Matt Burry 947's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Eli Burry Schnepp.

The Archaic property is listed for armor, shields, and weapons, but its description seems weirdly incomplete with no clarification later in the playtest document.

Playtest wrote:

This armor is crafted using traditional methods

and materials but is susceptible to modern weapons. All
armors from Pathfinder have the archaic trait. Armor runes
(GM Core 226) function normally with archaic armor.
Playtest wrote:

This shield is crafted using traditional methods

and materials but is not suitable for withstanding attacks
from modern weapons.
All shields from Pathfinder have the
archaic trait. Shield runes (GM Core 232) function normally
with archaic shields.
Playtest wrote:

This weapon is crafted using traditional methods

and materials but is not suitable for striking modern armor.
All weapons from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game have the
archaic trait. Weapon runes (GM Core 236) function normally
with archaic weapons.

Nowhere are these bolded sections explained or given any rules significance. As far as I can tell, archaic weapons have no actual drawbacks. What's going on here?

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The playtest PDF only has the first 15 pages, I feel like something's up

I just got a bunch of pawns from the big sale and I've noticed there are lots of them which have art that is not featured in the books themselves. Is there any place to view the full resolution versions of this art?

All of my attempted purchases keep getting money put on hold and then rejected. I've tried multiple cards and it's still doing this. What can I do so I can actually buy the books I need?

My players just finished up We're No Heroes, but they escaped from the rendezvous point without killing Deminda. The book says that Sinjin will kill her if she fails, but that feels like a waste given how much of an impression she made on my players. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to incorporate her into future adventures?

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Trying to put together a group to play this ASAP! I've read through the first two books and I really love the tone it sets for really making the players feel like a part of this universe! Honestly this is exactly the kind of thing I've wanted since the game was announced.

That said, I do wish this AP was available for Roll20. I've noticed that Starfinder APs dont have much support in that regard, which is a shame.

I'm fighting between the conflicting urges of "this seems really cool" and "I'm already way behind on like three actual play TTRPG podcasts"

Sovereign Court

I would love this in my office!

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Yay, a full-body image of Casandalee where she doesnt have a gaping hole in her chest! :D

I'm really excited to hear we're gonna get an announcement about future PF comics, I love them so much!

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The monitor looks really weird, more like a bedazzled Gila monster than anything else, but the rest of them look great, especially the Smilodon!

Wait, at PaizoCon it was the Air and Water elementals wasnt it? Why the change?

I missed the open event signup and have only two events I'm signed up for, two games on Friday. Is there anything I can do on the other days?

Starfinder Superscriber

Ok those look totally awesome! I can't wait to see this book!

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Not!Bob is looking snazzy

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I've been trying to figure out what ways I want to modify my Curse of the Crimson Throne game, and I had an idea. On page 35 of the hardcover, it talks about how Ileosa has declared that any trustworthy-seeming adventurers should be allowed to introduce themselves to the queen and be sent to Citadel Volshynek to assist the guard.

This made me think, it seems pretty unlikely that the PCs are the only group of adventurers who took this offer up. Which made me think: wouldn't it be fun to introduce a party of rival adventurers, perhaps with less noble intentions, working for the crown. I haven't quite figured out the specifics, but I definitely want to give the PCs a reason to hate these guys. Maybe they're greedy mercenaries, or fiercely loyal the the queen. Not necessarily evil, maybe even well-intentioned, but with a real enmity towards the PCs and vice versa, possibly leading to full-on battle later in the campaign.

What do you think? Any suggestions? Critiques? Assorted musings?

The map for Eel's End, and the map of the lower deck don't seem to match up.Is the Eel's End map scale wrongly labeled?


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Let the villainy begin!

EDIT: Well ninjaed indeed Troodos!

So, I was thinking, would it make sense for a creature without the Swallow Whole ability to be able to swallow creatures of a certain size anyway? I mean, say you baleful polymorphed someone into a mouse, could that mouse be swallowed by a human?

I don't really have a reason for asking this other than genuine curiosity.

Madalena has some striking similarities to Queen Ileosa. Is it just me?

Would a gunslinger be able to deadshot a creature with a mind render to give additional negative levels?

I'm working on a Kasatha Unchained Monk for an upcoming campaign. When looking at the Style Strike, I noticed that the Hammerblow style strike requires both hands free to use, and does double damage dice.

1. Would a Kasatha Monk need two hands free, or all hands free to do a Hammerblow?

2. Could a Kasatha link all four of its arms together to do 4x damage with the Hammerblow? (Probably wishful thinking on my part)

3. Would the damage from elemental fist also increase while using a Hammerblow?

Would the Unchained Monk be a key class for a monster with a combat role?

I'm working on a Kasatha Unchained Monk for an upcoming campaign. When looking at the Style Strike, I noticed that the Hammerblow style strike requires both hands free to use, and does double damage.

1. Would a Kasatha Monk need two hands free, or all hands free to do a Hammerblow?

2. Could a Kasatha link all four of its arms together to do 4x damage with the Hammerblow? (Probably wishful thinking on my part)

3. Would the damage from elemental fist also increase while using a Hammerblow?

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Two months ago, I started thinking about doing a fan-made RWBY RPG based on the d20 system. With the help of my friends, I did some basic work on concepts and classes, and had hoped to get it picked up by RoosterTeeth if it went well.
Of course, the events of yesterday changed everything. Like Matt Hullum posted on RoosterTeeth this morning, I feel that the best way to honor Monty's memory is to engage in a large creative endeavor. As such, I am dedicating this project to Monty's memory, and opening it for public contribution.
Those who are interested, please post here and I will send you the Google Drive folder that contains the documents worked on so far.

RIP Monty, if there is any kind of afterlife, I'm sure that they're about to learn quite a bit about being amazing.

One of my players loves to abuse the rules in order to create ridiculous schemes. I generally don't have a problem because it isa obviously good spirited, and today he came to me with an idea that was absolutely hilarious in its insanity.
When he first approached me about his idea for a "Peasant Railgun", I was understandably concerned for his character's alignment. Fortunately, as he explained, the peasants were not the ammunition, but the firing mechanism. With a line of peasants about a hundred long, a ten-foot pole is given to the one at the back. This peasant then uses a move action to pass the pole to the next, who then uses their turn to take the pole (first action), and pass it on (second action). Technically, there is no limit to how many times that this can be done in a round, effectively allowing them to create a hyper accelerated projectile.
Of course, no reasonable GM would actually allow this for obvious reasons, but I have been wondering, on a purely mechanical level, if this would work.

note: this does not factor in the damage that the later peasants would take from holding the white-hot pole

So, I am currently running Iron Gods. At the point on the Engineering deck where the PCs had to fight Gruether, something interesting happened. Essentially, the PCs were still (barely) level two, due to skipping a few encounters. They were one man down and up against a CR 4 monster. So, instead of doing the sane thing and running so that they can recuperate, my players decided to do the insane thing. THEY KILLED HIM WITHOUT TAKING A SINGLE HIT!
How? Through generous application of conditions. First, they threw one of the polymer nets from the Repair Drones onto him, entangling him. Then, they shot him with the timeworn autograpnel. An incredibly lucky intimidate check later, and he is demoralized. He tries to break out of the net, and fails by 3 points of damage. The PC with the autograpnel then reels the line in lightly, just enough to knock him off balance and trip him (it wasn't in the rules, but it was inventive enough and made sense). They then pelted him with lamp oil and firebolts until the barbarian runs up, with his 22 AC, and grapples him with the grabbers they found earlier. Due to all these penalties, Gruether couldn't break free before the barbarian crushed his throat with the grabbers. Khonnir Baine is now going to mount his head at The Foundery.

I am around 2/3 into Fires of Creation, and am already getting complaints from my players about the rarity of high-tech firearms. Though normally I would simply go with the book, two out of five players have class features dependent on high-tech firearms. As I look through the Lords of Rust PDF, where I had been hoping such items would start to get more common, I found a similar rarity. My question is: Is there any reason in terms of story or gameplay balance that I should not add in more of such items?

In Fires of Creation, one area contains the reanimated remains of a tribe of Kasatha that were housed in the habitat dome. An interesting encounter, but one thing bugs me. The book states that the Kasatha starved because the food on Golarion could not be digested by creatures with their biology. This makes me wonder how the other Kasatha survived after the crash. Am I missing something here?

Ayrzul, the elemental lord of earth, has been given no physical description due to his never leaving his realm. However, I have an idea for his appearance, based on his title, holy symbol, and sacred animal.

Fact 1: Ayrzul's title is The Fossilized King
Fact 2: Ayrzul's holy symbol is a fossilized dinosaur tooth in stone
Fact 3: Ayrzul's sacred animal is a Tyrannosaurus rex

This leads me to hope that his appearance would be that of a gigantic earth elemental with a fossilized T. rex skull for a head and dinosaur fossils protruding from his rocky flesh. Since dinosaur fossils are petrified bones, they would fit with the domain of earth, and it would just look cool.

The entry on Megalania companions doesn't have any specifics on its poison. Is this an error or should I use the poison in its entry, modified for con?

One of my players wants to play a magus, but prefers the sorcerer spellcasting system. If I allowed him to change it would it make the class unbalanceD, and if so is there any way to fix it?

Most are just variants of official dinos
Troodon CR 2
N Small animal

Init +8; Senses darkvision 60ft, scent; Perception +19
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 26 (4d8+8)

Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 60 ft.

Melee 2 talons +3 (1d6), bite +3 (1d4), foreclaws -2 (1d3)

Special Attacks pounce
Str 11, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 14

Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17

Feats Improved Initiative, Run

Skills Acrobatics +12 (+24 jump), Perception +14, Stealth +17; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth

Microraptor CR 2

N Tiny animal

Init +8; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +14
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)

hp 26 (4d8+8)

Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2
Speed 40 ft.; climb 30 ft.; fly 30 ft.(poor)

Melee 2 talons +4 (1d2), bite +4 (1d3), foreclaws -1 (1d2)

Special Attacks pounce
Str 11, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15

Feats Improved Initiative, Run

Skills Acrobatics +12 (+24 jump), Perception +14, Stealth +17; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Perception, +10 Stealth, Fly +8

Amphicoelias CR 10
N Colossal animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +28
AC 24, touch 6, flat-footed 23 (+17 natural, –5 size)

hp 243 (18d8+90)

Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +11
Speed 30 ft.

Melee tail +27 (5d8+23)

Space 35 ft.; Reach 45 ft.

Special Attack trample (2d8+23, DC 32)
Str 45, Dex 12, Con 29, Int 1, Wis 17, Cha 14

Base Atk +13; CMB +34; CMD 44 (46 vs. trip)

Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (tail)

Skills Perception +28

styracosaurus CR 8

N large animal
Init –1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +21
AC 20, touch 8, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size)

hp 95 (14d8+56)

Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.

Melee gore +15 (2d8+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 4d8+12), trample (1d6+10, DC 25)
Str 22, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7

Base Atk +10; CMB +20; CMD 29 (33 vs. trip)

Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (gore)
Skills Perception +24

Please tell me what you think!

Im running a northern, viking themed game, and i was wondering if there were any suggestions on how to set the tone and setting. (terrain, monsters, NPCs)