![]() Just curious how this feat and archetype interact. Flinging Charge reads as:
Flinging Charge:
If you have a thrown weapon in hand when you begin charging, you can make a ranged attack with that weapon against the target of your charge at any point during your charge... You can then immediately draw a melee weapon during your charge. You take a –5 penalty on the melee attack made at the end of the charge... While the Scout Rogue's archetype features read as:
Scout’s Charge:
At 4th level, whenever a scout makes a charge, her attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target were flat-footed... Skirmisher:
At 8th level, whenever a scout moves more than 10 feet in a round and makes an attack action, the attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target was flat-footed. If the scout makes more than one attack this turn, this ability only applies to the first attack... To my reading then a Scout Rogue, with Throwing Weapon in hand, could declare a charge and, after moving 10ft, make a ranged attack as if the enemy was flatfooted (Skirmisher) before finishing the charge into the target and making a melee attack as if the enemy was again flatfooted (Scouts Charge). Is my reading of this alright or have I missed anything? Thanks for any help. ![]()
![]() I understand that the OP is looking for PFS Legal but taking the suggestions all given above combined with a VMC Rogue would make a pretty decent basis for a Stealth Cleric. Cleric (VMC Rogue) with the Trickery Domain and Clandestine Inquisition gives you Trapfinding as well as Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Bluff and Disguise all as Class Skills. It also makes those skills more effective with a number of Stealth and Trickery focused Domain/Inquisition Spells and Powers while eventually leaving you with a decent SA. Honestly not so bad and it's something I'd like to try in the future. ![]()
![]() I'm 25 and have spent some time in parts of Sudan as part of a private company providing water security. If after a quarter of a century and direct contact I still struggle to put myself in the shoes of others of my own species, who may share the same gender, orientation and faith but happened to be born in a different part of the world then why even bother pretending to be anything other than human? ![]()
![]() I think the biggest issue I have AA2 is the lost potential with weapon and armour modifications for mundane crafters. As is it's already a laborious process for Master Smiths to get access to creating Magical equipment and the like and, when I first heard of the new mundane modifications, I thought that Craft (Xsmith) would finally have somewhere to shine. Sure if you throw down a pair of feats you can, eventually, grant some modified equipment to the rest of your party and not just yourself and even then only temporarily. I'm curious why there wasn't the option to actually craft these modifications yourself, permanently, with the various Craft skills while the "Creative Xsmith" feats instead serving as ways to remove the drawbacks and add additional modifications, which admittedly Modification Mastery does temporarily. Honestly it's just a bloody sad waste of potential and I hate trumpeting the "Martials don't get nice things" line of thought but this all just feels like a fun flavorful option let down by awful mechanics. Beyond that the book seems fun, I like the different weapons and armours introduced as well as the new, and old, alchemical items. ![]()
![]() Dark Midian wrote: I still doubt we'll ever see the aligned class class feature in another prestige class. It's a very powerful ability and more or less goes against their original design philosophy for prestige classes, which was "We don't want prestige classes to be base classes 2.0". In fact the Chernasardo Warden from Fangs of War has the aligned class feature, but only 1/2 as opposed to the Full-1 of the Evangelist. Works as a Rogue/Ranger mix concentrating on guerilla conflict. Pretty fun Prestige really. ![]()
![]() Dark Midian wrote:
I forgot all about the Chevalier. Do love that Class, concept throws itself well on dozens of characters with little to no fuss. ![]()
![]() So the Rousing Courage trait from Divine Anthology states that: Rousing Courage:
...Once per day, when you generate an effect that grants a morale bonus, increase that bonus by 1 for all creatures affected. Now, how would this interact with the Cavalier's Banner class ability? Since it's a passive ability you're always generating the morale bonus, does the trait apply from the moment you wake up in the morning and secure your banner or, well, what? ![]()
![]() An order of the Dragon Cavalier gains the ability to grant their allies a free move action. The Cavalier itself is a decent chassis for an armoured martial character that buffs others and, if he really wanted to double down he could invest in the Standard Bearer and Strategist archetypes. Combo that all up with a Heraldic Shield and the Human favored class bonus for Cavaliers and you have a martial focused on buffing his team. ![]()
![]() Calybos1 wrote:
Overwatch Style works well with a Crossbow Fighter, to make the best out of Deadshot/Improved Deadshot. To that end: 1st Level: Rapid Reload (Light Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Light Crossbow), Point Blank Shot.
After all that grab whatever floats your boat on the final two feats, personally would pick from:
For a bit more feat intensive an approach you could try a Human Crossbowman (VMC Rogue) to take advantage of both Improved Deadshot and Quick Sniper. In any case as the character continues to level have a look at Burrowing Shot/Overwatch Vortex/Improved Critical to really make best use of the build/weapon. ![]()
![]() Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
Defensive Roll is the one I meant mate sorry. At level 10 it means every time you're about to hit 0 or lower hitpoints you make a reflex save to half the damage and, if this damage takes you into the negatives anyway, three times a day you gain 20 temporary hit points. It's a good laugh. If you like the mundane healer bent check out the healer's satchel from the Healer's Handbook. Gives you a variety of different bonus' which, at the most basic level, makes the skill unlock that much better. ![]()
![]() I've built a Scout/Swashbuckler UnRogue running about with a Greatsword and trusting to Resilence/Multitalented and Roll With It to run about the front line. Also went ahead with a Poisoner/Underground Chemist build using the Heal skill unlock and new Healers Satchel to try my hand at a mundane healer. They both preformed well enough for me to enjoy myself and support the party. ![]()
![]() Hey mate, if you're settled on the Rogue Crossbow build I'd suggest the following: Go for an Unchained Rogue as opposed to Rogue, it's hands down better for what you need, with a more accessible Sneak Attack and Debilitating Injury. More importantly Unchained Rogues gain Rogues Edge which grants Skill Unlocks at Level 5/10/15 and 20. The Stealth Skill Unlock at level 5 reduces your sniper penalty by 10 which, when combined with the Expert Sniper feat also reducing sniping penalties by 10, means you'll be sniping with no negatives by level 5. Taking Master Sniper as a Combat Trick at level 6 means you can fire a pair of bolts as a sniping check. Beyond that concentrate on your Sneak Attacks with talents, look at grabbing Minor Magic / Major Magic for utility and stuff like Favored Terrain and Camouflage for a spot Stealth bonus'. ![]()
![]() Luthorne wrote:
Much appreciated. ![]()
![]() Darche Schneider wrote:
It's not exactly mundane but Believer's Boon can give you the Medicine Subdomain's Blessed Surgery power once a day. ![]()
![]() To provide a dissenting opinion, their does exist mundane healing. It just requires that you throw a large chunk of your build into it.
Easy access to a cheaper version of items such as Antitoxin/Antiplague as well as a decent selection of other alchemical items that benefit various heal checks through Master Alchemist stacked on top of the ability to heal relatively large amounts of hp with the Heal Skill's skill unlock gives you a decent breadth of ability in treating a large variety of issues. I mean not as well as spells once they get going but if we compare a Cleric casting Neutralize Poison at the level they'll receive it, assuming average rolls, they can remove a DC 17 poison as a standard action.
In the same vein looking at Remove Disease at the levels cleric's receive the spell and again assuming average rolls, it's DC 15 as a standard vs DC 19 or a pair of DC 14's both adding Fort mod as an hourly action.
As for hp damage at level 5 the UnRogue, spending an hour, can heal twice the target's level in Hp (10), plus the UnRogues Wis mod, and two ability points worth of damage once or twice a day.
![]() Derklord wrote:
Circumstance bonus' cannot stack with each other if they come from the same source as far as I know. ![]()
![]() A fun build I've enjoyed with my local group is a Scout/Underground Chemist UnRogue (VMC Alchemist). Bit convoluted for sure but taking the "Bomber" Talent combined with the Underground Chemist's "Precise Splash Weapons" class feature and the VMC Alchemists "Bombs" class feature allows you to deal sneak attack damage plus your intelligence modifier with your bombs, of which at level 15 you'll have 7+(Intx2). Wrap up all of this with the Scouts "Skirmisher" feature to move 10' and SA and you'll be doing (8D6+8D6+Int Mod) with all the SA talents and Debilitating Injuries you can imagine in a splash. It's in no way effective. But it makes me giggle. ![]()
![]() Easiest way for a Slayer I've found is Rapid Shot at 2 through your access to Ranger Combat Styles, Expert Sniper at 3, Signature Skill: Stealth at 5 and Master Sniper at 7. Gives you a pair of SA ranged attacks, the first gaining your Slayer level as a bonus to damage all at no penalty to stealth. Throw in Accomplished Sneak Attacker and any SA talents you can grab from your Slayer Talents. With the Halfling pick you can swap Signature Skill for Accomplished Sneak Attacker to get some extra damage. ![]()
![]() Somewhat of a cheeky thread here. I saw mention of a new Fighter Archetype being released in a coming Player Companion that had Inspire Courage as a class feature. Can't find the damn thing again now so was wondering if anyone had any clue which Player Companion the things in? Thanks again and happy holidays. ![]()
![]() CBDunkerson wrote:
Anything that says it works for UnRogues? ![]()
![]() I feel like people are approaching this the wrong way. As opposed to looking at the balance of the feat across the entire RPG line, Martial vs Caster and all that, the feat should be examined with an eye to internal balance within Martial classes alone. Most people tend to agree that both Two-Handed builds and Two-Weapon builds trump Sword and Board builds and this feat removes the downsides of the former builds while replacing the benefits the latter build had over the other two. The question then becomes do other feats in the book help push the Sword and Board build just as Unhindered Shield benefits the other two. ![]()
![]() Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Sorry to ask Mr.Stephens but can you clarify the Spring-Heel Style interactions between requiring a Move action and Spring Attack/Shot On The Run. Is it an oversight or is it a way to allow users of the Style to gain benefits when not utilizing Spring Attack/Shot on the Run ![]()
![]() Love you guys for posting all this.
And a question to the development team, to get this out of the way before I get my hopes up:
![]() Unfortunately not mate. VMC functions by adding class features to the parent class. So a Cavalier (VMC Fighter) wouldn't count as a Fighter for feats and the like which specifically call for Fighter levels but would interact with feats and the like which interact with Fighter class features granted through the VMC. For example Improved Bravery with Bravery, Sash of the Champion with both Bravery and Armour training and Duelist Gloves with Weapon Training. ![]()
![]() BlackJack Weasel wrote:
To clarify you would gain both the Intense Spells and Force Missile powers at level 7. So if you can wait that long without the +1/2/3 damage you'll be all sorts of fine. If you went that route it could be better to go for the Admixture Sub-School. Let's you change the damage type of your Shocking Grasp 3+Int times a day as opposed to giving you Force Missile. ![]()
![]() Mark Seifter wrote:
Stop teasing damn you. :D Still, book is a guarantee for me. ![]()
![]() Marroar Gellantara wrote:
I disagree, to use Ashiel's example, an individual dedicated to an ideological ideal of Atheism draws power from the notion of self and humanity as a whole, or more particularly, the notion of humanity that most fits their world view. To apply another trope of an Atheist, on the opposite spectrum from Ashiel's example, an individual dedicated to the same philosophical arguments of self and humanity could be an amoral or evil individual who, upon coming to the personal-realization that there exists no true gods, disavows moral responsibilities from their actions and instead seeks to benefit as much as possible on the material plane, disregarding any divine punishment that may fall on their head after they pass on. This individual would most likely register as NE. To this end I would argue that if the worship of ideals, like the worship of gods, requires an alignment position within one step of the concept it would be the Atheistic ideal that would be TN, as this allows the most variation across the spectrum for any individual to fit their personal morality. If ideals don't require a specific alignment then all the better. ![]()
![]() This got a little off-topic. Or maybe it got a little meta-topic. Anyway, I feel like a Cleric of Atheism would be an alignment step away TN in any direction, being as how there's not any overarching outsider enforcing particular notions of godliness or wickedness in any real way. As to domains I'd suggest: -Knowledge (Education)
Knowledge/Education as a means of spreading the truth regarding what the Cleric perceives to be false-gods, Liberation to enact said truth and Rune/Legislation as a means of promoting a secular society away from the influences of said false-gods. This works as a framework without the attachment of some of the more... difficult concepts proposed by others, such as Community and Artifice. ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote: It might not even be an evil outsider group. Most deities are morally dubious, even the good ones. In Golarion, where you can get pissed drunk and go fumble around in a dungeon for a while and emerge a god, it's not really like being a deity means anything. I'm not saying that the outsider group is evil because it dislikes deities, I was asking if there wasn't already an Evil Outsider group that follows the ideals I spoke about. Having looked it up I think it was the Asura? Maybe not. ![]()
![]() Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
There's already precedent for Clerics receiving power from certain ideals, the lack of belief in godhood may not itself grant the Cleric power, but perhaps the Cleric would be granted said power from other groups interested in arguing against the existence of gods? Isn't there also an Evil outsider group who hold that the gods are either inferior to themselves or downright not actual gods? Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to argue a Cleric receiving powers from those groups. ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
'Preciate the example. What we have here is, as I said, the notion of atheism as simple lack of belief, thus having no overarching ideology attached to it. If you hold that atheism is as thus then you'll struggle to make a concept out of it. If however you argue that Atheism is, instead, the belief that these entities do not exist, then you have more leeway to construct a Cleric type character. As demonstrated people will, apparently, disagree with said concept but there's enough of a discussion on the subject to give you means to interpret it either as an ideology or whatever you'd term the original example. ![]()
![]() It's always fun to see the lads and lasses rush out to claim, in rotation, the old trope of Atheism not being a belief. Still at the OP, feel free to interpret the ideology as you'd like as people tend to do. If you hold that Atheism is not a belief and in instead defined by what you're not then you'd struggle to create a Cleric out of that. If you instead hold that Atheism is a belief system in of itself then it's easier to create a Cleric of that specific ideal. Sure you'll most likely have people who claim your concept is faulty, but honestly it'd be a boring world if we all thought alike so go nuts. ![]()
![]() I'm hoping for a line of shield style feats that works with the spear weapon group. Not a style line that promotes a damage or to-hit bonus' but instead one that focuses on control elements. Something like:
Anything that bridges the gap between offensive and defensive tactical play honestly. ![]()
![]() Darche Schneider wrote:
Overwatch Style from the Weapon Masters Handbook helps makes up for a lot of the issues with Crossbow Fighter being so reliant on readied actions. Hell make it a Crossbow Fighter (VMC Rogue) for all the interactions.