Age of Ashes Player’s Guide Page 7, # 8 Monument Circle. and
Age of Ashes #1 Hellknight Hill page 68 Monument Circle.
The six water towers are supposed to be water towers, not wells. The art is correct (and delightful). The text slipped through the cracks.
All below is for Age of Ashes #1 Hellknight Hill
Most of the descriptions imply the keep is 1 mile away, but page 63 has it as 10 miles.
It's a mile.
Page 19-20 Alak is said to be wearing something other than Hellknight armor, and he is listed with a greatsword. The art depicts him with Hellknight armor and a halberd, and later, in chapter 2, undead ignore him because he supposedly wears Hellknight regalia.
The art depicts him with Hellknight armor and a halberd, not a greatsword, so the art is in error. As for the undead, regalia is more than just armor, and he can instruct the PCs of this.
Alak's stat block is correct.
I'm pretty sure it's referring to the Order of the Nail insignias the party can find in A6.
In area D7 on the Goblinblood Caves map parts a, c, d, and f are mislabeled. The labels are on the benches in the alcoves and not on the gates. Parts b and e are correct.
The write-up for area D2 suggests that Renali will intervene in the fight between the PCs and Ralldar in D3 if they haven't already found her, and says to see that section for more info, but I'm not seeing anything in D3 about Renali?
--Question: On p49, under the description of encounter C2, it mentions that the party can make one Diplomacy or Intimidation check to get the guard to call Dmiri out to speak with the PCs. But I can't find any further guidance about this in the AP. How is this conversation supposed to go?
What are Voz's skeletons supposed to be? The encounter suggests a skeletal champion and a skeleton guard, but the text says "skeletal champions" at one point, so it could be two skeletal champions instead.
I suppose it had once been 2 Skeletal Champions, but later it was revised to a champ+common skeletons.
The Bloody Blades are half-orcs. Voz Lirayne is a half-elf. Are they supposed to have low-light vision?
They absolutely should, come to think of it. So sneaking up at night might not be such a great idea if your PCs can't all see...
So my players reached the risen skeletons in the catacombs last session and i've noticed that the skeletal hellknight doesn't have the usual resistances every skeleton has.
Is this intended? The lack of usual skeleton resistances is an error.
So my question is about the silver longsword they find in Area A9 in chapter 2. Was curious what grade it was since there are 3 different grade with precious metals. I assumed low grade silver since it is a level 2 item as well as the Knights would not leave high quality behind.
It is low-grade. (It was clarified in another thread that they hadn't finalized material grades at the time the adventure was written, since it was timed to release at launch, and it slipped through editing.)
--On p43, it says that once the PCs begin Chapter 4, Alak will take off. But later in Chapter 4 it says some things which suggest Alak may still be traveling with the party (e.g., on p49 it talks about what Alak can tell the party about the Bloody Blades, on p53 it says that Alak will volunteer to take Voz into custody).
If the citadel’s battlements are 25 feet above the courtyard, they can't be 30 feet above ground level, which is already higher than the courtyard. Is the battlements "just a bit" shorter than those represented in art?
Yes. Sometimes art and text don't match up as best we want, especially when art comes in very late and there's no time to change the text.
The good news is that if folks want to include one or two of these magic parchments in their game, found, I suggest, in Voz's research room (Hellknight Hill page 46), I felt like whipping them together on the spot for folks to use right here.
Scamp Scrap; Item 4
Conjuration, Consumable, Magical
Price 18 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
Activate (two-actions) command, Interact
Each scamp scrap contains a magical phrase linked to a specific type of mephit. You read a short magical phrase from this scrap of parchment, and then rip it in half. As you do so, the parchment vanishes in a puff of energy or material associated with the mephit—a scamp scrap that summons a water mephit would melt away into a puddle while one that conjures a fire mephit would burst into flames.
When you activate a scamp scrap, it casts a 2nd level summon elemental to summon forth a mephit that you control as you spend an action each round to Sustain the Activation.