doc the grey |
K so question about the shifter: When you use your claws damage to replace a natural attack while wild shaped, do you use your initial size to calculate the claw damage or the size of your new form?
Like, if a gnome lizard shifter is 11th and changes and uses her claws damage on her attacks are they treated as small claws (from base form) or large (from lizard form)?
Gisher |
Feros wrote:EDIT: It was my understanding that they were going to EXPAND familiar options in the book, but can you tell me where you heard about the clarification of rules? Curious.I imagine it's because I said the rules for familiar archetypes would get clarifications, which was more specific in scope but over time people remembered what I said but not the exact details.
Yes, that is what I was referring to. I was hoping that a few other Familiar topics might make their way into this book, but any clarifications are welcome.
filgaiasguardian |
K so question about the shifter: When you use your claws damage to replace a natural attack while wild shaped, do you use your initial size to calculate the claw damage or the size of your new form?
Like, if a gnome lizard shifter is 11th and changes and uses her claws damage on her attacks are they treated as small claws (from base form) or large (from lizard form)?
You use the normal damage of the form or your normal claw damage, whichever is greater. In this specific case, the lizard form does not have claws, but a bite and tail attack. A small gnome's claws do less damage than the normal bite attack for the lizard and the same damage as the tail attack so you would just use the lizard's normal damage, but they do gain the benefit of ignoring DR cold iron and silver.
shaventalz |
Seriously will? My guy has it. Took a dip in bloodrager. What does that mean for my pfs char?
I'd imagine something like what's happening with the Adventurer's Guide. Where possible, they'll probably just say "switch to use the new one." Lore Warden got special treatment because of how it changed, and how deeply interwoven in builds the changes were. I wouldn't expect the same kind of rebuild opportunity with this change, but I could be wrong.
Feros |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ferros, any word on what the Paladin gets?
Hunting Paladin—Stealth stalkers of evil doers.
Wilderness Warden—Protectors of all natural places.
Sir_Andrew |
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:Why do I feel some of this discussion is coming from people deliberately being salty, or jerk-ish.I think you're reading too much into people's reactions.
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:P.S: how does the arrow champion look.Looks pretty good, it's pretty much a swashbuckler that can use Deeds at range.
so i'm assuming they get precise strike with bows? can they parry with bows? (:
filgaiasguardian |
Does anyone know what the wilding (???) style does exactly? It increases unarmed strike damage but I am curious by how much and how hard it is to get
I don't want to get too number specific because I think that's against the spirit of the discussion, but as far as qualifying, the chain requires another new feat simply called "Wilding" as well as Improved Unarmed Attack. Wilding gives you wild empathy and other nature-y benefits. The Wilding Strike chain also has BAB requirements.
graystone |
terrakineticist: Interesting archetype. How useful/competitive it's is going to depend on how well you and your DM can agree on what terrain you're in. I think the cornerstone of the class is going to be clever use of different terrains to turn your class to your advantage. This is going to require on the fly rulings on locations though. If you're just stuck with a single terrain/adventure it isn;t going to be exciting. So awesome to meh... It's cool you keep your burn spent on defenses though when the swap to a new element.
Ice Chemist: Ice bombs, can pick up fire type bombs but not all fire add on Ice Chemist, built in resist cold and endure cold, free frost bomb discovery.
Bitter pill: you make things that bite you ill.
grounding goo: bomb mess up fly skill.
Pheromones: bonuses on Cha skills.
Solid soil: prevent things from moving through affected earth.
Thorny bomb: piercing damage.
volumizer: purifies and multiplies water.
Dαedαlus |
Well I got to see a copy... Sigh... Any questions that need answering?
Is it really that bad? I’m still crossing my fingers that there’s some place for the Shifter.
Mind, if we get a dragon-themed archetype soon, with a breath weapon that you can actually use as a half-viable primary combat option (before level 20), I will forgive all the shortcomings of the class.
psychie |
I'd greatly appreciate any additional info on the rogue archetypes as well as the warpriest archetype and blessings.
As far as the feats go, is there anything that gives you DR? because reliable DR is one of those things that is really hard for PCs to get, despite there being options to improve your DR (which as said almost nobody has).
Sir_Andrew |
arrow champion: Pretty much adds a bow to swashbuckler. Parry/riposte works with ranged, precise adds to bows [1/4th level], ranged feint, ranged attacks added to most deeds.
wild-strider: stealth added to derring do, move in difficult terrain, and ignore miss chances.
thank you! that's pretty cool, i'm a little disappointed on the 1/4th lv to dmage on bows, but being able to switch between sword and bow and still having all of your deeds working makes up for it big time!
also how does the bow parry work? does a foe have to make a range attack against you in order to parry with a bow?
graystone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
plant and vermin companions?
A pile of those.
corpse eater fungus, creeping puffball, gulper plant, hunting cactus, rash creeper, slithering sundew, snapping flytrap, sniper cactus [RANGED companion!!!].
Assassin bug, caterpillar, cockroach, dragonfly, eurypterid, locust, mantis shrimp, mosquito, solifungid, we tyrant spider, termite, whiptail centipede.
graystone |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Is it really that bad?
A LOT of it isn't what I want. Massive reprints and the shifter is a lot like what I thought it would be [and not in a good way]. There are some gems in here but it takes some looking. I'm going to give it some time and look it over again so maybe it'll look better then.
What is the Rageshifter like?: well... It has everything you all loved in the Vigilante Brute... but MORE!!! :P You can blow up your own armor/clothes by growing and raging: slams that bypass some hardness, Nat ac, dr, hulk jumps, ignore difficult terrain. It might be ok if it didn't take a full round action to start and only lasts level rounds per day and everything is tied to it. Also, if you fail a will save at the end, you get confused and stay in rage... No thanks.
As far as the feats go, is there anything that gives you DR?: I don't remember any and glancing over it doesn't show any.
What are the brawler options like?
Feral striker: trade martial flexibility for animal aspects.
Living avalanche: overrun/bullrush focus with free 'improved' feats with extra when using those maneuvers. Toss in DR/adamantine for fun.
Turfer: gain favored terrains/terrain mastery.
Venom fist: trade unarmed strike/close weapon mastery/knockout for an unarmed strike 1 size smaller than normal that's poisoned.
Verdant grappler: grow vines to tie up foes you pin, later adding thorns to vines. Gain bonuses on things plant are immune to.
doc the grey |
doc the grey wrote:You use the normal damage of the form or your normal claw damage, whichever is greater. In this specific case, the lizard form does not have claws, but a bite and tail attack. A small gnome's claws do less damage than the normal bite attack for the lizard and the same damage as the tail attack so you would just use the lizard's normal damage, but they do gain the benefit of ignoring DR cold iron and silver.K so question about the shifter: When you use your claws damage to replace a natural attack while wild shaped, do you use your initial size to calculate the claw damage or the size of your new form?
Like, if a gnome lizard shifter is 11th and changes and uses her claws damage on her attacks are they treated as small claws (from base form) or large (from lizard form)?
But your size has changed. Doesn't the claws ability alter to follow those rules? By that logic, wouldn't turning into something like a rat or a falcon as a medium shifter automatic bump your damage from level one and you'd never use the base damage at all?
Roadie |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
If it's not too strenuous can somebody let me know what archetypes/talents the Rogue has been given?
Rogue archetypes:
- Desert raider: lose trapfinding, trap sense, and one talent; gain immunity to dazzled, the ability to hide in plain sight in bright light as a -5 penalty (but not against creatures immune to blinded/dazzled), and a Perception bonus to avoid being surprised. Extremely useful with the right party composition (e.g. a caster with lots of light spells), but ONLY with the right party composition, unless all your adventuring happens at high noon.
- River rat: lose trapfinding and trap sense; gain a bonus on Swim checks, ignore difficult terrain caused by "light undergrowth and shallow bogs", and gain a bonus on saves vs disease and poison. Incredibly campaign-dependent. How many people actually run campaigns in a swamp? How often does disease actually matter beyond one encounter at a time?
- Sly saboteur: Lose trap sense, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge; gain increasing amount of normal movements in difficult terrain (including 5-foot steps), and the ability to rig mundane devices to fail and deal sneak attack damage, and to rig magic items to fail as extremely complex mundane devices and deal untyped magic sneak attack damage. The difficult terrain part is handy, but the rest seems overcomplicated and useless, since you're basically rigging up traps that aren't even as good as normal (borderline useless) traps.
- Sylvan trickster: Lose trapfinding, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge; gain wild empathy, the ability to pick witch hexes instead of rogue talents (including major hexes eventually!), resist nature's lure, and DR/cold iron. Seems extremely good to me, nearly on the level of a must-have unless you're in a game where trapfinding is actually important, especially since the witch hexes in the same book include one that's a Fort save or all special sight senses are disabled for 1 minute (darkvision, see in darkness, etc), and since the Animal Skin major hex (beast shape II at will) is huge amounts of utility for a rogue at high levels.
doc the grey |
plant and vermin companions?
A pile of those.
corpse eater fungus, creeping puffball, gulper plant, hunting cactus, rash creeper, slithering sundew, snapping flytrap, sniper cactus [RANGED companion!!!].Assassin bug, caterpillar, cockroach, dragonfly, eurypterid, locust, mantis shrimp, mosquito, solifungid, we tyrant spider, termite, whiptail centipede.
Woot! Finally! My plans for a dhampir hunter with a cockroach companion are coming to fruition!
But s@!*! No Giant Flea stats?
filgaiasguardian |
But your size has changed. Doesn't the claws ability alter to follow those rules? By that logic, wouldn't turning into something like a rat or a falcon as a medium shifter automatic bump your damage from level one and you'd never use the base damage at all?
That is correct. If you turn into a mouse, you get a single bite attack based on your natural form's claw damage, but you'd be Tiny with no reach. However the form eventually can enter squares without provoking attacks, so maybe you could do some kind of crazy mouse version of the Songbird of Doom.
Azten |
graystone wrote:Well I got to see a copy... Sigh... Any questions that need answering?Is it really that bad? I’m still crossing my fingers that there’s some place for the Shifter.
Mind, if we get a dragon-themed archetype soon, with a breath weapon that you can actually use as a half-viable primary combat option (before level 20), I will forgive all the shortcomings of the class.
If it was at will and scaled with level maybe. Using Draconic Aspects you can change day to day to alter the breath weapon(line, cone, sleep, damage, etc).
graystone |
No Giant Flea stats?
That's a familiar already.
If cockroach is the one you like, I can expand a bit. Small, with climb and fly speeds, bite, dark vision, hold breathe, light sensitivity and tremorsense and Endurance [and a high Con of course].
How are the Paladin archetypes?: To be honest, I skipped rght over them as I don't play them. Lets see...
forest preserver: favored terrain, woodland stride, add some druid spells, fireproof aura, sacred grove, aura of preservation. Trade out auras, channel and divine health.
Hunting paladin: Hunt instead of smite [bonuses to track down], Detect evil [longer cast and detect evil tracks], add 1 ranger spell/level, tireless aura.
Wilderness warden: Less smite, trade divine grace for 3 energy resistances and CMD bonus for min/day, aura of comfort, add a druid spell per day, aura of purity, natural shield [grant allies energy resistances and bonus to CMD]. Interesting thing, natural shield takes 2 uses of the base ability to you but the base ability can ONLY be used 1/day.