
Arcanic Drake's page

360 posts (997 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 aliases.


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Panic here, This may be my replacement PC, still thinking on what would be best, She is an Elan.

5d8 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 4, 4) = 18 well thats less then 1/2 so make that 23.

GM whats your feeling on Templates?

Dreamscarred Press is pre-approved, o my gosh!

I take it we are playing transparency rules

I have a pc ready to roll for this
Elan [Gestalt] Psion (Telepath) L6 / Cryptic L6
This is her alt, just need to fix it with a new play out

So intarested im jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Rechless that is all fine, been there myself.
I wish you all the best.

Could I ask you make the game [Inactive] In the Game Info tab.

all the best and see you on the Boards.

If any of the players, wish to join a game
I am running a game called the DEATH OF MAGIC.


I am looking for 2 new players

Yours GM Panic.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

game has slowed down badly guys

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

I will take it we all have time to act before Sir Yanders move to flush them out

She she looked for a spot to place her Psicysil so that it had view of the back of the shop but with some cover so it could see but be hidden. Once happy she powers up.

Around the back she has her psionic Armor up
AC24 T20 FF20 [10 +4Armor +4Dex +0Item]
Power-Dex +4 [+2 AC 6 mins] 3pp
power-Internal Armor +4 1p 6 Hours
power-Force Screen +4 6 mins [1p] +6 6mins
Power DR5/magic 6mins [5p] She spent 10 power points
10PP spent

She took out her dagger, then moved to the back door and waits, slowly she checks she can get in by testing the door just a little.

::"I am on place, give Yander the word when you all are, then he makes his move to flush them out. Remember we are only here for cultists, try not to kill or hurt the shop staff."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

:"We take them now, If we can take her I can try and read her mind. Him I think we have to take down. He seems the bigger danger for now, If we can do that with out death good, but if not I am fine with that. It's her I want, she will have knowledge we need. So I suggest we hit, and now hard. Go in from as many entrances as we can. Smash and grab."::

She moves around the looks at Sir Yander Royce

::"Can you and your beast take the front, block that put the fear of god into them then we hit. Don't give them time to react. Rahdeem can you cover the top, even come in that way, stop them flying off if they can. Reckless can you get inside to the point of eyeballing them. As Yander hits them from the front I'll cover the back. Once you tell us your in place, we move, Yander then us. Once we start Rahdeem youer going to have to spot for us let us., let us know which root they are taking. I want to get close and hit them with a little thing that will hurt real bad if they stay put. So trust if I can they will move. So what do you think, we have to act fast mind you."::

She waits to see what the others say, before moving to go round the back of the silk shop.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

no problem GM it happons
I just got a new one to, its a Dell M3800 as my main work station for doing 360 film making and my Photo pans. O mumma is fast.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Hows it going GM

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

waits for the all clear

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Walking to the building she says.

"We will be there in a moment, so is every one ready"

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"I have some skill in hiding lies, for me and others, but our looks my late us down, they may know just what we look like. But I think I can deal with that. Sir Royce shall we, or do you have a better idea?"::

She manifests conceal-thoughts On Sir Royce 1pp cost, herself 0pp cost, refocues - You protect the subject’s thoughts from analysis. While the duration lasts, the subject gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks against those attempting to discern its true intentions with Sense Motive. It also gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw against any power or spell used to read its mind (such as read thoughts or mind probe). 6 hours

::"There that should help"::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Looks into the mind of Funipel, Empathy.

"She has been a most excellent guild Funipel, showing in some of this citys great sites. I am Lady Calista and this is Sir Yander, we just wanted to see that Hali got home well and safe, we have a lot to do yesterday and felt it was better she stay the night and not rick walking the streets late."

::"Yander if you wish to head to the others please feel free, all looks well here. I will follow shortly."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She holds out her hand and her psicystal flys into it, in a single move she places it once more on her belt. Looking around the hut how she is in it, she sees the tiny space.

"Well Hali a home is a home, there are many on the streets that have nothing. So is this your sister, do just the two of you live here, or are your parents out working?"

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"Yes I will be along and soon as I have done what I said, there is a chance long fingers has a root from that hut to this. I want to check inside and make sour Hali is safe"

She waits for Hali to show her into the hut.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Rahdeem did you get that, head over as well, Ill stay with the Hali once Ryyce heads your just in case, if you need me call"::

she talks Hali hand and walks with her to her home hut.

"So this is where you live Hali, how about you show me the inside"

While she talks she lifts off her psicystal and places just buy the door, letting it go in before them.

::"Report what you see"::

she order it

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Keep safe Roonfizzle, all right, this is it, where it is let us know if its coming our way. Rahdeem you link up with Roonfizzle if hes heading this way. I am sorry to say we will be the bait, Royce get your self ready. If it comes at us, I will look after the girl. If we play this right we can trap it in an ambush. If its not human, cold iron, silver, magic, you know the deal. Lets just hope its not undead. I hate undead their a real pain in the back side."::

As she walks she pull out from her magic belt pouch an odd looking light cross bow, It dos not seem to have a bow part, in a spring. She straps it to her leg, On the other leg she straps a quiver. She pulls out her dagger from her boot checks it and places it back again.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"Hali do't worry, we have been in worse places than this. lead on and remeber we have Sir Royce's mount with is so no back street rat runs."

As the walk with her home.

::"Roonfizzle we'er heading to Hali's home now. Lot of back street rat runs down here, She lives in the low caste district so slum steets. Rahdeem with you be happy to take to the roof tops. I want eyes over us as we head down there. Royce if you mount has problems getting into the streets let me know and we will find another way."::

Power now active, Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Mind link, Inertial Armor 5pp +6ac 6hours

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Stay put Roonfizzle but safe unseen, We need to know if others come to him or he gos to report to some one. We will drop the girl off then head your way, if how ever there is trouble we will be with you soon as we can."::

she gives Hali a ribbon then says

"So Hali how about you show use your home."

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She holds Hali as they walk along.

"Now you hold my had Hali, Sir Royce will keep us safe, hes a big brave knight and that's what they do, when looking after princesses like us. Now if you see the long fingered man as we go, you just tug my hand so I know. Once we get to the markets we best keep an eye out for something nice for you to take home."

The walk along until Roonie lets then know about the watcher.

::"Excellent, Lets home he's connected to the cult and not some one who just knows the girl. Rahdeem while Roonie shadows him could you keep a look out for others.::

"There is a nice stall Hali look robins in lots of colours how about we get one for you"

he stops and starts talking to the stall holder.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She stands.

"Good then its agreed, lets get ready to move out, Roonfizzle lock the house up please once we are gone, as only you can."

She walks and in turn lays a hand on each of them.

::"We are now linked once more, I will keep the girl out of this. So lets see what the day has in store for us"::

Then she collects her things and stands ready to move out.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"I understand, if that is the feeling of the group, we will go as a group"

She sips her tea.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

sits at the breakfast table sipping tea and looking on as Hali tucks into some bread and milk.

At Sir Royce's comment she looks over at him.

"That was one possible deployment of our resources, but I discounted it on the grounds that time is short. Having us all deal with your Hali takes us away from our objective. But by allowing our best information collectors and lets face it all round sneaks to dive into the mill of gossip known merchant market. While we walk Hali gives us time to all meet at the palace at noon to interview the guard captain. I think the risks are acceptable in this deployment"

She says sipping more tea.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Calista looks over at Yander in approval.

::"So tomororw we have to get Hali and this Funipel and any other family safe. Then we carry on investigating. Roonfizzle I think it may be good you and Rahdeem head out to the Merchants part of town and see if you can get a lead on long fingers. Me and Yander will take Hali back and ask around there. Some how Long Fingers found her I want to know how. Well then off to bed I go, wake me in two hours, Ill watch the house after that."::

She gets up and heads to bed.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Sits again, and looks on as the Child eats.

::"If she is lying and getting past my skills she is of a level of deceptive magic or art I have never seen before. I think this girl is who she says she is. Her mind is that of a child from what I can sense. So now we have a new problem. Our evil merchant knows Hali, he found her once, so you can bet he will find her again. My feeling is this group, this long fingered evil man, may use her to get at us. It seem unknowing we have placed this child in harms way. We have no option now but to try and protect her. Using her will not give us much and might well get her killed or hurt. I really don't what that, once you look into another's mind there is always a risk of attachment but in this case I feel that is a good thing. Hali here has done nothing but try and help others, it would be a shame if that was used to hurt her. Therefore we now have to investigate our evil cult not just for cash but make it self for her. This also means we have to keep her safe while we do that. So lets start"::

She smiles at the child.

"Yes I am sorry to say he is Hali, which means it may be dangerous right now for you to go back out into the city. If your happy to and myself and Sir Royce think this would be for the best, You can sleep in my room tonight. We will be just outside and then in the morning we can see about getting you somewhere safe like home. You do have a home Hali?"

She says looking over at Sir Royce.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"That was a very clever thing to do, Hali, you are a smart girl"

Calista says coming back with with the plate of food and placing it in front of Hali.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11 and read thoughts is still up

"Now eat up you look hungry, just one more thing Hali sweet heart, before you start eating, did you tell anyone about us and us being here?."

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

GM hows it going

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"I have something more, image in her mind of man, merchant dress, he's more middle aged than old, I think she sees him as old because of her age. he's human looking... he gives her a silver.. then talks with.. yes she's right, that is an odd accent.. can't place it.. then gives the note and walks off... hold on...from this angle, humm there's something else odd about him.. his fingers!.. my, my, they are abnormally long. A long fingered man who's not local and goings around dressed as a merchant"::

"Thank you Hali, that is most helpful. Are you hungry, I have some nice food in the house, would you like some."

Calista gets up and go's to the basket of food she got on the way back, she starts putting out some dates and Honey Bread onto a plate, and purs some milk into mug, with her back still to Hali, she off handily asks.

"O Hali. how did you know where to look for us?"

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"Hello Hali, by the way that is a nice name, I'm Calista a friend of Ynaders. He wanted me to talk to him, because someone gave you a message for us. Could you tell me how you go that message place, when and where and who it was."

concentration check to show no display 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34 no power display

Read thoughts on her 6pp DC21

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She sees them out then takes to chairs, placing them facing each other.

::"Bring the girl please, I will talk to her in here"::

She takes one of the seats.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She smiles

::"You know there is a saying, 'one need not look for the exit from a maze if one knows the way in' if we can pick the end or where for an attack on us that, saves us leg work and give us an advantage. So
Roonfizzle you do what you have to do, to get this place as close to a death trap as you can for the cult. Then when we are out, lets set them up with a little surprise. Ill think on it tonight."

she shows his lordship to the door.

"Would you like Sir Royce to walk you home mylord?"

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Lets see if that's a little girl 1st before we get to over protective. I know a of number of magics and items that can make one look like a child."::

"Well you know your court, and caution we will have, good night my lord"

:Once hes gone lets have the girl in here"::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Arr I understand Yander, culture can be tricky. Your right if she picked you up the day before then a spy in the palace is very lickly."::

she looks at his lordship.

"We now have good reason to think you have a spy at the palace then had access to your list of applicants for our jobs. They targeted one of us pre meeting. I suggest you check your clerks or anyone who had accesses to our names."::

::"Alright then the prudent course of action is to interrogate the girl. I did scan her lightly at the palace she seemed clear then. If she turns out to be a plant we use her."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Yander is my mind link working? because I just said that, once his Lordship has gone I want to interview the girl, and don't let her leave, did you hear that? humm..."::

Now worried Sir Royce was now blocking her she says.

"I always find it prudent to take into account all possibility's. As for how they found us, well.."

She checks the girls is not close.

"Lets be clear on this Sir Royce, by the looks of it they did not follow us, they followed you!. This girl shows up at our privet meetings with his Lordship, not once now, but twice. I dislike coincidences because they tend not to be ones. So tell us how did you meet her? under what circumstances, and don't say she is following his lordship. She got to him and use V you, so how?"

::"Reckless do you think we here followed, Rahdeem do you think you where spotted? My bet is the Girl is our tag. Royce if you can hear this best talk fast."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

GM just so you know I have a rule that if a game drops to one post per-week from the GM I drop. This game has now slowed, cold we have an explanation why?

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Sir Royce
::"I under stand your worry Sir Royce, but If it lets us catch the killers before another family crys for their dead, then I think we can place feeling to one side for a short time, don't you"::

"Lord Pandisar we have nothing more to report and have thing to get one with tonight, please I am sorry to ask you to depart but could you make your way home. If you have no guard Sir Royce will talk to pack. I must inform you that this safe house has been comprised we have had a threat delivered to us here. While we believe we can take ourselves safe, our worry is not for you. If you have been observed coming here you life may be in danger along with ours."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

::"Rahdeem whats your thinking, you have and idea?"::

She smiles at Lord Pandisar

"As you can see we want to keep a low profile. When you pay for professionals they tend to work fast and hard. So a meeting with the Guard commander tomorrow, also and this comes down to your own funds. Once we have the body complete, if you could find us a priest so we could have a conversation with the deceased. I thing there are spells for that. Now could I ask do you have any more information for us"

::"Yander once his Lordship has gone I want to interview the girl, don't let her leave if you could."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"O second thoughts, I think we will visit him tomorrow. It's been a long day, we could all do with sum rest."

She looks at Lord Pandisar feeling around his mind, seeing what her empathy picks up. Is he who he says he is? is he hiding anything.

::"Well I was hoping they would take longer to realize we where on to them. But this may be to our advantage, they my seek to attack us tonight if so we will make this house a trap for them and see what we can Catch."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Retro action.
Spotting the girl turn up, When they are all close she re-powers up her mind link with them all.

::"Why is the child here again?"::

"The woman was very outspoken critic about the death cult. So became a target, but there my be more to this then just that. We need to know who owns the warehouse in which we found the head. Also a City map, and a list of all suspected Cult killings and there locations as I said before. There may be a patten in this. Then a meeting with the city guard commander tonight if possible could you get word to him to come here. Lastly. We will be sending Lady Hawary back with you as added security. Someone got access to the 1st family she will be looking how."

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

"So we have now we are all here we can get started. We have news and a find. Sir Royce if your please, the head."

She then takes out a small map she has made show the locations they have been to.

"We searched the a crime scene a few day or two old. There I we picked up the trail to the a where house here. In which we found the poor killed woman's head. Alass we had to come back here, and so have not done a full inspection of the where house. So what news do you have for us."

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Sorry to see you drop Raziya Hawary, All the best with the new Job.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Following Yander as he makes brisk work of the city throng, Entering the house she is happy to see Rahdeem safe, she greets his lordship with a nod. Then placing a small cystal like device on a shelf in the room they will meet him in. She then go's to the kitchen to make a hot tea for everyone, and cakes she had picked up on the way back. She lets the others explain to Lord Pandisar what they found so far. Before coming back in with a try with every think on.
Places it in front of everyone and lets them take take as they like.

Siting down with just a tea she waits to see how the conversion will go.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

arr I can see the confustion, GM said we had the head and I posted where heading back. Ok how about we drop my post we can use that later, just have the time and whos knocking some other person. Reset places, we're at the warehouse just setting off back. Rehdeem your at the house alone , dos that work for everyone?

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Now back at the house she lets the mind link expire.

"Yes, I will, once Lord Pandisar has departed, I need time to focus and concentrate Sir Royce."

Then as there was a door she headed over to it and peeking out checked who was there before opening it and letting Lord Pandisar in.

Power Empathy is running

"My lord, its good to see you once more, and thank you for this fine mance. We have news and a discoverer you may find interesting, please come, join us in the front room."

She closed the door looking once to see if anyone was paying attention to what was going on at the house from in side.

Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Cool GM

Once they found the building she waited whole the sneak exports gave it the once over. When the all clear is given she enters and looks around.
She is shown what has been found and nods.

::"I just don't have time to do a full feel of this location now. we have about twenty minutes to get back to our meeting. Tomorrow maybe, we really need to get back fast if we want to make that meeting. Rahdeem will you be fine going on ahead with the key, in case he is there early and to inform him we may be late."::

She hands Rahdeem the key to the house.

She will do the above after you have done your PC search guys.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Happy Winder festivals and New Year one and all.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

She writes down a small note and passes it to the girl. Its the name and address of the guard captain.

"Thank you, and I think it would be best you not mention to anyone that we came here and talked to you just yet. If how ever anyone asks after us, please let us know, by getting word to this man."

Then she walks out the shop, standing outside she closses her eyes a moment, opens them then starts to walk to the area of the warehouse.

::"This way, Rahdeem its looks like ..GM description here see if you can spot it from height. Roonfizzle check to see where not followed from the shop. The rest of us will try and get this place found."::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

waiting on GM I think, then we can head to that where house.

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

While Raziya has her own look around the shop,

Callista tunes her head looking at the girl now, She asks in a matter of fact way.

"Do you know if Vitusa owned or rented any other property's or spaces IN any property's, say a warehouse or storehouse?"

She is now using empathy on her to get a feel of her mind state.

::"I wounder of it was not that she spoke out but that she may have seen or found something that got her killed"::

LN Psion/Cryptic 6 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 18 ( Tch 14, Ff 16) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F:+2/6, R:6/10, W:8/12 | Init: +3| Perc: +14/16, SM +10 | Speed: 30ft | Power running: Empathy, Conceal Thoughts, Inertial Armor, PP PT[48/48] C[29/29] | Conditions: none

Well we have a leed there may be more who but we did not find much more.

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