Rrath |

@DM Greaek:
Please see below, the button that shows you how to format your text for PbP.
Spoken words (quotes) are in bold.
Thoughts in your head are in italics.
Out of character conversations are in blue.
The remaining descriptive text is unformatted.

"Whispers" |

I am still working on my background and such. I figured the Gotham City vibe you mentioned and noting that you wanted a rogue I wrote up a character that hails from this town. I had a few questions and I was going to flesh out a few things.
What is the name of the town?
What region is the town in?
I went with the City Watch background. But recently in the last few weeks lost his job. Basically got to close to a criminal that had political connections.
Is the town controlled by the Clasp or the Myriad or some other organization?
How large a city is it?
Is it an independent city or part of a larger kingdom.

DM Greaek |

House/Little known rules of D&D
We use the hero point system
This rule we pulled from a podcast, and i believe it was dragon talk and an official rule suggestion, but when you roll a critical hit, the first round of dice (because ALL dice are multiplied including sneak attack, divine smite, Etc.) deals max damage, for example a 1st level rogue rolls a nat 20 with his short sword, and has flanking so he has sneak attack he deals 6+dex with his short-sword, than 6 for his sneak attack, and if that does not take out his enemy with likely 15 points of damage, you than roll 2d6 (one for short sword, one for sneak attack) and add it to 12+dex
This rule has been confirmed by Mike Mearls, and what it states is the lowest you can roll on a perception check is your passive perception, so for example for a first level cleric with a 16 wisdom and is proficient in perception, their perception bonus is 3+2=5, making their passive perception 15, if they roll a 5 on a perception check, instead of ten they roll a 15 because it is transferred to their passive perception
This rule is another house rule by us, when you roll a natural 20 on a save against a spell, the effects of the spell are completely negated, instead of an automatic pass
Another house rule pertains to the little used medicine check, where you can make a dc 15 medicine check and if you suceed the person that perform the medicine check on can expend hit die as if they were taking a short rest, if they get a 20 than they gain a free hit die, and if they get a 25 2 free hit die, and on the rare event that you get a thirty than you get 3 hit die, Etc.
Divine Smites can be made in both melee and ranged attacks

"Whispers" |

Chaq you are doing a great job RPing a straight forward cleric. You were doing fine. Nilelane was correct Whispers was trying to bury the spies comment in favor of the rats. As it stands these guys are either in league with the spies or busy with their own corruption and our good perception caused problems.
DM its up to you but I know in several of the games I play the DM rolls Initiative for everyone at the start of combat. When players roll initiative there is a sometimes long period where no one can act while everyone logs in at various times and responds then after the rolls are ordered up the fight really starts. When the DM rolls you set the stage and let us know the order and then everyone can get right to round 1.

"Whispers" |

Krutt and I were chatting together. Regarding our backstory. Both of us took the City Watch background.
We elected to go with that we don't know each other well but that his Dad was a big deal on the watch. His dad was part of the unit that rescued Whispers from the Myriad slavers.
We also have a mutual friend who died. I will let you know when I have updated my back story.

Chaq Caex |

I'm cool with that because Chaq's hurting but after healing Rrath he's only got one spell, more when the level up is good. I'm holding onto the last spell as it could be a life saver but a solid blow could take him down currently.
If we do level up and he still has the spell slot can I cast it on someone to bring up their hit points.

Nilelane |
Gotta say, I love the enthusiasm but its pretty hard to understand the combat descriptions...maybe I'm just an idiot. Maybe something like a table to organize the info like:
Man with scarred face: takes 5 damage
Boots wearing woman: cast spell
A map would also do wonders but I think you mentioned you were on phone most of the time.

"Whispers" |

Yeah if you are using spells that effect areas it might get hazy. I have seen some groups try to lay things out in text.
other leters are the first letters of the PC. I am not sure if it would help but each space is essentially a square. I am not sure if that is how this fight is laid out I just went for familiar to illustrate.

Chaq Caex |

What might help is keeping the enemy on one initiative roll. So the first round you do those who beat the enemy in initiative, then resolve the enemies and then ALL the players get to act before the enemies next round if you get my meaning.

Rrath |

HP: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
I thought I saw somewhere that I could reroll a 1 for HP...was that here?
HH: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Seriously? Can I take the average at 7?