Blue Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 924 posts (925 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Scarab Sages

Hello All, long time player.

1st Edition questions here.

I'm about to start War for the Crown, was thinking of some sort of Duelist.

Of course there are countless ways and guides to Aldori Dueling.

I also know about Rondolero Dueling, which is Taldor specific.

And I know about Ustalavic Dueling.

Are there any Elven or Dwarven duelists? Any other race or regional specific dueling?

Of course the Swashbuckler does a lot of the same stuff, but they still kind of generalize things.


Whats your coolest/unusual dueling clasee/race combo?

Scarab Sages

Hey gang.

I'm a Grognard. I do not internet gud.

Mystic Theurge questions, please be kind.

First, let me say that my Google Fu generally places me on articles that are between 5-15 years old. I'm looking for more updated information and links that work.

Second, yes, it's sub-optimal. I get it, I really really do, I promise. I still want to play one. I have for 15ish years.

Third, I'm building it using all Paizo stuff, no 3rd party. I use HeroLab Classic. I have most books/data packages. Not ALL of them, but a significant amount of them.

1) I thought I read somewhere that a "good" build would have level 9 spells for the "primary" class of the chassis, and lvl 6 spells for the secondary one. How?

2) Many of the online "guides" or "builds" ideas seem to use old info, and seem to talk about Early Entry. I am not looking to overly cheese this build. How does one make up for missing spell levels? I get how with Magical Knack that I can add caster levels to one of the chassis classes, but how do you account for the (in theory) level advances I read about?

3) I don't own the book, but somehow I have the HLClassic "Inner Sea Magic" unlocked. I read about Esoteric Training and Eclectic Training, but I can't seem to find them as options on HLC. Is that because there has been updated FAQs or modified rule changes to the MT PrC?

For design purposes, I am planning on going 3 CLR and 3 WIZ, Human. The party I am in has a tank, a bard, a swashbuckler/investigator, and me. I started life as a weird kind of cleric archetype, and I need to maintain a lot of that original concept.

Scarab Sages

Hello, it's been a long time since I posted here.

The Hellknight Order of the Vice. It technically no longer exists, there is some brief history about it, but since it's a now defunct Order, therer's very little information on it.

Because of story reasons, my GM is going to allow me to make a Hellknight Signifier that will essentially "revive" the Order.

All the other Orders have a favored weapon or weapons, and MOST of them use some kind of polearm.

My question is: What "vice-like" or flavorful weapon would you suggest for the lost Order of the Vice, soon to face a revival??

My only real idea is some sort of blunt weapon, either a Warhammer or a Maul, maybe a Lucerne Hammer for a polearm?

Any good ideas?

Scarab Sages

Hey hivemind.

I have been toying with an idea for a Samurai build.

I intend to take the Warrior Poet archetype. Obviously, this adds CHA to AC as a bonus. This seems to be an untyped bonus. It is an [EX] type of bonus to AC.

I had intended for flavor reasons, as well as to kind of embrace the entire "Eastern" ascetic, to Multiclass into a Monk. A sort of unarmed/armed build, with a lot of flexibility.

I really enjoy the idea of a completely unarmored combatant.

I intend to choose the Order of the Cockatrice. I will have a CHA of 16 or so.

SO, looking at Monk archetypes, I come across the Scaled Fist. This guy ALSO gets his CHA to AC in place of WIS. This is ALSO a seemingly untyped bonus, and is a [SU] ability.

Do they stack?

Now, I've read the FAQ. It's still a bit of a mystery to me.

I was told that the Water Dancer Monk archetype which ALSO gets its CHA to AC as a bonus WOULD stack because the Water Dancer's bonus is listed specifically as a "dodge bonus" instead of an untyped bonus.

Now, my understanding is that untyped bonuses stack.

My understanding is that typed bonuses also stack with untyped bonuses.

What is the official ruling on this, please?

Scarab Sages

Hey gang.

My Google-fu is lame atm, and I'm having an issue.

The feat Natural Spell states that it allows the verbal and somatic spell requirements when in forms that don't allow for such things.

What if you are in a form that DOES allow for speech?

I'm playing an Elven Treesinger Druid archetype.

If I turn into the base form of Green Man which CAN speak and CAN do somatic gestures because it has hands and fingers, do I NEED to take the Natural Spell feat?

Confused. Help Obi-wan. You're my only hope.

Scarab Sages

Hey gang.

I'll be playing an Elven Treesinger Druid.

Yes, I know.

Now, I have always thought Druids were the pet/companion buff masters.

Am I missing something?

What are the go to spells to make your AC (treant sapling in my case) a total bada$$ in combat??

Like, I see just a very select few buff spells.

Please give advice, O Hivemind.

Scarab Sages

Might have an opportunity to drop into a game as a lvl 10 guy.

Party make up is mostly irrelevant, and I've wanted to try one of these guys for a long, long time.

There are tricks, I know.

I've searched here, read Oterisk's most excellent guide, but I am still really looking for a lot more in depth discussion.

Any other good advice please?

Scarab Sages

Is there a definitive timeline for the events in this AP??

I've been having some difficulty with it exactly, and I was hoping that there was a bit more information or that someone had done the work for me :)

In other words, starting from the time of the Chelaxian Civil War through the Amber Privateers, to the return of Ilnerik, to the Six Trials of Larazod and so on?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a ton!

Scarab Sages

No, not me you silly nannies.

I have a player wanting to play a Daeny type character for Council of Thieves.

I have a few ideas, but I'd like to see what you folks can come up with.


20 point buy
All common races/some uncommon up to 15 RP (player leaning towards Human)
4th Level
Paizo only, no 3rd party and or 3.5

And go!

Scarab Sages

Paizo FAQ wrote:

I've written a novel set in the Pathfinder campaign setting! What should I do with it?

Due to legal concerns, we cannot read unsolicited novel submissions. Please note as well that, due to intellectual property laws, fiction featuring Pathfinder content cannot be sold by any publisher other than Paizo. You can, however, share your Pathfinder story for free through our great fan fiction communities like Pathfinder Chronicler or Wayfinder!

Aha! he says!

Where are these communities?

Please assist with URLs or some other means to visit!

Scarab Sages

Per the header.

Player in CoT AP, he's got a Human Varisian Cleric 1/ Swashbuckler 2, about to ding lvl 4.

20 point buy, typical feat choices.

Allowing him to reroll/retrain to better fit.

I suggested 3 level dip into Swashbuckler, the rest into Cleric.

The party consists of Human Brawler/Hellknight Armiger, a Human Bard, a Tiefling Psychic Sorcerer, and a Human Medium.

Scarab Sages

Probably going to be starting this, and as soon as the "Chel...." got out of my lips, I had like 3 players immediately bonering up to play a Hell Knight.

One of the players has the new book that details the Hell Knights and their orders.

So, is it possible? Can the PCs in CoT either start off as, or end up taking the PRCs for Hell Knights?

Scarab Sages

Google-fu and mad rush designing a character, can someone please advise?

Let's say I'm playing a Rogue Thug archetype.

If I get an Intimidate off on him, and then a Brutal Beating, would the Sickened Condition and the Shaken Condition stack?

Scarab Sages

Ok, let's assume that the player (moi) is planning on playing a Grave Walker Witch.

Clearly at lvl 4, this character would get the spell Command Undead which as we can all see IS in fact a lvl 2 Arcane spell. Since the Witch already casts Divine spells as well, that means at 4th level this character can cast lvl 2 Arcane & Divine spells.

Now, the Mystic Theurge entry CLEARLY states that a character MUST be able to cast both 2nd level Arcane and Divine spells.

This Archetype does this already.

The whole point of a Mystic Theurge is to kind of get spells from two classes, so OBVIOUSLY the goal would be to take an Arcane class at Character Level 5, then enter the PRC at 6.

Is this legal?

Scarab Sages

Hello gang, and thank you for reading this.

I am playing a Gravewalker Witch in "Hell's Vengeance" AP, and she is an agent of the Whispering Way.

I do plan to take the PRC "Agent of the Grave", and I am seeking advice.

Are there official rules on how to become a Lich?

If the character were to move into Lichdom, does it keep class levels? How would this character continue to function in the AP?

Clearly, being a 5 level PRC, with a relatively easy entry, she would probably hit lvl 5 of the PRC while the AP was still going on.

Thanks for the help!

Scarab Sages

Hey gang, and thank you for the advice.

I have a player that is thinking of taking the Magambyan Arcanist PRC.

He was wondering if the AP takes the characters to Nantambu, or if there is a chance he would have time to go to the academy there?

Scarab Sages

Hey gang

Here's the gist: Dungeon Crawl for Emerald Spire

20 point buy, routine PFS rules

I want to build the worlds nicest/friendliest/helpfulest/luckiest halfling.

I am thinking of going Ranger, with the dungeon rover archetype.

I was thinking of stacking the Wild Stalker archetype on top of that.

I was also thinking of stacking the Skirmisher archetype there too.

The idea here is pretty simple.

I will take the Halfling racial trait "Adaptable Luck" and I will mix that with the trait "Fate's Favored" so that twice a day I can give myself a +3/+2 bonus on any die roll.

My first feat will be Cautious Fighter.

I will also give myself the 2nd trait called Helpful.

My tactics will be this: With an estimated AC of 18-19, I will take either standard actions to fight defensively giving myself +4 AC and taking -4 to hit, or full defense and give myself +6 AC.

If I go fight defensively, with an AC of 23ish, I will then use my Adaptable Luck if I need to, or flanking bonuses to Aid my buddies and give them either +4 to hit, or +4 to AC (plus flanking bonuses, if applicable). Hopefully few things hit me.

When going Full Defense, hopefully a 24 or 25 AC will prevent me from taking TOO much damage and allow our team to range attack the bad guys.

I figure with a dungeon, there will be ample opportunity for me to block up a 5 foot wide tunnel with my defensive shenanigans and allow for buffs/ranged attacks/positioning to occur, then drop the defense and go offense.

Ideally, the Wild Stalker archetype for the +4 STR/+4 CON from rage, to add to my CMB/CMD, and I don't plan to cast much (I dont like Ranger casting) and that's why I like the idea of the Skirmisher archetype.

Once I ding lvl 5, for my 6th level I will plan to go 3-5 levels of the PRC Halfling Opportunist

What I'm thinking is that between levels 6-9, maybe 10, stick with the schtick of Aid Another, Fighting Defensively, and with the Halfling Opportunist to generally be a pest/flank buddy/CMB guy for repositions/dirty tricks/and maybe disarms.

In general, make the most of bonuses from Aid Another, Adaptable Luck, Fighting Defensively, and either Rage or Ranger Favored Enemies to be a nuisance in combat.

My questions are these:

The PRC says that I get bonuses to my inherent Halfling Luck trait which gives bonuses on saving throws, but this was written prior to the ARG so trading that trait for the Adaptable Luck does that stack?

Also, How many levels of the Halfling Opportunist would you take? All 5?

Once you drop the PRC, would you go back to Ranger or would you continue on with Slayer/Rogue/Ninja to take advantage of the Sneak Attack that you gain from the PRC?

Scarab Sages

Hey gang.

Thinking of a Halfling "luck" guy.

Obviously, Adaptable Luck alternate racial is key.

Fate's Favored trait to add +1 to my luck, giving the little guy a +3 a few times a day.

Fortunate One feat seems like a big investment for 1 more use of the Adaptable Luck trait.

Archaeologist Bard gives himself a luck bonus in place of inspire courage, so that gives +2 instead of +1 at 1st lvl, now combined with the optional +3, assuming everything stacks.....

Do they stack??

Obviously, the Luck domain could work as well.

What class/feats/traits would augment those choices?

What other stuff brings "luck"??

Scarab Sages

Hey gang, I hope I'm posting in the right area.

So, I totes mcgoats use Hero Lab all the time. Like literally ALL the time.

I'm trying to build a druid, and I want to have a character sheet for when he wild shapes.

Is there a way to apply that template or to adjust for when that occurs? I'm having serious issues figuring it out.

Thanks for the help!

Scarab Sages

Let's say I'm playing in an apocalyptic game.

Let's further say that I am a cave druid archetype and I can Wild Shape into an Ooze. Because why in the hell not?

This character is a 16th level hybrid.

He is 8th level Druid, but has Shaping Focus feat. He should be effective level 12 for wild shape which allows for medium sized oozes. Because, why the hell not?

And now the fun stuff. Here is a medium ooze: Carnivorous Crystal Ooze

Its main attack is a 7d6 slam.

Let us assume that I Enlarge as this ooze.

Let us then assume that I cast Strong Jaw on this ooze.

Because, why in the hell not.

Now let us assume that I use Vital Strike

And then, just because too much is NEVER enough, let us assume that I then have 1 level of Barbarian and use Furious Finish

I'm too stupid to do maths.

Someone please, somewhere, help a brother out.

Please, break down the damage per step. Thanks much!

Scarab Sages

Hey gang, my search fu is leaving me helpless, is there a spot online here where there is a list of approved animals for companions, say Ranger or Druish companions?

Thanks for the help!

Scarab Sages


My search fu is being a bit on the lame side


Cant seem to find it in Hero Labs

But i was under the impression that there was a feat that allowed you to channel d8's instead of d6's??


either I'm dumb or just cant find it. If it exists, please point me in that direction???

Scarab Sages

Potentially playing in an AP, 6 person party, heavy on melee and some arcane already, some divine already.

Evil allowed, please no discussion about that.

Human, 20 point buy, 2nd level, 1000 gp.

Dhampir also very strongly considered, I really like that racial necromancer thing they got going on.

So, Necromancer is best Necromancer? Arcane or Divine?

If I go Arcane, do I go Sorc or Wiz?

If I go Divine, do I go Oracle of Bones or Cleric (Undead Master archetype?)

Also, other than Oracle of Bone for that revelation, is there any way to get an undead pet/skelly at lower level? Waiting for Animate Dead at lvl 7 (arcane) or lvl 5 (Divine, cleric) or lvl 6 (Divine, oracle) kinda sucks.

I mean sure, I could buy the scroll I guess, but if pet dies or some such, what then?

Advice please. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

I know, I know....under powered and practically useless, shooting myself in the foot, a character doomed to mediocrity and blah blah blah blah blah.

Is there a good guide to this Prestige class?

I looked here and didnt see it listed....

I could have sworn I saw one for the Sorcerer/Oracle/MT the person called "the sorcacle"? or something to that effect?

We will be starting a new AP soon, either Skull and Shackles or Wrath of the Righteous (maybe using some mythic content!) and I was curious.

I am often accused of power gaming, and I thought "what better than to play something everyone can agree is gimped!" but then making it badass.

Please help!

Scarab Sages

Is there a spot online here or at Paizo directly for fan fiction submissions?

My buddy is running a very intense home-brew, and his history degree is coming in very handy as our party goes through a sort of Mendevian oriented crusade.

I have written a few short stories from my character's point of view (a Paladin of Iomedae).

I thought I'd share, if anyone was interested.

I am just unsure if that is kosher or even wanted by Paizo itself.

Scarab Sages

Ok, assume:

LVL 9, 5 Crossblooded (draconic/elemental) Sorc 4 Dragon Disciple

Lesser Metamagic Rod of Selective Spell
Normal Metamagic Rod of Intensify

Feat Empower Spell
Trait Gifted Adept (Burning Hands)
Favored Class bonus for + 1/2 acid damage (taken 4 times)

Which spell is "better" to cast?

Intensified Selective Empowered Burning Hands (turned to acid using elemental bloodline) for 12d4 + 14 (+12 for draconic sorc, +2 for favored class) taking up a 3rd lvl slot


Intensified Selective Fireball (turned to acid using elemental bloodline) for 10d6+12, also taking up a lvl 3 slot.

I believe its the fireball (turned to acid of course) for a few reasons...namely using the MMrods, it will still just be a standard action allowing for a move/swift and all that, plus static damage of +12 is almost as good as +14 while the 10d6 will probably yield better result than 12d4.

Buddy of mine likes the uber burning hands, citing higher static damage and 2 extra dice to roll, while d4 only marginally worse than d6.


Scarab Sages

This Spell... what all gets doubled?

Also, same question for a crit hit.

Weapon bonuses? STR boni? Power Attack Bonus? What all gets bumped??

Thank you!

Scarab Sages

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Of the melee classes, Fighters are one of the few without some inmate method of reaching burrowing foes short of blowing WBL AND actions on activating burrow.

Not without a Burrow Owl, anyhow. For reference: The Dead Milkmen

*note, the link above is not necessarily SFW, and its not very politically correct. you have been warned.

Scarab Sages

Is it worth it?

One day, my group will be starting an ARG based game, no featured races (elf, dorf, hume, etc).

Was thinking of the Orc.

I like the ferocity and the idea of being the guy with no armor, feral/angry all the time, barely controlled, unafraid of going into negative HP.

I also like the idea of playing something that isn't chosen hardly at all, if ever.

I am not looking for the most optimized archetype/race combo, and I realize that the unbreakable/invulnerable archetypes work really well with the whole concept, but IMHO its overdone. I have NEVER seen a hurling barbarian. EVER.

So, looking at that, or the Brutal Pugilist? Maybe even mix in some Savage Barbarian with the Hurler, since they don't overlap on repalced abilities....

Any advice here??

Scarab Sages

Hello, and I'm sorry if this is easily answered and in my haste I overlooked it.

I am about to embark on a RotRL AP, and I wanted to build a Dragon Disciple. I got the dude all planned out, but for back story and flavor I wanted to essentially worship dragonkind. The eventual transformation into a Dragon is the ultimate goal for this guy, and DD PRC is the way to go...but I want to sprinkle in some fervor and fire and brimstone into his speech patterns.

Back in the day, in the worlds oldest game there were quite a few ways of going about this, and a few different "dragon gods".

But now? I am unfamiliar with any, and need a few pointers. Books and relevant passages cited for bonus cred.

Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

This is how its done ladies and gennelmen.

For those of you who don't get the whole "performance without music" aspect. Syncopation with whips.

I still can't make myself say "mouth organ" without giggling like a 12yo.

Scarab Sages

As the title suggests, which Barbarian archetype works best for a rage prophet build? And do you suggest more oracle, or more barbarian? And why??

20 point build please. Player will be human.

Scarab Sages

Hello one and all, I am looking for some serious in depth overviews on the various PFRPG Adventure Paths, untainted per se by the various people who do or don't like them...something akin to a "this is how it runs, this is how many typical adventures you get out of it, this is what level the PCs start at and what level they end up at." sort of thing.

Any help?


Scarab Sages

Ok, planning on playing in an adaptation of PF rules, set in a post modern/apocalyptic type setting, with minimal guns and such, still with magic.

So, I am planning on playing an Inquisitor, and I kind of wanted the character to be a weapon freak, loaded for bear and armored like a tank. One of those guys that when someone says to drop his weapons, takes 3-4 rounds getting rid of everything. I know it may not be optimized, but its the flavor I am going for.

I was thinking of taking straight Inquisitor, and taking the Inquisition of Black Powder (UC)since that gives me a gun and the ability to use them, and since the Domain powers are kind of weak and Inquisitors don't get extra Domain spells, but then I was reading the limitations on weapon proficiencies, and wondered would it not be better to take a 1 level dip into Gunslinger, with the Pistolero archetype for all the weapon proficiencies and then go straight Inquisitor? I had also kind of imagined taking a lvl 1 dip into Alchemist to get bombs, kind of a grenade chucking gun toting armored sword wielding holy hand of god type guy. I was going to take the Witch Hunter archetype for the Inquisitor, too.

TL;DR : Is it better to dip 1 level Gunslinger than take the Inquisition of Black Powder and go straight Inquisitor?

Anyone with relevant advice/builds would be greatly appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Thanks for your help!

So, Furious Focus means on a power attack, the text reads:

PRD wrote:

Furious Focus (Combat)

Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike home.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with two hands, and using the Power Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack's penalty on melee attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. You still suffer the penalty on any additional attacks, including attacks of opportunity.

Thus, if I give my Eidolon 2 sets of arms, and then 2 slam attacks, and then the Power Attack feat, do I suffer the -2 for PA on the second Slam?

Both Slam attacks are "Primary Attacks".

(Can sub in "bite" or other Primary Attack forms, too).


Scarab Sages

I have a Fire Elemental based Sorcerer, and I know this will sound absolutely elementary (element, get it?) but will him shooting a scorching ray into close combat get me the -4 to hit penalty?

My search-fu has failed me, and I got several different answers and nothing too concrete.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Scarab Sages

Hey all, can I please have a quick bit of help locating some general info regarding the Aspis Consortium? I do not have the inner sea world guide, and am having problems finding general info about who they are so that I can accurately portray the feel of working with ones enemy in this scenario. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Ok, for PFS, the trait Performance Artist (Taldor faction trait) has me questioning something.

The text: "You studied the avant garde theater scene of Oppara. Your performance skills have been known to bring even the toughest crowd to their feet. Choose one type of Perform skill. You gain a +1 trait bonus to related Perform skill checks. This bonus increases to +5 when using that Perform skill to make money."

So, at the end of the adventure when I am rolling for my day job, do I get the +1 or the +5 trait bonus?

I know this seems pretty elementary but I just want to clarify.

Scarab Sages

Hello all, my DM from the PFS Godsmouth Heresy event asked if I could submit my build to you all for perusal and see if I am legit.

Frankly, my lvl 1 Summoner and his eidolon pretty much went right through the adventure, mowing down CR1 challenges like it was nothing, and 1 shoting the bad guys. DM quit saying "Roll to hit" and was saying "Roll to kill".

If the build is legit, then he and I both think it might be a bit broken. Please look at it and tell us what you think, and if you agree that its a bit silly, maybe we should FAQ this thread to let the developers look at it.

Summoner: lvl 1, Half Elf

DEX 16
STA 16 (+2 Half elf racial)
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 15

AC 17
HP 11

Replaced "adaptability" with "Ancestral Arms from the APG (took Heavy Repeating Xbow)

Replaced "multitalented with "Arcane Training" from APG.

took favored class bonus as 1/4 evo pool for eidolon

Traits: undead slayer (pharasma worshipping trait) and reactionary

Feat: Point Blank Shot

Wearing chain shirt, carrying MW Heavy Repeating Xbow


Eidolon: Bipedal (slam variant)

Free evolutions: Arms, Legs, Slam

Chosen Evolutions: Reach, Improved Damage:Slam

STR 16
DEX 12
STA 13
WIS 10
CHA 11 ( none of that is monkeyed with, straight outta the rules)

Feat: Power Attack

PRD wrote:
Slam (Ex): An eidolon can deliver a devastating slam attack. This attack is a primary attack. The slam deals 1d8 points of damage (2d6 if Large, 2d8 if Huge). The eidolon must have the limbs (arms) evolution to take this evolution. Alternatively, the eidolon can replace the claws from its base form with this slam attack (this still costs 1 evolution point). This evolution can be selected more than once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the limbs evolution.
PRD wrote:
Improved Damage (Ex): One of the eidolon's natural attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and increase the damage die type by one step. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different natural attack.
PRD wrote:

Improved Natural Attack

Attacks made by one of this creature's natural attacks leave vicious wounds.

Prerequisite: Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: Choose one of the creature's natural attack forms (not an unarmed strike). The damage for this natural attack increases by one step on the following list, as if the creature's size had increased by one category. Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.

A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.

So, the problem is this...according to the info I posted above, my Eidolon should be doing 2d6 + 7 on a full power attack. Hero Labs agrees with this. Its the only attack that the Eidolon gets, and it hits for a ton of bricks when it does.

The Eidolon was pretty much killing everything it hit in 1 shot. With a +3 to hit even when power attacking, if the summoner gave it "guidance" it would still hit with +4, and in a 1st lvl encounter, as long as I roll over a 8 or 9 on the d20, its pretty much going to hit, which at minimum damage is going to do at least 9 damage, which kills EVERYTHING it hits. I did some horrendous damage, rolling 2d6 and getting 7-10 several times, for anywhere from 14-17 damage.

There is a lvl 3 monster to fight in Godsmouth, and while the rest of my party was dazed, me and the eidolon made ours and was still able to fight. The monster missed (2 nat 1's by the DM, right in the open!) otherwise I would have been toast. The Eidolon didn't, and with Reach I also got an 3 hits on the bad guy. Between that, and my summoner shooting it, we pretty much single handed took down the CR3 monster.

TL:DR Eidolon/Summoner build at first level with Slam/Power Attack combo is game breaking to CR1 encounters....agree/disagree??


changed 2d8 back to 2d6. bad typo.

Scarab Sages

Ok, I am probably being a bit goofy here, but I am not understanding what this does to help?

APG wrote:
Arcane Training: Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master the magic in their blood. Half-elves with this racial trait have only one favored class and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They can use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if 1 level higher (or as a 1st-level character if they have no levels in that class). This racial trait replaces the multitalented racial trait.

So uhm....whats a spell trigger, and or a spell completion item?

Scarab Sages

Getting ready to start a new PFS character, was interested in the Summoner class.

I am having problems though coming up with a solid storyline/idea/RP angle.

The one I did come up with was a guy who summons up the incredible hulk during wouldn't like him when he's angry.

So, please, give a solid concept if you have one that you like. I can't promise that I'll take it exactly, but maybe you can help inspire me. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

K, so my Oracle of Bones with "Raise the Dead" revelation just doinked 3 in PFS (go me!, loving it!) And I was reading the Bestiary and got totally confused on how to actually make a 3 HD zombie.

I know its kind of silly, but could someone walk me thru the process of upgrading zombies and skellys?

Also, Animate Dead as a spell, at 4th lvl my Oracle can cast this...I could in theory have an 8HD zambie/skelly/whatever. I need to bump them up a tad to have them ready to rock and roll. Please help! Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

Will be starting a game soon, wanting to base it in Riddleport of Varisia on Golarion.

I'm pretty sure there isn't anything specific, or am I just a tard with lousy google/search-fu?

Scarab Sages

K, so, a monk using a quarterstaff, correct me if I'm wrong but to effectively use this weapon you would need to do the whole 2 weapon fighting tree of feats, amirite?

Or am i just being dumb again?

Scarab Sages

Hi all, playing a lvl 2 Oracle of Bones in PFS, and I came across a few questions now that I leveled to 2.

I chose the revelation Raise the Dead, which allows me to summon forth a skelly or zombie to do my bidding for my CHA bonus in rounds. Now at lvl 2, I can summon a 2hd question is, how do I make a 2HD zombie from the 1HD zombie template found in the Bestiary?

Also, at lvl 2, I get the spell "Cause Fear". Does cause fear function as a 1st lvl spell (max lvl I can cast at lvl 2) or as a 2nd lvl spell that I just happen to be able to cast at my current Character level?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Scarab Sages

How did I miss this?

Pathfinder SRD wrote:

Catch Off-Guard (Combat)

Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unorthodox and improvised weapons.

Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised melee weapon. Unarmed opponents are flat-footed against any attacks you make with an improvised melee weapon.

Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with an improvised weapon.

emphasis mine.

So, correct me if I am wrong...walk along, pick up stick, pokey pokey bad dude, and get all them lovely sneak attack dice? Srsly?

Scarab Sages

Ok, need a solid 20 point buy. Nothing below 10, really only 1, maybe 2 stats ought to be good. What is your guys take on it?

Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

Ok, so, lvl 6 fighter, with Lunge feat....

What is the area that I threaten? 5 foot still? or 10 foot? The text from Lunge states:

Lunge (Combat)
You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a –2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before any attacks are made.

In essence, can I am an AoO at 10 feet if I have the lunge feat?

What if I have a "reach" weapon, and I have lunge....can I do it at 15'?

I guess I'm trying to build a fighter that has lunge, a reach weapon, and combat reflexes to get anyone that comes close to him. How possible is that?

Scarab Sages

Ok, so maybe I'm just being a moron...scratch that, no maybe about it. When playing say, a lvl 7 Oracle with the mystery of Flame, at lvl 7 you can add the FIREBALL spell to your spell list....and then cast it how many times per day, as a what lvl spell? Your progression by then would be 6 first lvl, 6 second level, 4 third lvl....

What lvl slot does FIREBALL take up when I cast that sucker??

Common sense says since its a Sorc/Wiz lvl 3 spell, it ought to be for the oracle as well?

Scarab Sages

So, build rules are 20 point buy, lvl 10.

I like the Oracle, but I also love the Bard.

Party consists of:

Goliath Barb 10
Half-Orc Monk 10
Half-Elf Ranger 10

I was thinking 5/5 Oracle/Bard, or something similar. Spontaneous casting of arcane and divine spells, pretty nifty. Both have high CHA requirements, so only have to juice one stat really.

I would like to stay pure PFRG, no need for 3.5 stuff, even though the Goliath is 3.5/3.0

Gimme your best shot :)

I kinda like the Fire Mystery, but something about Bones also draws me.

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