
BenneyC's page

12 posts. Alias of BennActive.


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Can I say that I love how we're having an intelligent conversation about the language used to describe the game? Also it's very difficult to fully describe a game that does not yet exist, but I think it's a conversation that needs to happen in order to help people draw their friends and others into the experience.

I like Cooperative Competition as a description.

Bringslite of Fidelis wrote:

As soon as the people (that look at this game) get the hang of the idea that play (in this game) is a cooperative endeavor, the better. When I think about PVP in a game, I think about the struggle of myself (alone) vs. all the "bad guys" that want to kill me.

That isn't the best way to look at playing in PfO. Think of it in terms of GVG (group vs group). Some groups are friends and allies. Some aren't.

But you will do best in a Group/Company/Settlement/Nation. Think of playing a little different in this game.

Think of being part of a "group" and then it isn't "me against the world". It is "My gang and I, against the Bad Guys".

Would GvG be a short version of PwPvPwP?

I like the use of PwP. No, it's not common, but if a community of people start to use it and integrate it then it'll spread.

My group of friends get funny, unhappy looks on their faces when they hear that Pathfinder online is PvP focused. I don't think saying it's PvP focused really encapsulates the nature of the game that I'm reading about.

27 for 23 more days

I really hate the color combination of two and eight. 27 was much better and 29 will be decent.

It is pretty awesome being in Ozem's Vigil, and I haven't even fully integrated yet.

Join us! We may or may not have cookies.

Mmm... sexy, sexy data collection and analysis.

We will eventually see results, yes?

I've recently joined Full Metal Syndicate of Ozem's Vigil. This is a point where I'm glad I've come to the party late. Waiting on a game for about two years sounds painful and I feels for all of you patient people.

I'm looking forward to trying to make a character with the abilities I want and hoping he'll be playable. I also love the almost required social aspect of the game. It's why I enjoy MMORPGs.

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AvenaOats wrote:

Perhaps I've got it all wrong in my enthusiasm, but I have high hopes.

The game needs to ensure players are making interesting choices to a high frequency and ideally social interaction to a high quality. Possibly this system helps with both those outcomes? I hope so and solo-ing may be something exciting to do to specialize in, but don't expect to be taking half the kingdom back home with you!?

For me it's not an interesting choice. I would rather my decisions about items be dictated only by space in my bags and not include the weight. Reducing my movement speed has such a hugely negative impact on other aspects of game play while not having room in my bag just prevents me from gaining more items. I suppose it's dependent on what level of realism you want for different things.

I'm perfectly happy to wait until the game actually comes out and I can play it to form a solid opinion. Maybe it won't be as bad as I'm imagining. Maybe it will be even worse and the developers will fix it.

This whole "Schrodinger's Game" that I'm playing right now is starting to get boring and I've only been playing it for a week. My heart goes out to those of you who have been waiting for years.

Nihimon wrote:

Well, it's been two and a half years since I started this thread, and I've learned to simply accept a lot of things since then. For me, personally, any reference to the Metric System inevitably brings to mind La Terreur. For those who aren't burdened in the same way, I can see why they find my plea foolish.

Oh. Ha. Didn't know how old this thread was.

I don't think you're foolish for having a personal history that results in immersion breakage. That's a very individualized thing that can't really be judged by other people. My disagreement is over putting certain limitations on what can go into a fantasy genre. If a story or setting has no fantastical elements then clearly it's not fantasy, but I don't think whether they use modern language to describe things is an important concept in fantasy. One of your points I can't debate because it is subject, but the other point I disagree with strongly.

The thought of worrying about how much my stuff weighs sounds dreadful. In every other video game I've played I collect A LOT of stuff and keep handy things around just in case. Having to worry whether I'll be able to move at all because I want to use the items I've acquired does not seem like it would help the overall fun of the game.

I'm not in the Alpha so I have a question on PvP. Let's say a person is out wandering the wilderness exploring, and they come across a random person. If that random person engages them in battle does s/he take a Reputation loss?

Simply because "High Fantasy" has meant something in the past does not mean it must continue to do so now or for every instance. There is no hard and fast rule over what distances should or shouldn't be called. Calling the distance kilometer is going to have more meaning and comprehension to me than calling it a league or whatnot. They use feet in WoW and the Pathfinder RPG and it doesn't break me out of the setting. I hear a unit of measure and think "measurement" not "that's not compatible to this world." It works in this world because the creators choose for it to work. Honestly if they use kilometers that's going to make me as an American think of Europe and foreign lands which fits just perfectly with the game.

I recognize that maybe you and other players will have issues with this taking you out of the world, but I reject your limitations on "High Fantasy."

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I've never role played in an MMORPG before. I look forward to creating a character I'd want to portray for hours on end while I discover the game.