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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 79 posts (309 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.


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Lantern Lodge

Garrett Guillotte wrote:

If there's organized Starfinder Society play, I hope Paizo makes it completely distinct from PFS in structure and type as well as the theme and underlying system.

For instance, in PFS agents bounce between lodges almost arbitrarily; V-Cs are pretty stable but the PCs might be in Absalom one scenario and Tian Xia the next. Whatever relationships they might have are transient by nature.

** spoiler omitted **

That is a great idea/concept for Starfinder Society. I may even join!

Lantern Lodge

I know this has been asked before but I can't find the official ruling.

Lantern Lodge

You can announce to the group that you will be changing some aspects of the adventure to make it more interesting.
You are the GM & can make changes in a home-game.

Lantern Lodge

You could have a scizore attached. That you will always be armed or have a shield bonus!

Lantern Lodge

Thank you for all of your help. I'll check into the other P. classes.
I did ask the GM about the Lantern bearer but he said no.

Lantern Lodge

Is there a prestige class that gives you spell like abilities at certain levels?
I'm playing a rouge gillman archetype that focuses on the minor magic, major magic talents, etc in a home campaign.

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congratulations on a job well done!

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congratulations Pete and Tonya!

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5

Fantastic and congratulations to you both!

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

Would it be possible to use a pistol(with the correct feats of course) with this archtype?

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congrats to the both of you!

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

I have a set of rules that I have incorp. from PFS, store rules & my own rules. Everyone signs them & receives a copy. The players can get up to 3 strikes before they are asked to leave the group, the subject of the strikes is brought to their attention in a private setting.
Some may think this is harsh, but it works.

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

Could it be used for "low magic" campaigns?

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congratulations Mike!

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Thank you for clearing this up. It isn't fun to to be yelled that you are wrong when you start to say the 1st part of what is written on pg. 6.

Lantern Lodge

Just curious, how are you getting an 18 in bluff at 1st lvl?

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

We play the tabletop version of Pathfinder. We offer Pathfinder Society, Adventure Paths(Rise of the Runelords & Skull & Shackles) as well as home-brewed games.

Lantern Lodge

Every Thursday, 6 PM to 9 PM at Uncles Games, 14700 E. Indiana, Spokane Valley, WA(in Spokane Valley mall).

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

I had one of my GM's make templates of all the cones, burst, etc.It cleared up the confusion because you could place the template and rotate it so everyone would know what area was covered.

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5

Is this an April Fool thing? ;)

Lantern Lodge

I don't believe you can take multiple, same round, attacks on the same enemy(tho I could be wrong).

Lantern Lodge

It depends on what game I am running; i have had as little as 4 people to as much as 15 people. 15 people is my limit tho.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congratulation! Nice job.

Lantern Lodge

A witch or a oracle/sorcerer combo does work quite well.

Lantern Lodge

It might also help to pre-draw the maps, just verify if each sq is 5' or 10' beforehand.

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge 2/5

Sounds interesting. Would there be a group discount? (Much like the themed cruises; Star Trek or Science Fiction, etc)

Lantern Lodge

I like the Clockspinnings, I don't think the theme of a space/other worlds has been addressed much Pathfinder world.

Lantern Lodge 2/5


Lantern Lodge

Could the "1st officer" take over the captain position, while the captain is on a mission to recruit new crew members or discredit another captain or on a special mission. Then UP could bring in his new character & find out if he is happier following orders or giving them. This would also give him time to either cool down or act out his frustration at not being obeyed when he was the captain.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

another thing that people may not consider is how many hours that day has the GM been gm'ing? I know that there have been some events that i have gm'd a total of 13 1/2 hours with only one 1/2 hour break.

Lantern Lodge

You may be able to take the black blade feature at 3rd lvl. The black blade has its' own arcane pool to spend.

Lantern Lodge

A tattoo familiar is available as an archtype for the sorcerer (inner sea magic guide) there is also a prestige class that gives you a tattoo option.

Lantern Lodge

Thank you,I learn something new everyday!

Lantern Lodge

Doesn't the weapon in question have to have in it's description words like trip(kama,bolas, etc) or disarm(nunchaku, flails)?

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Jonathan Cary wrote:
Pull him aside before the next game, address any issues you have with his behavior politely, and let him know that it's not acceptable at your table. If he doesn't correct the behavior, then warn him at the table, followed by asking him to leave if necessary.

That is what I did. I also told him that I have a 3 strikes - then you're out policy, and this is strike 1.

He did come back the next week properly dressed, however every week after that there was always an issue with his characters or with the rules or why can't rules from a different RPG be incorperated into PFS. He would argue the point during game time as well as before and after each session until he finally received his 3rd strike.

I hope he does find a group that plays like he does so he can enjoy his revision of Pathfinder.

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