The Horror Tree

Treants In the Mist's page

73 posts. Alias of Urizen.


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Hi! I'm 18, blonde, 42DD-26-32, speak three languages and I strip in the evenings to make money. Tee-hee.

I know t/h/ree languages! And I dance on the pole when I'm not at school getting my law degree.

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Q: If a tree had five apples and one was plucked off the tree, how many apples would there be left?

A: It doesn't matter! Trees can't count! #badtreantjokes

gran rey de los surround sound wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:

I also speak neckbeard, too! When I'm not at school during the day studying for my astrophysicist degree, I moonlight as a stripper. That's where my cunning linguistics come in. Pays to speak in tongues to the paying customers. All for college education.


Guess what, guys!??!!

i can speak three languages.

Aberzombie wrote:
Dude a few cubicles down is Cuban-American. Always cool to hear him answer the phone and start speaking Spanish. I'm generally a little jealous of bilingual people. I just never had it in me for multiple languages.

I'm trilingual. I speak spanish and french along with english because I have to make sure I can negotiate lapdances with visiting foreigners when I'm doing my evening job while not at school.

If neckbeard was a language, it'd be FOUR LANGUAGES! Tee-hee.

Urinsane wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:
Urinsane wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
touché mon frere.

You're touching your brother?!

Where's my master? He speaks 3 languages!

I'm raising dead wood at a senior assisted facility.


Pole dancing for social security checks again?

Actually, it's more like burlesque w/ overcooked egg noodle pastas. Bastards took the red pill.

Urinsane wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
touché mon frere.

You're touching your brother?!

Where's my master? He speaks 3 languages!

I'm raising dead wood at a senior assisted facility.



explosive runes



Screw you, old man. I'm going to take out my passive aggressive anger on my vlog.

In three languages, even.

...but ... but I need those tricks for my evening pole dancing gig in order to afford to pay toward my college tuition so I can speak ...

three languages!!!!1

Guess what I did today?

Iambic pentameter!

And yes ... you guessed it ... in three languages!

I know, I know. I'd be envious too.

I'm a pro at MTTH. I do that for tips at my pole dancing job I moonlight for to pay for my college education so I can speak three languages fluently.

Aberzombie wrote:
Just kidding, I actually thought it was yesterday that wiki was going black. My temporal perception is all messed up.

It's a weak blockade. You can bypass it by hitting the ESC key as soon as you reach your destination as it will abort the javascript that switches to the SOPA protest page.

But I speak three languages, so I can venture onto other sites. After hours pole dancing to finance my education is paying off.

I want a forum about cunning linguistics. Especially since I am fluent in three languages.

I also want forums about topiary. There's nothing more tantalizing than having a lengthy discussion on the clipping of errant foliage. Proper maintenance of twigs and bushes must be optimized.

Mothman wrote:

By the way, I just googled ‘Milani’ to make sure I had my facts right (couldn’t really remember the details on her) ... You get some very interesting (and borderline NSFW) images come up on a google search of that name ...

I oogled her too. Definitely got wood. I almost lost one of my fluency in three languages when I was branching through the gallery.

Hiya! You'll never guess what happened to me this morning!

I'm branching out!

Don't all leave at once. It calls for a celebration!

You'll never guess what I did today?

I wrote in cursive!

I believe that being a cunning tri-linguist is a wonderful thing!

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Hey! Have you heard? I speak three languages.

Aberzombie wrote:
Maybe you should get some experience abroad. England, perhaps? You could visit pubs.

A broad? I'm experienced with broads. You have to be when you moonlight as a pole dancer to cover your college expenses to be able to speak three languages.

England? I much prefer France. French kissing is a result of having lots of ranks in linguistics. The French are cunning linguists, indeed!!1

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:

Hey everybody!!!!1 Guess what???1?

I can speak three languages!

Only 3? Better add some ranks in Linguistics.

Oh, right!! I do want to be a cunning linguist. Tongue dexterity is as important as pole dancing. I have to branch out.

Hey everybody!!!!1 Guess what???1?

I can speak three languages!

Hey! Another treant? Did you know I can speak three languages?

Estás tirando de mi sucursal?

I'm lucky I'm not stupid and ignorant. My byword? Three! As in three languages!


And I can speak three languages! I have that feat tree.

Get it? Feat? Tree?


Guess what I'm doing today?

That's right! Speaking three languages!

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I got a phone interview to determine whether I'm suitable for Job Corps tomorrow. On the one hand, this means I have a solid chance to get in. On the other, I'm f#*%ing nervous, because there are going to be questions regarding my social skills. Here's hoping it goes well.

Hopefully it's nothing like your Pathfinder games with your neighbors.

If there's any communication barriers, I'd recommend glossolalia. It's linguistically cunning to speak. Trust me, I'm a treant.


that speaks three languages.

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Aberzombie wrote:
Where's that damnable treant when you need him?

Being a cunning linguist is hard work when you're fluent in three languages.

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Yea, it's face to face.

That's a lot of in-person game time over a short span of days. Are these roommates? Classmates? Second cousins? Illegal immigrants chained down in the basement? A psychotic fugue state?

I'd probably spend time doing something else.


Like learning three languages. And pole dancing after hours.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

You know what I love? Pathfinder. You know what I want to play? Pathfinder. You know what I have never played? Pathfinder. You know what I have played? The "How badly can we f&~~ each other over while pretending to be friends when in fact we really hate each other and are completely incapable of working together." Role Playing Game. In the past couple days, I've had 4 different characters die as a result of party betrayal, spent significant game time screaming profanity at my fellow gamers, spent more significant game time having profanity shouted back at me, and hatched numerous revenge plots. It's not so much as fun fantasy escapism as it is a "f#+$ you all" bullying fest, and it's pretty much the whole of my RPG experience. I know I should stop playing. I really do. However, I like the idea of the game too much to do that, so I always march onto the battlefield with head held high and hope of a fun game in my head, despite knowing full well things are going to be emotionally excruciating. So, yea. It's a really s#$!ty morning.

Is this face-to-face?

May need some GTL therapy.


Have I mentioned I speak three languages?

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TOZ wrote:
Four is right out!

Until neckbeard is recognized as an unspoken language, I'm resigned to the mastery of three languages.

Aberzombie wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:
So I suppose Karl can't boot me out of here.

No one will kick you out of here. We're pretty welcoming, for the most part. I mean it's not like you were posting with a sock puppet in some desperate bid for attention.

But please don't bring trouble or arguments in here with you.

I can speak in THREE languages and I have moves like Jagger!!!1
But are you your own worst enemy?

By proxy.


T H R E E languages.

Naked wood for TOTP. Rock a Sock, baby!


Did I mention I can speak three languages?

Aberzombie wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:
So I suppose Karl can't boot me out of here.

No one will kick you out of here. We're pretty welcoming, for the most part. I mean it's not like you were posting with a sock puppet in some desperate bid for attention.

But please don't bring trouble or arguments in here with you.

I can speak in THREE languages and I have moves like Jagger!!!1

...wood is the best.

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I know I can't behave, myself. I'm freakin' wood, man. The hottest piece of ash east of Denver.

And I can speak three languages. THREE. TRES!

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:
This is me moonlighting when I'm not at college during the day speaking three languages fluently.
I have no words....

I do.

I'm the hottest thickest piece of ash this side of Denver.

This is me moonlighting when I'm not at college during the day speaking three languages fluently.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did I mention I speak THREE languages?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Missing points? I can give you an arrow-like branch to the knee to drive the point home.

Trust me. I miss points all the time.

But I speak three languages and moonlight as a stripper when I'm not in my college classes.

I bring wood.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You don't say?

I can speak three languages and I moonlight as a stripper in the evening to cover my law school expenses.

I'm a sock puppet.

Callous Jack wrote:
Treants In the Mist wrote:
But PirateDevon ... you can shiver my timbers. Let's knot jump to conclusions.
You need to branch out into different jokes.

No olive branch for you. *PUNT*

But PirateDevon ... you can shiver my timbers. Let's knot jump to conclusions.

PirateDevon wrote:

*pokes head out of tree knothole*


*pulls head back in*

That glory hole is a knotty hole.

Hey! This is not the avatar of an 18 year old tri-lingual college student pole dancer. What did you do to me?

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