
Aaron Shanks's page

Ossian Studios. Organized Play Member. 3,073 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for taking the time to make a post about these topics. As consumers none of us ever look forward to costs increasing, however you laid out the "why" in a manner that shows that it's not a situation of "because we would like more $".

Director of Marketing

Paizo at Gen Con

Director of Marketing

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Backstory! As we've said previously, the whole Marketing team will be at Gen Con, and the editorial team will be split up, so all these are pre-recorded. It is fewer hours than we have done in years past, but full of value!

Thanks for playing Starfinder and Pathfinder.

Director of Marketing

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Re: The Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide, the kobolds were successful and found more! Huzzah!

Director of Marketing

Final hours!

Director of Marketing

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What did I forget? Ah!

Here is a link to all our Foundry VTT products. Pathfinder Adventure Path #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires (Gatewalkers 3 of 3) should go live there soon.

PathfinderNexus.com has added Pathfinder Lost Omens: Firebrands and Pathfinder Adventure Path #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires (Gatewalkers 3 of 3).

Fantasy Grounds has Pathfinder Lost Omens: Firebrands and Pathfinder Adventure Path #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires (Gatewalkers 3 of 3). You will find a lot of Starfinder content too, most recently Interstellar Species.

Roll20 has newly lowered prices.

ICYMI: Lone Wolf Developement/Hero Lab Online has Pathfinder Lost Omens: Impossible Lands, Pathfinder Treasure Vault, and Starfinder Interstellar Species.

ICYMI: Syrinscape has sound and music for both Starfinder and Pathfinder.

I have not seen any Pathfinder or Starfinder Infinite products associated with this month's releases yet, but I suspect Firebrands will be inspirational. And I hope more Drift Crisis Case Files by Infinite authors will follow. The Starfinder comic, Drift Angels, will continue the "Crisis content" coming for months to come!

Thanks for playing Pathfinder and Starfinder.

Director of Marketing

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Hello and Huzzah!

A note from the PaizoCon Online Planning Committee: the PaizoCon Code of Conduct, FAQs, and PaizoCon page could, ahem, use some updating, but we did not want to delay this blog and to get the opportunity to participate into your hands!

We will be sharing details of our events and plan to put badges on sale in mid to late March.

Director of Marketing

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New players can read about the story so far and start playing Starfinder Society today at StarfinderSociety.club.

Director of Marketing

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The Gatewalkers Adventure Path volume 1 for Foundry is live!
Paizo Store Pages:

Foundry VTT Page

We've not made any announcement regarding Pathfinder Fists of the Ruby Phoenix for Foundry VTT. Resources are currently committed to Gatewalkers and Kingmaker. Never say never, but plates are full.

Director of Marketing

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Oh, Fumbus! We are sorry that we are unable to process digital subscriptions for December at this time. We are working on the problem now and will post an updated timeline once we can establish our next steps. Thanks for your patience.

Director of Marketing

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Breaking news:
FAQ for Starfinder Interstellar Species.

Director of Marketing

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Watch The Absalom Job | Pathfinder 2E Heist One Shot!

Marketing & Media Manager

Pathfinder Arena is finally ready to bring you endless hours of fun and epic, no-holds-barred challenges.
From now until August 10, all Pathfinder Arena backers will be able to take advantage of the Pathfinder Arena Pledge Manager, which will be fully managed on Gamefound.
After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to Gamefound Pathfinder Arena page.
All those who have already supported us during the Kickstarter campaign can log in if they have an existing Gamefound account or create a new one. After logging in, you will see your funding converted back into spendable credits on the Pledge Manager page to redeem your pledge again.
In addition, you will be able to increase your pledge by adding add-ons such as the new expansion The Final Challenge by paying the difference via PayPal directly to Gamefound.
IMPORTANT: You must log in or create a new account necessarily with the same email you already used for donations during the Kickstarter campaign.
Thanks to the Late Pledge, even new backers who did not participate in the Kickstarter campaign will have the opportunity to choose the pledge they most prefer, add-ons, and jump headlong into the Arena
New backers, on the other hand, will get no credit.
So, if you want to grab the loot, you will simply have to add the pledges and add-ons you most prefer to your cart and pay for them via PayPal.
In addition, entering the shipping information will automatically calculate the cost of the shipments for you, to be paid again via PayPal directly to Gamefound.
New backers will therefore have the last chance to be able to purchase Pathfinder Arena at a one-time price!
But keep an eye on the schedule!
The Pledge Manager will only be available until August 10. What are you waiting for?
The Arena is calling you!
To stay up to date on the Pathfinder Arena project and the world of Pathfinder, follow on Facebook the Pathfinder Arena Official Group.

Marketing & Media Manager

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From our friends at Roll20:
"Roll20 is also excited to announce that with the release of Starfinder's Drift Crisis, Roll20 fans can lock in their pre-order for the product now. The content itself will be unlocked with full VTT integration on July 21, 2022 by 3:00pm ET."

"Roll20 is excited to announce that Abomination Vaults is now available on the Roll20 Marketplace."

Marketing & Media Manager

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What about the Archon Starfinder Miniatures? We know that many of you are waiting to hear more about your Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures that are being produced by Archon Studio. Stay tuned! We should have some news on that front soon.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Tonya Woldridge is out sick today. Kindly read the PaizoCon 2022 Update and April 2022 Organized Play Monthly Update blogs for the latest convention news.

We have nearly 60 art slides to share and much to cover. Join us if you can. Catch the recordings on Twitch or YouTube if you can't.

More good news: all our May products are in the warehouse. No additional international shipping delays for 2 months in a row!

Marketing & Media Manager

Paizo LIVE #10 will premiere on YouTube today at noon Pacific!

Marketing & Media Manager

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Owen KC Stephens stops by BAMF Podcast to talk about Ghostbusters: Afterlife and how you can bring some of that fun to your gaming table - especially if you're playing Starfinder.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Signal boost! RollVsEvil is a newly formed non-profit which aims to bring the tabletop gaming community together to fight real world evils. Their first event starts on March 26th and supports humanitarian aid groups on the ground in Ukraine.
Visit rollvsevil.com for more information!

Marketing & Media Manager

Final hours! Get the board game and exclusive items!

Marketing & Media Manager

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Forgot to mention some of the Teams have fundraising plans into late November, hence the "and Beyond" in the title. So don't feel restricted by the date. A good charity will take our money any day. :)

Marketing & Media Manager

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Watch the live-play premiere on Wednesday, November 10 at 6 PM Pacific on @OfficialPaizo on Twitch. Blog soon!

Marketing & Media Manager

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Extra Life Resources!

The Extra Life programs team has built a bunch of new resources for Game Day 2021. I’ve linked a few resources to prepare for this weekend, but if you are looking for something else just let me know!

Extra Life Participant & Team Support Materials
*I have a great one sheeter with a lot of hyperlinked resources. Dm or email me and I will send: aaron.shanks@paizo.com*

Download Extra Life Mobile App

Extra Life Discord Server
*We encourage you to join the community and invite others to join as well!*

Extra Life Media Kit

How To Set-up Facebook Fundraiser on DonorDrive for Extra Life

We are still looking to encourage Extra Lifers to use the Facebook Fundraiser feature to help increase their fundraising efforts!

    *Those who utilize FB fundraisers are raising $300 more on average than those who are not
    *Pro Tip: Invite your FB friends to your fundraiser and post photos/updates on your fundraiser wall.
    *Our Extra Life team is encouraging Extra Lifers in Discord and on social platforms, with your help, we can continue to reach the larger audience to use this wonderful feature to increase $$$ raised!
    *Check out this how-to video for setting up a FB fundraiser that you can share with your gamers!

Adventures Ahead!

Marketing & Media Manager

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Here is what we have planned for Q4:

October 12: Pathfinder Arena Announcement Blog

October 13: Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite sales start

October 20: Starfinder on Alexa - Beginner Box Giveaway Ends

October 29: Pathfinder Playtest Ends

Q4 Streamed Events:

October 8: Paizo LIVE #6
October 27: Pathfinder One-Shot: Head-Shot the Rot live-play
November 5: Paizo LIVE #7
November 6: Extra Life Game Day (Community Charity Event)
November 10: Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav Train Robbery live-play
November 12-14: Roll20Con (possible Community Charity Event)
December 3: Paizo LIVE #8
December 30-Jan 2: Jasper’s Game Day Paizo Stream Weekend (Community Charity Event)

Q4 Product Release Dates:

October 13: Print & Digital products
October 16: Free RPG Day (free from retailers only)
October 27: Digital-only products (Bounties) including organized play scenarios
November 10: Print & Digital products
November 19: Free RPG Day Product (release on Paizo.com & VTT)
November 24: Digital-only products (Bounties) including organized play scenarios
December 8: Print & Digital products
December 29: Digital-only products (Bounties) including organized play scenarios

There are more surprise announcements planned, but this is what I can say publicly.

Please let me know if you find this helpful. Would it be better to be entirely chronological?

If you are a Community Content Creator (podcast, YouTube, Twitch, etc.), or a Compatible or Infinite publisher and want access to our Discord for networking, or a please email me at press@paizo.com.

Marketing & Media Manager

We failed to launch the episode last night due to hardware failure. We will fall back and regroup next Wednesday.

Marketing & Media Manager

We're now on Google Podcasts.

Marketing & Media Manager

Breaking news from Polygon: Pathfinder’s Return of the Runelords miniatures put seven legendary wizards on the table
The new line of miniatures goes on sale this summer

Marketing & Media Manager

Read the "Pathfinder Arena Board Game, Coming 2021" blog from last October.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Pathfinder Spell Cards: Advanced Player's Guide, Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Atmosphere, and Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack are available as JPGs for virtual tabletop use.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Astral TableTop, one of Paizo's licensed virtual tabletop partners, is opening up its [url=https://astraltabletop.com/whats-new/2020-03-13] paid features until the end of April.[/url.

Marketing & Media Manager

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We are grateful that the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook and been selected as a 2020 Origins Awards Nominee in the Role-playing Game category. Congrats to all the nominees!

Marketing & Media Manager

Starfinder Wednesday is canceled today due to illness.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Scary clown art warning! Adventures Ahead! :)

Marketing & Media Manager

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The typo was mine. "a Paizo" should be "at Paizo." And all the Tech Department has gone home for the holiday. The last laugh of the year is on me. I love it. :) Happy New Year to you all!

PR Manager

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As a fan of wooden ships and sailing these look inspirational for some downtime on the High Seas too. Crossover content. Thanks Joe!

PR Manager

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Sorry Finders, we posted this one a bit later than Payton intended. Expect something like this every Monday or so for the foreseeable future. He told me had an amazing time at TwitchCon by the way!