ruled by the criminal underworld, while the police can do nothing or even take part in the activities. But we start on a smaller scale, and start with a single piece of paper, an advertisement sent out by aspiring guild leader Vanessa for aspiring adventurers

Whenever i Refresh the tab it signs me out, Nuff said

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would be interested in GMing a 5e game (I would be able to provide online rules if anyone is interested), Main classes+UA Classes (Replacing PHB with unearthed arcana Ranger)

Full Name

Unpronouncable in common, uses Anya




Bard 3







Special Abilities

Bardic Performances & Dvati traits




Thelmeth the Unifier




Night watchman

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 15

About Anya

----- Game Mechanics -----

Base Attack: +2 (Melee: +2, Ranged +4)
Initiative: +2
AC: 15
HP: 15

Fort: +2 (Base +1)
Ref: +5 (Base +3)
Will: +3 (Base +3) (extra +2 vs charm/compulsion effects)

(+4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects)

----- Skills -----
Skill = Total (Ranks + Ability + Misc)
Acrobatics = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Appraise = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Bluff = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Diplomacy = +11 (3 + 2 + 3 + 3)
Knowledge (Arcana) = +7 (1 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (Engineering) = +7 (1 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (Geography) = +7 (1 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (History) = +8 (2 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (Local) = +9 (3 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (Nobility) = +7 (1 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Knowledge (ALL OTHERS) = +3 (0 + 2 + 1)
Linguistics = +7 (2 + 2 + 3)
Perception = +8 (3 + 0 + 3 + 2)
Perform (Singing) = +8 (3 + 2 + 3)
Perform (Dancing) = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Sense Motive = +8 (3 + 0 + 3 + 2)
Spellcraft = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Stealth = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Use Magic Device = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)

----- Languages -----
Dvati, Common, Elven, Infernal, Celestial, Orc

----- Feats -----

*Skill focus: diplomacay

----- Spells & Bardic Performances -----
Bard Spells per Day:
1st Level = 4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Bard Spells known:
0 level
Detect Magic
Know Direction
Mage Hand

1 Level
Charm Person
Cure Light Wounds
Disguise Self

(Bonus spells/day: cha 15 = +1 level 1, +1 level 2 - included above)

Bardic Performances:
Inspire Courage +1
Inspire competence

----- Dvati Traits -----
*Darkvision out to 60ft
*Twins, divide hitpoints between them but add full con benefits to both. Share abilities between both (count them as one person). Communicate via telepathy (a twin can check on the others hitpoints and mental state). If one dies the other starts to perish (each day the surviving twin takes 1d4 con & wis damage and a cumulative -1 on attacks, skills and damage - this cannot be healed and remains until the dead twin is returned to life or the surviving twin dies too)
*Echo Attack. Dvati twins can confuse a target they flank, if both speak the target must make a will save against the result of a single Perform (sing) check made by the dvati. If the save fails the twins get their choice of a +1 to attack rolls against the creature or a +1 AC against the creature. This lasts for one round.
*Pair Link. If two dvati twins flank an opponent they each gain +3 to attack rolls. If a twin uses aid another to help their twin she grants an additional +2 (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to AC.
*Spell Conductor. A dvati twin can shift a spell that effects her to her twin as long as the two are on the same plane. The shifted spells must have a range of touch and be harmless.

----- Equipment -----
Leather Armour
Darkwood Buckler

Masterwork Rapier
Silver Dagger (masterwork)
Shortbow (+20 arrows)

Belt pouch
Spell Component Pouch
Scroll Case

Chalk (2 pieces)
Writing set (paper, ink & inkpen)

Coutier's Outfit (including 50gp in matching jewellery)
Entertainer's Outfit
Explorer's Outfit

Elixir of truth
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (x2)

48gp 3sp 3cp

----- Appearance & Personality-----
Height: 5'
Hair Colour: Deep black
Eye Colour: Solid blue, no irises
General Appearance: Slight in build, with snow-white skin and obsidian hair, Anya and Elya are both really quite striking in an odd exotic way. Both Dvati twins tend to keep their hands hidden as best they can because they know some people find the fact they have one less finger on their hands than humans do unnerving
Personality: Serene, understanding, a natural peacebrnger and diplomat. Anya and Elya is always the first to open negotiations and to prolong them as long as possible before fighting occurs. She has a distinct love of knowledge, especially old books and sometimes finds herself losing focus in the presence of items of historical interest.

----- History -----

Anya and Elya was born into a small commune of odd races, outcasts and half-breeds the young Dvati quickly learned to be accepting of those who looked and acted differently and to begin with she thought of it as normal. That was until as she grew she learnt of other races, the races that those outside her commune deemed 'normal', especially humans.

Whilst the commune was peaceful and held it's own interests the twins felt the draw of the world outside. She wanted so much to see humans for herself and to see the history of the world outside unfold for herself. Her family objected however, warning of all the conflicts outside. The warning only spurred her on however.

Anya and Elya spent decades learning the arts of diplomacy and self defense, readying themselves for when they reached adulthood and could use their skills to help resolve conflicts whilst learning more and more of the world outside.

A decade ago the twins left their home and set out into the world, looking for opportunities to both learn and to stop quarrels wherever they arose. She plans to learn as much as she can of the world outside her place of birth and to bring that information back home one day to show her friends, family and neighbours that if they enter the world with a calm manner and a peaceful attitude that the world will accept them.