Here's what I have for stats so far. Melee Solarian with good Cha skills.
Boy I am feeling that racial int penalty on this low skill number class. My mechanic has more skill points than he knows what to do with.
Alzura Frostflare:
Female suli diplomat solarian 3
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +1; Perception +4
Senses Low-light vision
DefenseSP 21 HP 25 RP 4
EAC 18; KAC 19
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +3
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 20/30 ft.
Melee solar weapon (soulfire least electron crystal) +6 (1d6+9 S +1d2 E; stun)
Offensive Abilities black hole, solar manifestation (solar weapon), supernova
Str 16 (+3); Dex 13 (+1); Con 10 (+0); Int 8 (-1); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 16 (+3)
Skills Acrobatics +2, Athletics +4, Bluff +7, Culture +5, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +7, Mysticism +4, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4; (theme knowledge (diplomat))
Feats Heavy Armor Proficiency, Step Up
Languages Aquan, Common, Ignan
Other Abilities attunement surge, combat meditation, sidereal influence, stellar mode, stellar rush
Skilled Mediator Sulis raised by widely traveled jann parents or similar plane-hopping ancestors learn to traverse myriad societies with ease. A suli with this trait gains a +2 racial bonus to Culture and Diplomacy checks. They also gain an additional starting language from Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran. This replaces elemental assault.
Combat Gear kalo encounter suit I, soulfire least electron crystal Other Gear personal comm unit, reconfigurable clothing (formal clothing, hot climate environmental clothing, radiation environmental clothing, uniform clothing, zero gravity environmental clothing), credstick (3 credits)
Or, I could do either of the caster classes, if it is believed those are needed for the game. Although, my experience has been that casters in this game are "needed when they are needed, and useless when they aren't."
I can't comment on caster viability because I haven't seen one used, but I've played through almost the entirety of Dawn of Flame without one and it's been fine.
Burlap 'LongTail' wrote:
Assuming we get WBL for 3rd, Burlap is done except for tweaking his backstory. If it looks like I've done something wrong, please let me know.
The only SF character I've played is a heavy weapons/powered armor mechanic. Tons of fun.
I know about it, and I could allow it. But I'll have to allow it for everyone in the campaign. If you catch my drift.
Anyways, I had a Wildshape focused druid I played to 4 in another campaign that I'd probably offer up for this game if it moves forward. He wasn't super optimal, but I had fun with him. I'd probably slap VMC Barbarian on him so he can be a BarBEARian.
Also, do you have any hints as to the themes and plots you're thinking of for this game?
I see. So I can absolutely go for a cleric of Tsukiyo who ends up learning some monk abilities. I might go with that. Or do the reverse so that my character isn’t stuck in combat.
It looks like you're looking at a cleric that smacks people with a sword, yeah? In that case, you want to go with Warpriest, as a Cloistered cleric simply isn't going to be able to hit anything with a weapon. To get Flurry with a weapon as a cleric with monk archetype, you would need Monk Dedication at level 2, and at level 4 and 6 you need Basic Kata >> Monastic Weaponry as well as the Flurry feat, it doesn't really matter what order you take them, though it would probably be better to do Flurry at 4 and Monastic Weaponry at 6. It's important to note that Flurry VIA monk dedication has a 1d4 round cooldown between uses, so you won't be flurrying every turn.
Unfortunately the katana is not actually a monk weapon in 2e so you cannot Flurry of Blows with it, unless GM Cody decides it is a monk weapon. The Item section HERE shows all the weapons with the Monk trait that would be available for Flurrying.
Keep in mind that the Warpriest is still a FULL caster, you'll have quite a lot of spells as you level up. If you're not so interested in having tons of spell slots and mostly wanna hit stuff, it may be better to go Monk as your base class and pick up some cleric stuff via Free Archetype instead. Monk is a very strong martial class in 2e, doesn't struggle nearly as much as the 1e monk. The Warpriest Cleric is more of a "Attack once per round, use your other two actions to do other things" class. Not really a "Full Attacker", if that's what you're looking for.
Wait I just saw the free archetype thing. So that means we automatically select an archetype at character creation?
You get a free feat slot to use on archetype only feats at 2, 4, 6 etc so you don't need to choose an archetype at level one, though it would be prudent to decide what archetype you want to take at 2.
@Crisischild Dark sun is a post apocalyptic setting in a desert world where there is very little metal. Arcane magic is illegal, because some (not all) users draw life from the land itself, destroying all plant life in the area. Clerics have no gods, just elemental domains. and Psionics are common
The Waterdeep/Undermountain one is set in the Forgotten Realms. Waterdeep is a very large city on the north west coast of the continent where you can find almost anything. Underneath the city is the dungeon called Undermountain. It's rumored to be the largest dungeon in the realms.
Cool cool. Post apocalyptic can be neat, as long as it's not relentlessly negative with unfathomably stupid survivors - remind me again why it's so hard to build a wall that can keep walkers out or set up a greenhouse. I know a little about Forgotten Realms - I've played all three Baldur's Gates and at least one each of Neverwinter Knights and Icewind Dale - though I've never played it in TTRPG. A superdungeon or lost city game both sound just fine.
I've seen a few high power/gestalt/mythic WotW recruitments on this forum and I seem to recall all of them garnering quite a lot of attention from potential players, so you definitely wouldn't have trouble getting a game like that off the ground. I think this forum generally prefers high power games, though I'm not personally a huge fan.
Anyways, a lot of people check recruitment on the weekend, so you'll probably get more feedback in a few days.
I live in a rural area so it's hard to find players.
There's at least a couple of us here that have PbP as our primary creative outlet so regardless I hope you find something to scratch your TTRPG itch =)
I don't know a lot about either setting you've proposed, but I was just reading about psionics a couple weeks ago and would def be interested in a game utilizing that system.
Ooh a spooky Tian Xia campaign =) Certainly opens up some builds that might be a little out of place in other AP's. Born of Item Yaoguai, play as a crotchety old sentient teacup!
It had been my hope that, knowing the GM is not going to scale up the encounters, some players might have submitted lower-optimization options that are often overlooked so that they might have a challenge. Chained Rogue, even! Adept! Who knows?
I have zero doubt you would have more than enough submissions to run an npc class only table if you were so inclined, but I think a lot of people would find it unfun to play an Adept in a party with a Wizard. Same goes for chained rogue. Unoptimized is probably fine for the difficulty of the game, but the chained rogue barely functions and actively makes the party weaker and really just kind of doesn't do anything cool.
Traits: One campaign trait, no drawbacks, no Additional Traits. However, as it is a necessary rules patch, all casters gain the effect of Magical Knack for all casting classes they may have.
By the by, what do you mean by this? Does this campaign force the PC's to take two non-caster class levels?
Carrion Crown is a horror game, so part of me thinks maybe playing something that doesn't lean into undead slaying (e.g. a simple fighter) is on point for maximum immersion. Or on the flip side I could always roll an inquisitor of pharasma.
GM do you have any preference here? Do you want to lean into the horror atmosphere or is it time for us to slay the undead?
I thought about a Lovecraft inspired occult class character that would struggle to comprehend the horrors of the unnatural world and was rather fearful of everything... but then I thought about how draining rping that could be, given how long PBP takes.
2) You are aware that VMC Cavalier will not increase your Channel/LoH, correct? "Variant Multiclassing is allowed, but abilities do not stack beyond what a single-classed PC would get." - I added that clause specifically with this combo in mind.
I thought this was referring to something like Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest VMC Fighter getting a higher Weapon Training Bonus than could normally be achieved, especially since you explicitly okayed Mortal Usher, which advances previous class features outside the PrC. No problem. Extra feats never hurt anyone.
GM Aldizog wrote:
3) Radiant Prism seems some PF2 concept. Let me think about it.
I believe it is Pf2e. Mechanically her deity is just Sarenrae. Cuz I'm fond of paladins of Sarenrae.
In regards to the Holy Vindicator if it's allowed, would you consider allowing Channel Smite to fulfill the feat requirments for entrance into the PrC, instead of the listed Alignment Channel or Elemental Channel? Alignment Channel and Elemental Channel are... awful feats, but Channel Smite is on flavor for both the PrC and the AP and is a feat that might actually, ya know, be used at some point in the game.
Here's my submission, Wrathadorand. He's a shoanti half-giantAegis with plans to take levels in Soulknife and eventually the Metaforge Prestige Class. I really wanted to do two-weapon fighting with psychically manifested blades - if you're familiar with Starcraft's Zealots, that's pretty close - but this build gets exactly one bonus feat and has five non-twf related feats it needs so that's not going to work... so he has a big hammer. Just your normal dad lookin' for his kids.
Like any shoanti, Wrathadorand carries himself with cool confidence, trusting both in his own skill and the guidance of the spirits. Unlike most shoanti, Wrathadorand has a certain charismatic quality making him far more approachable than his tribal kin. Despite a natural gift for socializing, his status as a half- giant oft marks him as a loner, though he is never really alone. Haunted by visions of the spirit realms and those who reside there, he has always been distant with those who still have two feet firmly planted within the land of the living. He can come off as more aloof and spontaneous than his stoic brethren, but that is only because the spirits are fickle, often changing their minds without notice, and he follows where they lead. His calm and quiet personality stands in stark contrast to his appearance. He does not seek confrontation, but he does not shy away from battle or challenge.
Age: 41 | Height: 8'2" | Weight: 368 lbs. | Hair: Dark Brown| Eyes: Dark Blue
Wrathadorand is a shoanti of giant descent. His most notable feature are his dark blue eyes, which shoanti do not normally have. Brown hair hangs to his shoulder blades and he has a full, manicured, medium length beard. He has copper colored skin - a feature as much a gift from his shoanti heritage as it is from endless hours spent under the sun. His skin is crisscrossed with many battle scars, some from beasts, some from more intelligent foes, but he has somehow managed to acquire a collection of only what would generally be considered "attractive" scars - scars that make readily apparent his tale as a skilled and powerful warrior, but do not leave him disfigured or maimed. His copper skin is also covered in tribal tattoos, mostly on his arms and back, representing his Quah. He is, naturally, enormous, even for a shoanti, with broad shoulders, barrel chest, and heavy muscling. His clothing is of traditional shamanic styling: open toed leather sandals and loose-fitting flame-orange linen trousers under a simple, white sleeveless cotton robe of sorts that is often left open to bare his chest. He wears a large amount of jewelry and piercings for a warrior, mostly gold and onyx, each piece representing a different spirit or rite or ward against the undead. He wields a mighty earth breaker - the weapon of his people - but dons psionically forged plates for combat.
Wrathadorand - born Bhornkild - is a giantkin shoanti of the Shriikirri-Quah. He had a typical shoanti childhood just trying to survive in the increasingly small territory left for them by the Chelaxians. Being gaintkin, Wrathadorand was naturally a boon to the quah, though he was rather intelligent and spiritual for such a fierce warrior, rarely quick to anger and communing regularly with the spirits.
On reaching adulthood he entered into an arranged marriage with with Aiyana, a human shaman who is the opposite of Wrathadorand in many ways - short, slight of build, and quick tempered. Aiyana was shoanti and had family within the quah, and more distant family in the other quah's, but she also had family that lived in Korvosa. Eight years ago the young couple welcomed twin girls, Alona and Wildcat, who took after their mother, into the world.
Having somewhat more charm than the average shoanti, and with his wife's connections in Korvosa, the quah sent Wrathadorand and his family to Korvosa to try and strengthen relations between the two peoples and Wrathadorand started traveling back and forth between the city and the barbarian lands, sometimes bringing his wife and daughters. He had been warned that the Korvosan's hated shoanti, but he personally found it a rare circumstance for anyone to be rude to his face.
It was on one such trip to Korvosa, Alona and Wildcat in tow, that the twins disappeared in the market. Gone without a trace, the only sure thing is that the kidnappers must have catastrophically bad decision making skills to anger the shoanti. It was all Wrathadorand could do to keep his immediate family from trying to tear apart the city looking for the girls, knowing panic would only make things worse, especially since they were not welcome in Korvosa to begin with, imploring them to trust in the spirits, even though he struggled to hide his own panic and uncertainty.
Tensions are high as some among the quah speak of needing more direct intervention from the shoanti, believing that the people of Korvosa simply do not care about the missing shoanti girls. Wrathadorand cannot help but notice the spirits have been unusually quite since Alona and Wildcat went missing and the leaves of the calendar continue to fall away ...
Male half-giant aegis 1 (Ultimate Psionics 28)
N Medium humanoid (giant)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 18*, touch 10, flat-footed 18* (+8 armor)
hp 13* (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6
Defensive Abilities form astral suit, fortification 25%
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee (L) earth breaker +6 (3d6+6/×3)
Special Attacks powerful build
Psi-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . At will—astral repair (2 hp)
. . 1/day—stomp (DC 12)
Aegis Powers Known (power points 5, ML 1st; concentration +2)
. . 0 (at will)—
Str 19*, Dex 13, Con* 17, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Psionic Talent
Traits friend in every town, missing son or daughter
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 to jump), Climb +1, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +7, Profession (Mercenary) +7, Swim +1, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Shoanti
SQ active energy type, astral juggernaut, liberty or death, psionic resonance
Combat Gear large earth breaker,
Other Gear backpack, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 1 gp, 9 sp, 1 cp
Astral Armor
Astral Juggernaut Half-Plate/Full Plate; Free customizations: fortification, hardy.
Fortification 25% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Hardy (+2 Con) +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution while wearing astral suit.
Customization Points: 3
2CP - Brawn (+2 Str) +2 enhancement bonus to Strength while wearing astral suit.
1CP - Psionic Attacks Melee weapons are treated as magic and MW.
Special Abilities
Form Astral Suit (Su) Form an astral suit around your body.
Liberty or Death +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Powerful Build Can function as one size larger where advantageous.
Psionic Resonance +2 racial bonus to Use Magic Device checks to activate an item or to use a power stone.
Psionic Talent Gain 2 or 1 extra power points.
Trait - Friend in Every Town: +1 to Diplo and Know Local, Diplo as Class Skill.
Trait - Missing Son or Daughter: +1 Will Saves.
You can do the Virtuous Bravo paladin. I have Heroes of the High Court, interestingly enough. That is available. Is the champion of Irori prestige class important to your concept?
I appreciate the response!
On second thought, Champion of Irori would require irrationally good and statistically unlikely stat rolls to work well, needing all the stats both paladins and monks need, so I'll probably table the CoI lol. The Virtuous Bravo still looks good though.
I've never used Psionics, but since it's on the table I might look into it. The Metaforge PrC looks like a fun combination of two classes, a lot like the CoI is, but without the crippling dependency on many high ability scores. I just wanna use a Prestige Class for once TBH.
Cool cool. Looks like your two possible existing PCs are already str/cha, otherwise I'd make a Champion of Irori with those stats. Need to come up with a suitably MAD concept.
Huh. Exemplar is accessible by default in PFS. I'd probably submit one of 'em if this game happens. I don't play actual PFS, so probably the only opportunity I'd get to play an Exemplar lol
25-point buy (I know it's unusually large, but from what I can see, RotRL is a bit of a meat-grinder)
I'm in a long-running RotRL game, I think book three, and you definitely don't need to worry about the PCs being too strong lol. I think my fighter's been knocked to 0 HP in a single hit about three times now.
1: Paizo has an official player guidebook for Kingmaker for free HERE, which has lots of spoiler-free info for prospective PCs Unless you intentionally don't wish players to use it, of course).
2: I have an existing character that I've submitted to a few Kingmaker games, but he's not CRB Ancestry or Class. He's a hobgoblinInvestigator. Since I already have him statted out and stuff, I'll include him here. If you approve that's cool, if not, also cool. I can come up with something else.
Captain Roken Shock:
Class: Investigator (Alchemical Sciences)
Archetype: Alchemist and Marshal
Background: Field Medic
Alignment: LN
Edicts: Act with honor; Promote community;
Anathema: Take from the community to enrich yourself; Allow petty squabbles to get in the way of progress.
Party Roll: Skills; Face, healing
Combat Roll: Buffs; Debuffs, Trip; Healing
Preferred Charter: Expansion
Preferred Heartlands: Mountain or Ruin
Preferred Government: Republic
Preferred Leadership Roll: General
========== Backstory ==========
In the heart of the forbidding Branthlend Mountains where Brevoy, Numeria, and the River Kingdoms meet, where relentless winds sculpt the mountain sides, there rose the hobgoblin Roken Shock.
Roken's lineage was one steeped in the traditions of warfare. His sire was a decorated general who perished in battle, his name echoing with reverence in the great halls of the Granite Fortress, his clan's home. His mother was a master smith who forged weapons that sang songs of death on the battlefield. It was this lineage that shaped Roken into a living, breathing testament to the hobgoblin spirit of relentless determination and martial skill. From a tender age, Roken demonstrated a mind as sharp as the swords that hung in his mother's smithy. While other sprogs engaged in petty squabbles, Roken would immerse himself in the war tomes of old, absorbing the strategies of the legendary generals of yore. Under the strict guidance of his mother and the elders of his clan, he underwent grueling training regimes, his body adapting, growing stronger, faster, a manifestation of hobgoblin might.
At the age of twelve, a young age for his kind, Roken stood tall as he entered the merciless world of military leadership. He proved himself a natural tactician, his strategies weaving a deadly dance on the battlefield as his troops moved with a precision and discipline that was poetic in its deadly grace. Roken's name began to resonate with respect, echoing through the clan's halls as a hobgoblin who first followed as a soldier, then led as he quickly rose to the rank of captain. But Roken was not merely a soldier; he was a leader, a visionary whose heart beat with the fierce flame of ambition. His leadership bore the mark of honor and integrity. He uplifted the low, cared for the wounded, and nurtured the young
In the years that followed, Captain Shock also began to scribe a name for himself in political circles amongst his tribesmen. Years of battling the same ogre, troll, goblin, and hobgoblin tribes had dulled his desire for military conquest. He had sent countless loyal hobgoblins to their deaths to secure a baren mountaintop that would be lost by next spring. He could see the futility of continuing the conflicts, and he grew to resent the endless campaigns against his neighbors, the campaigns that more and more reminded him of the senseless, petty squabbling amongst his peers as a child. He saw a better way forward for hobgoblins: unity and cooperation.
On the barren Branthlend Mountains, dreams are fragile and easily shattered by the cold hammer of reality. His attempts to turn the tribe towards diplomacy were futile. Endless generations of hobgoblins had been born and bred to support the endless wars against their kin, and no one was interested in changing the status quo. And for Roken, the status quo did not appreciate his attempts at change. Captain Shock, once heralded as an ideal for hobgoblin children to aspire to, was quietly bundled off to the most remote and dead reaches of his clan's territory to be forgotten, but he was not willing to wait quietly by for a bugbear assassin to gut him in his sleep. On his exodus to the edge of his family's lands, he reached the border... and kept walking.
He landed in the sodden River Kingdoms, along the northeastern edge of the untamed lands that share a border with Brevoy. He quickly found a job of sorts that put his skills to good use. The near-feral folk of the River Kingdoms - mostly humans - had built small settlements that dotted the countryside. Their natural obstinance seemingly forbade them from greater organization, which left them vulnerable to bandits, mischievous fey, or even a more-intelligent-than-average bear. Roken was able to keep his belly full and good leather on his feet by training basic militia at these hardy little hamlets. A few spears and steady nerves - the latter of which the River folk had in abundance - would turn away most bandits and all but the hungriest bear without the need to actually shed any blood.
But just as he saw the futility in his kind's endless wars against each other, he saw also the futility in this false dream the humans of the River Kingdoms had in their far-flung settlements that hardly ever communicated with each other, never mind working together. As the fortunes of the settlers grew, so too would grow the fangs of the predators. With no form of central organization, the settlers were setting themselves up to be victims, perhaps even victims of his own people, should they deign to leave their mountain holds for more fertile lands. If he could not convince others to build his ideal, community-focused civilization, why not found his own? This thought was timely met with an invitation by a 'Swordlord', who's attention to him had been presumably drawn by his actions helping the settlers. It seems Roken Shock is not the only one who wishes to see the wildlands tamed.
===== "You will overcome this trial through discipline." =====
Roken Shock embodies the essence of a born leader, a visionary with an unyielding will and ambition. He harbors a deep respect for tradition and honor, guiding principles that shape his actions and decisions. His strategies in both war and governance are aimed towards unification.
Yet, beneath the hardened exterior of the military genius lies a heart that beats for his people, a leader who sees the potential for greatness in each individual, nurturing talent and fostering a spirit of unity, a guiding hand that leads not with fear and tyranny but with respect and understanding.
Despite his stern demeanor, Roken possesses a deep well of empathy, able to understand and relate to the pains and struggles of others. He is not blind to the sufferings of war and bears the weight of every life lost, every sacrifice. This burden has cultivated in him a wisdom that values peace above mindless conquest, a leader who seeks to forge alliances and foster understanding in a world fraught with conflict and mistrust.
Shock is not without his flaws, a visionary burdened with the heavy weight of expectation and the impatience borne from a desire to see his dreams realized. His determination can sometimes border on stubbornness, a refusal to bend even in the face of changing tides. Yet, it is this very unyielding nature, this iron-clad resolve that has seen him through countless trials, a steadfast rock against the stormy seas of a chaotic world.
In personal interactions, Roken can be surprisingly gentle and thoughtful, his ruby eyes capable of peering into the soul, understanding and relating on a deep, personal level. He is a mentor to the young, a confidant to his peers, and a wise counselor, a beacon of strength and wisdom in a fractured world, a leader forged in the heart of the Branthlend Mountains, a true embodiment of hobgoblin spirit and determination.
Captain Roken Shock stands at an imposing six and a half feet tall, tall for a human or hobgoblin with a trim, athletic physique from years of relentless training battle. His skin bears the deep blue-gray hue of his people, a canvas of life and battle where scars of honor decorate his flesh, each telling a story of valor and might. His eyes are deep pools of molten ruby, burning with an unyielding determination and the wisdom accrued from years of leadership and strategy. These are eyes that have seen the horrors of war yet harbor the warmth of a leader caring deeply for his people, a beacon of strength and guidance for his comrades.
Roken's face is stern and stoic, and, as all hobgoblins are, he is completely bald. His jaw is wide and flat, his equally wide mouth a cave of glistening teeth.
In attire, Shock prefers the practicality of an officer, his body adorned in a fine military uniform. He forgoes armor, preferring to rely on alchemy and a small buckler to protect him. The lack of visible armor on the battlefield often intimidates or lulls opponents in to a false sense of security, thinking him mad or easy prey, only for their blades to be broken on the dragon's scales hidden beneath his uniform. His weapons of choice are rapier and whip.
I still have a Pathbuilder statblock for him, though I'm not sure where the actual profile is, so I'll include the Pathbuilder statblock here. There's also a Mythweavers sheet Here
Captain Roken Shock Investigator 1
LN | Medium | Hobgoblin | Elfbane Hobgoblin | Humanoid
Perception +6; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +7, Intimidation +4, Lore: Warfare +7, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occultism +7, Religion +4, Society +7, Stealth +5
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items Unarmored, Alchemist's Tools, Backpack, Bedroll, Caltrops, Clothing (Explorer's), Formula Book (Blank), Grappling Hook, Healer's Tools, Rations (7), Rope (2), Flint and Steel, Waterskin (2), Signal Whistle, Buckler (Hardness 3, HP 6, BT 3)
AC 15 (+16 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6
HP 17
Resist Elf Magic action_reaction_black.pngResist Elf Magic Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a magical effect but haven’t rolled yet. Your ancestral resistance to magic protects you. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw. If the triggering effect is arcane, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus instead.
Clue In action_reaction_black.pngFrequency once per 10 minutes
Trigger Another creature attempts a check to investigate a lead you're pursuing. You share information with the triggering creature. They gain a circumstance bonus to their check equal to your circumstance bonus to checks investigating your subject from Pursue a Lead. The GM can add any relevant traits to this reaction depending on the situation, such as auditory and linguistic if you're conveying information verbally.
Speed 25 feet
Melee Dagger +5 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P
Melee Rapier +5 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Melee Whip +5 (Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip), Damage 1d4 S
Battle Medicine action_single_black.png (General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Medicine Requirements You are holding or wearing healer's tools. You can patch up yourself or an adjacent ally, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day.
Quick Tincture action_single_black.png (Investigator, Manipulate) Cost 1 versatile vial
Requirements You know the formula for the alchemical item you're creating, you are holding or wearing alchemist's tools, and you have a free hand.
You quickly brew up a short-lived tincture. You create a single alchemical elixir or tool of your level or lower without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a Crafting check. This item has the infused trait, but it remains potent only until the end of the current turn.
Devise a Stratagem action_single_black.png (Concentrate, Fortune, Investigator) Frequency once per round
You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy. Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll you made to Devise a Stratagem for your Strike's attack roll instead of rolling. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks.
When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.
If you're aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.
Precision Damage Strategic Strike 1d6
Formula Book Cognitive Mutagen (Lesser), Acid Flask (Lesser), Antidote (Lesser), Silvertongue Mutagen (Lesser), Elixir of Life (Minor), Drakeheart Mutagen (Lesser), Bestial Mutagen (Lesser), Eagle Eye Elixir (Lesser), Smokestick (Lesser), Bottled Lightning (Lesser)
Additional Feats Alchemical Crafting, Alchemical Scholar, Elfbane Hobgoblin, Known Weaknesses
Additional Specials Methodology (Alchemical Sciences), On the Case, Pursue a Lead, Strategic Strike
I travel for work in perpetuity, so my timezone is whatevs.
@Seer: How might your tristalt option interact with Prestige Classes, if at all? I kind of want to add Sleepless Detective to my Brawler//Investigator, but not badly enough to take actual levels in it lol
Have the events of Journey to the Center of the Earth happened on this version of earth? I was thinking my adventurer's parents might have been among the first wave of explorers after the initial discovery, and she was born down there because her momma didn't know she was preggers when they started out. If not I'll just make it South America or something, doesn't really matter all that much.
Starting in Victorian era earth alone inspires so many cool character ideas!
One of the top contenders in my mind right now is British-born Elizabeth, an archeologist/anthropologist/naturalist and part-time university professor inspired by the great explorers and anthropologists of the 19th century like David Livingstone, Richard Burton, Nellie Bly, and Alfred Wallace, as well as drawing inspiration from fiction like the Mummy films and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Mechanically, something like a Brawler//Investigator that uses Improvised Weapons to smack bad guys with her surveying equipment.
Another is the American Kraig. Tallest man in the world. Strongest man in the world. Owns a brewery that makes the best drinks in the world. Big and boisterous, always ready for an adventure, but a kind gentleman at heart. There's not much to say about Kraig, really. He's a simple guy. Mechanically, Barfighter Archetype Striker from SoP, along with something that can pass out buffs in drink form. Alchemist, Cleric into Brewmaster PrC, or maybe something from SoP.
It'll be difficult to narrow down to a single one I want to submit.
I got into the same dead-on-arrival RoA game as Poly/Dolgrin. I have lately, for some reason, been pining for the ocean. Did about a decade as a merchant marine and commercial fisherman when I was younger, so I'm going to see if I can put something together for this before the deadline Monday. A merchant marine returning to land. I'm not going to submit the PC I got into the other game because 20 point-buy isn't sufficient for the build I had in mind for them. I'm thinking 1 level of Inspired Blade Swashbuckler followed by X levels of Inquisitor (probably Sanctified Slayer) of Cayden Cailean.
@GM of the Ruins: Would you allow me to take Weapon Focus as a level 1 Inquisitor even though the Inquisitor would not have 1 BaB? I'll still almost certainly take the 1 level of Swashbuckler, simply due to how front-loaded the archetype is for an Inquisitor that wants to use a rapier, but it would be a nice option to have regardless.
Sounds cool! I have a Rage Prophet of Pharasma that I've got into several starting-at-mid-level games that never made it past the first page of gameplay that would probably fit quite well into a game about dead heroes, although, given the options, I might try a more off the wall concept.
@Giant Halfling: Have you considered a Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitor of Uskyeria?
Inquisitor gets you 'holy warrior', Sacred Huntsmaster gets you fuzzy bear. Pack Flanking and Outflank more than makes up for the BaB difference between a Pala and an Inquisitor. Spells like Divine Favor and Heroism can act as your sort-of Smite Evil, but cast on yourself and your bear.
Alright, so I don't know anything about this game, but I used the site Kubular linked and this is what I came up with. He's a SWAT team leader on special assignment to Sparr. I normally play melee characters so I built around those two things. Lead/Stay cool cuz he's a leader. Brawler/Duelist/Vanguard seem to be good melee options. Corrective/Patch to fix up his teammates. I see the Comp/Con-Class Assistant Unit thing as a law enforcement aid AI called Overwatch, handles dispatch, paperwork, updates, communication etc.
Alex is a lawful good, by the book, make-sure-you-fill-out-all-your-paperwork type, but not a boring stick in the mud. I have a pretty good image of him in my head, but I'm certainly open to advice on the mechanical side. Anyways, I'll read up on the stuff on Sparr and make up a character history an stuff.
» Alexander Occam // COLOSSUS «
[ GEAR ]
Assault Hardsuit, Medium Signature,
Medium A/C, Corrective,
Patch, Sound System
[ MECH ]
H:2 A:0 S:0 E:0 SIZE:1
Main Mount: Shotgun
Flex Mount: Pistol / Tactical Knife
Heavy Mount: Heavy Charged Blade
Comp/Con-Class Assistant Unit, Stable Structure,
Personalizations, EVA Module
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16 Wis 10, Cha 10
Speed 30ft (25ft hobgoblin, 5ft Fleet)
Acrobatics (T) +9
Athletics (T) +5
Deception (T) +5
Diplomacy (T) +5
Intimidation (T) +5
Medicine (T) +5
Performance (T) +
Stealth (E) +11
Thievery (T) +9
Survival (T) +5
Crafting (T) +8
Arcana (T) +8
Nature (T) +5
Occultism (T) +8
Religion (T) +5
Society (E) +10
Lore: Hobgoblin (E) +10
Lore: Heraldry (T) +8
Lore: Belkzen (T) +8
Notes: Hobgoblin scales to Expert at 3, Master at 7, and Legendary at 15.
Skill-ups: Society (E) at 2, Stealth (E) at 3
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc, Draconian, Jotun
Skill Feats BG1 Courtly Graces (You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If you use the normal skills in those situations, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead.)
R1 Streetwise (You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally.)
R2 Quiet Allies (ally with lowest stealth check makes the roll for the group)
R3 Arcane Sense (You can cast 'Detect Magic as a level 1 spell)
Rogue Feats R1 Nimble Dodge (Reaction, +2 circumstance bonus to AC)
R2 Underhanded Assault (2 actions, can Sneak and if you beat the stealth check (with a -2), make a Strike)
Dedication Feats FA2 Wizard Dedication (gain two cantrips, Ignition & Gouging Claw, become trained in Arcana)
General Feats R3 Fleet (+5 movement)
Rogue Abilities
-Mastermind Racket If you successfully identify a creature using Recall Knowledge, it is off-guard against your attacks until the start of your next turn; if you critically succeed, it's off-guard against your attacks for 1 minute.
-Sneak Attack 1D6
-Surprise Attack
-Deny Advantange
Gear (1 lvl2, 2 lvl1, 25gp)
Sword cane, Leather Lamellar, Thieves' Tools, Adventurer's Pack, Hand of the Mage, Potency Crystal (Reaction, weapon becomes +1 Striking for 1 round), Elixir of Life (1D6+1 healing)
Background & Personality
-sent as a liaison who has Oprak's blessing to get involved in whatever is going to happen, but if he fails, Oprak will deny ever sending him in an official capacity
-an older scion from a lesser noble family, his name nonetheless commands respect in hobgoblin society
-a sucker for tradition, he dresses as befits his station because he enjoys doing so
-dabbles in magic on the side, knows that it is frowned upon within hobgoblin society, but he believes it is the key forward for his people
-loves games such as chess
-curious to the point of obsession, inquisitive to the point he has (so far) failed to properly specialize and thus make a power play for a higher position within hobgoblin society
-not sure whether to be insulted or honored for being sent to Belkzen by his people