Arcanic Drake's page
360 posts (997 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 aliases.
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Currently playing a Shadow Caller (Spiritualist) and using Eclipsed Spell (Metamagic) and the Light cantrip to infuriate my DM.... not on purpose mind you.
Anyway, I was wondering if there were more Shadow/Darkness descriptor spells I could have options with. I think I found them all, but Shadow Endurance came out of the wood-work last second (not being listed in the spiritualist list on the pfsrd) and now I'm not so sure. (also shadow body isn't one... which is confusing)
Also... I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me why certain spells like Shadow Conjuration are listed, but spiritualist isn't listed within the spell itself... I'm hoping its an organization error on the part of the spell and not on the part of the spell list...
Thank you if you have any info that I can use, I really do appreciate it. ^_^

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Main topic of discussion: Why use the spell Darkness instead of a Light spell altered by the Eclipsed Spell metamagic? (With the intention to make a build that deals with light levels)
Also, here is the Light/Darkness FAQ.
I guess I will start with my own thoughts on the matter. (With impute from you, the community, as to either why my interpretation is wrong or what ideas I may have missed or disregarded)
Light (Modified by Eclipsed Spell):
Pros- 10 minutes/lvl, cantrip = never run out of uses, as per Eclipsed Spell acts like Darkness in terms of darkess/light effects.
Cons- lower level, only one may be active at a time, uses a feat, interpretation may be wrong and only light level is changed in spell effect.
Pro/Con- Still has light descriptor.
Pros- higher spell level, interpretation may be wrong as in cons for light.
Cons- 1 minute/lvl, limited number of uses for a normal spell caster.
Pro/Con- Has darkness descriptor.
From what I have determined, it seems that the general use of the modified light spell is better than the darkness spell on most levels. The only major thing that makes darkness able to combat this spell metamagic combination is the abiity to have more than one active, for wider area coverage, and its higher level makes it harder to dispell, but doesnt matter much in the long run.
If my interpretation of things is wrong, please explain it to me, or if I am missing something that you have found, please enlighten me as to what that is.
Also as a bonus, what are cool things to do with eclipsed spell and the light/darkness descriptor spells out there? (Light, darkness, daylight, deeper darkness, dancing darkness, dancing lights, etc.)

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It seems that two of my adventurers mysteriously vanished from my pbp thread and I am looking for replacements. I am looking for a skill monkey (preferably with some disable device skill) and an any.
Previous characters include an investigator (empiricist) and a magus (kensai/blackblade).
You can look here at my previous recruitment thread.
And here is the character build requirements for your convenience:
Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro wrote: Here are the character creation requirements and Guidelines:
-Lv1 of course
-25 point build... (something tells me your going to need it.... and I tend to like tougher characters anyway)
-All Paizo is welcome with some guidelines: All non-core races will be run by me before implementation and playtest classes will also have to be run by me before hand (it would also help if its in something that isn't part of the ultimate/advanced/core books that it appears on d20).
-Any third party content will be run by me and will have to appear in its entirety on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ (Please don't be ridiculous with this).
-2 Normal traits and 1 Reign of Winer Campaign trait (From the Players Guide)
-non-evil alignments
-average starting wealth: The Adventure path assumes you don't start with any winter equipment at all (though some you can get from town by buying it)
-Please include a short background that either includes your time living in the village of Heldren or how you got there recently (preferably live there)
-Lastly please include your Character Crunch (in a spoiler as to not make a wall of text please)
*-Not a guideline per sey, but I tend to like a complete party: A front lines fighter (doesn't have to be the class), a skill monkey, a healer, and a Magic user.
**-Also not a guideline and no one has to follow this, but the players guide recommends certain archetypes for the theme of the adventure path: The winter witch archetype, winter witch prestige class (later on), the oracle winter mystery, arctic druid archetype, the sorcerer boreal bloodline, witch hunter archetype (inquisitor), and hexcrafter (magus).
Please ask questions if you have them.
Please get the players guide for the campaign and as of previous adventuring happening in the campaign you may buy winters clothes and get free quickly constructed snowshoes.
P.S. We are as of yet not done with the majority of the first book and have only completed some encounters in the beginning. Also, as this is an already started campaign, the picking and choosing will not be exclusively up to me. My players will also have a choice in the choosing process. Good luck! ^_^

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Before-hand, I just want to say sorry if posting this is inappropriate and/or in the wrong place.
My brother and I are thinking about making a small 3rd-Party company based on Pathfinder compatible products. We have a few ideas we've been bouncing around and maybe want to implement. I was wondering if anyone out there had any advice for us and that they might answer a few questions:
1. What do you personally think is required to start such a company?
2. What is required to start such a company?
3. What can I legally use from paizo products within our own products as per pathfinder compatible licensing agreement (I have read the licensing agreement, just asking to clarify and make sure I got it right)?
4. How much reasonably can we expect from expenses (We are thinking about making/running a site, selling on the pfsrd/rpg drive thru/etc. and making only pdfs for the time being)?
5. Is there any other questions I should be asking you guys or myself about this?
Thanks for your time! ^_^
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Zathyl Sathis at your service.
Custom race (I created) druid leftover from a campaign that had its GM disappear mysteriously...
The race is a humanoid snake-like race that has ... 11rp I believe (sorry if I miscounted).
Just made up the submission in the overall document.
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Phillip D. Rogatkin wrote: To be honest, if I were to DM, I might allow this. I mean the sheer hilarity is amazing. However, the consequence is that the players have to battle Cthulu. Then you try and chuck his scaliness and all of his elderich glory into space! Of course he would survive, but who can say they were able to chuck a Great Old One into space!
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DM_Blake wrote: Even better, since time is not a factor (the time it takes for an arrow to hit its target is less than a round no matter how far away that target is), now you can fling the victim toward, oh, say, the Andromeda galaxy and he will instantly hit it (range increments may apply, but really, who cares if you hit or miss - either way, that dude just traveled about 2.5 million light years in a six-second melee round).
Einstein, eat your heart out...
Wouldn't that destroy the creature you just threw/"maybe" destroy the universe because you broke the universal limit of the speed of light?
...maybe I'm overthinking this...
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Art on the front kinda makes me think of the "The Man with the Iron Fists." (The art is really cool by the way.)
Would I be seeing something similar inside the book? (and I'm not talking about the art by the way)
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You guys have been doing a good job so far. I haven't seen any of this spam everyone is talking about. Whats been going on lately?
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- (Heard from the other side of your bedroom door.)
"Um... Master? There was a gentleman at the door... Said his name was... and I don't know if I heard this right... Mr. Dragon? He said you would know who he is and you have something that belongs to him. I let him in and he is currently waiting in the foyer."
- "I HAVE THE POWER!" (And then an explosion rocks your wizard's tower.)
- "fltang htlep Cthulhu!"

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They all have their merits.
A Wizard has versatility when it comes to how many spells they can know and because of this, they can solve longer term problems with magic more often and not. They also have bonus feats, which gives them access to more metamagic, item creation, and spell mastery, and arcane discoveries, which only wizards can get. The problem with them is book keeping and immediate short term problems, which the wizard either has to have the correct spell to match the situation or be highly creative.
A Sorcerer knows less spells than a wizard, but has more castings per day with the ability to cast any spell they know, which gives them more versatility for immediate short term problems. They also have bloodline powers and spells that have interesting effects and help move the theme of the character.
An Arcanist is a hybrid of Sorcerer and Wizard. Just like the Wizard, they can know an infinite number of spells by writing them down in spellbooks, but they also have the ability to cast any spell they have memorized for the day without expending it (unlike the Wizard whose uses per day and spells per day are the same, so he expends any spell he/she casts). They also have exploits, which are kinda like Sorcerer bloodline powers, but which all (or most) derive from a single point pool called the arcane reservoir pool. This pool and their exploits cause them to be incredibly versatile when creating/leveling the character, but also cuts them slightly short because they don't get bonus feats unless they take up an exploit doing so.
Pros and Cons:
Wizard -
Pros: One spell level ahead other classes, Infinite Spells known via spellbooks, Spells memorized can change per day, Arcane school, Arcane bond, Scribe scroll bonus feat, all other bonus feats, and arcane discoveries.
Cons: Fewer castings per day, spells are "expended" when cast, has to be smart/predict the future when memorizing spells per day, Player book keeping, and spells known are in spellbooks which can be destroyed or stolen.
Sorcerer -
Pros: More castings per day, Can cast every spell they know, Bloodline power, spells and feats, and eschew Materials Bonus Feat.
Cons: Limited spells known, spell progression one level behind wizard's, and Can only exchange spells "known" rarely.
Arcanist -
Pros: Uses both the ability of the wizard to prepare spells each day and the ability of the sorcerer to cast prepared ("known") spells without expending them, Infinite Spells known via spellbooks, arcane reservoir, and arcanist exploits.
Cons: Same spell progression as sorcerer, same number of spells prepared ("known) per day as the sorcerer, less spells cast per day than the sorcerer and slightly more/faster than the wizard (but levels out to be the same as such), Bonus feats take up arcanist exploits, Player book keeping, and spells known are in spellbooks which can be destroyed or stolen.
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Deiros wrote: This is an interesting game, to bad there is already a lot of applicant. A brawler would have been my choice =3 Who says you still can't submit? There is always a chance you could be chosen. I say go for it.

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Hi, Arcanic Drake here. I was wondering if there was someone out there willing to take on an Occultist Character from Radiance House's Pact Magic Unbound Vol. 1 (Maybe Vol. 2 also). The Class can be found here, Pact Magic basics can be found here, Vol. 1 Spirits can be found here (Vol. 2 Spirits can't be found on the site...).
The reason for listing them here is because they are actually very hard to find on the site...
Things to know:
1. I am in two games online at the moment, one as a DM, and another as a Player. I can post everyday, but not necessarily every time because of College and my current work search, though I can usually post frequently in one day. I also live in Alaska, so my time is off a few hours compared to those in the lower 48.
2. I wanted to play this ever since it came out, but since I live in Alaska with a very spread-out, small community, its hard to find people that will play Pathfinder with me and those that do are either in the middle of a game or don't want anything to do with 3rd party.
3. I Have both Pact Magic Unbound Vol. 1 and 2 (and two supplementary works). The D20 site primarily lists Vol. 1 Material and doesn't list Vol. 2 Spirits. I am willing to work with DM's that don't have either volume and only use site content. I will also work with any DM as to what they allow and will approve any 3rd party feat or Pact magic secret with them first before use.
4. I don't have a character in mind yet and will create character backstory when I know what the setting for the campaign is. I am also willing to work with the DM in that regard if they see fit.
Questions, Concerns, and DM Applications.
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Well, don't hurt yourself and take your time. I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we appreciate the time you put into this and we are grateful for the time you take to update us on what's happening.
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Sorry.... I couldn't help myself. I bumped it up to the $6,000 mark. Yay!... Though I'm guessing the color is only for the print version... Anyway, I'm still happy to support you guys.
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As you put the card back into your deck face down (and before you put it away), you see something strange. You notice a card sticking out of it and somehow slightly askew, even though no other parts of the card are visible except for the top border. The card also appears to be face up, even though you precisely remember putting them all face down.
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BigP4nda wrote: You said you liked powerful characters, would you be willing to make this a gestalt game?
If so, I have an idea for a Barbarian//Druid
Caveman riding a dinosaur (or mammoth)
Might be a little bit too OP for this AP though. It also wouldn't be right for me (at least in my mind) to tell people to scrap their characters and remake them after so many submissions... So I'm very sorry but I can't.
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Arcanic Drake wrote: Pedantic Pundit, The wrote: 842. The Unliving and Necromancer's Guild bylines clearly state that undead are not allowed behaviors that constitute Good Alignment.*
*Ghosts have an exemption because they're such emotional crybabies. 845. I am not allowed to point out the many exceptions (besides ghosts) to the "all undead are evil" rule. 847. Actually... I'm not allowed to point out any alignment exceptions.
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Compiled fantasy reasons for dragons having treasure (could not find Pathfinder reasons though):
a. Least satisfying reason.... Just because. Dragons collect treasure just because they do.
b. Nesting material
c. Racial collecting hobby/prestige/pride
d. Intrinsic need (kinda like birds and shiny bobbles).
e. DND example: Magical connection/need in order to achieve age categories (Size, Powers, Abilities) after they reach the right age.
f. Many Fantasy Novel Examples: Dietary supplement... Kinda like vitamins. Also is the explanation for their hard hide (or metallic one in some cases).
g. A way to pay the bills so to speak (minions, living arrangements if wanted, what ever the heck they want that they can't just take).

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(Some how a group of adventurers was transported here.)
-Magic here is dead or lost.
-We have advance weaponry compared to what most Pathfinder characters can get.
-Any race besides humans would find themselves either hunted, captured and studied, or have the label of freak placed upon them very quickly.
-All the "normal" clothing and armor they wear, not to mention the blatant use and carrying of medieval weapons, would quickly label them as odd, fantasy geeks, and/or get them in trouble with law enforcement.
-Also, vigilante justice is illegal here, not to mention the fact that most justice that a common adventurer exacts is a swift death to those criminals.
-And lastly, if magic does indeed work here, we have many scenarios of what would happen if a wizard (or any other arcane or divine spellcaster) cast magic openly here:
Religious movements, capture and study of said spellcaster, witch trials, redefining of modern science, Spellcraft is reintroduced to the populace (if it does work for them), and the restructuring of modern society (if they can use it).
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Edit: Witnessed 100% Pledge! That's Awesome! (Can't take credit for 100% completion though)
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um.... kinda old... but Dwarven Battle Rager? Thimble Dorf Pwent all the way!
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Wow... as a DM I would congratulate anyone who pulled this off in-game, but wouldn't allow it at the forefront. As a player, the DMs I play with wouldn't allow this period... Still pretty awesome build though.
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822. You are not allowed to name your wizard Gandalf just so his battle cry can be "You shall not pass!"
823. Your wizard also can't be voice-acted by Ian McKellen.
824. Hobbits are not pathfinder halfings.
825. Not all magic rings are evil, insanely powerful artifacts bent on ruling the world.
826. No, you can't ride the giant eagles to the end of the campaign.
827. The BBEG does not have DR ∞/Women.
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Sissyl wrote: UnArcaneElection wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: UnArcaneElection wrote: kikidmonkey wrote: A fancy dinner party. A fancy dinner party in Geb.
A fancy dinner party in Geb, with the in-laws A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the in-laws are also blood relatives.
A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the cannibal in-laws are also blood relatives. A fancy dinner party in Geb, where the cannibal in-laws (Secretly Ghouls) are also blood relatives.
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Somehow trapped on a Permanent demiplane, devoid of magic (no portal either), with the Tarassque..... That or the inside of the Dead Vault (Ravagug's Prison).
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Just for fun, but to also help along those DMs (or tricky Players) out there that want amazing puzzles and elusive riddles in their campaign.
I need your guys' help to compile a list of Puzzles and Riddles that would be appropriate to the campaign setting and that peeks the interest of Players and DMs alike.
Here's what I'm looking for in the Puzzles and Riddles!
I'll start:
"A thing there is whose voice is one;
Whose feet are four and two and three.
So mutable a thing is none
That moves in earth or sky or sea.
When on most feet this thing doth go,
Its strength is weakest and its pace most slow."
The Riddle of the Sphinx
or simply:
"Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
P.S. If you decide to design Mazes or Physical Puzzles (or want to share them from a site), please be very descriptive, show pictures, and/or provide a link. Have Fun!
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Whoa, whoa! Just makin fun! ;) I couldn't resist the quip.
Besides: CrimsonVixen wrote: Ring of Solitary Embrace
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 5th
Slot finger; Price 5,000 gp; Weight - lbs.
This elegantly crafted ring is comprised of a flawless diamond set in a gold solitaire setting. When offered to a Succubus and willingly accepted and worn by the Succubus, it renders the gifter immune to the energy-drain ability of that succubus. Additionally, any combat actions involving creatures or players other than the gifter of the ring never count as passionate activities.
Craft Wondrous Item, unnatural lust, charm monster; Cost 2,500 gp
A wonderful wedding ring if I do say so myself.
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CrimsonVixen wrote: Okay, you do have a point, however taking an arrow to the knee might help your bluff check to convince me. You know what "taking an arrow to the knee" means right? Its a metaphor for getting married. So the succubus finally settles down huh? ;) Lol!
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AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote: Well, I don't think the wording was a MISTAKE so much as it's not so clear...
But, I do see where if you look at it as an attack and it's undoing your MENTAL... like cursing you with the mind of a child...
But... you keep your penalties from aging? I have the body of my younger self but I still keep my arthritis? Thats kinda messed up.
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Alexander Augunas wrote: Arcanic Drake wrote: Sorry... But this is a self bump to see if I can revive my thread. If it dies again I will leave it be.
Anyway, thank you to those who previously posted on my thread. You guys were very helpful and I am starting the basis for the adventure. I still believe more impute would be helpful though and would like to hear more thoughts on the matter. There's a preview of Microsized Adventures in my company's Facebook group. I'm going to do another preview every week or so until its ready to be published (probably the first week of February atm).[/url] I'll be sure to keep an eye on that. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
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kinevon wrote: For the first one, it might be a toss-up with a Priestess of Calistria, if you know what I mean.
For the second one, might I suggest ear-plugs or, straight out, wax. A Thunderstone or Deafness spell could help, although Blindness might not be a bad additional option.
So.... you're deaf and blind..... but you still have your sense of touch.....

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Canta wrote: As someone pointed before, there are many stories about redemption. Many of them are actually in those same texts.
And i find funny that you had to present religious, often contradictory texts as evidence that is easier to fall than to rise.
What happens when you don't get your morality from religion?
Then you sir are a heretic and must be burned!
...Okay just kidding.
If you don't get morality from religion, then all of your moral ideals come from the societal ideals around you for the most part. However, if one is independent enough, you form your moral ideals from your own observations of society itself and make decisions based on what you think is right and how you would feel if you did something.
There is actually an interesting study that says that its not your experience that defines your morality, but who you are. As in, when you are born, you instinctively cling to certain moral ideals and "learn" how to stand by them as you get older (which means in some cases you learn the wrong way of doing this...). Most children (about 90 something %) will be instinctively attracted to nice acts they observe and repelled by mean ones (the study was done with dolls, one act was "handing" the doll something and it making a glad sound and the other was hitting it and it making a short distress sound).
Okay so back on topic. If we "learn" that necromancy is evil, its usually from old, but sustained religious views and knowledge of an afterlife (basically the body still has ownership even though not in use). If its instinctive, its probably that most humans are universally repulsed and fear death (which can develop respect for it).
Though, for the most part, I think its more the memory of specific personages and respect that you still feel for them that (hypothetically) most people would say necromancy is evil because you are unnaturally animating remains that shouldn't be touched.
I still say that they aren't using the corpse, so why not? You wouldn't have said anything If I were to animate a statue, unless you guys hate magic in general. Animate dead is just a cheaper spell long term for a functioning servant, with the body probably belonging to someone who tried to kill you in the first place.
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..... Hahaha! LOL! I'm so sorry... I just love this thread so much. After reading some of the posts I can see how it got this long. Keep up the good work.

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Rovagug's prison is known as the Dead Vault. It is the only demiplane in all of existence that is known to have a purely "physical" boundary that exists on the prime material plane. Asmodeus is the keeper of this prison, but all gods put their power into building it. If anyone tries to mess with the vault, one of two things could happen (or more if the gm says anything about it): The first thing that usually happens and is the best case scenario, is that the vault pushes away the interloper using a very complex spacial distortion effect that can't be countered. The second thing that could happen is that the interloper gains the attention of Asmodeus and he causes the prison to reach out and consume the interloper, imprisoning him/her with Rovagug, his spawn, parasites, and all other surviving creatures (interlopers and those that sacrificed themselves when Rovagug was first imprisoned, if they haven't been eaten or destroyed yet).
The prison itself isn't entirely airtight. The gods didn't know what Rovagug truly was and were rushed into creating the prison. Every-now-and-again (albeit rarely) Rovagug's power is coalesced enough outside the prison to birth a Rovagug Spawn into the world (the first and seemingly most Powerful of these being the Tarrasque). This leakage Also allows Rovagug clerics and anti-paladins to gain abilities and spells from Rovagug as a "normal" god would be able to give.
That being said, it is very unlikely that any single entity would be able to free Rovagug, but Spawn are becoming more common (though at a very slow rate) and there is a spell that can call spawn now.