Enter the Pathfinder Terrain Abomination Vaults are coming!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

We are pleased to present this guest blog product announcement from our friends at Archon Studio. Dungeons & Lasers is their line of plastic unpainted and unassembled miniatures and environments. Paizo is excited to work with Archon Studio on a way to bring the Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults Adventure Path to life, and we look forward to the many future releases that will do the same to the wider world of Golarion. We can’t wait to see these dungeons take shape on your own tabletop!

Archon Studios Dungeons and Lasers

The New Era of Dungeons & Lasers Begins Now

Our goblins are happy to announce a new product line, Pathfinder Terrain. These sets feature the most iconic places from the Pathfinder universe, starting this month with the dark and grim Abomination Vaults and traveling to farther lands in future releases. These new dungeons are also our first retail release of half-height walls which retaining full backward compatibility with our classic full-height walled sets.

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

Abomination Vaults Pathfinder Terrain Design

Abomination Vaults is one of the most popular Pathfinder Adventures Paths ever, with a hardcover edition coming this May. The famed megadungeon is split into 3 parts, chronicling the tale of the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex, her revenge and the bold heroes who venture forth to oppose her.

Pathfinder Abomination Vaults Adventure Path Trailer

We’ve approached this challenge open-minded, yet focused on the lore and story. Our Art Director, Tomasz Badalski, says:

“First thing that came to my mind was the abomination angle of the design. How to make a dungeon that clearly says, “We reject all that’s natural and give ourselves to all kinds of heresy and evil rituals?” That’s why you’ll notice good-ol’ tentacles on the walls and evil-eyes overseeing the adventuring party. Even the metal door ornaments are looking more like veins on living, cursed organisms than a piece of engineering. How cool is that?”

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

Half-height Walls Enter the Game

The most noticeable feature of Abomination Vaults Pathfinder Terrains are the new half-height walls, designed to make it even easier to handle miniatures inside of the dungeon. These half-height walls stand roughly 25 millimeters, or 1 inch, tall. They are also much thicker than in previous packs. Doorways are kept at 50 millimeters/2-inch height to make it easier to locate them during the game.

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

Open Functional Doors!

What do both Game Masters and mimics love? Yes, that’s right—doors. For the first time, we’ve implemented a functional door in the Dungeons & Lasers line. It works using a push and fit system, allowing you to open and rotate the door or remove it from the doorway altogether if you don’t need it. Also, doorways are aligned with the grid, for all you tactic-loving fighters!

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

All the Extra Bits Included

Abomination Vaults Pathfinder Terrains come with extra set pieces that will help you customize your dungeon. Columns are a perfect all-rounder when it comes to removing a single tile from the map and blocking a line of sight at the same time if you need that. A small pile of rubble works great as a blockade. Some walls also include special holes to place torchlights you will find in your set.

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

Dwarven Mine

Our second release this month is Dwarven Mine, terrain set in the wet and dark depths of mountains, where Dwarves used to have a lot of fun. Now the place is abandoned - or is it?

Dwarven Mine also features half-height walls, functional and grid-aligned doors, and extra customization bits. Fully compatible with Abomination Vaults and with the classic full-height walled Dungeons & Lasers sets.

Next Pathfinder Terrain Pack?

What awaits those who manage to survive the adventures in Abomination Vaults? Our Dungeon Lords are keeping the secrets for themselves, but they gave us a hint - can you guess the next Pathfinder Terrain release?

Pathfinder Dungeon Terrain Piece

Get Pathfinder Terrain Online or at Your Local Store

You can pre-order both Pathfinder Terrain: Abomination Vaults and Dwarven Mine on our online store by clicking the button below or asking in your favorite local gaming store. If your local merchant wants to stock Pathfinder Terrain, make sure they contacts us.

Now off to the Vaults, Adventurers! Time to get some loot!

Pathfinder Terrain: Abomination Vaults Half-Height Walls Box Front Pathfinder Terrain: Abomination Vaults Half-Height Walls Box Back

Check out Archon today!

What about the Archon Starfinder Miniatures? We know that many of you are waiting to hear more about your Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures that are being produced by Archon Studio. Stay tuned! We should have some news on that front soon.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Abomination Vaults Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Second Edition Terrain
Marketing & Media Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

What about the Archon Starfinder Miniatures? We know that many of you are waiting to hear more about your Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures that are being produced by Archon Studio. Stay tuned! We should have some news on that front soon.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

These look amazing. Might have to wait and see if my FLGS gets them in though that shipping cost to the US.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

These are cool BUT, they don't really work with Abomination Vaults. Especially when you get into Part 3.

Marketing & Media Manager

Link to Pathfinder Terrain blog on Archon Studios.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

So cool! Wonder if we can convince our GM to get these!

Very interesting.

@Aaron - is this a product line Paizo will be offering?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AJCarrington wrote:

Very interesting.

@Aaron - is this a product line Paizo will be offering?

Yes, we plan to carry them in the web store, though I'm not sure on the timing. These came together as a thing relatively quickly, and with global shipping being what it is, I don't know how rapidly we can get stock from Poland to sell through. That is likely a better question for someone on the sales team.

So, these are not painted?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I don't know why they went with a Cthulhu theme for the vaults when he, and tentacles in general, have absolutely nothing to do with the eldritch being involved in the vaults story. Sort of an unusual, generic 'great old one' theming with these. Not bad by any means, but when the article reads that they based these on the lore and plot... I don't think they did.

They could have for example used a mossy skull instead of a Cthulhu head, because those are listed numerous times and specified to be on the walls. These don't even work for the top floor, as that is mostly just a ruined building around a lighthouse, neither of which are oozing with octopus vibes.

Disappointing. Feels like some sort of something was lost in translation here, so to speak. Quality looks nice though and these would work well for a different old god themed dungeon.

Marketing & Media Manager

a2fan wrote:
So, these are not painted?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
a2fan wrote:
So, these are not painted?

Oh. All the pictures, including the box, feel misleading then. :/

Sorry, that just took all the wind out of my sails for how excited I was. I have too many hobbies to pick up mini painting too, so it's not for me.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Cool! I'm not so interested in abomination vaults, but I'm eager to see this for other pathfinder stuff.

Sovereign Court

Looks awesome. Will definitely pick up a box if my FLGS gets in stock. Love the idea of clipping and painting terrain! Reminds me of tabletop wargaming.

Mark Moreland wrote:
AJCarrington wrote:

Very interesting.

@Aaron - is this a product line Paizo will be offering?

Yes, we plan to carry them in the web store, though I'm not sure on the timing. These came together as a thing relatively quickly, and with global shipping being what it is, I don't know how rapidly we can get stock from Poland to sell through. That is likely a better question for someone on the sales team.

Thanks Mark, much appreciated.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

One thing to be cognizant of based on the description and the images on the box is that you get less than what is pictured in the display setup on the back of the box. It clearly states you get 12 (2x2 grid) floor pieces, but the image on the back has 18 such floor pieces set up. While this (and the parts being unpainted) won't be an issue for anyone that reads the box before buying, there are undoubtedly people that will buy it based on pictures alone, without reading. That will be their fault of course, but there is still an argument (albeit a small one) for the box art being misleading.

Price wise, 70 bucks seems to be competitive with the Dwarven Forge range of terrain. Although, and I have no facts to currently back this up, so this is an observation based solely on pictures, but the floor pieces in this set do appear to be larger than Dwarven Forge, which means the ability to build larger terrain settings with the purchase of fewer sets. Which isn't a bad thing if you're looking to get the most for your money.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
op3rator wrote:

One thing to be cognizant of based on the description and the images on the box is that you get less than what is pictured in the display setup on the back of the box. It clearly states you get 12 (2x2 grid) floor pieces, but the image on the back has 18 such floor pieces set up. While this (and the parts being unpainted) won't be an issue for anyone that reads the box before buying, there are undoubtedly people that will buy it based on pictures alone, without reading. That will be their fault of course, but there is still an argument (albeit a small one) for the box art being misleading.

Price wise, 70 bucks seems to be competitive with the Dwarven Forge range of terrain. Although, and I have no facts to currently back this up, so this is an observation based solely on pictures, but the floor pieces in this set do appear to be larger than Dwarven Forge, which means the ability to build larger terrain settings with the purchase of fewer sets. Which isn't a bad thing if you're looking to get the most for your money.

I think that some of the "12 floors" are actually 2x4. I noticed one in the sprue picture and then in the painted pics there are some that look like they are not connected 2x2s.

Archon Studio

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys, Michal from Archon here!

Yes, sets are using 2x4 floors and 2x2 floors. More info here

Marketing & Media Manager

michal_hartlinski wrote:

Hey guys, Michal from Archon here!

Yes, sets are using 2x4 floors and 2x2 floors. More info here

Hypertext link: DungeonsandLasers

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
michal_hartlinski wrote:

Hey guys, Michal from Archon here!

Yes, sets are using 2x4 floors and 2x2 floors. More info here

Thanks for the clarification.

I just purchased this and am looking forward to getting it on my table. Do you have a painting tutorial that you could point me toward?

Wish there was some way to get this as a digital map product one can pop into Roll20, maybe someday?


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

TRDG wrote:
Wish there was some way to get this as a digital map product one can pop into Roll20, maybe someday?

The entire Abomination Vaults AP is now available on the Roll20 Marketplace.

madmanchris wrote:
michal_hartlinski wrote:

Hey guys, Michal from Archon here!

Yes, sets are using 2x4 floors and 2x2 floors. More info here

Thanks for the clarification.

I just purchased this and am looking forward to getting it on my table. Do you have a painting tutorial that you could point me toward?

Hi, found this tutorial very useful https://youtu.be/-V4HEr9flM8

Basically black spray undercoat then dry coat layers of darker grey to lighter, keeping black paint in the cracks.

Loving the look of these floor tiles & walls.

Please Paizo cab we have
- round rooms
- strange shape rooms
- caverns
- 3D style tiles, with the capacity for a higher level.
- some larger floor tile & wall pieces (which may make larger rooms cheaper to manufacture & reduce costs?

It is a labour of love but worth it

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