Antoine Gagnon's page
Organized Play Member. 51 posts (6,061 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.
1. Caelius (18) GO!
1. Caelius (18) GO! No save or avert needed
2. Lemunda (15) GO! No Save or avert needed
3. Alisanne (13) GO!
4. Venn (12) GO!
5. Bugbear (11) GO!
6. Greater Basilisk (9) TBD
7. Ageg (9) CRIT and HIT
8. Ulzer (7) HIT and MISS
9. Baghotir (5)
10. Belwick (3)
Venn Greenbough wrote: Dungeon Master Tony wrote: Venn Greenbough wrote: Venn gives Bagothir a slap on the back. He hauls the coins up to the light before counting them, "Looks like 700 Sparrows, 5000 Hawks, 2300 Lions, and a full 110 Griffons!"
Assuming the coinage is local to Keoland. The kingdom is around 800 years old assuming it's still roughly the year 591 CY. It is NOT all Keoland coinage, though much of it is. Some date back to The Imperium. The Suel Imperium was destroyed in the Rain of Colorless Fire just over one thousand years ago! YUP
At The Door, Botting Leo:
Check for Traps: Perception, Leo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Bot Leo:
Leo moves to intercept with his short sword...
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23, damage on hit:1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
BOT for Leo:
Leo attacks his studied target! Huzzah!
Shortsword:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14, Damage on hit:1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Bot of Kenton, Round 1:
Kenton moves to back up Leo, and he attacks, using the MW Rapier looted from the Escape Room.
MW Rapier:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17, Damage on Hit:1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Move 30'. Attack red.
You want those answers now?
1. Grand Prince General Taldaris of course!!!
2. The potential for decisive and just action without the corruption and stagnation of democracy. Well... Without the specific corruptions of democracy. The weeds need to be seen to in any garden, Taldor included. A just and wise ruler is the key.
3. The worst part is stagnation and no evolution. Nobility is too resistant to change.
Dungeon Master S wrote: Think about your character's history, motivation, and ideology. Then answer the following in this thread:
1. As a child how would you have described the "perfect" monarch?
2. The best part about having a system of nobility is....
3. The worst part of having a system of nobility is....
Don't forget that you need to make a post in the Gameplay thread for this game to show up in on your campaign tab. Make a post there of anything you want, but a physical description of your character would be a great help.
Am I just thinking about these or do you want me to post answers?
thunderspirit wrote: Antoine Gagnon wrote: Dungeon Master S wrote: The party takes the side passage. The room here is furnished as a break room for guards - a single table with a single chair. There is a weapons rack on the north wall which holds 10 gargantuan masterwork longspears, and a 10-foot long mattock. A massive pair of doors to the west must lead outside.
...And a tapestry with a one-eyed man in a hat hanging from Yggdrasil. The words, "Hang In There, Baby", are stitched in Giantish at the bottom. ...It's almost Frigg's Day! TOIF... Thank Od It's Frigg's Day!
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dungeon Master S wrote: The party takes the side passage. The room here is furnished as a break room for guards - a single table with a single chair. There is a weapons rack on the north wall which holds 10 gargantuan masterwork longspears, and a 10-foot long mattock. A massive pair of doors to the west must lead outside.
...And a tapestry with a one-eyed man in a hat hanging from Yggdrasil. The words, "Hang In There, Baby", are stitched in Giantish at the bottom.
Level Up HP for Ham:1d10 ⇒ 2 and Sam:1d8 ⇒ 5
Jumping the gun there a little, Matt. ;)
Can I have Rich roll all my HP from now on?
Hail, Grym!
Ranger 8 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 1... Son of a Mind Flayer!
Ham's perception is 15 FYI. We should update the procedures.
Dungeon Master S wrote: Perytons do not come from an ancient mythology, but rather a book from the middle of the 20th century CE and were added to the game with a slew of other creatures both invented for the book and from antiquity. Gygax was rather fond of the book, and the peryton has existed in the game since the 1st edition Monster Manual. I didn't know any of this. I need to find that book, it sounds rad.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Soooo Much ad hoc and caveat in ye olden times.
ELF is definitely in the 2nd Ed Monstrous Manual. If the stats are close enough use that value.
Cannot see the map on my phone.
Bot as per slack request:
Vael directs the flaming sphere to close on the giant and he casts Produce Flame. If he can hurl it in the same round, he does that.
Ranged Touch:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
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I don't think it's as bad as all that. I was first playing AD&D combat in the gold box PC game combats. Run it like you would 3e--give us a grid, And we'll divide movement in half to get our number of squares. Optionally, we reduce it further depending on armor type, but with Dark Sun maybe we don't need to bother.
Yeah? Move of 12' means you move 6 squares. One action plus a move.
Cast a spell (Invisibility) to overcome a problem: 50xSpell Level: 100
Maintained spell casting secrecy: 50xSpell Level: 100
Minor Test of Trust (Elven, see if Graff and Ipsum follow): 20 XP
Total: 220 XP for Strangewayes
DM... I need spells for me tablet and a random misc. magic item please.
Hamilton Renaud wrote: Level 8 HP: 1d10 Boooooooo!
Good. Time to make decisions about the Level Up. :)
Botting Grym, based on Discussion Thread and the number of legal targets on the field.
Grym charges forward with Serethial, the battle cry SARENRAE! erupting forth as he puts all his forward momentum into the swing:
Serenthial:1d20 + 22 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 22 + 5 + 2 = 30
But in his fervor, he stumbles forward and the swing is clumsy and obvious.
Love a Duck. Unbelievable.
Morrigna is up.
We'll give WP some distance, but follow.
Hamilton L3 HP: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Ranger Level 2 HP:1d10 ⇒ 2
Edit: Fuuuuuuu...!
Doxon, sensing the need to pour on the pressure, pushes past the others and attacks!
Light Pick:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Damage:1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Doxon, seeing no better tactical option, closes distance and utters prayers to Torog. He readies himself and patiently waits for his moment.
Sorry boss. Tweaked my action.
Morkeleb the Mighty wrote: Antoine Gagnon wrote: I think I agree with you, but your rationale is terrible.
Arsonist? Really?
Why is that terrible?
Ok I have a rules-based argument. If a (non-concentration) spell ends when the caster dies, spells cannot be "permanent" EVER It's terrible because you're comparing a real-life chemical reaction to an Enchantment. :)
My answer to this question is that the spell ends if it better serves the narrative. :)
I think I agree with you, but your rationale is terrible.
Arsonist? Really?
Now this doesn't make a lick of sense. But it's somewhere to go.
Is there any blood between the bed and the door? Between the bed and the window? It'd probably be small--droplets or splatters.
Perception is +5
Can I cast another spell without losing the charge on the slay living?
Hopefully it hasn't been cleaned just yet. Ham wants a look at the blood.
Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
But now I'll be looking for anything that might lead to a trail. Disturbed dust, anything obviously TOO clean (as if it was wiped after being handled). Anything out of place.
Ushyle wrote: Raen Varkath wrote: Raen thinks this is an odd group for an investigative team... You're just mad you didn't build an Investigator for this. :-) I hunt. It's all the same.
Let me see him, please.
Ham pushes through, and approaches the body to investigate.
Hi, I'm Tony. I'm a friend of the DM from NH, originally, but now in Boston.
I'm looking over PG and the thread now.
Any thoughts on what would strengthen the group? Off the cuff it looks like we could use a stronger front line and might be OK with healing--But that depends on everyone's builds.
OOC: How did you all set it so your class and level are showing next to your name?