Greetings Pathfinders! We regret to inform you that it has come to our attention that some of the Chronicle sheets included in Pathfinder Society Scenarios published between August 2008 and March 2013 may include a defect in the font used to create them. In order to ameliorate the unfortunate situation, we have made the difficult decision to recall all Chronicle sheets published during this window. All members of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign are encouraged to destroy all physical copies of there Chronicle sheets. Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to you're local Venture-Captain to receive replacements.
This defect is generally harmless but in some cases may result in the deterioration of ones ability to properly utilize the english language including but not limited to impoper spelling, punctuation errors; and misuse of homophones. If you have noticed any of the above in you're writing, please ensure that you sanitize all of your dice by boiling them in a 4:1 solution of apple cider vinegar and orange juice at a tempeariture of no more than 250° F and no less than 200° F for at least 12 hours immediately before play.
To make up for this this inconvenience, we have decided to allow all Pathfidner Society players to make pugwampi characters as long as their first Chronicle sheet is dated no later than April 8, 20143. PlYAERS USing this option are not required to bring a copy of the pugwampit rules to there sanctioned event for the GMs's review. Paizo Publishing, ;LC takes no responsibily for player death as a result of sitting at a table with a pugwampi characters and their will be no rebuilding for characters that suffers insanity or other permanent ailments do to the actions of there fellow players. Purple dice will not be permited on days ending in "why" and only red d6's can be used to confirm critical hits. Expect table variation and carry a big stick.
Again, we're sorrty for the inconvenient but we hope everyone will understand!
And, as always-don't forget to play! play! Play!
Mike Brock, John Compton, and Mark Moreland
Pathfinder Soceity Guys, esq.